Chapter 9
'Tori, clear in the puppet room.' The earpiece cracked in my ear, causing my eyes to roll over to the corresponding camera.
All tour guides as well as security were issued with earpieces when at work, the idea was to keep the museum running smoothly and not having tour groups overlapping. The system works perfectly, despite the reviews online about it being a quick tour.
"Nice quiet evening." One of my security guards says sitting back and looking across the cameras.
I nod in agreement, missing the little zip of excitement I got when I saw Elle outside the museum. I had watched her on the cameras make her way through the rooms and heard her defence for Dr Jack Kevorkian. I shared the same view, but hadn't told anyone else.
After meeting her 'date' and listening to his stream of talk, I departed not wanting to attract a crowd, there was another group waiting to come in and having a back up on a tour because I wanted to talk was not a good idea.
However, I couldn't help but intervene and stop Elle going in to see the Dybbuk box. The moment I arrived today, I walked through my life long possessions, checking to make sure everything was within it's place since I had came back from an investigation. I had no doubt that the General manager of the museum kept a tidy ship, but I wanted to check too. Which is how I noticed the vibe in the Dybbuk box room.
It was heavy and after being in there for a few minutes, I developed a headache as well as a stomach ache. The energy levels were high in there today, that was for sure.
I don't know what keeps drawing me to Elle, maybe it's the vibe she gives off, maybe it's being able to see what effect I have on her. Despite her attempts at denying it. I noticed the way her eyes danced over my face, the short little pants she did when I got closer to her face and how her breath went uneven.
Maybe it was the way her eyes flared when she got heated up in an argument, or how she tried to defend a man she had only just met?
Maybe it was her defiance or the way she acted around me? She was different from the rest, there was no aim to please with her, you accepted her or you didn't. She didn't bend to my will and only proved that she had attitude.
I liked that. A lot.
I also liked the wave she had in her hair, the light dusting of make up across her face and the smell of perfume that lingered on her hair and skin.
Her off the shoulder top showcased her delicate collar bone and neck, it was one I wanted to sink my teeth into.
She bought out a different side of me, which is why I had to entice her out to play. She was unnerving me in some weird way and I wanted to know what it was.
"Yo boss, your girl is back." The security guard speaks, bringing up the camera.
I look to see Elle, very much back at the museum, this time alone. I smile, glad that I had riled her up enough to return. "Go get her." I tell them, causing the two big burly men to rise up and leave the security room.
My smile widens when I see the impatient tap of her foot and the folded arms. She was a hell cat, you could see it in her. It takes a couple minutes for the security guards to get outside and whisper into her ear. She glares up at the camera before throwing a finger up at it and stalking after the men, coming to me.
Turning, I perch myself on the desk and wait.
"This one?" I hear her voice. Before the guys have had a chance to answer, the door swings open and she strides in locking eyes with me.
"Give us a minute." I tell the guards who exchange a quick look at her approach. When they leave, I gesture for Elle to go.
"You! You!" She points angrily.
"Me." I smile.
"Don't you smile at me! Matt just rejected me!" She fires.
"Well Matt is clearly an idiot."
"No! He is a really nice guy! Really nice! And I happened to like him, until you came along and fucked it all up!" She shouts.
Hearing her curse has become one of my favourite things, I'll file that in my mind to inspect later...
"What did I do?" I ask innocently.
"You stalk around in the dark, pulling me around like some rag doll and then make a scene. He thinks we have 'unfinished business'. He was really fucking nice about it too! He saw the little show you put on in the hallway and being the super fan he is, he stepped aside! For what?! You and your stupid little game!"
I watch as she pulls her bag off her shoulder and dumps it on the desk next to me. "Finished?" I ask.
"Not nearly." She says pushing her hair back off her shoulders. "What the hell was that all about earlier? Hmm?"
I don't want to answer the question, because I'd be giving too much away, so I try a different approach. "How many other guys have there been this week?"
Her eyes widen in anger making me grin. Come on kitty cat, come out to play.
"That is none of your damn business." She fumes folding her arms across her chest defensively.
"One?" I guess. "Two?"
"No, you are going to answer my questions first." She demands. "What is your game? I want to know now because I am not being a toy for you to play with when you're bored."
"You came to my museum." I counter.
"Matt booked the tickets, I didn't know until he pulled up, otherwise I might have declined."
"Might have?"
She lets out a strangled noise before pacing the room. I can tell that I'm riling her up, but it's more fun than I've had in ages...
"Three guys?" I guess again.
"What went wrong with you? To make you infuriate people so much? Is it some mental issue? Annoying fuckyitis?!"
I laugh. It's loud and unapologetic but I can't help it.
