Chapter 34 [m]
It doesn't take me long to remember that I was suppose to be hanging out with Billy today and when I try to ring Elle's phone, I'm not surprised to find it on the kitchen table, vibrating away. So, I take a chance, knowing how inquisitive Elle is and how much of a push over Billy can be, I head to the location where I usually go to shoot shit.
Sure enough, when I pull up Billy is stood beside Elle, positioning her arms a little higher, as she holds a gun in her hand. For safety reasons, I don't make a sound until she has fired the shot. Unfortunately she misses the can ahead.
Billy is the first to see me. "What's up bro?!"
Elle glances in my direction quickly, before turning back and aiming the gun again. I have no doubt that she is angry with me.
"I could ask you the same.." I sigh. "Shooting. Really?"
"She was bored, man. How did that 'meeting' go?" He throws back, giving me the knowing look. "And what has happened to your face?"
"It's a long... Long story." I mutter. As much as I love Billy and see him as a brother, I don't want to hash out what happened with him until I have spoke with Elle. Whenever that may be, now she is shooting. "How is she doing?"
"Not bad for a first timer. We spoke about the guns, went through the usual safety. Not hit the can yet but there is room for improvement."
A few more rounds fire off, each missing the can sat on the log a few 100 metres ahead of her. I watch as Elle shifts on her feet, kicking the dirt about before rolling her shoulders.
"I hate the idea that she is holding that." I tell Billy as he looks over.
"Sexist much?"
"No. No it's not that... It's nice to know that she may be able to defend herself.."
"But you'd rather be the one holding the gun if it ever came to it." He fills in.
My eyes shoot to the can, which has shot off the log and look straight back to Elle.
"Yes!" Billy cheers.
But I have seen it. I have watched her enough over the past week to know how she moves. Hell I have been memerised by the hip swaying, fingers stroking, smile spreading and the spring in her step. I know...
As her arms drops and the gun slips between her fingers, her knees begin to bend, but before she can hit the ground, I have her against my chest, going down onto my knees with her.
"Easy.." I whisper pulling her head back so that I can see her face. Her eyelids have dropped forward, but I can hear her breathing and see her chest moving. "Breathe.. I'm right here."
"Is she okay?" Billy asks.
"Time it. Another seizure."
"Already on it."
I reach up and move the hair out of her face not wanting the sensation of her hair to panic her when she comes around. Then as quick as it started, it finishes and Elle opens her eyes.
"Welcome back." I smile.
She gives me a weak smile back before she begins to frown and reaches out, touching the bruised side of my face. She blinks slowly for a few seconds observing it, before looking up towards Billy. "The can.."
"Yeah you hit it."
She nods before looking at me again. "Did I-?" She gestures to my cheek.
"No sweetheart."
She nods, it's a few minutes before she speaks again.
"That came out of nowhere.. Perhaps you should shoot now, Billy." Elle says, before trying to stand up.
"Easy. Don't rush." I tell her, helping her up and guiding her away from the gun on the floor. "You got it Bill?"
"Yeah. You take care of her." He says.
I guide Elle to my car and sit her in the passenger seat as she looks around.
"You good?"
She nods "Yeah. I- That took me by surprise... What happened to your face?"
Waving it off, I take her face in my hands and look at her eyes to make sure she is with me. Seeing that she was focused I let go and dust off her legs from where she hit the dirt, I also check for injuries.
"I got to you in time."
"How did you know?" She asks.
"Your arms dropped suddenly. I was almost too you as the gun slipped out your hand."
She looks at Billy "Is he mad?"
"For what?" I ask.
"For dropping the gun. That in itself is pretty dangerous." She says.
"I think he was just more concerned about you."
Elle nods and pushes herself back into the seat. "I'm going to sit here for a while. Go.. Be manly and let me watch."
"No it's-"
"Zak." She says looking at me. "I'm fine and don't think I haven't noticed the mark across your face and your avoidance technique."
