Going Home
The Spider gang can be seen moving through the rafters of the collider. They all stop on a metal beam overlooking the collider. The problem though was it was powering up before turning on. The very thing they were hoping to stop which meant they had little time to waste. As it was one each spider man could be seen having a short glitching episode while all over New York buildings were having the same glitching episode. Suddenly Peter had another glitching episode but more painful.
"Peter, you don't have to stay behind. I can do it", Gwen said knowing Peter will die if he stays any longer.
"It's ok..argh. I've made up my mind", Peter said while having another glitching episode. Firing a web he swung to the top of the collider with the rest.
"I'll put the goober in and take over the beam. After you're gone I'll blow it up. Good luck guys", Peter said, crawling to the top of the collider with the rest in tow. Unknown to them men armed with guns were circling their position and taking aim. unbeknownst to them a pair of glowing white eyes was watching them from behind.
Peter started hitting the top trying to find the panel to plug in the goober. After a couple of hits he was successful. Opening the panel he got ready to plug it in but his spider sense along with the rest started going off.
"They know we're here", Gwen said, realizing what was going on. They looked around to see themselves surrounded.
Back with the men with guns they prepared to fire but stopped when suddenly one of these men were pulled into the darkness behind them. Turning around they heard screams before the sound of a bone breaking. Keeping their guns raised they watched the darkness before a figure walked out with no intent to hide. Once he was in the light it was shown to be another Spider-man but much different than the others. Tonight, they were introduced to "The Spook".
"So, who wants a painful experience?", I asked glaring at all the guards. They just raised their weapons giving me their answer.
"Was hoping that would be your answer"
(Play music above)
Running at them he jumped into the air dodging a hail of bullets. Performing a flip he landed on one guard making his back hit the bars. Grabbing him I threw him into a group of guards next to me before rolling backwards and kicking up, dropping kicking a guard. Knocking a gun to the side I grabbed the guard's head slamming it into the bar before ripping the gun from his hands and throwing it into the face of another. Sensing my spider sense I turned around ready to throw a punch but was stopped by Noir taking the guard out before me.
"You came", he said.
"yeah well, who wouldn't miss this", I said before turning around with a back kick into a guard's chest. Then following up with a roundhouse kick and backing up into Noir where we both shared a look.
He ran to deal with the guards while I started jumping around beam to beam dodging bullets with spins and flips. Jumping to the next beam I kicked a guard in the jaw before jumping to another direction kicking the legs out from another but I knew I broke his legs. Running across a beam I saw Gwen helping with the guards. Jumping into the air I locked eyes with her while she got the message. Firing a web I grabbed onto it as she swung me to under a beam where three guards stood. Swinging up I kicked one off before elbowing the other in the jaw and throwing a right hook into the others then following up with a back kick into the other making him fly into a beam knocking his head into it knocking him out. The last one tried to throw a punch but I moved my head to the side before grabbing his arm and flipping him over my shoulder then breaking his arm.
Taking a quick breather I looked up to see a guard aiming at me but he was quickly kicked away by Gwen. I couldn't help but smile before leaning back just as a shot flew past me, gotta love Spidey sense. While falling I saw Gwen falling with me, each of us sharing a glance that I could tell both of us were smiling. Reaching her hand out I grabbed her hand before she fired a web swinging us into the air onto a beam full of goons. Working in unison we took out each together with one point me kicking one into a flying roundhouse by Gwen. Running at Gwen I jumped over her as she ducked me fling over her with a kick aimed at a guard sneaking up on her before grabbing the back of his jacket and throwing him toward Gwen who punched him in the face making him spin into my own knocking him out.
"I thought you weren't going to come!", Gwen said, surprised.
"Guess you could say I had my leap of faith moment. Without the leaping though. Now's not the time to talk though, now's the time for breaking bones and kicking ass", I said, jumping into the air ready to continue the fight. This time I decided to head into the collider sticking to the surface because I saw Peter was fighting Liv and needed some help. He currently had him wrapped up in her arms.
