I froze and my fist clenched so hard around my fork that the metal snapped in two and the others stared at me in shock.
"You found them?" I asked softly, in too much shock to realize what I had done as I dropped the pieces onto the table.
Rhysand cleared his throat. "Yes. They are in Spring Court, so you will obviously have to be careful. Perhaps talking to Feyre about the Court could be useful. You're looking for a High Fae in the guise of a guard with red hair. He likes to hang around the palace and then a nearby village tavern for pleasures. Learn what you need to and take what you need, but kill him and come back when it's done."
"Do you need evidence that the deed is done?"
"Only if you would find it satisfying to bring me proof. After all, your job is to take care of the ones that have hurt those I hold close to me. Starting with you because you would have fewer than my brothers or cousin." He looked at them and Cassian snickered.
"And you know this High Fae's name?" I asked and sipped my wine, swallowing hard.
"His name is Galahad. He had a scar on the left side of his face. Perhaps dressing in something more suitable to the Spring Court would aid you."
"I'd do that, except I doubt Spring Court Fae have round ears and giant ass bat wings." I said blandly and the the High Lord chuckled, a warm sound.
"No. Those wings are the pride of joy of we Illyrians. Azriel can instruct your further. I have other matters to address."
"When do I leave?"
"Tomorrow at dawn. Spend today and tonight preparing and doing anything you need to do before leaving for the Spring Court at dawn."
"It will be done as you have asked." I said and Rhysand nodded, then stood and left the dining room.
Mor turned a hateful glare on me, but before she could speak, I said, "If you have something to say against my mate and I, let's hear it."
Cassian stood up and stuffed some bread in his face and left the dining hall without another word. I didn't blame him.
I also didn't move my eyes from remaining locked onto Mor's. She glared at me and stood and said, "I have nothing to say to you of all people. Just know you don't have my approval or-"
"Sorry to burst your bubble, Mor, but you don't control Azriel or Cassian. Since I meet you I knew something happened between you three- something that connected you all- but what I will not deal with is petty jealousy. I love Azriel and he is my mate and I am his mate and he loves me. If you have an issue with that, I can't help you with it." I stood and tugged on the straps of the silver Syphons on my wrists and snarled, "And I don't need your approval. I never wanted it, anyways."
I then turned and stormed out of the dining hall, winnowing away to the library and I began to search through the stacks on intel on the Spring Court- anything we had available to us. The priestesses that lived there ignored me for the most part, and I didn't care.
Tears were stinging at my vision and I wiped at my eyes as I flipped through a book, but a rebellious tear slid down my cheek anyways.
I felt my knees buckle and I slumped to the floor, my back to a shelf and the tears came faster and I let out a sob as I stared at the ring still on my finger and ripped it off and tossed it as far away from me as I could.
I felt as if something in me tore in half as I did it, and the tears just fell faster. My arms wrapped around my stomach. I couldn't breathe.
Adrianna. My love, where are you?
Azriel's voice drifted down the bond to me and I clenched my jaw. A wisp of shadow brushed against my cheek and wiped away a tear.
Let me find you, please. Come out of the shadows. Let me see you.
I hadn't even noticed I had encased my entire body in shadows until I was invisible in the already-dark library. I slowly released the shadows and there he was, kneeling in front of me.
He scooped me up and set me in his lap and I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck. He gently rocked back and forth and kissed my tear-stained cheeks. He didn't say anything and just waited for me to speak.
When I finally did, it was hardly above a whisper. "There are some days I'm ok and can talk about it, but there are others when I can't. I trust Rhysand and the rest of you. In fact, I find it amazing that he wants to free me of my demons first but...I don't know if I'll be able to do it, Azriel. I-I don't know...I don't want to be alone again. Facing them."
"But you aren't alone, Adrianna." He said and gently tilted my face up so I had to look at him. "I am going with you."
"Y-You are?" I rasped and he nodded and kissed my forehead. "I-I need to play a part, Azriel, at the tavern with these men. Y-You're not going to like it. At all."
He paused for a moment, then said, "I know where your heart truly lies, Adrianna. I am not worried. But, I do ask that you have patience with me. I don't even like seeing Cassian touch you and he has referred to you being like a sister to him."