I lower my head, mainly to hide the smile, she is back to busting my balls already. I lean in the car and kiss her forehead before going to the back of the car and getting out my guns.
"Wanna put that pea shooter away, Bill?" I ask him showing him what I had.
"Oh yeah!" He grins.
Just as I shut off the car in the garage, Elle wakes up and looks around. Realising we are back at home, she lets out a small sigh and stretches out her body.
"Home." I say, hoping she wants to be here.
"I must have fell asleep."
I don't tell her that she has been asleep for almost 3 hours, because she obviously needed the rest. We both get out the car without a word and head in, as I toss my keys on the side, Elle kicks off her shoes and pads into the lounge, crashing down on the couch.
The afternoon sun has turned the whole room a golden colour and Elle was in the middle of it all.
I think this is what the new generation call the golden hour, which was perfect for snapping photos with due to the contrast and lighting. They aren't wrong...
Part of me wants to explain everything, before Elle has to ask, but another part of me wants to avoid telling her what happened this morning. In case she takes it badly.
Biting the bullet, I walk over and sit down opposite her, admiring the complexion of her skin and how gorgeous she looks right now.
"Let's hear it..." She says, giving me my opportunity to fess up.
I wonder if Mia has already told her? She picked up her phone as soon as we came in..
"I don't-"
"The reason you lied about a meeting, Zak. It's not that I care where you are going constantly. I'm not your guardian, your mother or your wife. I just don't like being lied to. If you didn't want to tell me, then fine. You could have said 'I've got something to do.' I wouldn't have minded. You don't have to tell me everything. But lying..." She draws off.
I sit back slightly in my seat, preparing for the onslaught I am going to receive when I tell her what I've been up to. Like a bandaid, I figure it's best just to tear that bitch off.
"I went to see Mia." The second the words leave my mouth, I wish I had thought of something better to say, because now it looks like Elle wants to scream at me.
She laughs "I must be on the way for another seizure.. Sounded like you said y-"
"I went to see Mia. I met her in the park, surrounded by people. I was intent on fixing this problem that she has with me.." I pause.
"When? How did you arrange this?" She asks.
Always practical in her thinking, Elle waits for me to respond.
"I used your phone, yesterday when you were asleep, to ring her."
Her jaw ticks and arms fold over her, unimpressed. Yeah, not only had I lied, I'd used her phone, which could be seen as an invasion of privacy, rang her best friend and arranged a meeting behind her back.
Why did I think it was a good idea again?
Elle runs a hand over her face before looking at me, I know I've overstepped the line. But what's done is done, I did it for her and now I had to show her my intention.
"No." She interrupts, stopping me. "Please, do not say it was for me, because right now I'm struggling to see how it was."
I throw my arms out "But it was. El, I thought Mia had the problem with me."
"So how is going behind my back helping me sort it?!" She shouts before sitting forward.
"Because... I want her to know that she has caused you tremendous amounts of stress which has lead to a big seizure. I want her to know that this vendetta against me is not worth it!"
"Guilt tripping her is not how this gets sorted!"
God I wanna tell her everything, I want to tell her, but for the sake of making things worse, I don't divulge in Mia's love to her. I can't.
"I was trying to do the right thing!" I fire back, struggling to keep my cool when my intentions are being twisted.
"You've probably made things a hundred times worse! Haven't you?!" She shouts.
Elle's eyes are watering, she's angry with me, upset too from how she is looking at me.
"It didn't go to plan no.. She slapped me."
She gasps a breath "S-She hit you?"
"Well I didn't slap myself, did I?"
"What did you say to her? What did you do?! She isn't a violent person Zak! She doesn't lash out at people! She's not a nasty pers-"
"Oh come on!" I shout cutting her off. "You're standing there asking me what I have done?! Like I'm some animal who goes throwing my weight around?!
