Chapter 13
I wake to sunshine, bright golden rays of sunshine, streaming through the large glass windows. It's beautiful and unapologetic, normally, I'd grumble at the sight of sun invading my sleep, but it's hard to be in a bad mood when everything looks so heavenly.
With a slight chill in the air, I look down and realise what has happened.
Oh Elle...
My clothes that I had been wearing when I went to sleep were now discarded on the floor and I was down to my underwear beneath the blanket. For most, this would set alarm bells ringing, but for me, it only sent the embarrassment meter rocketing.
I was a known sleep stripper, I had been for as long as I could remember. My mom often told me tails of how as a baby, she would dress me in cute outfits, only to find me down to a diaper by the time I had finished wriggling around.
"You absolute mess." I tell myself, hiding my body as I grabbed the clothes off the floor and began putting them on as quickly as I could.
With Zak not being on the floor, I could only hope and pray that he disappeared before the show had started and didn't have to witness me pulling off my t-shirt or pants and slinging them away from me.
Once I was dressed, I got up and folded the blanket up before heading off to find Zak, to inform him that I have to go. I had to shower and go to work, otherwise I'd never hear the end of it from Mia and Sophie. Mia especially as I have no doubt she has checked in on my location this morning.
Where is my phone?
After going into almost every room in Zak's house, I end up outside his room, looking at the large black double doors as if they held something sinister behind them.
I knock and wait before waiting even more. "Zak?" I call before knocking a little harder.
I didn't see a note anywhere, so he must be still here.. Gracie was in the garden when I went out earlier.
I try a few more times but get no answer. Maybe he has earphones on and can't hear me?
Not wanting to leave without thanking him for letting me stay, I clamp my hand over my eyes, respecting his wishes not to show me his room and open the bedroom door.
I slide my foot along the carpet, not wanting to trip over anything or stub my toe.
"Zak? You here?" I call out inching my way in further.
They say if you cut off a sense, the others sharpen and boy were they right. The carpet felt a little more luxurious under my toes, the sound of my breathing became louder and the air smelt like him and his cologne.
I liked it. A lot.
Inhaling a little more, because why not, I call out again and wonder where the heck he has disappeared to.
His voice coming from behind me makes me jump and as I spin and step back, I trip over something, landing on the floor with a thud. I hear his laugh and drop my hand to feel around the floor with my eyes clenched shut.
"I'm hoping that was your suitcase and not a dead body." I tell him, patting around some more until I tap onto something hard.
"It's my case. Good morning, you can open your eyes."
"Nope. You didn't want to show me your room and I respect that, I just wanted to thank you for letting me stay last night."
"You're welcome, but please open your eyes, you look a little strange sat in a pile of my clothes with your eyes clamped shut."
I open them and blink a few times before closing them again. "Ahh, you're naked."
"I've just got out the shower, I'm wearing a towel. For your benefit by the way."
"Yeah, living alone has perks, I normally walk out the shower without one."
"Now I'm disappointed.." I joke.
"I can always ditch the tow-"
"No!" I laugh "Keep it around your waist."
"Are you sure?"
"Positive. I don't need a heart attack this early." I answer, creaking an eye open to help me get off the floor.
"So you broke into my room to tell me thanks?" He says suspicously.
"That and that I have to go. I got work today, sorry."
He nods. "So have I. I'm working from home though."
"Office." I tell him, trying not to marvel at the sight before me. "Hey, I like the messy hair."
He reaches up and touches the damp mess on his head. "Yeah it needs a cut really, I'll get around to it eventually."
"I used to cut hair, not so much anymore. That's not me offering. You work on TV, I couldn't bare the idea of cutting it shorter than you usually have it."
He smiles before looking at me. "I bailed pretty fast this morning.. Around about the time your t-shirt hit me in the face. What's all that about?"
I laugh before explaining to him that I'm a sleep stripper.
"You know how to solve that?" He asks, peaking my interest instantly.
"No, tell me."