Running straight at him I got ready to jump her but the strangest thing happened. One of her arms was stopped before punching her? Then she was being hit by an invisible force...oh this is about to get good. She tried in vain to hit her invisible threat giving me the perfect moment to land a kick across her face making her attention drawn to me.
"Hey bitch! nice jaw, shame if someone broke it!", I said standing up with my arms crossed. Two webs were fired by her side before miles came flying in punching her into the ceiling then firing a web catching peter.
Using this moment I ran at Liv while she tried to recuperate from Miles' attack. Sadly I wasn't fast enough because she was up again. Tearing pieces of the ceiling she started throwing them at me. Moving my body to the side, one missed me before I crouched dodging another. the next one to come flying at me I spun to the right while grabbing it and throwing it back hitting Liv in the chest. I was about to run in but I noticed something being raised into the beam. This was the perfect time for Liv to grab me by the throat and slam me into the ceiling. Peter and Miles tried to free me but ended up in the same position.
"I swear I'm going to enjoy ripping those arms off then slamming your face into a broken mirror!", I shouted struggling against her arm.
"My my, don't you have a very colorful vocabulary and I can tell you mean it", she said. While she strangled us we saw the collider beginning to act funny before buildings and debris from another New York started forming. One building ended up hitting Live dragging us with her but her grip loosened letting us loose
Now instead of fighting we were trying to dodge these buildings and debris. For Peter and Miles they just swung around most of the objects. While I ran across buildings, slid underneath debris, and jumped off others making sure to not be squished or smashed. My spider sense was on overdrive but I was able to get past it meeting up with Miles, Peter and Gwen.
"We need to stop this thing now!", I said watching the collider go haywire.
"We need to get to the top!", Gwen said pointing at the panel. Suddenly our spider sense went off warning us of danger from behind. Turning around we saw Liv with a bus throwing it right at us. running ahead of us I caught the bus gritting my teeth before throwing it back at Liv.
Liv was quick to recover before coming at us but I was unlucky because she got ahold of me again. Miles and the rest were quick to follow. Gwen came from above kicking Liv down letting me get free. Landing on a building I looked up to see Peter swinging in who fired a web for me to grab on, swinging me straight at liv with a kick but she blocked it with her arm. Flipping off Gwen came from underneath with an uppercut but Liv threw a punch with her arm knocking Gwen into a building hard enough to create cracks. She fell down unconscious for a moment but miles went diving after her.
Seeing Gwen get hurt like that enraged me. Jumping back at Live I grabbed one of her arms swinging her around throwing her into a building, paybacks a bitch. Liv was dazed trying to get her bearings while I ran at her. Underneath me Peter slingshot Miles and Gwen with Miles throwing Gwen at Liv landing a right hook with miles coming in after with his own and Peter after with a kick. Then I came in with a roundhouse kick making her spin. Turning around she was met with Miles and Gwen punching her at the same time sending her flying. Landing next to them we all fist bumped impressed with the team work. Looking down, Liv was about to enter the beam but stopped herself with her arms.
"My god when will she give up already", I complained.
"Buckle up guys this is going to take awhile", Gwen said, getting ready to continue the fight with the rest of us. Liv started crawling toward us with very malicious intent. Right before she reached us a truck came flying in hitting her. Miles, Peter, and Gwen had a look of surprise as I was laughing while climbing stairs.
"What? she fucking deserved it! she almost hurt may and honestly the whole situation has comedic timing", I said defending my reaction. They all just looked at me with eyebrows raised.
"You've definitely got a screw loose"
"Screw you miles"
"Let's end this thing", Gwen said.
"Don't worry guys I got it", Miles said walking away to finish this.
"I'll go, I'm the one with the goob..?". Peter reached into his sleeve to grab it but it wasn't there. Miles held the goober up before saying a very familiar saying.
