Hunter and Prey-Finale
"Kraven? sorry to say but this ain't a forest or a jungle. You're out of your depth here "Hunter". SO, do you want to do this the easy way or the hard way? Please pick the hard way", I said, cracking my knuckles. Suddenly they threw a Knife but I caught it by its hilt just in front of my eye. Dropping it at my feet I smirked.
"hard way it is"
We both ran at each other as he had a crazed smile on his face. He drew two knives from inside his vest, fun. Once we met each other he slashed at me multiple times as I dodged and weaved before countering with a spinning back kick he blocked with both his arms. The kick pushed him back before he came at me faster than before. How'd that happen? Dodging to the side of one of his slashes I punched him in the side but it did nothing to slow him down. Coming down with another knife he scraped my arm as I dodged. Backing up I felt the cut to feel it was only a glaze. Great, now I need to know how to sew, wonderful.
He didn't give me another moment to breathe though as he was back on me. Again I turned to the side to dodge one of his knives to only get nicked again, shit. Deciding to go on the offensive I ran at him low, tackling him for a moment before throwing him into a wall. Staying low again I came at him with an uppercut that grazed his chin as he bent his head to the side. Damn it. He quickly countered with a roundhouse kick hitting me in my side making me stumble to the side but quickly recover.
"You fight well but you lack the instinct", he said before running back at me. Once he got close I came at him with a right hook but in a surprising feat of agility he jumped over me slashing my back.
"AH! fucker!", I said quickly standing back up. This is getting annoying. As I turned around he was in the air with both knives raised. Reacting quickly I jumped to the side while also kicking him in the chest making him fly through the air.
When he hit the ground he rolled into a kneeling position. Taking some time to catch my breath I stood on guard. Fighting this guy is crazy. The look in his eyes and that crazed smile. The way he moves too is precise but had a raw nature to it. I feel like I'm fighting an actual animal right now. If anything I feel like I'm fighting a lion.
He stood up slowly keeping that crazed smile as he reached next to him grabbing his spear from the thief's corpse. Shit, didn't even realize where he landed. He spun it in one hand before having the tip pointed at the ground and the shaft resting behind his back. He knelt down getting ready to pounce as I got ready. Suddenly I heard sirens outside. About time the police showed up! Kraven stood straight before leaning his head back letting out a long disappointed sigh.
"Shame, I was just having fun. We'll have to continue this another time spider when we don't have anyone who could interrupt us", he said, grabbing a small ball from a pouch. Not wasting a moment I ran at him fist raised as he threw the ball down creating a smoke screen. Going through the smoke my fist landed against the vault missing him.
Looking around I tried to find a sign of where he went. Seeing that he wasn't in the bank anymore I fell to a knee feeling my adrenaline wearing off. To a point I fell against the vault exhausted. Never have I fought a guy like this before. He's obviously more skilled than me. if I had to guess from hunting different prey. Hearing footsteps I looked to their source to see police officers with Detective Bridge. Looking at the body next not far from me I feared the worst. Really don't want to beat some cops up again.
"Spook! you ok mate?", Bridge said holstering his gun. The others followed shortly.
"I'll live Detective, sadly can't say the same for him", I said looking at the body.
"Holy shit, did you do that?", one of the officers asked. I gave him an annoyed look.
"No, was killed by a spear from some guy who calls himself "Kraven". Fucking lunatic with knives", I said standing up with help from the detective. Once fully up I leaned on the wall to support me.
"Calling the kettle black there ain't ya?"
"Don't push it detective. Not in the mood for jokes right now"
"You sure you'll be fine?", he asked.
"Good night's sleep and I'll be back on my feet. Doesn't mean everything hurts like hell right now. Next time I see him I'm going to enjoy wrecking his", I said holding my side. God it's going to be a pain to repair this suit.
"I'll do some digging on this "Kraven" fellow. You sure you don't want someone to take a look at ya?"
"Trust me Detective, I heal fast. By tomorrow my injuries will just be a painful memory and lesson", I said, starting to walk away.
"So you got attacked by a hunter fanatic?"
"In a sense yes Peter. I did"
"Your body's ability to heal is fascinating", Andi commented. I could see a dangerous glint in her eyes.
"No! I am not going to partake in any of your experiments"
"Shame", she said looking down.
"Last thing I need is you inflicting pain onto me on purpose to see what injuries I heal fast from and how fast I heal"
"Yeah Andi, I don't think Jack wants to be a pin cushion. Especially after last night", Peter said with a smirk. Andi chuckled as I just gave them each a glare.
"I swear Peter one of these days I'm going...."
