Date Night
(New cover! let's go!)
"You were stabbed!?!?!"
"In my defense I was in a berserker rage"
"Not good enough", Gwen said with her arms crossed. I should specify that this is Spider Gwen and we're currently having date night.
"Well it's the best way to explain it", I said before punching a thug in the face. Oh right, tonight's date night was a patrol. What? You have two people with spider powers who happen to also be vigilantes dating? Of course a date night may consist of a patrol. Plus it's refreshing to patrol in another dimension for me. Also Gwen appreciates the extra help too from time to time.
A thug came running at me with a crowbar lining up for a swing. I simply just caught it without issue before ripping it from his hands smashing it across his face. Feeling my spider sense go off I quickly turned around throwing it into the head of another thug who was sneaking up on Gwen. Hearing the clang she turned around with two thumbs up before kicking a thug through the air. I just smirked and shook my head at the cute jester.
Without turning I punched a thug behind me knocking him out. Should probably explain a little more on why we're fighting all these guys. Turns out we came upon an arms deal with amateurs. You want to know why I know? easy. They never took the locks off the crates before the meeting. So once we came crashing in they couldn't get access to the firearms and couldn't even show them off easily to their buyers. Also helps that Gwen webbed them in the beginning of the fight. Just left them with their bare hands and some makeshift weapons. Barely a challenge at this point.
"Last one's making a run for it", I said while blocking a punch then headbutting them, knocking them out. Gwen in response shot a web to his back before pulling him back towards us to meet my foot to the back of his head. He face planted before going slack knocked out. We both stood over him.
"Did you really have to do that?", Gwen asked. I just looked away embarrassed. I made a promise to her I wouldn't be as brutal as I am in my universe during this but sometimes it comes out without me wanting it. Just in my nature you could say.
"Sorry, you know how it slips out at time"
"So, should we move on or get something to eat?"
"Something to eat sounds nice"
We just ended up finding a nearby pizza joint. To avoid attention we slipped back into our civilian clothes. We were sitting at a table discussing my current problem, Chameleon. Really wish we didn't talk about basically work for me but when you're dating another spider person it's bound to happen.
"So what are you going to do?"
"The detective gave me the name of the guy he met with and who he worked for so I'm going to follow that lead and see where it takes me. Which hopefully is Kingpin him or herself. Then I'm going to kindly ask where Chameleon is"
"Seems easy"
"It does doesn't it but with Parker luck it won't be", I said , taking a bite of my pizza. Suddenly a random guy walked up greeting me.
"Jack? oh my god man is you! Hey I thought you were dating MJ?". Me and Gwen both froze for a moment. Fucking alternate universes.
"I am, me and Gwen just happened to run into each other and decided to have a friendly chat", I said, trying to be nice. Along with trying to act like my counterpart in this universe.
"Sorry for saying that, I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions", they said embarrassed. Could feel myself getting annoyed and agitated but I had to keep up the nice guy attitude. I looked toward Gwen hoping she could give me a name which thankfully she did by mouthing it out.
"Don't worry about it Dan, I know how it seems so don't kick yourself for it". God, acting nice sucks.
"Appreciate it, see you around Jack", he said walking away. Me and Gwen both waved goodbye as he left.
"Can't believe this is the first time that happened. Do I really look like your dimension Jack?"
"You do actually. I'm also surprised it's taken this long for someone to mistake you for him. It was cute seeing you play nice", Gwen said with a smirk. Great, I just know she's going to tease me about this whenever she gets a chance.
"It's annoying, means people see me as someone else and not who I am"
"Thought you didn't care about your image"
"I don't, but living someone else's life means I'm not living my own"
"Very wise sensei Jack", she said with a laugh. I just rolled my eyes.
"Seriously though, this chameleon seems to be a major problem. Seems he may have bigger plans in store for your city"
"I know and that's what worries me. I still don't know what he was trying to achieve during the time he impersonated me. Kraven was barely any help either. Doubt he'll be the last assassin to come after me". Gwen just closed her eyes with a small smile.
"What's that look for?"
"You continue to amaze me Jack. Seeing how much you've grown since when we first met is impressive. The way you've turned your life around is inspirational. Seems your New York is starting to see you as a hero. Only a matter of time before they start fully supporting you. As long as you don't have a J. Jonah Jameson running around"
"Sadly I do, but I'm not a hero. I'm just whatever my city needs me to be", I said with a small chuckle. Gwen put her hand over mine as we shared a smile together. Hope this never ends, I need some happiness in my life.
"You may not think so but I'm sure others do. You sell yourself short Jack. That darker view of the world is in it's own way a blessing for you because you know how the world works but it makes you sell your accomplishments short"
"How'd I get so Lucky", I said, squeezing her hand.
"You just did"
------------Back In Jack's Dimension--------------------
"Surprised you don't want him dead now. From what I've heard so far in this meeting is how much he's gotten in your way. Though it seems getting rid of him didn't work out as well as you hoped when you did try"
"True, originally I did but then I thought of a better use for him after Kraven's failure"
"And what would that be?", the man said crossing his arms.
"As a force to help me in my plans without him even realizing it. My plans involve the removal of a certain someone who controls New York's underworld. For my plans to succeed I need him removed. So I'll use the Spook to remove him while I work on other preparations. Then once he takes down my problem he'll have a false sense of victory not realizing he's helping me. Think you can help with that?". Soon the man stepped forward into the light before speaking. He let out a chuckle.
"With the amount of money your paying me you can consider the Job done"
"Then I guess this task is in good hands"
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