"Don't watch the mouth, watch the hands", Miles said before going into freefall. With the moves of a dancer he was able to move through the buildings without being crushed, even diving between two as they were colliding before swinging up to the top of the collider.
"We taught him that right?", Peter asked.
"I didn't teach him that, and you definitely didn't"
"That's just pure skill", I commented. We soon ran off to meet up with Miles. Once we met up with him he was plunging in the goober with everyone else too.
"Guess this is it", Gwen said sadly.
"Well, it's nice to know we're not alone. Right?", Penny said piggybacking on Noir. Her mech should must have been destroyed.
"Portals open, you first Jack", Miles said. Standing up I looked at the portal but I needed to say something first.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry to all of you for being such an utter jackass to all of you. I've learned a lot from my time here and I'm ready to be who I need to be for my New York. Hopefully we may see each other again because...I...like...ah this is so hard...you guys", I said struggling at the end.
"Thanks for teaching me to believe in myself Jack", Miles said. I just patted him on the shoulder before getting ready to jump but Gwen grabbed my arm.
"You really believe we'll see each other again?"
"I promise it, this isn't a goodbye but more of a see ya later"
"Well then, see ya later Spider-man", Gwen said with a chuckle.
"That's not my name. Haven't you heard? I'm the spook", I said, letting go and falling into the beam. The whole time I didn't break my look from Gwen until I passed through the beam.
Going through it I was moving through a portal and outside of it I saw strings that looked like webs. Is this what the multiverse looks like? Passing one stream I saw a spider-man with a red and black suit with red lenses. Another I saw one with a Red and white suit with a hood as he overlooked a city. Guess there's more of us than I thought. Then I was suddenly shot out of a portal landing on a rooftop. Looking around I tried to figure out where I was. Walking to the edge I could tell I was home.
"Hopefully I don't go on any more alternate dimension trips soon. Guess I should get back home. Don't know how I'm going to explain being gone for so long to May", I said starting to walk off. As soon as I was about to jump to the next rooftop I heard police sirens in the distance. I was about to ignore it like I usually do sometimes but I took a step back looking where the sirens were coming from.
"*sigh* guess I won't be getting that break", I said before turning around running toward the sirens.
(Start at 15 sec)
Ok now listen close because I ain't repeating this shit twice. My name is Jack Parker, I was bitten by a radioactive spider giving me powers. In the beginning I used my powers to get revenge for my parents who were killed putting the man in a coma. After that I became a bitter person who hated the world, still do really, but after being transported to another world I learn some things. I learned that my powers can be used for more than just beating thugs to deal with my anger. It can be used to help and save people. I also learned I am capable of doing the right thing and I wasn't the selfish person I saw myself as. The world is a nasty place and it'll take as long as you let it and I'm not going to. I'm no Spider-man, I'm something else. I'll do what I have to to protect my city even if people will demonize me for it. I'm the hero in the dark, I'm the spook. And this is my story of how I became him.
(end music)
Doctor Olivia Octavius slowly regained consciousness, she quickly closed her eyes from the blinding light. While she was trying to open her eyes, memories slowly came rushing.
Doc Ock: ugh.. damn truck.
She cursed under her breath as the memory of a truck running her over came rushing into her head, followed by her leaping into the swirling portal created by the collider. As her surroundings came into focus, she found herself confined within a pristine white cell. The air was sterile, and the only discernible feature was a translucent red laser wall sealing off one side of the room.
As her hearing returned, she was alerted by rhythmical tapping on the ground. Through the translucent red laser wall, she caught sight of a man seated on the other side. He wore an eye-catching suit adorned in shades of sky blue and navy, the emblem of a spider emblazoned on his chest. The rhythmic tapping of his silver-white prosthetic left leg against the floor echoed in the otherwise silent room.
Doc Ock: Spider-man?!
She both exclaimed and scowled as her tentacle arms brought her body off the floor, she glared at the new and unknown Spider-man to her. His sitting posture exuded power, despite the presence of a silver-white prosthetic leg, which tapped rhythmically against the floor. Which is usually seen as a sign of a nervous person.
