Chapter 2
"Mike." I whisper as I walk up to my friend Heidi's house. They both are outside and having fun talking like always which doesn't surprise me at all. "Hey guys." I say as normally as I can as I approach them.
"Hey Krystal hows it going?" Heidi asks as she turns to look at me.
"Hey there. How was school?" Mike asks with a big smile on his face.
"It was fine. So what are you guys up too?"
"Just talking, Mike told me he ran into you this morning Krystal..." Heidi says teasingly and smiles a bit.
"I'm gonna go guys. I'll be back later." Mike says hurriedly and rushes off.
"Why don't you give him a chance?" Heidi asks once he's out of earshot.
"Honestly, because he creeps me out that's why."
"How does he creep you out? He's nice and sweet and respectful and obviously likes you a lot."
"I just get a creepy vibe from him and the way he looks at me makes me uneasy. I don't like how he acts or how he laughs or how he even looks..."
"I'm sure you'll relax if you spend more time with him." She says reassuringly and places a hand on my shoulder. "He asked me to talk to you and try to convince you to at least give him a chance. He says he's sure he doesn't just like you, he thinks he loves you and wants a chance to show you he loves you."
"Heidi he admitted this morning that he likes me but he also wants to have sex with me. You know I don't want to do that until I'm married."
"I know and I think you really should loosen up on the topic of sex. It's not like it's a bad experience."
"Maybe not but it's embarrassing! I'm already self conscious of how I look with clothes on and I definitely don't want anyone to see me with my clothes off. Not to mention I want to only have sex with one person and I want the guy I lose my virginity to too be special to me and love me and I want to love them." I tell her firmly and in a serious tone causing her to look at me and sigh.
"I know Krystal, I'm just saying it's not really a big deal. Plus it is called making love for a reason." She says as she sits down on the bench in front of her house.
"I know, it's just something I'm not comfortable with." I sigh and sit next to her.
"Well I hope someday you find someone you are comfortable with and you guys make love and enjoy the experience." She says sincerely. "In the meantime why don't you give Mike a chance? It won't hurt you to date him and I know he won't hurt you."
"My grandma would lose her mind..."
"Forget about your grandma! You deserve to be happy and let someone love you!" She shouts at me, making me feel bad.
"I guess. But I don't really like him..."
"I'm sure you'll grow to like him in time. Come on Krystal, it won't hurt to give him a chance." She says pleadingly. I look at her and see her face has a expression that's just begging me to say yes.
"I'll think about it." I sigh causing her to squeal happily.
We hang around for a few hours before it starts to get dark which signals that I have to go home even though I don't want too. If I stay out past sunset I get fussed at and lectured for hours about how I could be kidnapped or raped or killed, so I'd rather just avoid the drama and get home.
"I'm going home Heidi. I'll see you tomorrow."
"Alright. You know I think you're the only teenager in existence that still goes home at sunset." She says with sadness but also a bit amusement in her voice.
"You know I only do it so I don't have to hear her fussing. Well I'll see you tomorrow. Bye." I wave to her and start walking.
"Bye." She sighs. I start my walk home and hope that I don't see those girls outside, as I walk I start shaking from nervousness and anxiety as I get closer to their house. I see that they are outside and take a deep breath, they see me and smile evilly as they make their way to the sidewalk.
"Hi Krystal." Erica says evilly with amusement.
"Hey." I reply as I keep walking.
"Not going to stop and talk to us?" Crystal says with an attitude.
"I can't I have to go home." I reply and keep up my pace.
"What a fat bitch." I hear Erica mutter making me turn around and look only to see her smile sweetly.
"And that's why I don't like you guys." I whisper as I reach the corner only to see Mike rush up then hug me. "Mike, Hey." I say with surprise and hug him back, I look and see Crystal and Erica are looking at me with complete shock on their faces.
"Hey sweetheart I thought I'd walk you home." He says nicely and smiles as he grabs my hand and we start walking, I look back again to see them standing there like statues which made me smile. "Heidi told me they give you a hard time when you're alone so I rushed up to meet you here since I know you go home at sundown."
"Well thank you, I appreciate it. The look on their faces was priceless." I say happily and smile making him smile.
"Did Heidi talk to you?" He asks nervously as we keep walking.
"Yeah. I told her I'll think about it." I reply in a low soft tone.
"Well at least it's not a straight up no."