"Sleep naked."
"Such a man answer." I reply rolling my eyes playfully.
He's about to respond when I hear my phone going off. "Call?"
"Alarm." I tell him before excusing myself and shooting off out his room and down the corridor.
I don't realise that he has followed until I am grabbing a glass of water. "There's bottles of water in the fridge if you prefer." He says as I turn around.
"No, it's fine. It's just to take a tablet."
"Like birth control?" He guesses.
I bless his sweet heart for even thinking it, but I don't correct him and tell him its to stop my seizures. "Yeah. Birth control." I repeat popping one out and taking it.
He watches and then tells me to sit whilst he makes breakfast.
"You don't need to, I-"
"Ahh." He interrupts and points to the dining table. "You can't go on an empty stomach and you've just taken medication. You'll get a stomach ulcer. They suck, so just accept that you're gonna be a little later into work, which you can do from home and have breakfast with me."
I sigh, and do as he says, accept that I'm going to be a little later and have breakfast with him. "Okay, but maybe put on some pants before you get a serious burn." I laugh rounding the kitchen island and taking the spatula from his hand.
He hasn't even started making anything, so where the spatula has come from, is beyond me.
Zak looks down at himself, still in a towel "Yeah, I better put on something. Be right back."
"I'll be here." I tell him and watch as he grabs the towel at his waist and hot foots it out the kitchen and back to his bedroom.
By the time he reemerges, I've made breakfast and I'm just pouring some orange juice into the glasses at the table.
"And I thought I took a long time." I tease, noticing the pressed black shirt and jeans.
"I was debating what to wear, we are filming in the theatre and couldn't decide on a shirt or t-shirt." He says taking a seat.
"I like the shirt. Looks good on you."
"Thank you."
"Hope you like pancakes, eggs and bacon. It's the only thing I really know how to make." I tell him. "Other than cereal and omeletes."
"Pancakes is good. I always burn them though." He says looking at the plate with a smile. "These look amazing but do they taste as good?"
"You'll have to try them."
"I'm a heavy critic." He replies, repeating my words from yesterday.
"Well I look forward to the feedback, tuck in."
Everything is just so easy with him, so normal, nothing feels weird about eating opposite him, in fact for some odd reason, it feels as if we have been doing this for years.
"These are fucking amazing." Zak tells me making me grin.
"Good. Maybe I'll attempt some more breakfast ideas in the future."
"You plan on staying around some more, huh?"
I pause, realising how presumptuous that sounded, but I didn't mean it in that context. Unless he is offering...
"Oh I don't know about that. The couch." I say touching my neck.
"You got a stiff neck?" He asks looking concerned.
Damn him and his considerate side. Here I am pulling his leg about it.
"I was joking, but that couch is seriously comfortable. I don't remember falling asleep."
"Me neither. Woke up on your lap though. Did I put myself there or..."
"You looked uncomfortable. Amazingly compliant when I tugged you, sleepy Zak wanted a cuddle I think. You clamped my arm down over your chest for an hour or more."
You also groaned when I played with your hair, but I'll keep that chestnut to myself because of how much I enjoyed it.
"Did I? Must have enjoyed the company." He replies looking over the top of his glass at me as he takes a sip of orange.
"Must have."
Looking over his outfit for today, I'm glad he went with the shirt, it accentuates his arms and broad shoulders as well as showing a few of his tattoos.
"Never pegged you as a Dracula fan." I say, still looking at his tattoo down his forearm.
His finger touches the words before he picks up his cutlery again. "It's one of my favourite books and the quote, well being in my line of work, it's true. The dead travel fast.."
"Can I ask you about that?"
"Ask away."
"Last night, the documentary. Your cameraman, have you ever got like that? Possessed."
He pauses for a second, probably trying to find a way to answer me, which means the answer is a yes.
"Was it as bad as that one? Did you get all dark after? Like he has." I add.