"Stop laughing. I've just been rejected. I'm pissed! I'm a fucking catch and you screwed it up. He was a nice guy-"
"You don't want nice!" I tell her rolling my eyes.
"You don't know anything about me! You've met me a couple times! You don't know a single thing about me so don't make out you've got my best interests at heart, Mr Bagans."
I quirk a brow "Ohh I liked that."
"Stop it." She pipes in making me smile. "Just tell me what you want."
"The number of guys that you've been out with this wee-"
"Oh Zak! Stop!" She shouts at me.
"Not usually told that." I mutter looking at her as she plants her hands onto her hips trying to calm down.
"This was a stupid idea, coming back here."
"I disagree. You came here because you wanted answers."
"And I'm clearly getting them." She replies sarcastically. "Look, I don't know what your edge is, but I'm bored of it. Vegas is a big place, so I don't have to worry about bumping into you again."
As she reaches for her bag, I move it out of reach.
"Don't fuck with me." She warns holding up a finger.
"But it's turning out to be so much fun." I tease.
"You're one weird cat. Please give me my bag."
"Stay. Talk."
"You're not talking. You're winding me up. I just want to go home, so give me my bag."
She growls and steps back, probably trying to decide how much she needs her bag. "Your mom seems nice."
"I don't want to speak about my mom."
"No, funny that."
I frown. "What is that suppose to mean?"
"Well it's all got to be about me, hasn't it? Let's talk about you. Your TV show, your demon house, your eyes."
"I don't want to."
"Why? Doesn't it fall into line with the game you're trying to play? Matt is a good man-"
"We still talking about him?"
"Yes!" She hisses. "Good man! Out a bunch of men that I've encountered this week that have been complete dicks! You are included in that right now!"
"I'm not here to massage your ego, I'm here to find out what the fuck. So tell me."
"Four guys?"
"Why didn't you like Matt?"
"Can't be anymore than four, surely?"
"Did you watch me on all those pervy little cameras?"
"Four dates is a lot.."
"Did you purposely fuck up this date for me?" She asks stepping in closer. "Jealous? Maybe it was because I was here and not for you?"
"I don't think I've had more than four dates in a week.."
"Did you watch me walk around, getting closer to someone that wasn't you? Did it hurt your male pride?"
I keep rambling about the dates, which lures her in a little closer as she tries to find an argument within me.
"Was it because I asked him questions and not you? Maybe it was because I was finding out more about you and you couldn't have that.. Could you?"
Her feet move closer until they are almost touching mine.
"You couldn't bare for me to get ahead of the game. Huh? This weird little game isn't about me, is it? It's about you. It's about what effect I have on you.." She purrs looking at my mouth.
My eyes fall onto her lips as she wets them.
Her soft breathy laugh makes me look to her eyes "You're a man Zak. Your eyes tell a lot, even if your face doesn't. You are curious too. What is it hmm?"
Elle's face is inches from mine as she leans in close, I hold myself still, determined to win the battle of nerves between us. "Is it the smell of my perfume? Did it linger in your car for a couple days?"
I try not to gulp, and wonder if she can read minds.. Maybe she's a witch, not a hellcat?
"Could you smell it earlier? Did it stay with you when I left? Is this all about you and your curiosity? Have I made you doubt yourself in some way? Did you think I'd follow you into the darkness of the museum, rather than return to my date?"
"Does it make you jealous? To think of how many men had dates with this week? That none of them have been you? That I haven't rang or messaged you? Did you check your phone, expecting to get something?"
"Does it drive you mad that you make my heart beat fast?" She whispers, her lips almost touching mine.
I swallow and inch my head slightly, ready to steal a kiss.
But then something happens and my brain takes a few seconds to work out what is happening, instead of having her in a steaming kiss and under me, she is laughing, her head falling forward and she backs up quickly, looping her bag that was behind me onto her shoulder.
"If you're gonna play a game. Make sure you know how to play it. " She answers turning to leave the security room.
I push off the desk, grab her hand and quickly tug her around. I hear a little gasp of surprise when I back her into a wall and pin her there.
"You..." I warn.
"Me what?"
"You are bad for me.."
"You barely know me."
"Then why do you- .." I stop making her eyes dart across my face.
"Why do I what?"
I touch her face gently, smoothing my thumb over her cheekbone. "You are chaos, Elle. Pure chaos."
She frowns "What is that suppose to mean?"
I want to know myself, but I can't put it into words. I just know that being with her, makes me want to be reckless, wild and unforgiving. She is dangerous for me, especially in my line of work and status.
"I'm sorry about Matt. But you don't want nice." I tell her.
"Then what do I want?" She challenges.
"To set the world on fire."
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