"I'll let you know ok? I just don't want to deal with my grandma if she finds out I have a boyfriend. She said I'm not allowed to date until I'm 30." I groan but he starts laughing.
"There's no way you are waiting until you're 30 to date." He laughs. "You're an adult at 18 and then you can do whatever you want."
"Yeah but Mike I'm not even 16 yet."
"Right, I forgot how old you were. You look really young still you know that? I think you could pass for a 12 year old with boobs." He laughs while I blush at his comment.
"Well I need to get inside. See you later." I say hurriedly and go to take out my key to unlock my front gate only to realize I was still holding his hand. I blush and let go which made him smile.
"Think about it Krystal. I really want to call you mine and mine alone. You're beautiful and sweet, kind and caring and absolutely adorable when you blush. You're perfect and I don't know why you don't see that..." Mike says softly and sincerely as he reaches out to touch my face but I back away.
"I told you this morning I don't see myself as attractive at all because of my weight. I just feel like guys only want me because they think I'll be easy. That's what the last guy I dated wanted and when I kept telling him no he broke up with me." I tell him sadly then watch his face go from sad to angry rather quickly.
"Who was it?" He asks menacingly which scared me.
"He's gone now so don't worry about it." I say nervously as I slip inside the gate and lock it back.
"I will find out and I'll make him pay." Mike says in a menacing tone. "See you later Krystal." He says before stomping off angrily. I hurry inside past my grandma and head into my room, she doesn't care what I do as long as I'm home so that's good news to me.
"That's why I fear you Mike. Just the look on your face told me you we're ready to kill and with the size you are I have no doubt that you could." I whisper to myself as I take out my homework and start working on it.
I do the best that I can on my homework but only find myself feeling discouraged about it. I just don't understand it no matter how many times I read the instructions and look at the examples. English I love and can pass easily, science is 50/50 depending on the subject, history I can pass if I have a teacher that makes it interesting but math I can't pass to save my life.
"Krystal come make your dinner!" I hear my grandma shout to me. I roll my eyes and go into the kitchen and take a TV dinner from out of the freezer and put it in the microwave. "Hurry up! I don't want anyone to see me." She whisper yells causing me to roll my eyes.
"Grandma, EVERYONE knows you sit at the door and watch." I tell her with annoyance as I watch her move to try to see everything while sitting in her chair still.
"Good. Let them know I watch so they know I see them. But I don't want to be seen!"
"That makes absolutely no sense..." I grumble as I grab my food and walk back to my room.
"It makes perfect sense to me!" She whisper yells as I pass by.
"Whatever you say..." I groan as I walk into my room and close my door.
I eat and try again to do my math homework only to find myself feeling even more discouraged so I just stop. I'd rather the teacher think I didn't do it over them thinking I'm stupid for not getting anything right even though there's instructions and examples on the paper.
I decide to just lay on my bed and think. I think about Mike and Heidi and what they said, I think about how he basically came to my rescue today and held my hand as he walked me home. Maybe Heidi is right and I just have to warm up to him, maybe I'll learn to like him over time. It won't be bad to have a guy that cares for and about me and looks out for me.
"I'll give him a chance, I just hope I don't end up regretting it." I whisper to myself then grab a book to read until bedtime.
I read a book I got from the library until it got late. I then changed my clothes and climbed into bed, I grab my teddy bear and cuddle it close. I have to sleep with something every night no matter what, it makes me relax and helps me feel comfortable so I can sleep. I take deep breaths and allow myself to drift off.
The next morning I wake up to my alarm and go about my normal routine, I squeeze past my grandma who is still sitting at the front door and make my way to school. On the way I pass by those houses again and see that those girls aren't outside so I rush by as quickly as I can without running.
"Krystal wait up!" I hear Mike call out to me and run up from behind. "I hate to bug you but did you think about it?" He asks rather shyly.
"I did and I decided I'll give you a chance. Just to see how it will be." I tell him and see a huge smile form on his face.
"So kinda like a test run?" He asks, I nod my head yes and he smiles. "I can deal with that. I'm happy you decided to give me a chance." He says happily and hugs me tightly.
"I need to get to school. You walking with me?" I ask him as I pull away from the hug.
"Nah I can't. I got somewhere to be but I'll see you later sweetheart." He says happily and with a smile then kisses my forehead before running off.
I sigh and keep walking to school, I feel excited but nervous about what the future holds.
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