Chapter 9
It's the weekend now, Saturday to be exact and I'm going over to Jason's house to talk to him and play with the dogs. Since he only lives two houses down my grandma doesn't care and as long as his mom is home as well then she's fine with me being over here.
I walk up to the door and was about to knock when I hear "Come on in Krystal, it's open." So I open the door and see Roberta sitting in the chair by the window. "I saw you walking up." She says while laughing a bit. "Jason is in his room, you can go if you want just knock first. I don't want you getting a eyeful." She says and starts laughing.
"Ok. Thanks." I say happily and head down the hall to his room.
I knock on his door and hear him shout "I'm dressed already mom come in!"
I open the door and say with amusement "I'm to young to be your mom." Which made him look and see it's me and he starts laughing.
"You definitely aren't mom." He laughs. "Close the door so we can talk but talk quietly." He whispers, I nod, close the door and sit on his bed beside him. "Your grandma won't let you get a dog will she?"
"No. She doesn't want any pets at all." I tell him, he sighs and looks at me. "A dog would definitely help the matter. If I got a German Shepard or a Doberman or something he definitely wouldn't come around."
"My thoughts exactly." He sighs. "I guess I can just come over more often. Think she'd let me spend the night?"
"I doubt it unless you were patrolling."
"Yeah and she definitely wouldn't let me sleep in your room with you."
"Definitely not. There's no room on my bed anyways." I say without thinking.
"Krystal I wouldn't sleep in your bed with you." He says with shock and a bit of insult in his voice making me blush and look away. "I mean don't get me wrong I'm sure you'd be cozy and everything but I'm gay and I've never slept with a girl at all."
"I didn't mean it like that. I just thought you'd sleep in the bed since you'd be spending the night." I say shyly.
"You've never had a sleepover huh?" He asks, I shake my head no. "You're probably the only teenage girl in existence that has never had a sleepover." He sighs. "Back to the task at hand. He normally harasses you after school right?"
"Yeah but I always go to my friend Heidi's house after school. He gets to me when I'm walking to her house."
"I was going to offer to walk you to and from school but I understand you don't want to come home any sooner than you need too."
"You got that right. I'd be gone all the time if I could." I sigh and hang my head.
"I don't know what to tell you then Krissy. He'll be back eventually and he's going to find a way to get you." Jason says with pain in his voice.
"I know. I don't know what to do." I groan and place my head in my hands.
"Let's hope he doesn't come back before we figure something out. I still say we should get the police involved, the guy needs to be arrested." Jason says, I give him a mean look and he sighs.
"He becomes a prisoner then so do I. I've been slowly gaining my freedom for 2 years only to have it snatched from me because some guy decides he wants me." I say with annoyance and frustration in my voice.
"Kris. I just don't know what else to do." He says sadly.
"Me either." I sigh and stand up. "I'm going to play with the puppies." I tell him as I get up and exit the room.
Another week has passed and I haven't seen or heard from Mike. It's Saturday and I have nothing at all to do so I'm just in my room reading and listening to music when I hear my grandma call me.
"Krystal! Get dressed and come here, you have visitors!" She shouts, I roll my eyes and groan. I'm not expecting anyone and no one ever comes over.
"Alright!" I shout back as I get up and go get some clothes. I quickly get dressed and brush my hair and head to the door and see no one. "Who is it?" I ask my grandma as I look around.
"He's there. He said he's here for your friend Mike cause he can't hop the gate." She says as she hands me her keys.
"Oh boy." I mumble and take her keys. "Let's get this over with." I grumble under my breath.
I open the door but I'm looking at the ground. I see feet move as I close the door, I follow the feet and see a pair of long slender legs followed by a lean body and finally I see his face and time seems to stop. I see a man with sandy blonde hair, ocean blue eyes and a smile that can make me melt like butter. I see only him before me, it's like we are on clouds in heaven because everything around us is just white, I hear angels singing as I stare deep into his heavenly blue eyes.
"Krystal!" I hear my grandma shout loudly.
"Huh?" I say as I snap out of my trance.
"Go open the gate!"
"Oh right!" I shout and start to head down the walkway to the gate.
As I'm walking I see Mike leaning on the gate with a big stupid grin on his face, he's wiggling his eyebrows and laughing a creepy laugh. I look behind me and see the guy I was in a trance with motioning about how my hips sway as I walk, he stops when he sees me looking at him and smiles shyly. I shake my head and open the gate for Mike to come in, he walks through the gate and stands in front of me. I step back only to bump into the other guy, I move quickly and blush which just made him smile.