Come on Elle! All I did was tell her some home truths! And as for her not being a nasty person? Have you forgot the fucking file she dug up of me?! You have no idea who she is?!"
"And you do?!"
This has turned into a shit show, a complete and utter clusterfuck.
"I'm clearly getting a better picture, yeah!"
"I'm not surprised." She says standing up. "It seems that you two have a lot more in common than I thought."
As Elle walks away, I get up and follow "What the fuck does that mean?!"
"Oh work it out Zak!" She shouts walking into my bedroom.
"No! You tell me!" I demand as Elle rounds then bed pulling her phone charger out the wall.
"You've taken her place! You've stepped in her shoes and tried to take over!"
"Over what?!"
"ME!" She screams. "I am capable of looking after myself but nobody! Nobody is giving me a chance! I survived without anyone before! I've grown up with epilepsy! I can handle it! What I don't need and can't handle is everyone treating me like I'm a fucking child!"
Elle marches around the bed and goes into the wardrobe, coming back with her bag a few seconds later.
"What are you doing?" I moan.
"Going home! Where I won't be judged, controlled and everything else!" She snaps throwing her charger and clothes into her bag.
She's fast at getting her things, but I'm faster and snatch up her keys, folding them into my hand.
"Give me back my keys."
"No. And I'm saying no because you're not driving upset. Not because I'm trying to control you. If you want to go home, I'll drive you, in your car and leave."
"Because I can't be trusted to drive now!"
I take a breath because I want to shout at her right now. I've raised my voice to match hers, but I will not scream or shout at her. I can't. I won't.
"If you want to go, then get your things and I will drive you." I say calmly, leaving my bedroom.
I stand in the lounge, watching the sunset lower in the sky, wondering how one day can fuck up so much.
"What do you see when you look at me?" She asks coming into the lounge and dropping her bag on the floor.
I turn, and look at her from head to toe.
From the white socks that encase her feet to the tanned legs, shorts that finish just before her knee that she debated on wearing because she wasn't feeling them this morning, the strappy top which left her with tan lines across her shoulder, to the brown hair with golden and red tones.
What did I see?
I see everything. Every detail about her...
"Because if you see some wounded bird that constantly needs saving then this is never going to work. Ever."
'Tell her Zak.'
The voice in my head urges me to say what's been churning away.
'Don't lose her.'
My silence isn't taken well and Elle picks up her bag from the floor. "I'd like to go home, now please."
As she walks past, my resistance snaps and I decide that this game of poker that I've been playing with my own feelings has folded.
"I see the red and golden tones in your hair. How your eye colour turns to liquid gold in the sun. I saw the uncertainty in your eyes this morning when you walked in wearing those shorts, worried that they didn't look great on you. I see your smile, I hear your laugh, I see your patience, kindness and curiosity. I see how you always snuggle in closer in the mornings, not wanting to leave my side until you absolutely have to. I feel your fingers tracing over my tattoos each morning, I can almost hear the bees buzzing around in your head when you're deep in thought."
" I see the peace you're at when you're reading on my couch in the sun, the pride when I eat whatever you've made, your toes curling when you eat something a little too sweet, the shudder if it's too sour, the sway of your hips, the bite of your lip when you concentrate, the joy you get from walking Gracie..."
"I see the sadness I can cause when I lie, the fire you have in your gut when feel the need to fight back. I see anger you have when you think I am trying to control you. I see the disappointment you have right now, thinking that I don't notice everything about you and how you think I am treating you like a wounded bird. My intentions were never to hurt or lie to you. They weren't to make things worse either. I went with the intention of telling Mia this feud was hurting you, that I want it to end because you deserve so much more than having to deal with this shit."
"I saw how you got when the police left, how you went back into this shell, I hated it. I hate it. Which is why I let my heart rule instead of my head. I threw the rule book right out the fucking window and I'll do it again. I'll take whatever you can scream and at, what ever Mia can hit me with, because I know, what I did had a good intention. Which was to keep you safe. Everything I did today was to keep you safe and I won't apologise." I tell her.