I was a little surprised at that and looked at him and said with a small smile, "You looked like you were going to kill him that day when he knocked my feet out from under me."
"I'd never kill him, but any other man that touches you...that's a different story. Even if they so much as look at you, I feel this anger in my chest and an uncontrollable desire to defend you. You're mine."
I rested a hand on his cheek and whispered, "I love you, Azriel. No one else. And whenever I see Mor look at you, I have to restrain myself from knocking her lifts out because you are mine."
His eyes drifted to my left hand where the ring no longer sat and he looked back at me. He leaned in closer and whispered, "I guess I'll have to find you a new ring, if you would like a replacement."
I moved my arms around his neck, hand accidentally grazing his wing and he shuddered. I moved my hand to his hair and then pulled him down to my lips and kissed him.
I twisted in his arms to sit in his lap facing him. He pulled his lips from mine and kissed my cheek, then trailed kisses down my neck and I bit my lip. His hands stayed settled on my waist.
His lips reached my collarbone and I shivered all over and my grip on his shirt tightened. I couldn't do it. I wanted to, but...
He looked up at me with a questioning look and I just shook my head, resting my forehead against his.
"What's wrong, love?" He whispered and ran his hands up and down my back soothingly.
"N-Not yet. Please." I managed to say weakly. He studied me carefully, then kissed my forehead, hand resting on my back of my head, fingers tangled in my hair.
"I will wait for you as long as you need, my love. I won't push you."
"Th-Thank you." I said and smiled at him and wondered how on earth I had managed to get him as my mate.
We had at some point winnowed to his room and I watched him switch back and forth between one green tunic and another.
I was mostly paying attention to his muscled chest and back, but the shirts were nice.
"So, how are we going to hide our wings?"
"With glamours." He replied and folded one green shirt and set it on a desk with a look of distaste. "I'll teach you the spell you'll need to use in order to hide them. Try this on." He said and tossed another green dress at me and I scoffed.
I stood up from the bed and walked over to the corner where panels stood and slid them in front of me. Once I had it on, I grimaced.
"I look like a slut." I said in distaste and he sucked in a sharp breath at the word, as if I had struck him, and I came out from behind the panels.
The neckline was very low and the dress hugged my curves. The sleeves hung off my shoulders and the bodice squeezed and lifted to make it look like my chest was larger than it was. I hated everything about it. Including the disgusting olive green.
But Azriel was looking at me with slightly raised eyebrows and mouth parted slightly. When I caught him looking at me like that, he coughed and said, "I think you look beautiful."
I blushed and said, "You're obligated to say that."
He tilted his head to the side. "Am I?"
I faltered. "I guess not. I guess you could always have wound up with an ugly mate."
"Then the Mother has blessed me with a stunning jewel." He paused. "Don't ever say that about yourself. The most valuable jewels have rough edges."
My face went even redder at that and I just went back behind the panels and changed into my fighting leathers again. "Training today?"
"You did challenge Cassian to an archery contest." Azriel said with a bit of an amused tone.
I rolled my eyes and came out to see him also in his leathers again.
I pulled at the leather bands that held my silver Syphons and said, "I guess that is true."
He walked over to me and rested his hands on my shoulders and placed a soft kiss on my forehead. I stepped in closer and wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him tightly. His arms circled around my shoulders and he rested his chin on my head again.
I didn't want to move away from him- ever again- but I did and said, "Let's go. Cassian will throw a fit if we don't get to the fields on time."
He smiled a little. "Yeah. And I don't feel like dealing with his temper tantrums when you beat him today."
"Aw, that poor baby." I said mockingly with a fake pout and he ruffled my hair and I gawked at him and furiously tried to fix it and dashed out of the room with a giggle and he chased after me.
He caught me around the waist and winnowed us to the tree line just outside the rink.
I wrapped my arms around his neck as he turned his head to the side and kissed me once more.
"I love you." He whispered.
"I love you, too." I say and kiss his cheek.
"Now. Go show him what archery is really like." He said with a grin and I nodded and winnowed away, the smile still plastered to my face.
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