"Krystal this is my best friend Dwayne." Mike introduces us with a smile.
"A pleasure to meet you." Dwayne says smoothly with a smile and takes my hand and kisses it which just made me blush even more.
"You too." I reply nervously because I am extremely flustered by everything.
"Can we go inside?" Mike asks with amusement, I nod my head and lead the way and hear them whispering behind me. I look back and they both are smiling and trying to play off like they weren't doing anything.
"Grandma can they come in so we can sit and talk?" I ask as we reach the door.
"In the living room so I can hear everything." She replies sourly.
"Alright....come on guys." I motion for them to follow and they do, we head into the living room. I sit on one side of the couch, Dwayne sits beside me and Mike is leaning on the arm of the couch watching me. "So, I never heard you mention Dwayne before and I've never seen him before..."
"I've known Dwayne for years, since we were kids. He's been sent around a lot from house to house." Mike explains.
"I just got out of juvenile hall actually." Dwayne says with a bit of embarrassment. "Since I'm 18 and learned my lesson."
"Oh. What happened?"
"Shoplifting food and I was holding some weed for a friend so possession as well..."
"Why shoplift food?" I ask with confusion
"I need to eat somehow....the people I've stayed with wouldn't feed me." He says sadly as he looks at me.
"They wouldn't? I don't understand why not."
"They didn't care."
"That's the sad truth. He was better taken care of in juvie." Mike cuts in, I look at Dwayne sadly and sigh. I can't believe no one cared about him.
As we talk and they tell me about their past I notice Dwayne inching closer to me, Mike notices too and is glaring at him every so often. This amuses me because I pick Dwayne over Mike any day and I want Mike to know it, so I inch closer myself until our legs are touching. This just made Mike mad.
"So Dwayne, are you single?" I ask boldly just to bring up the subject.
"I am yes. Why?" He replies nervously because Mike is glaring at him but also with a bit of a blush because I'm so close.
"Just curious and I am too by the way." I tell him. He smiles but the smile fades when Mike clears his throat."
"We should go." Mike says in a low and deep voice.
"Oh. Sure if you want to." Dwayne says sadly and looks at me. Mike stands up and so do me and Dwayne, we all head outside but Mike walks in front and Dwayne walks behind me. Once we reach the front Dwayne quickly leans and whispers in my ear "I'll be back tomorrow without Mike so expect me."
"Ok." I whisper, he walks by me and smiles then winks and I had to steady myself because my knees got weak. He sees this and smiles more as he exits the gate. "Bye guys." I wave as they walk down the street.
"She's beautiful isn't she?" I hear Mike whisper.
"She's amazing. So cute and she's curvy and just amazing." Dwayne replies in a whisper.
"I told you!" Mike whisper yells and nudges Dwayne.
I hear them talking still and nudging each other as they walk down the street. I just smile and shake my head as I stand outside and think. I know he likes me because I heard what he said but I wonder if he experienced what I experienced, we both seemed to be in a trance as we stood there so I wouldn't be surprised.
What is it I experienced? I've never heard of that before and I've never experienced it before. Whatever it was it was heavenly and amazing, just like him. He's gorgeous. Tall and lean, his eyes are absolutely beautiful and that hair is just as beautiful, his face and body and not to mention his voice. I could listen to him talk all day.
"Krystal!!" My grandma yells.
"Yeah?!" I yell back with annoyance, I can't get a moments peace.
"Get in here! I don't want you messing around with guys!" She shouts with hostility.
I just groan loudly and head back inside, I walk past her and head to my room and just lay on my bed and think. I prefer to think outside but I can't with my grandma around, I have to stay where she knows where I am at all times.
I want to call either Heidi or Jason and tell them what happened but my grandma will hear and heaven forbid I like a guy in her eyes. She will freak and think we are having sex and that he wants to just do me and leave or maybe he wants to kidnap me or kill me.
Yeah that's how her mind works. If it was up to her I'd be locked away forever. Safe and sound and alone in a room somewhere. Somewhere no one can hurt me or even see or touch me. Overprotective is the word but I think she's also extremely paranoid, something is wrong with her but I don't know what.
I just stay in my room and think to myself. Alone. I listen to music and find myself thinking about him whenever I hear a love song. I can't help but smile as the hours pass, he's on my mind more and more and I love it. I can see his face and hear his voice like he was right beside me, I find myself thinking about what it would be like if he hugged and kissed me.
I bet it would be heaven and I want to experience that heaven with him.
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