"Now you deal with that how you want. But I'm not apologising for it. If you want to go, you can go. But don't think I want you to or that I look at you like some wounded bird that I need to control. You're anything but a defenceless little animal. You're fierce and brave and stubborn.. I told you from the start what I thought of you Elle..."
"And what is that?" She asks.
I watch her, twisting her foot onto its side as she holds her bag, unsure of what I'm going to say next.
With a breathe, I walk over to her and take the bag out of her hand. "That you want to set the fucking world on fire. Now am I putting this in your fucking car or not?"
Her chest is heaving slightly, but before I can ask her again, she throws herself at me. Her lips crushing into mine as she tries desperately to reach my height. I feel her hands run up my chest and grip my shirt collar, trying to pull me down. I hear the growl in her throat when I don't comply.
My anger shifts in my body, turning primal until my hand drops her bag and grabs her, tugging her in closer to me. The urgency and passion causes us to stumble back until I have her planted against the wall.
Elle's hands are frantic, pulling my shirt up to get to my belt. But I'm in no rush, standing there, savouring the taste of her and the smell of the sun on her skin.
When my belt clinks to the floor, I smile and pull back causing Elle to moan and look at me bewildered.
"Don't you f-"
"Do you see my true intention today?"
"Yes now-"
"No." I stop her, taking her hands off my shirt. My lips quiver a smile when I see her eyes flare, I can see the fire burning behind them. "I need you to tell me El.."
She is panting slightly from the kissing, her lips a little puffy and red, but she wets them and says "I believe you. I understand. I do.."
"Good enough for me." I answer pulling her back against me and chuckling as she squeals in excitement.
This time I help her with my shirt, because I can't trust her not to tear it off me.
"You sure?" I ask between her kisses.
"Never been sure of anything in my life. This shirt!" She snaps and just as I predicted, the buttons are torn and bounce across the floor. Elle looks a little shocked with herself before grinning. "Now this is what I'm talking about."
"Hmm let's talk less and do more."
We stumble about the house, losing pieces of clothing along the way until we bounce off my bedroom door and fall onto the bed.
I want to savour every second of this but I can't, I'm desperate and from the nails biting my skin, Elle is more than ready. My mouth roams across her body, only stopping as she passes me the trusty foil packet from my draw.
Maybe I'm taking to long, but my hands get slapped out the way and Elle takes over, before pulling me back down onto her. Her leg hooks over my hip, our bodies align and the rest is history.
Smoothing back the hair off her face, I stare down at Elle whose eyes flare and body rolls with mine.
Her breathy moans against my throat drive me wild, with my hand gripping the headboard and the other traveling between her throat and face, I slow my pace. Causing her to growl in frustration before urging me to keep going.
By the third time of slowing, she loses her patience and manages to flip me over and take control. I lay back, hands roaming over her curves, taking in how beautiful she looks as the sun flood through the bedroom window, how her hair is thrown over one side of her face.
But before she can take full control of this, I sit up and slow her down into a grind, watching as she struggles to keep herself together. Seeing her eyes flicker and feeling her nails dig into my shoulders as she whispers my name.
Wrapping my hand around her throat, she looks at me, pulling emotions out of my soul that I buried years ago.
This was more than I thought, me and her. Maybe it always had been?
My thoughts are cut off when her hand grabs my throat in response and squeezes bringing me back with her. She sees the second I come back into the room with her and grinds her hips in a circle.
"Fuck..." I breathe dropping her throat to look down at us. When I eventually manage to look up at her, I know I've met my match.
I've always said that she was here to set the world on fire.
But maybe she was here to set my world on fire...
Author note:-
Ah! I always get nervous when writing these scenes! But it was long overdue huh?
Was Zak right in not telling Elle?
Is this love that he is feeling?
Should I consider a second story with these two?
Lemme know!
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