Before I could continue my sentence Kraven came crashing through the lunchroom windows. Landing on a table he stood up looking around the terrified high school students before they all ran screaming. What the hell is he doing here? Need to get to an area where no one can see me .
"I can take care of this", Andi said as I saw venom start going over her. I grabbed her arm stopping her.
"No, I may have my issues with venom but the last thing we need is people seeing you transform. Plus it's best you help everyone get out of here. Now go!", I said heading straight for the bathroom. Feeling my spider sense go off I slid under a table as two throwing knives landed behind me. Why is he going after me? there's no way he knows I'm the spook.
Busting through the bathroom door I quickly discarded my clothes. Grabbing them I climbed to the ceiling removing one of the sections putting my clothes on top of it. Once that was done I jumped out to see Kraven waiting for me but he had someone as a hostage, Peter. My body froze as I felt my blood begin to boil from rage.
"Let him go Kraven or so help me I'll introduce you to a new feeling of pain and agony! I fucking swear it!!"
"AH, now that's what I like to see. That fire. The fire to take on anything in one's way. Many predators show that fire but yours is much brighter. I can see the flames of anger in you. How fascinating", he said with a smirk. Peter in the meantime was trying to keep his cool as Kraven had one of his massive hands wrapped around his neck. From our small fight I can tell he's more than strong enough to break it easily.
"Drop him and you'll see what my rage can drive me to do", I said glaring at him in anger. His smirk only grew before he threw Peter across the room into a wall. He fell to the ground unmoving.
Everything slowed down. Everything around me changed to the time I saw Mile's uncle die before going back. My attention soon went back to Kraven who stared at me like prey. Soon my vision became red as my anger boiled to a point I've only felt once. Before I lost control not realizing what happened but now I do. But I've decided I'm not going to fight it. This time my rage is going to take the wheel.
With speed I've never had before I jumped at him as he picked up his spear ready to fight. Sending a kick at him he blocked it with his spear. But the force behind my kick bent it in half. He was launched through the air flipping mid air back onto his feet but I was on him like a wild animal. We engaged in hand to hand combat.
Throwing a flurry of punches he dodged and weaved while blocking some but they made him slide back. At one point I sent a roundhouse kick that he dodged but it hit a column obliterating it. Quickly turning toward him he had his knives from last night drawn again. But it did nothing to stop my assault.
Running at him he tried to slash me but I bent low, dodging the slash before tackling him. in a yell of rage I tackled him through multiple walls before stopping throwing him into a bookcase. With so much rage in my system I didn't realize that one of his knives ended up in shoulder. Reaching up I pulled it out without hesitation. Dropping it I picked up a nearby table and threw it at Kraven who caught it easily. Once he caught it I punched through the table effortlessly landing a solid punch to his Jaw that sent him flying through two bookcases. Slowly standing up he held his arm in pain as I breathed heavily still feeling my anger take the wheel.
"HAHAHAHAH!!! This is what I craved! A hunt befitting a hunter as myself! Our battle will be legendary spider!", he said before taking out a glass vial. Popping the cork off he drank the contents before throwing the vile to the side.
"I'm going to tear you limb from limb!", I yelled, grinding my teeth. He just smiled a wicked smile in response.
"Come on Spider! show me the animal inside!"
With a roar of anger I ran straight at him not paying attention that his muscles grew bigger. Though it wouldn't matter even if I wasn't in this state. Running at him I did a jumping uppercut before quickly coming down with an elbow slamming his face into the ground. Before I could wail on him more he punched me in my chest launching me through the air into a bookcase. Landing back on my feet I watched him get up still holding that crazed smile.
We ran at each other with animalistic battle cries meeting in the center of the room. We caught each other's hands trying to force the other into submission. It was to a point that our feet started pressing hard into the ground cracking. Neither one of us was giving up.
"Doubt you are but I bet you're wondering how I found you. That glass bottle you broke was full of a special chemical that only I can smell. Was easy to track and find you. My prey", he said with a malicious smirk.
"Prey? you got it backwards. You're not the hunter Kraven. I AM!!!", I said, whipping my head back headbutting him.
As his head went back breaking the gridlock I jumped into the air kneeing his face launching him through the air. Landing back on the ground I quickly ran after him. Seems in this state my speed is enhanced but it doesn't matter right now. Before he could land I jumped into the air kneeing his back launching him into the ceiling. Instead of landing on the ground dazed he landed on all fours like a cat. Whipping his head up he had a blood filled smile.
We ran at each other again while he was on all fours. He jumped through the air as I tackled him into another book case. Whipping my head back I hit the bottom of his Jaw before hitting him with a strong solid punch to his chest making him hunch over puking. While he was hunched over I jumped to the side performing a drop kick to the side of his head sending him flying across the floor.
