Vacation Days Part 3
"you can take a seat next to mister parker"
"Thanks", I said heading over. Taking a seat I got a glare from y/n which brought some form of glee for me. Guy has been pissing me off since I got here.
"I thought we agreed you would stay at the house. how did you even get into the school?", y/n said.
"First off I didn't agree to that and second May helped enroll me here. Thought it was a good idea I went? like hell"
"*sigh* just make sure not to hurt someone"
"No promises", I said with a chuckle. Felt nice to be the one annoying him this time. Just wish he would take this more seriously. Though one thing kept going through my head though. What energy was No Name speaking of? looking at my hand I remembered the first time I learned about my new power. How far could I go with it?
"Mister Reacher, perhaps you could answer the question", the teacher said, knocking me out of my thoughts.
"I'm sorry what?"
"I know it's your first day here mister Reacher but do try to pay attention. I was wondering if anyone knew who is considered the found of the byzantine empire"
"That would be Constantine the 1st, with many more to follow. Also one of the first emperors to change his faith to Christianity and even ending the years long persecution of Christianity and it's believers beginning the religions rise to power in the empire"
"Very good mister Reacher and also a friendly reminder to have your permission slips signed for the upcoming trip to Europe. Now moving on", he said before continuing on with the lesson. Leaning back I listened to the rest but saw y/n staring at me with Peter.
"How'd you know that?", y/n asked genuinely impressed.
"I'll admit, you don't really seem like a history guy", Peter commented. I just glared at him before answering.
"I might not be good at science but I do love history. Anything about it fascinates me. That it be American history or world history. My dad was....nevermind", I said, having a memory flash through my mind. y/n picked up on my hesitance to talk about my dad.
The before mentioned memory I was having was the first time my dad took me to a museum. It was the metropolitan museum or nicknamed "the met". Seeing the different art pieces from all over the world made me fall in love with history. Especially the armory part of the museum that showed off weapons and armor from Europe and Japan. Actually got me more interested in Japanese history too. It was a happy memory of a better time.
"So, guess you have some kind of child trauma going on", y/n says crossing a line.
"Don't push it", I said glaring at him in anger. He held his hands up backing off as I focused back on the lesson. The rest of the day came and went until we got to lunch which was the first time I wished there wasn't a lunch period.
"Emo y/n!"
"I swear I'm about to break something"
Me, y/n, and peter were sitting at a lunch table together before the Mary Janes walked by. Peter and y/n were having a nice conversation while I was just keeping to myself. Now I have to deal with this shit again because they decided to sit down with us. Apparently they wanted to know more about my universe with Gloria flirting again. Her flirting had nothing on Felicia's though. She could say things that would make a nun blush.
"how big...."
"Enough out of you!", I said, cutting Gloria off. Didn't need to be a psychic to know what she was about to ask.
"Jeez Gloria, what is up with you lately?", Gwen asked.
"Just been looking for a boyfriend is all *sigh*", she said, explaining herself. This earned some giggles from the other girls.
"Someone help me", I said to myself. Suddenly y/n's phone started buzzing. Taking a look at it he showed it to me. It was a crime in progress alert about a powered individual robbing a bank. What looked like a computer program with the title "D.A.R.C." popped up showing nearby video footage. It showed the one man I've been looking for, no name.
Not wasting a moment I stood up heading for the exit. Getting off school grounds I headed into an alley taking my clothes off to show my spook suit. Getting to the top of a roof I stashed my clothes before heading to the crime scene. Thankfully No Name wasn't really being subtle so all I had to do was follow the noise. Running across a rooftop I heard the sound of a thwip before seeing y/n next to me swinging on a web.
"hey, you left me behind! kind of rude don't you think?", He said, swinging past me. Jumping through the air I rolled onto another rooftop that was overlooking the scene. y/n landed next to me in a crouched position as we watched to see what was going on.
Police cars stood outside the front with two swat cars as they watched the entrance. Soon No Name came out with six armed men before looking at the police surrounding him. They did the typical cliché thing of asking them to drop their weapons and surrender which like most don't listen. Dropping the duffel bags he formed two energy orbs in his hands before firing them into the two swat vans with an explosion sending them flying through the air with one landing smashing through two police cars which luckily the officers were able to jump out of the way.
"Guess he really needed to withdraw some money", y/n commented.
"Focus", I said, jumping down landing on one of the police cars. The policemen were startled but happy to see me thinking I was y/n but I didn't care.
No Name continued to throw energy blasts while the armed men with him loaded up their haul in a van. With No Name occupied I ran at him not wanting to waste this opportunity to capture him. Sadly I didn't escape his attention for long. Seeing me he sent another energy blast I dodged by rolling under it but then jumped over another. Getting close to him I hit his arm to the side dodging another blast before kicking him in his face then sending a flying knee into his face after. Slamming his fist into the ground he caused a shockwave but I flipped back dodging it. Landing on my feet I saw him get into the van before driving off.
Watching him drive off I heard the sound of two motorcycles. Looking to the side I saw two of the armed men on motorcycles. I started running toward where they were going as I saw y/n chase after No Name. One motorcycle got past me but I jumped through the air with a sidekick knocking the second biker off his bike knocking him unconscious. Walking over I grabbed his bike, picking it up and revving it before speeding off after No Name.
