Chapter 6
I wake up the next morning to my grandma yelling. "Krystal! Get up and go check the backyard for footprints!" She shouts. I groan and open my eyes and glare at the old woman that's standing in my doorway.
"Ugh! Fine. I'll get dressed and go look." I grumble loudly then throw the covers off of me.
"Good and I expect you to tell me the truth about what you see." She says firmly and leaves the room, closing the door behind her.
"Paranoid old lady is all you are." I grumble under my breath and get out of bed, I get dressed and head to the front door. "Keys." I groan and hold out my hand, she gives me the keys and I head outside.
I head to the side gate first and unlock it, I swing the gate open and walk through while looking around. I notice some mud drops here and there but brush it off as animals because we do get raccoons and possums as well as lots of cats in the area. Then I head to the other gate and start to unlock it when I notice a muddy footprint on the mat in front of the gate.
My jaw and heart drop to the floor at the thought that someone was in the backyard again. I start to tremble as I think that Mike was here or really that anyone was here and they were peeking in on me again.
I take deep breaths and open the gate and step down onto the rug, I look around and notice footprints and I feel my heart drop again in fear. I take a deep breath and shakily follow them and see that they do lead up to my window and they hopped over the back wall to get into the yard.
"Who is doing this?" I whisper out loud as I stare in disbelief at the tracks.
I should call Jason but then my grandma might get suspicious and what do I tell her?!
I know. I'll cover up the tracks with my own and mess them up so no one can tell anything and if she asks I'll say I didn't see anything. Yeah!
I shuffle my feet in the still moist dirt and mess everything up so no one can tell anything. I then head back up to the front door and prepare myself to lie the best I can.
"Well?" My grandma asks in a sour and raspy voice
"I didn't see anything as expected. I checked everywhere and saw nothing." I tell her as seriously as I can, she just glares at me as I walk in the house. I can tell she's examining me for any signs I'm lying. "Grandma seriously there was nothing. You're paranoid."
"Whatever. Go." She waves me off and I gladly go in my room and enjoy the rest of my day.
Monday afternoon, school has let out and I'm on my way home. I had just crossed the street when I see Mike at the corner, he sees me and smiles as I approach.
"Hey Krystal, how you been?" He asks nicely and walks beside me as I continue down the street.
"Fine Mike. Yourself?" I ask as politely as I can because I feel uneasy with him.
"Oh I've been amazing. I've been going out every night lately and catching the most amazing show with a beautiful girl." He says happily and with a big smile on his face.
"Sounds like you're happy." I reply with a small smile.
"Oh I am. And I get to see her every single night."
"Who is she?" I ask curiously.
"Oh just someone I know. She's amazing and I absolutely love her."
"Well as long as you're happy..."
"Oh I am." He says with a big grin. "She puts on the most amazing shows for me at night and she gets me so worked up." He says in a low voice that has lust just dripping from it.
"Well. Ummm. I hope you enjoy you're show tonight." I say nervously and speed up a bit.
"Oh I will." He whispers and grins at me then laughs a small yet creepy laugh that just gave me chills and made me extremely nervous. "Cya later." He says quickly then waves as he turns and leaves. I hear him mumble something but I couldn't make it out which just made me even more nervous.
I keep walking and soon reach my friend Heidi's house and see her outside.
"Hey, something wrong?" She asks with concern as she sees my face.
"I think someone has been stalking me and I think it's Mike..."
"Why would you think it's him?" She asks with surprise.
"Because he's the only one that likes me that much. Then on the way home he was talking about how he goes to see a show every night and that a beautiful woman puts it on for him and I've seen footprints in my backyard and semen on my wall by my bedroom window..." I explain to her and watch as her jaw drops.
"REALLY?!" She shouts with shock and surprise in her voice.
"Yes. Heidi and I'm scared. I don't know what to do...." I trail off and hang my head. I don't know what to think besides I'm scared and I don't know what to feel besides fear.
"Krystal. I am 99% sure he wouldn't do that. He loves you but I don't think he'd do anything like that." She says in a reassuring tone.
"I hope you're right..." I sigh and go sit down with her.
I'm currently in my room reading, I just finished dinner not long ago so I have nothing else to do. I'm fully entranced in what I'm reading when I hear a noise at my window that makes me jump and makes my heart leap into my throat. It sounded almost like a tap, like someone tapped on the glass just once. I am now shaking like a leaf so I leave the room quickly and decide to get something from the kitchen, I stay in there as long as possible pretending to look for something.
