Chapter 24
"Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on." I begin chanting, hoping that he will arrive soon.
Another growl sounds out, only this time it is closer.
Don't show fear. Don't show fear.Don't show fear.Don't show fear.
A whimper escapes my throat as I look down the dark passageway wondering how much danger I could potentially be in. Grabbing the rosary around my neck, I turn my head back to the door where I hope Zak is going to appear.
It smelt like rotting flesh in here, and I could have sworn the walls shifted under my hand.
With the panic of having a seizure within a confined space and knowing how dangerous they are, I break the rule of waiting and shove open the door. Wanting to also escape whatever was creeping up on me.
I figured it was better to be on camera than not. Right?
I take a single step out when I feel everything drain out my body. It feels as if all my bones have turned to liquid within me, that I am nothing but skin and blood.
Zak appears through the door with a loud crash and is about to shout, when I hit the floor.
"Sei-Seizure." I tell him, holding the floor and pushing the camera away from me, worried I'd broken it in the fall.
"You're about to have one?!"
I shake my head. "Had it. I had it. When I fell.. My muscles."
"Atonic? You have Atonic ones too?"
I look up at him confused as to how he knows the name. "I read about them, I'm a worrier okay. How are you feeling? Can you get up?"
"Yeah, I think." I tell him, taking his offer for help to stand up, incase my legs go like jell-o again.
Zak is quick to wrap an arm around my waist and hold me against him. "We are done. Okay. No more. That's it."
"What took you so long?" I ask him.
"That door locked too." He says guiding me out. I feel my foot touch something metal and see the remains of the door latch on the floor. "I might have broken the door to get to you.."
"That almost sounds romantic." I tell him.
He smiles briefly before the worried look comes back. "You're coming back to mine tonight. No questions. I'll sleep on the floor again if I have to, but you are not going home."
"It's okay." I tell him, patting his hand that is secured around me like a vice. "I'm okay."
"Don't care."
I don't get to help pack up base or use half the equipment we previously planned to use. Instead, I am forced to watch as Zak puts it away quickly.
"Sorry." I mumble, sitting forward to rub my forehead.
"For what?"
"For walking away from the door. If I stayed there-"
"You can't say you wouldn't have had a seizure. Something lured you away from the door on purpose. It happens, the museum will be here in the future, if you ever want to try it again. But I'd be happy if you just left me to investigate ghosts from now on."
I nod. "Think I might have to."
"Was that seizure a warning shot? For a big one?" He asks stopping to look at me.
"It came in the passageway, the warning. Then as I stepped out, the Atonic hit, hopefully I've gotten away with just that."
He nods before going back to packing up.
"The museum... It's strange tonight, I should have taken that and listened to my own head and not let you do it."
"Don't blame yourself."
"Well I am. I said I'd look after you."
"Zak.." I frown. "This was on me, okay? Stop beating yourself up about it. I caused this, end of story."
I don't miss his grumbling, telling me that he doesn't quiet understand it's not his fault, but he will, eventually..
Getting back to Zak's home, I realise Gracie is missing.
"Where's Gray?" I ask looking around his home for her as he follows behind.
"At my moms. I didn't want her left alone all night."
"Oh, yeah that makes sense." I tell him getting a water from the fridge. I grab him one too, before rummaging through my bag to get my car keys.
"What do you want them for?" He asks trying taking them off me. "You are not driving home. If you want to go home, I'll drive but I would rather you stayed ton-"
"I have an overnight bag. In the trunk. Mia made me pack it, should I ever need it.." I reply giving him the keys.
"Oh...... I'll go get it."
"Okay." I answer. Zak looks at me for a second, before turning to glance at the front door.
"For crying out loud Zak, I am not going to fit in the next 10 seconds. Relax."
I don't miss his frowns at my brashness, but nods "Okay, well shout... If you need me."
"I will."
He quickly kisses me on the cheek before rushing out the house to get my bag. By the time he is running back in holding my bag, I am stood beside the knight.
"You okay? What is it?" He asks looking over me.
"You need to chill. I'm fine. But what is that?" I ask pointing up above the knights head.
Zak cranes his neck back to look at the wood carving. "Oh, that's a wood carving of the souls of Purgatory."
I look at him and then laugh. "I don't know why that sounded so normal coming from you. Souls of Purgatory."
"Jesus Christ, you're the freakin' Prince of Darkness aren't you?"
"Do I look like Ozzy?" He asks with his head tilted. I laugh and try to take my bag when he shifts it back out of my reach. "You didn't answer."
"Of course you don't. Besides, long hair wouldn't suit you, in my opinion."
He smiles "Good answer. But I'm carrying it. Off to my room we go."
I want to tell him I'm not tired but my body disagrees with a yawn and I turn on my heels walking towards his room.
"I can stay in the guest room-"
"My bed."
I would normally act up a bit, but I feel drained and sleeping sounded good.
I take a moment to saviour his room reveal, and push open the double wooden doors. I'm hit with his smell and try not to moan, instead I move aside and let him come in whilst I wiggle my toes at the super soft carpet.
