The Detective
I've decided it's time to meet my mystery detective. Been scoping the precinct he works at to see when would be the best time for us to have a private conversation. You might be asking why I want to know this? It's just because I don't trust him. If someone sticks their neck out for me like that, part of me thinks he's up to something and after having chameleon play around with me like I'm some kind of pawn. Like hell I'm going to let this guy do the same if he is.
It wasn't too hard to find the station he worked at. Usually you can find out what detectives work at each precinct by looking up each precinct. This is so the public can have easy access to reach out to a detective if it involves a case they're most likely taken on. The public can help a lot when it comes to certain investigations. Why do you think they ask witnesses questions at scenes?
Anyways I've spent a couple of days watching the precinct. Of course I've dealt with some crime in the area while I did so. Maybe doing this for personal means but it doesn't mean I'm going to put it above others' well being. It didn't take long to figure out the best time to meet up with him. Guys a heavy smoker. So I just have to wait until he takes a smoke break, which he likes to do on the roof. I guess he likes the view or peace and quiet.
While he smoked I stood in the shadows waiting to see if he noticed my Presence or not. Watching him he just smoked in peace. Letting out some smoke he set his cigarette down on an ashtray he brought up with him. Found it weird since no one comes up to the rooftop since I've been watching. Leaning against the edge he let out a sudden laugh.
"How long are you going to sulk in the shadows mate?". Seeing there was no point in hiding now I came out of the shadows. Picking up his cigarette he put it back between his lips.
"Honestly, I was expecting you to visit sooner. Wondering why I stopped those officers, aren't ya?"
"I am, what's your aim?", I said, staring at him. This just earned another light hearted laugh from him.
"Bloke can't just do a nice thing from time to time", he said while letting out some smoke. Hearing that put me on edge.
"Experience has taught me everything comes at a price. Not everything is done out of the kindness of your heart. That includes myself", I said not believing his words. Dropping his cigarette he stomped it out.
"You're not wrong Spook. We humans are selfish beings in nature but at times our actions do have good intentions even if they are selfish in some way. Can you say your doing this out of the kindness of your heart?"
"Yes and no. Doesn't mean I should trust you", I said truthfully wondering when we would get to the point.
"your right, especially since I'm the lead investigator meant to track you down and find out who you are". Hearing that puts me on edge now. Looking around I tried to see any signs of a SWAT sniper or Police meant to rush in and arrest me. Seeing no one I glared at the detective ready to punch his lights out if this was an ambush.
"Now calm down mate, believe it or not I was against the investigation. Actually spoke out against it multiple times but they still wanted me to continue anyway. Bunch of rubbish ain't it?", he said while taking out another cigarette. This guy is really putting me on edge.
"What? a part of my fan club or something?", I said, still not trusting what he's saying. He just let out a tired sigh along with some smoke before speaking.
"Just by the way you operate you know this world isn't a nice one, especially in New York. We cops have lines we can't cross, lines you can. Back home when I was a detective constable I saw things wishing I could have done more. But thanks to the red tape we should have done something but couldn't, leading to people getting hurt or killed. It's why I wish I could do the things you do", he said. Watching him talk about this I saw a look in his eyes I was familiar with. The look of losing someone.
"Who did you lose?", I asked surprising him. Taking a deep breath he surprisingly answered.
"My daughter was kidnapped. We had a lead on someone who could connect us to the kidnapper but he was under surveillance by OSCT. Apparently he was hiding terrorist cells for the Taliban. They decided it was more important to let him run free than to bring him in. By the time I was able to figure out a way to bring him in her body was found. After that my marriage fell apart and I transferred here to bet away from things"
"Believe it or not I went through something similar but I could never understand what it was like to lose a daughter at the same time. It's why I do what I do. Could say it's my selfish reason for helping those I can", I said feeling like I was looking at myself.
"Then maybe we can work together", he said, holding his hand out. Walking up I shook it agreeing to this partnership.
"I would like that. Tired of avoiding the police so much and what about the investigation on me?"
"After you saved the mayor word is going around they may disband the investigation so it may not last for long. Not saying you shouldn't keep an eye out after. Some of these wankers don't like what you do. Most by the book blokes"
"Good thing I'm not easy to kill"
"Ain't that right, oh never introduced myself. Names Bridgerton, James Bridgerton"
"Well, be seeing you then", I said, taking my leave. Walking to the ledge I was about to jump down but Bridgerton said something stopping me.
"You are a hero Spook, just not the one people realize they need yet". Looking over my shoulder for a moment I jumped down then pushed off the building flying through the air while camouflaging. Landing onto a rooftop I ran across the rooftop deciding to find some good to do tonight. Flipping through the air I kept my eyes and ears open. Rolling onto the next one I climbed a water tower watching over the area seeing if anything caught my eye.
Looking up at the sky I saw a meteor shower going on. Didn't know one was passing over New York tonight. Had to admit it looked beautiful and it had me thinking about someone but even though I promised we would see each other again. I'm starting to doubt my words but I won't give up. I'll hold onto it as long as I can. Who knows, could figure out dimension travel on my own. Doubt it, I don't have the mind for it.
Watching the shower I noticed that one of the meteors was going off course heading for me!! Shit! Jumping off the water tower the meteor barely missed me going straight through the water tower. Landing on the ground I got worried that it went through the building possibly hitting someone. Thankfully it seems it lost a lot of its momentum due to the water towers wood and water. So it just made a small crater on the roof. Walking up it had scorch marks around it.
The meteor was strange though. Most meteors are gray looking like a rock which it is but this one was pure black. It almost looked liquid looking at it. Kneeling down to it I reached my hand out touching it. Then suddenly a black tendril touched my hand and for a quick second memories that I couldn't understand flashed through my head. Whipping my hand back I looked at the meteor now no longer looking liquid. Looking at my hand there were no signs of that black tendril.
"What the fuck was that?", I said messaging my wrist. Lack of sleep must be getting to me, maybe I should turn in for the night. It's been pretty quiet even before I met the detective so I think New York will hopefully be fine for the rest of the night. Have a feeling I'm going to need an energy drink in the morning.
Thankfully it didn't take too long to get home. Did stop by a convenience store for that energy drink just in case. Got some stares and someone wanting a photo which I obliged a little too tired to say no. Sneaking in through my window I took off my mask before changing into some comfy clothes which consisted of a plain black shirt and some sweatpants. Laying down on my bed I opened my phone to see if I missed any messages. Looks like I missed one from Peter it seems. It was strange all I saw was a link with a simple message of "you need to see this". Opening the link my eyes went wide and my blood boiled with rage.
"AHHH!!!!", I yelled standing up and throwing my phone against the wall. Breathing heavily I looked at my cracked phone showing a news article.
Joseph "hammerhead" Harrow wakes up from coma!
"What is this plan you have to deal with The Spook?", a man asked walking alongside another.
"As you know comrade he has been picking our dealers off one by one. True he may not be going after the heads specifically but he has been interrupting our drug trade none the less. We're losing money Victor!", the man said showing hints of anger.
"What would you have me do comrade?", Victor said. Walking into a room the first man turned on a light. In the middle of the room was a giant suit of armor held up by chains. Victor walked up amazed with how advanced it looked with it standing almost seven feet tall.
"How did you get this Reznov?", Victor asked still looking it over amazed.
"It was an exo-skeleton put together by our countries greatest minds but our foolish leaders saw no use in it. Favoring tanks and guns over something that would make them worthless against it. Thankfully I had connections still when I left the KGB which allowed me to acquire the prototype", Reznov said with a chuckle. Wrapping an arm around Victor he held his hand out to the suit.
"I give you project "Rhino"
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