???: Doctor Olivia Octavious of Earth 1610.
Announced Spider-man as he stopped tapping against the floor, locking his eyes with hers.
The Doctor was puzzled, then intrigued.
Doc Ock: I see you already know who I am, so who might you be.
With a sinister smile, Olivia took a step closer to the laser wall, yearning for answers. His profound silence spoke volumes.
???: I'm the one asking questions here.
He stated, the woman waited for a few seconds for him to say something more but he didn't, which made the woman chuckle.
Doc Ock: You are the first Spider with no additional quirky jokes or menacing lines I met.
The comment made Spider-Man scoff as he stood up. He then mumbled something under his breath but Doc Ock was unable to hear or read his lips.
???: Emma, do it again.
He declared with his arm doing the "come closer" to someone called "Emma" who was standing somewhere on the side. Just before Olivia was going to turn her attention to the side, her body froze in place as her eyes rolled back. In the following moments, her body was slowly shaking as it was frozen in place, before it dropped to the ground.
???: Same memories?
The Man questioned, as the camera moved away from him towards the person that stood on the side with her hand extended forward, her two fingers pointing towards where Doc Ock stood while the index finger of her other hand was held on the side of her head.
Emma: Yes, same six spider-people but the seventh one was again different.
Emma Frost informed as she lowered her hands and moved towards him, while looking at Doc Ock whose body glitched even though she was asleep by her powers.
Emma: He wore black suit with white spider emblem.
She added as she stopped in front of this universe Spider-Man. Her lips turning into a smirk as something came to her mind.
Emma: You know, I miss you wearing your black and yellow suit, Y/N.
Y/N glanced at her, a quizzical expression crossing his face. He wondered why she would yearn for a different era, as they made their way towards the elevator. The corridor stretched before them, adorned with flickering lights that cast dancing shadows upon the walls.
Y/N: what is wrong with the current suit?
His voice was laced with curiosity, seeking to understand the deeper meaning behind Emma's sentiment.
Emma: Nothing, Y/N. It's just that your old suit had this...menacing quality to it. It added an edge to your presence.
A playful wink accompanied her words, and Y/N couldn't help but roll his eyes, a small smile playing on his lips. The familiarity and banter between them were as comforting as the rhythm of their footsteps.
Y/N: If Spider-men you saw wearing black suits, that means they just started their journeys of being a hero but are still unsure what they are and what they want to fight for.
As they reached the elevator, Emma pressed the button on the keypad, signaling their desired floor. The elevator doors slid open, revealing the empty compartment awaiting their entry. Y/N's curiosity, however, lingered in the air.
Y/N: But let's circle back to your comment...
In a swift and calculated motion, Y/N shot a web that snaked its way towards Emma's hand, attaching it firmly to the elevator wall. Before she could react, he gently secured her other hand, pressing her gently against the wall. The moment hung suspended, the world around them fading into the background.
With a deliberate movement, Y/N removed his mask, revealing his face mere inches away from Emma's. The dim lighting of the elevator cast an ethereal glow upon their features, accentuating the intensity of the moment.
Y/N: Is it truly the suit that made me look menacing, Emma?
Emma's cheeks flushed crimson, her eyes widening in surprise as she found herself pressed against the elevator wall. The air crackled with an unexpected tension, the playful banter from moments ago replaced by a charged silence. Y/N's proximity caused her composure to waver, the unyielding facade she wore faltering under his gaze.
Emma: Y-Y/N...
Her voice trembled, betraying a vulnerability she rarely allowed others to witness. The walls she had meticulously built around herself seemed to crumble, leaving her exposed and uncertain.
Y/N maintained his steady gaze, his eyes searching hers for answers that went beyond mere words. The suspended moment, being broken by Y/N's chuckle as he was able to leave her with no words, something only he could.
Before the doors of the elevator closed, Y/N could be seen smirking, with Emma slowly recomposing herself by returning the smirk.
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