Twos Part 3
"The spook!!"
"Yes I am, glad we both know who I am. Now back to the part where I need your help"
"Of course! Anything for you! What do you need my help with?"
"Need help figuring out where my imposter may be next. Had a nice run in with him earlier tonight at the Met. Guys almost a perfect copy of me. Was able to almost copy all my powers and skills. Which included my fighting moves too", I said, explaining in a way that was easy. Looking at Peter he had a huge grin while shaking in place out of excitement. I'm already regretting this.
"I knew he would be at the Met! did he get away with the diamond?", peter asked with too much excitement I was comfortable with. Crossing my arms I just went silent staring at him.
"Oh sorry, I got a little too excited. Kind of a dream come true at the moment. After robbing so many other criminals during heists allowed him to fund his main mission of stealing the diamond. It was the most logical next step since the diamond is worth half a billion dollars"
"Well it's not that simple, turns out he wanted to hire me for the cliché villain reason. The bullshit help me take over New York and rule it alongside me, I don't rule. I'm also not in the mood to let this asshole take over the city along with running around acting like me. So I REALLY need to find this guy". Peter looked at me full of admiration, not going to lie it was weird. That admiration though soon turned into a thinking face.
"How did you know the imposter would be there?", he asked. Oh shit, I didn't think this part through. Was hoping he didn't ask that question. I have to think of something fast. Say something smart!
"Lucky guess". That was a stupid answer! couldn't have thought of something smarter! my god I'm a dumbass!
"Well that was one hell of a lucky guess. I actually was about this...", Peter said, treading off. I just looked at him confused on why he just suddenly stopped talking.
"You ok?", I asked slightly worried I broke him. Soon his eyes went wide with his mouth going agape. Oh shit, oh fuck!!
"Now hold on a sec......"
"JACK!!". Fuck it, tearing off my mask I glared at him shutting him up. Peter looked petrified so I walked to the side grabbing a chair sitting him down in it while I stood in front of him.
"Look, we can deal with this whole Identity reveal later but right now I have an imposter robbing people and making me look bad! If anyone makes me look bad it's going to be me! so shake it off and help me!"
"My best friend is the spook", he said in a state of shock. Don't have time for this!
"oh for the love of!", I said before slapping Peter across the face. He was knocked out of his shock now alert.
"Welcome to earth, let's get back on topic"
"honestly Sp-Jack I'm not sure where he could be next. There isn't enough evidence to point us in the right direction. All I've been able to gather is where he's stopped heists turning it into his own. There's not any more I can go off of". Hearing that I tried to think of some way I could draw him out or track him down. Nothing came to mind though based on how little we had. This guy is definitely a professional.
"This guy is good, he's covered his tracks well. If only there was some way for me to track him so I can find where he sleeps at night next time I face him. That would give me an element of surprise along with allowing me to find out who he actually is. On top of that I need to show that someone is running around acting like me. How did things get this complicated?", I said leaning over Peter's work bench. Wish it was as simple as just some petty thugs or a bank robbery, I'll take just a street mugging at this point.
"I could help with finding where he lives part", Peter chimed in. Looking over my shoulder I waited for him to continue.
"One of the things I made is a small disk that can attach to any surface. Acts as a tracking device, I got tired of Flash stealing my books and hiding them all over the school so thought it was a good idea to make a way to track them by putting one in each of my books. They're very light weight and stick pretty well so you could slip it onto him", Peter said while opening a drawer.
Walking over he reached into the drawer grabbing his device. Picking it up I got a closer look at it to see it was the size of a dime. One side had the adhesive meant to stick it to anything with the other holding the small parts with a flashing red light to show it was on. This could actually work. It's so light that if I was to slip it on him during a fight he wouldn't even know it was on him.
"And I tricked out a burner phone to be able to track it", Peter said, handing me an old flip phone. Flipping it open it showed a GPS map of New York with a black dot blinking showing the tracker.
"Guess I'll have to wait until he shows up next time to slip this on him. He shouldn't be causing anymore trouble tonight after our little fight. Should be able to get some good sleep tonight", I said, turning around to head home.
"Wait! But I have so many questions!"
The chihuahua is the most annoying dog breed you'll ever meet! Why am I mentioning this? easy. It's because Peter is embodying what makes a chihuahua a dog from hell!! Hate that I got myself into this situation.
"Can you shoot webs?"
"No and thank god"
"How much can you lift?"
"not sure"
"Did you make the suit?"
"No, will you please stop with the questions!?! You've been at this before we even got into the cafeteria! It's to a point I'm tempted to knock you out just to shut you up!", I said, slamming my fist on the table. Peter just gave me a nervous smile after my outburst.
"Can you blame me!? my best friend is the spook! This is the greatest thing in my life! Do you need a guy in the chair?", Peter asked, jittering with excitement. Giving him a glare I gave him my answer.
"Don't push it, I'm better working alone. Don't work well with others though I will admit I have worked with other people before", I said, getting really annoyed with all of this. If he asks one more question I will not be held accountable for what happens next when he does. Thankfully my saving grace came from a stranger sitting at our table.
A food tray was set down next to me drawing me and Peter's attention. It was a girl wearing all black and just screamed issues, not that I'm judging. Sharing a quick look with Peter I leaned back looking around to see if there were any other areas she could have sat which there were. Fun fact, most people avoid me at school because they're not sure if I'll either fight you or just insult you until you want to leave which at a time was true. People still do avoid me along with Peter at lunch leaving a whole table to ourselves. So why is she here?
"and you are?"
"Andi, Andi Adams"
"ok, why are you sitting here?", I asked curious about her boldness. Again, no one usually likes sitting next to us. Call us the rejects or whatever you want.
"Wanted a place that was somewhat away from the morons of this school", she said while eating a fry. We've just met and I already like her attitude. She's more than welcome here.
"Yeah just make sure you stay away from some certain few. Sure you'll lose some brain cells if you talk to them too long", I commented earning a laugh from Peter. Andi though just gave me an emotionless look which seemed to creep out Peter.
"Never caught your names", she said with a lack of emotion. Felt like I was talking to a corpse right now.
"Jack Parker and Peter Northman", I said, introducing ourselves with Peter giving a friendly wave. She held her hand out for a handshake which I took.
"Nice to meet some competent people it seems", she said, shaking my hand. Oh she's going to fit in well here.
"Well your more than welcome here"
"acceptable", she said which I guess was her form of a thank you. For the rest of the period we got to know our new table mate. God that sounded stupid.
Turns out today was her first day which makes sense because I've never seen her around. She was kicked out of her school after almost having a student fed to some piranhas she stole from the zoo. Apparently they were picking on her brother which she stated only she is able to do. Go to say I love her dedication to getting some payback. So after being expelled while escaping charges her parents moved to New York city.
"You actually got real piranha's! oh my god that's hilarious", I said laughing so hard. Especially after she told us he lost a testacle.
"You have a sick sense of humor Jack", Peter said with a face of disgust. Suddenly his phone buzzed. Pulling it out he turned it on before his eyes went wide.
"You guys might want to see this", Peter said, turning his phone to us. Looking at his phone my anger skyrocketed while Andi had a look of interest. On his phone was a news broadcaster showing a live feed from city hall with the headline.
"Spook takes Mayor Hostage"
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