"Poveglia was the worst one. I don't remember a lot of it. But I also remember not showing all the footage either...." He pauses before looking at me. "I want to be honest with you, because... I don't know what's happening or where this is going and I hope it goes somewhere, I do. But I've always made sure I am upfront."
"Okay.." I draw now a little nervous.
"When I said I bring home stuff, I do. I've brought home demons, possessive spirits that I'm still trying to get rid of, I've brought home cursed items that have put my home in chaos for a few weeks, I've had to have someone cleanse me and my home. I have energy hangovers where I'm sick for a few days, I get night terrors too, bad ones... Last night was the second night of not having one. Which is why I slept so heavily."
"It sounds like a tough job on your body. Do you know how it affects you, health wise?"
He shakes his head and then gives a small laugh "You know I've been through that speech so many times and nobody has asked me that. It's always been about my night-terrors. The possessive spirits, never about how I am. You keep surprising me, Elle."
"In a good way I hope. But seriously, because you didn't answer, has it affected you? You look like a pretty fit guy but I also know never to judge a book by its cover."
"And it's a good quote to live by. Apart from what happened in the Demon House with my eyes, nothing has ever interfered with me. I get sick from the energy, like a hangover style sick. It lasts for a couple days, but other than that, nothing."
"After all the years you've been doing it, I guess you're somewhat lucky. Even if you don't feel it sometimes."
He nods in agreement. "If I'd taken the Demon house seriously, I might not have been so badly affected."
"True, but from what I watched, you were nothing less than professional." I reach across the table and grab his hand because I had the idea of him being in turmoil about this. "What happened, happened. You didn't know, you can't blame yourself for what happened. So what that you can't wear contacts anymore? Glasses suit you. So what your eyes cross slightly when you don't wear glasses? The corrective surgery is not worth the risk. I'd rather spend the money on tests and glasses than lose my gift of sight. Wouldn't you? You're in perfect health after a whole decade of doing this job. I think you've done awesomely."
The response I get from Zak is not one I expect. He's quick in his movements and I have probably a millisecond to realise he's moved before his mouth is planted against mine.
It wasn't a nervous or safe peck. It was a full on, mouth opened, demanding and primal kiss. Like stealing the air from my lungs was the only way he'd get through the next second.
His warm hand which was planted on the side of my face lowered, resting on the side of my neck whilst his thumb slid over my throat, no doubt being able to feel my pulse racing away.
Hot damn!
When he pulls back, all I can hear is the blood rushing around in my ears and our shallow breathes. Not wanting the moment to be over, the sound of my cutlery clatters into the table as I drop them in order of grabbing Zak's face, bringing his mouth back to mine.
He moans slightly as I run my hand around the back of his head and tug his hair gently.
I'm hoisted up from the chair I'm sat on, to stand with him. The height difference between us makes me moan a little and I have to push up onto my toes. Sensing my struggle, his arm goes around my back and with a little tug, I'm taller and his mercy.
His forehead pushes mine making me pull back slightly to see that his eyes have darkened and lips are a little fuller.
"Thank you." He says huskily.
"F-for what?"
"For being you."
I wet my lips and push my body a little closer to him, feeling as if the blood in my veins were boiling. "I can be me more often.. If it leads to this."
"I worried that I overstepped the line."
I shake my head weakly. "No, but whilst we are on the subject, I'm not nearly done with kissing you just yet."
His brow quirks up "Is that so?"
"Most definitely." I tell him, pulling him down to my height again.
It's more calmer now, the surprise having disappeared, but it only takes a few seconds for it to be replaced with desire.
With his arm firmly against my back, and me holding onto his shoulders, Zak moves, pulling me along with him. A gasp leaving my body as lifts me with ease and sets me on the kitchen island, correcting the height difference in one swoop.
My excited growl makes him laugh as I wrap my legs around his waist keeping him close to me.
"Elle." He breathes between kisses.
He probably wants to tell me something.. It can wait. The whole world could be on fire and it can wait.
Ever since I had arrived yesterday and he flaunted around without a top, I had been worked up. Now he was dealing with me coming down fast.
