welcome to Earth-1610B
"You're telling me. I'm in an alternate universe?"
You would think a guy bitten by a radioactive spider gaining powers along with fighting a couple of...strange...individuals. Especially one who could produce shock waves naturally, long story. You would think I would believe in something this crazy after those experiences. And that's where you would be wrong.
"That's got to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard of". Like hell I would believe in this horse shit! Me being transported to another world? What anime did I end up in?
"I think I have a way to prove it to you and to show a sign of good faith". He reached to the side of his suit, reaching into a small pocket. He's got pockets? how does he have pockets with that suit? and does that mean he has a utility belt? Pulling out a small cartridge he walked up before spraying something on the webs. Taking a step back the webs began to disintegrate allowing me to move.
Standing up he quickly put his hands up showing he didn't want to fight, or at least anymore. I still stayed on edge as I waited for his way of proving I was in another universe. Seeing that I wasn't going to punch him, yet, he put his hands down. He reached up, pulling off his mask.
"My name is Peter Parker, you?". Hearing his last name I felt my world begin to spin. Taking a step back I put my hand on the wall taking deep breaths. He grew a face of worry taking a step forward to help but I held my hand up stopping him.
This is really weirding me out, he looks just like Peter but instead of being a Northman he's a Parker. Can't believe he's blond though. Oh I feel dizzy again. I actually almost feel like I'm going to throw up with this whole thing. I was even hunched over preparing myself for if I did.
"Are you doing all right?"
"You can't be a parker", I said, still trying to disprove this. Maybe he's a clone? Maybe someone found out my secret identity and made a clone of Peter to get to me. We may not be considered friends but we do know each other pretty well.
"And the reason you can't be is because I'm a parker! My name is Jack Parker and I want to know what the hell is going on here!", I said letting my anger out. He put his hands up as a sign he meant no harm and to calm down. Taking a breath I slid down against the wall trying to figure things out.
"See? Let's just say I had my own little field trip in my early years as Spider-man. Met variants of my friends in that world. So I can understand what you're going through right now. Just know I can help you out if you want it". He reached his hand out to help me up. Hitting his hand to the side I stood up on my own.
"Not like I got much of a choice. Don't have money, or if you guys have it here, along with a place to live. I've literally got nothing except for the clothes I stole"
"You stole those?"
"Don't know what your talking about"
"Well I think I know someone you can stay with for the time being until I figure a way to send you home which I think I may know how but we can talk about that when we get to Aunt Mays", Peter said with a friendly smile.
"Sure and it would be nice to see a aunt may. God that sounded weird"
"It takes some time trust me", Peter said before putting his mask on. He walked toward the edge of the roof before holding his hand out to me.
"let's go". Giving him a confused look I soon realized what he wanted me to do. No way I'm doing that.
"I am not going to hold onto you while you swing across New york! That is beyond embarrassing for me!"
"Well considering you don't have a pair of web shooters this will be much faster, trust me"
"...We don't speak of this ever"
Time Skip Queens
"And here we are", Peter said while landing. The minute we hit the ground I held my stomach before throwing up. Oh my god that was, ugh that was terrible. I'm never getting one of those.
"You have motion sickness or something?"
"I'm never doing that again! ugh, I need a breath mint or something", I said catching my breath. Standing up I tried to take some deep breaths happy I wasn't breathing city air at the moment.
"Let's head inside". He took his mask off as I followed behind him taking it slow afraid I'll throw up again.
We walked inside entering the kitchen. Peter said I could take a seat at the table while he goes to get his aunt may. When he left the room though I got a glass of water before sitting down. Wonder if they have Tylenol or something similar. I've now got a pounding headache. Again I'm happy I don't have a pair of web shooters. I can't handle the speed and force of swinging through the city at that speed.
"So this is our other universe traveler?"
"This is Aunt ma...wait a second! she knows your Spider-man?"
"Yeah, long story but she actually took it very well at the time. Did you ever tell your aunt may?"
"Hell no! she would kick my ass! she already gives me hell for when she suspects I'm doing something against the law. You should see her when she does. I swear she's half ready to cut me into pieces and hide them somewhere in the Deloca desert". Just thinking about it is making me shudder.
"Language, and is this supposed to be a variant of you?", May asked Peter.
"uh, kind of. For starters his name is Jack Parker and you know what. Are you a spider-man?"
"No way I would ever be called that", I said, earning a laugh from May. Peter just gave her a side glance.
"They call me the "The Spook" where I come from though I had no say in the name but it doesn't bother me". There was a moment of silence between us all with Peter looking at me confused and May thinking about something.