"What are you looking for?!" My grandma suddenly shouts making me jump practically out of my skin.
"Uhh a can of soda. I thought I had one still." I lie as I continue searching.
"Well you don't now turn that light off!" She snaps.
"Fine..." I groan and turn the light off, I head back to my room nervously. I stare at the window once I enter and feel my heart pounding like a drum in my chest. "Relax. It's probably nothing. Calm down." I whisper to myself and take deep breaths.
I decide to play music to help me forget my uneasiness. I lay back on my bed and keep reading while music plays from my speakers in my room. I soon forget my problems and find myself in a good mood, I finish my book and glance at the time to see it's already almost 10pm so I decide to change my clothes.
The music is still playing so I dance a bit as I change and have fun. I grab a two piece pajama set and slip it on and admire how I look in it, it's my favorite set because I don't look so fat when I wear it. I smile a bit as I look at myself in the mirror, music always lifts my spirits and tonight I feel good for once.
I then yawn and stretch and proceed to get into bed and cuddle up under the blankets with my teddy bear and fall asleep.
It's morning and I'm on my way to school, I suddenly see Mike appear from seemingly nowhere and he has a big smile on his face which only made me nervous and start trembling. He scares me and I don't like it and I don't like him.
"Good morning!" He greets me happily
"Good morning." I whisper and keep walking, he suddenly drapes a arm over my shoulders making me gasp and pull away but he grips my shoulder tightly. "What?" I whimper, now scared to death.
"Relax. You know I won't hurt you." He says softly and grins slightly. "I wanted to tell you that I saw the most amazing show last night. She put on a strip tease for me and I absolutely loved it and I want her to do it again." He says in what I can imagine is his sexy tone of voice.
"So tell her." I whisper and wiggle free of his grip.
He whispers something but barely so I couldn't make it out.
"What?" I ask nervously.
"I am don't worry." He says quickly.
"Uh ok. Well I have school. Bye." I tell him shakily and wave as I practically run from him.
I run all the way to the school and decide to just hide somewhere because I don't want anyone to see me so shaken up, upset and flustered. I hide in the bathroom for a while and calm myself then I just wander around the school and just observe everyone as they enter. I take deep breaths and calm myself as best I can, I manage to relax myself just in time for the bell to ring.
Now it's after school and I'm just leaving the school when I see Mike again, I try to ignore him but he follows. I groan because I managed to push him out of my mind today and actually had fun playing cards with my friends at lunch and now I have to see him again.
"Hey Krystal, How was school?" He greets me happily and drapes a arm over my shoulders again.
"It was fine Mike." I grumble and try to wiggle free but instead of tightening his grip he lets his arm fall to my waist and pulls me closer making me gasp and blush because no ones ever held me like that before.
"You like this?" He asks in a seductive tone. "I'd hold you like this all the time if you were mine." He says in a soft tone of voice and smiles at me. "Reconsider Krystal. I want you to be mine, the more I see you the more I crave you. I want to hold you, kiss you, touch you...and I still want to make love to you...all night long." He whispers the last part in my ear in a seductive tone still as we walk then stops and makes me look at him, he sees me blushing furiously and smiles.
"Mike...I..." I try to speak but I'm at a loss for words.
"You like me Krystal. Admit it. You were just mad that I was gone. The look on your face right now tells me you like how all that sounds." He says with a grin and pulls me into his arms. "You can have this all the time you know. I'd love and cherish you, hold you close and love you and make love to you. I'd make you feel so good and I long to hear you moan and moan my name above all." He whispers as he gets a inch from my face.
"Mike I told you I won't have sex until marriage." I tell him firmly and pull away but he holds me closer.
"Then you'll marry me." He says firmly as he holds me tightly.
"No. I won't. Now let me go." I tell him firmly but he doesn't move. "Mike I'll scream and people will call the cops now let me go!" I tell him seriously as I glare at him and shove him away, he releases his grip and just smirks at me.
"You will be mine one way or another Krystal. I won't let anyone else have you." He says as he turns to leave.
I stand there watching him walk away, I'm breathing hard and fast and I'm shaking. Now I'm terrified but what do I do? I want to be safe and have him locked up but if I tell I'll never be allowed out of the house ever again for any reason.....I'd be a prisoner.
Should I be a prisoner or just deal with this?
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