Getting close to No Name I saw y/n swinging while dodging No Name's blasts along with gun fire. I bobbed and weaved out of traffic using the distraction to get closer to the van. This didn't last long since No Name saw me once again. With anger he started sending energy blasts my way. They were difficult to dodge and each time I did I slowly was getting farther away to then get closer. Looking up at y/n I tried to signal him to get No Name's attention. Thankfully he caught what I was trying to say.
"last call for Spidey express!", he said, slingshotting into no name. No Name was quick to recover, firing a blast into his chest sending him flying out the back.
Before he hit the ground I caught him by his arm before swinging him to the back of the bike. Looking at No Name I could tell he was pissed because of his eyes. Looking around he saw a billboard that shot down using an energy blast. The billboard fell landing on a couple of cars putting it at an angle making it into a makeshift ramp. Telling y/n to hold on I popped a wheelie driving up the billboard making us land on the rooftops. This just got harder.
"You good back there?"
"Then get your ass off the bike and get after him", I said while jumping to the next rooftop. Standing up he jumped off the bike before web swinging after No Name again while I followed from rooftop.
We still couldn't get close enough to the van. y/n tried to get close by trying to slingshot again but only got a blast to the chest from no name but I wasn't able to catch him this time. I watched him land on the hood of the car before looking ahead of me to see the next rooftop was too far away to jump to. I've got an idea for one last ditch effort. Speeding up the bike to go as fast as possible just before I reached the edge of the building I hit the brakes causing me to be launched through the air toward the van. Thankfully I timed it right to land on top of it.
Turning around I saw No Name climbing up. Red electricity circulated around his arms as he glared at me. Wasting not another second I flew at No Name with a flying sidekick which he blocked. Dropping down I leg sweeped him making him fall on his back. Getting on top of him I laid into him with punches he tried to block. He tried to protect his face. I hit his chest and if he protected his chest I went for his face. Putting my hands together I was about to slam it into his head he shot a blast of energy into my chest. Flying off the van I hit the hard concrete road causing cars to suddenly stop as I rolled on the ground.
"argh, fuck that hurt. Going to definitely need some aspirin or something stronger to deal with this pain", I said, picking myself up. All I could do was watch the van get away. Pretty sure the bike is totaled so I won't be able to continue the chase. Fuck, we lost him. I walked out of the middle of the road right when y/n showed up.
"Where's No Name?"
"He got away", I said, holding my side in pain. Hope I didn't break a rib. Those take a little longer to heal.
"Guess he got his withdrawal right? man will be rolling in that dough for awhile", he said with a chuckle. That's it! Grabbing him by the shoulder I punched him in the jaw sending him to the ground. This caught many people's attention.
"Is that all you can do! crack jokes while a supervillain is running around in YOUR city!? what the fuck is the matter with you!"
"whoa Jack, calm down we'll find him", y/n said holding his jaw in pain.
"Calm down! Calm down!? how the fuck am I supposed to do that when my only ticket home just got away!?"
"Let's just head back and think of a new plan", he said while putting a hand on my shoulder. Grabbing his arm I pulled him into my knee. Not done, I grabbed him, shoving him face first into a wall.
"ah, that hurt. Cheap shot", he said, making me angrier. Even now he's still cracking jokes without a care. Walking up I threw a punch but he caught my fist. I just went into a back kick in response slamming his back into a wall.
"Spook, stop! this isn't going to solve anything!"
"not for you", I said before running at him. Seeing I wasn't going to back down he got into a fighting stance to defend himself. Good, I don't want this to be easy.
"Ever since I got here all you've done is make your wise cracks while taking nothing seriously! make me wonder if you even deserve to be spider-man!", I said, making his eyes go wide.
"I know you're angry Jack but you don't know what I've gone through to get here. please, let's just talk this out", he said trying to deescalate the situation.
"Look who's finally deciding to act like an adult instead of an immature child!", I said, throwing a punch he blocked. He jumped back sticking to the wall while holding his hands out trying to stop me.
"Please Jack, I don't want to fight you!"
"I don't want to fight you Jack"
"I wouldn't want to fight me neither"
Jumping at him I tried to hit him with a knee but ended up hitting the wall instead. We continued to exchange blows up the wall but it was mainly me throwing attacks. The whole time y/n was on defense not wanting to fight me or it seems hurt me. Sadly I didn't feel the same. While dodging one of my punches I landed a solid kick to his jaw launching him onto the roof. Walking up I dropped down from the ledge as he picked himself up.
"ok, seems words aren't going to work here. So I guess I'll have to speak your language then"
Seems he's not going on the offensive now. Getting close he threw multiple punches I was able to block or dodge. Throwing a spinning kick I caught it before throwing him to the side but he landed on his feet. I chased after him jumping up in the air coming down with a punch he dodged making my fist go through the floor. Pulling it out I met a foot to my face making me stumble back before he punched me in the groin Johnny Cage style. In a fit of anger I front kicked him in the chest launching him into an AC unit caving it in. I fell to a knee holding my groin in pain while he slid to the ground in a sitting position.
"You know...what..fuck this. I'll find...him on my own", i said walking away with a noticeable limp.
"Jack, wait!", y/n said, picking himself up.
"You stay the hell away from me! come any closer and I'll make sure I break every bone in your body!", I said, making him stop. Giving him one last glare I walked away.
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