"I'm gonna grab some stuff and take a shower in the guest room. Help yourself to mine."
"Okay." I answer covering my mouth to yawn into it.
He approaches with a wash bag under his arm and laughs softly "Try not to fall asleep in there."
"No promises." I reply.
Closing the door behind him, I pad through his room and turn into his bathroom, I almost lose my shit at the size of it.
There's a spa-sized bath, a his and her's basin, as well as a shower off to the side with a toilet and is that a bidet?
Straight opposite that is his wardrobe.
"Why is everything so big in this house? Damn." I say to myself eyeing the bath before deciding a shower would be better.
The shower is hot, steamy and perfect. The power against my skin eases the tension I've carried since the museum leaving me relaxed and feeling gooey.
I forgo using my shampoo and shower gels in favour of using Zak's,
that smell like heaven and get out wrapped in a towel.
Looking across the bathroom, I contemplate my next move before I shoot into his wardrobe and begin looking at his clothes.
Black. Lots and lots of black.
And cargo pants too.
I know I'm taking liberties when I help myself to another shirt, but its baggy and long and smells like him.
Leaving his wardrobe, I head back to the bedroom where I fish out a pair of pj shorts and underwear from my over night bag.
By the time Zak returns, I'm stood in the bathroom, drying and brushing the knots from my hair.
"Hey you." He smiles plucking up his toothbrush.
"Nice shirt."
"You don't mind.. Do you?"
"If I did, would you take it off right now?" He asks cocking a brow.
"I might."
He winks before he begins brushing his teeth. I finish drying my hair and set the dryer away before grabbing my tooth brush and standing at the opposite sink. I can see him looking at me in the mirror, but I try to play it off and not notice how he looks at my shorts and smiles a little more.
"So, you use your bidet?"
The sound of him choking and spitting half his toothpaste everywhere makes me laugh, I look in my mirror to see him assessing the mess he has just caused.
"Really, Elle?" He asks.
I turn and look at him "Oh Zak, that was silly."
"You-.." He stops and lifts up his arms. His black top now covered in white toothpaste. It's like a piece of art work, I enjoy it anyway.
"Guess you'll have to sleep without a top, huh?" I ask, brushing my teeth.
"Might be right." He says setting his toothbrush down.
He holds the bottom of his shirt and pulls it up over his head, flexing his body as he does, causing me to almost swallow my toothbrush.
With a cough, I pull out my toothbrush before shooting him a glare.
"Karma." He laughs tossing the tshirt at me before going back to his teeth.
I'm reunited with the back dimples once again. Hello my friends.
After finishing our teeth we both head into the bedroom, where I notice Zak pulling the blanket off the bottom of the bed and picking up a pillow.
"Where you going?" I ask.
"Floor." He says pointing to the floor right beside me.
"Don't be ridiculous." I tell him, taking the pillow off him and tossing it back onto the bed. "Get in."
"I'm happy to sleep-"
"On the floor, yeah, I know. Not happening. Get in the bed."
"Make me." He challenges.
I stop pulling back the bedding. "I will happily sleep in one of the guest rooms if its going to make you feel more comfortable. But after tonight, I'd rather just be near you. The floor isn't going to cut it for me."
"Twisted my arm." He says yanking back the bedding and getting in quickly.
When I get, I shuffle closer to him. "Can I ask a question?"
"Sure." He says looking at me.
"Why is everything in your home so big? I feel like I am in the BFG house, your bathroom is huge, this bed, huge."
"I'm a big man." He says gesturing to his height.
"I can see that."
He lifts up the bedding and looks under it. "Not yet you can't."
We both laugh and settle in, I end up using his arm for a pillow, despite having a set beside me. Zak let's out a healthy yawn before pulling off his glasses and setting them on the nightstand.
"Bravo six, going dark." He laughs flicking off the bedside lamp.
I laugh, until I remember the door at the museum. "Is it going to cost a lot?"
"The door, in the museum, the one you busted?"
"No, I can replace it myself." He replies before adding "I'd break a lot more doors if it meant keeping you safe."
I hum in appreciation. "You're a big softie at heart."
"I am but shh, I have to keep my Prince of Darkness act up."
I laugh softly causing him to bundle me up against him.
"So you read up about seizures too?"
"Yeah, I need to know how to help you. I want to be able to help you. The idea of being helpless is not something that settles well with me."
I pat his chest gently "You're an angel. But worrying about what might happen, will do your own head in. You just let me do what I need to do, then put me in the recovery position until I come around. You don't put anything in my mouth either."
"I know. I read about that too.. See I could have fucked up there."
"But you haven't, so please don't think you're gonna do badly if I have one. If you panic, I'm likely to get upset when I come around and being tired and emotional, isn't a good mix."
"So I just have to be okay? With seeing you struggling?"
"Like I will have to when you come home with a lockdown hang over and can't do anything to help?"
"Touché." He sighs, rubbing my arm.
"What a pair we are..."
"I'm happy you're my pair." He mumbles as sleep starts dragging him under. I smile at his words either way.
"Ni-night Zak."
"G'Night El."
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