My back arches when his hand slips up the back of my shirt, but like a true gentleman, pulls his mouth away to ask if it's okay. I give some weak reply and a nod, tugging the top three buttons open on his shirt and pushing my hands inside to feel his skin.
I want more, so much more but before I can tell him, there's a shout somewhere within his home.
"Zak?! You awake bro?"
Zak pulls away "Not fucking now." He breathes, annoyed at whoever has arrived.
"Well I for one am disappointed."
I pant back.
"I can throw them out as fast as they arrived." He tells me, looking heavily through eyes.
"You can't. But we are so not finished." I warn him, as I try to fix my hair and do up his shirt buttons.
He grins before stealing a few more kisses, I almost forget that anyone else is here until I hear a cough within his home.
Turning my head, I get a kiss on my neck and a playful bite before he backs up and helps me off the side.
"The counter helps." I inform him.
"I'll keep that in mind." He tells me, stroking his thumb over the bottom of my mouth looking pleased.
"Zak- oh sorry." The voice says making both myself and Zak back away from each other. "Didn't realise you had company."
He looks familiar..
The shaggy blonde beard had made me think of a pirates. Where had I seen him before?
I frown. "Hey. You're the man who delivered those flowers."
"Morning Elle." He smiles, happy to be recognised.
"Elle, this is Bacon, my assistant. Bacon this is Elle."
"Nice to meet you. Cool name too."
"Thanks.. I'll uh, I'll just make myself scarce." He adds before disappearing someone within the house.
"Sorry about that." Zak says, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.
"Thank you for the flowers."
"Least I can do after creeping you out about the google search of your address. Although it did have its perks."
I smile "Walk me out?"
"Do you have to leave now?"
"Afraid so, you got a guest and I've got work." I tell him picking up my phone. I sling it into my bag, avoiding to look at it incase Mia has been checking up on me.
Zak walks me to the front door and then comes out a little further making me laugh.
"You can't just leave him in your house."
"I'm walking you to your car. Bacon is a big boy."
"I'm perfectly safe on your drive." I tell him and pause as he jumps ahead to open my car door. "Stop." I laugh.
"Just in case you couldn't get it. Drive safe and ring me later, okay?"
"I'll think about it."
"You do that." He leans down and steals another kiss before giving me a quick wink.
"Bye sweetie."
I get into my car and close the door whilst he backs up to let me reverse. "Oh." He says jumping forward and making me stop.
I undo my window "Yes?"
"That phone call... The one you heard the other day."
"The one hey baby one?"
He nods. "It was Kim... She thought I was going to invite her over. I didn't. I haven't seen her since the grocery store."
"Talon nails and a lot of fake tan?"
"The one you did a bowling action with." He reminds me.
I knew who he was on about but the fact he remembered that I mimed bowling her head makes me laugh. "I remember now."
He chuckles. "Thought you might. Well nothing happened. I just want to put that out there. So we both know where we stand."
I nod "Well thanks for telling me."
At least I know he doesn't have a girlfriend hiding somewhere. Last thing I want to be is a home wrecker.
We say our goodbyes, again before I head off and leave the private community.
Everyone at the office is a little relieved to see me and I wonder why, maybe it's because I had an episode the other day? I tap the epilepsy watch on my wrist to see it still working. Mia would have known I was okay because it's linked to her phone. If I have a seizure, it sends her an alert.
The only reason she wasn't aware of the one at the gym was because I had taken it off, not wanting it to get broken.
I get my answer on everyone's weirdness a little later when I snatch my phone off the desk, hearing it vibrating again.
Seriously what's so important?!
"What the?" I frown. There's hundreds of notifications, I mean, hundreds.
I type my code in but it knocks it back. After a second failed attempt, I look at the notifications and see a text.
Yo Zak, I'll be over in about 10 minutes. You awake?
The time stamp was from this morning, which meant one thing....
This wasn't my phone. It was Zak's.
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