"Have to give it to the kid, his name sounds better", May said, earning a groan from peter. For me I couldn't help but laugh. Guess this Aunt May is pretty similar to mine even though they do look different. It made me feel better about my situation.
"Ignoring that, let me explain how I think you got here", Peter said, removing his mask. Leaning back in my chair I crossed my arms ready to hear his explanation.
"I've been investigating Wilson Fisk after busting an arms deal but turns out they were smuggling parts. Turns out they are parts to build a particle accelerator but I don't know why but with you here I think I may know now. You must have been pulled from your universe when they switched it on. New York has been witnessing small earthquakes and I think it's because of the accelerator opening a path into the multiverse but I don't know why he's doing it". Wilson Fisk? I wonder if he's the same as mine but from what I'm hearing I don't think so.
"So because of some rich prick I got yanked out of my universe?"
"Basically". Taking a sip of water I set the glass down before holding my face in my hands. I can not believe this is happening to me. What happened to just being a powered teenager dealing with his anger issues by beating thugs go. Oh god! I wonder how Aunt May will take this. There's not telling how long I could be here too.
"How long will it take to get me back?"
"not sure, it could be soon. Just give me some time to work on something and we'll be able to send you home along with stop Fisk. Trust me"
"Not like I have much of a choice", I said standing up and walking away.
"Wait, where are you going?", May said, chasing me.
"Just need to go for a walk to process everything". Feeling a hand on my shoulder I turned toward the hand I saw May giving me a friendly smile. The simple gesture told me I was more than welcome here. Guess this Aunt May is more like mine than I thought.
Once she took her hand off I walked out of the house throwing my hood up. Then I walked just thinking about everything going on. I've found myself stuck in an alternate universe where a superhero known as "spider-man" lives. Turns out he's a variant of me except more heroic which sickens me. On top of that he seems to be some kind of scientific genius. Oh and let's not forget the best part! I'm here because of some guy who thinks he can make whatever he wants no matter the damage it does to people's lives!!! In a fit of anger I punched a nearby wall slamming my fist through it.
Taking deep breaths I noticed everyone in the street staring at me. Looks like I walked back into the city. Taking my hand out I saw people crowding around me with their phones out taking video. Having everyone look at me like a freak show made my anger worse. Pulling my hood up more I jumped high into the air before kicking off a wall to get to the rooftops.
Once I was on high ground I started to jump rooftop to rooftop while jumping, sliding, or clambering over anything that got in my way. It felt nice to be traveling on rooftop. I always felt at peace parkouring through New York's rooftops. The air hitting my face and the sounds of the busy city felt nice especially at night. Even with this I still felt my anger because of everything going on.
All things happen for a reason, Jack Parker. Just be patient...
Stopping in my tracks I looked around to see where the voice came from. Who the hell was that? It sounded like a woman? On edge I tried to see some signs of if I was being watched. Maybe me being transported here is causing me to hallucinate.
"Someone help!"
Perfect, something to take my mind off things. Running across the rooftops I tried to listen in to where the cry for help came from. Hearing another shout I was able to pinpoint where it came from. Stopping on the edge I hopped over the edge sticking to the wall to see two men robbing a woman. My god, why is always a guy robbing a girl. It's such a stereotype nowadays. using my camouflage ability I crawled down the wall before dropping down then creeping up on the men.
Right when I was behind them I turned off my power ready to let off some anger. Before I could get their attention I felt something stick to my back and the other two. Wait a second. Thinking quickly I turned around grabbing the web and pulling it down. hearing a shout of surprise a finger fell down hitting some trash cans. Looking at what I grabbed I saw it was a web. Did he follow me?
"shit it's spider....wait who are....". Not giving either a chance I punched one in the face launching him across the alley then quickly kicked the other in the chest making him hunch over before grabbing the back of his jacket throwing him into the alley wall knocking both out easily. Wish I could have prolonged the fight to let loose some of my anger but that's not happening now. Looking at the woman I nodded my head to the side telling her to beat it. She ran away while thanking me.
"I can not believe you! I told you I needed time to process things and you decided to follow me!! That's it, round 2!"
Running at Peter I came at him with a roundhouse but he lowered his body making me miss. I had to move my head to the side to dodge a counter kick. So he decided to fight this time, perfect! He quickly pushed off the ground performing a spinning kick but I caught his leg throwing him to the alley entrance but he was able to land on his feet but I was already back on him. Throwing a flurry of punches he blocked each while trying to counter with his own but none landed including mine. Suddenly he flipped backwards trying to hip me with a kick but I leaned back feeling the kick skin my chin. When he landed his flip I got a better look at him to see it...wasn't peter?
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