Not giving him a second to breath I ran after him. Once I got close I was hit in the chest with a powerful kick in the chest. I could feel my ribs crack but in my rage filled state my body ignored the pain. Flying through the air I smashed through the upstairs balcony rolling into multiple tables. Quickly shaking it off I stood up to see Kraven jump up to my level. He ran after me again on all fours and I met him in full force.
He jumped through the air again but instead of grabbing him this time I sent a punch straight to his chest that made an audible crack but I didn't stop there. As he bounced off the ceiling I sent a powerful roundhouse kick sending him into yet another book case. As he fell down and was picking himself up I slammed him back into it before grabbing him by his coat. Kicking his left knee I broke it earning a cry of pain forcing him to a knee. Then I started wailing into his face with punch after punch before finishing with one last punch making him lose some teeth. He looked up at me with a bloody tired smile as I raised my fist for one more punch to finish it. Before I could, someone grabbed my arm stopping it.
"He's had enough", Andi said transformed. Looking at her I felt my anger slowly begin to subside. Which wasn't exactly a good thing.
"Argh! fuck!", I said feeling the pain now. Before I fell Andi caught me holding me up.
"Looks like a bunch of animals went crazy in here", Andi said looking around the library. Almost all of it was destroyed during our fight.
"Honestly, I can barely remember any of it", I admitted. This felt worse than the first time I let my anger out. Wait, Peter!!!
"Peter! Is he...ok?", I said in pain.
"He's fine, he was just knocked unconscious and will probably have a concussion. After everyone got out safely I came back in incase you needed my help to find peter before I went to help you but it seems you handled it"
"Heh, out of all the animals I've hunted in my time. Nothing can top you spider. The ferocity and brutality you showed in a fit of anger is one I've never seen before. You truly are amazing", Kraven complimented. Surprisingly still conscious. Pushing off Andi I landed on a knee before grabbing him by his vest.
"Er, I know someone put you up to this. The way you had those thieves set up a heist just to pull me out the first time shows you targeted me. I want to know who hired you and why. Keep in mind that even though I'm injured I'm still able to cause more pain", I said as my grip became tighter.
"No need, for a satisfying hunt after a time of not finding one, consider it a reward. A man named Chameleon hired me. Seems you've been meddling in his plans for too long. So he hired me to hunt you. Seems he underestimated your abilities though. Even I have to admit I did the same spider. Can't wait for the next hung", he said with a smirk. Done with his talking I punched him knocking him out.
"That son of a bitch", I said trying to stand up before Andi helped me again as I nearly fell. I nodded thanking her as we walked out.
"Who's the chameleon?", Andi asked.
"A problem"
Detective Bridge can be seen talking to an officer as he looks at a file. After telling him to bring the file to someone he walked back to his office. Not before stopping in the break room to get a mug of coffee. Walking into his office he noticed the window was left open. Going over he closed it confused knowing he was sure he left it closed. Especially with how cold it's gotten.
"We need to talk". Bridge jumped, spilling some of his coffee to see Spook walking out of the shadows. Looking at the coffee spilled on him, he set his mug down now annoyed.
"Couldn't have just knocked?"
"Not every cop likes me still. Can't really blame them". With the Spook in the light, Bridge could see the repairs on his suit. Even noticing how Spook seemed to put more weight on one leg.
"You handled Kraven well. Still don't know why he attacked a high school but my guess was to draw you out again. Also seems you two really ran a muck in the library. Never seen anything like it", Bridge said, taking a sip of his coffee.
"He was hired by Chameleon to kill me", Spook said, making Bridge choke on his coffee. He went into a coughing fit before speaking.
"How'd you know that?"
"He told me himself and surprisingly I believed him. He told me as a reward for a good hunt he said. Seems I've become a threat to the chameleon and he wants me removed"
"Thanks for the information, is that all you wanted to talk about?"
"No, How much do you have on the chameleon? I want to know", Spook said glaring slightly. Bridge let out a long sigh, not surprised with this. Standing up he walked over to the side of a room pulling down a slider letting it go up to show everything he had on chameleon.
"We don't have much except that he's a master of disguise after parading around as you mate. Though we did get a rare photo of him from another case. Apparently he was seen selling arms to a well known group whose leader is so mysterious we don't even have a photo or an actual name", he said pointing at a photo. Spook walked up seeing the Chameleon talking to someone as multiple people around them moved crates of guns and ammunition around.
"If you don't have a name surely they call him something"
"They do, apparently they call him............"
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