another one
"Our Lord of victory, we ask that our loved one who has left us will rest in peace. We thank you that he did not lose this battle, for he is with you in Paradise. His heart was prepared for eternity with you. Death has been swallowed up in victory. We thank you, our God, for you give us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. As we cherish this confident hope, we are steadfast and immovable, knowing our work is not in vain. Amen."
I decided to give a final prayer before I left. My parents were very religious but not sycho religious where they would curse you if you believed in another faith. They believed that everyone had a right to believe in what they wanted to believe. Nowadays, though, I'm not so sure a god does exist but nonetheless. If this prayer can bring some peace to him then good. It'll do better for him than it will do for me one day.
Standing up I put my hands in my pockets turning around to walk away. I stopped in my tracks though once I saw miles standing there. Guess this saves me the time of chasing him down. We just stood there staring at each other, not sure what to say. Neither of us said a word which began to annoy me. He took a step back like he was getting ready to leave.
"No need to leave. Actually saved me the trouble...ah". My head suddenly started buzzing and it seems so did Miles. It suddenly vanished before I saw Miles' spider sense going off. Guess this will skip some explanations. Time to try teaching or mentoring or whatever I'm about to do.
"Wait, I had the same reaction with peter. That means you got spider powers too! I thought me and him were the only ones!", he said, confused.
"yeah well to make things short the reason I have spider powers is because I was also bitten by a radioactive spider back in my dimension. I'm not from your universe". His eyes went wide hearing this. He gets spider powers and now dimension traveling has been revealed. Miles must be having one hell of a time, do you see the sarcasm?
"But, wait! I saw you with Peter when you were trying to stop the collider from going off! that was you!"
"Yeah, didn't go to plan with that one. The collider is the reason I'm here right now. Rich asshole known as Kingpin ripped me from my dimension by accident. Cost this dimension peter's life along with making me stuck here unless we get that portal open one last time to send me bac and maybe some others"
"Wait, there's others?"
"One at the moment but we can find her later. At the moment I need to help you learn your powers along with finding a way back. Peter asked me to teach you how to use your powers before he died. I'll honor it but I can't promise I'll be the best mentor. Not known for my patience at times". Miles ended up looking at the grave sadly. Keep forgetting he was there too when Peter was killed. I can't let my regret get to me though. There's work to be done if I want to go home.
"Now did Peter say anything to you about how to stop the collider? Because I don't have shit to go off of at the moment". Miles reached into his pocket pulling out a small flash drive that was damaged. Shit, that was the "goober' that Peter made to stop the collider.
"He gave me this before saying he would meet up with me when he said...he would get out", Miles said looking at his grave. Hearing that I had a quick flashback to his final moments. I closed my eyes, shaking my head. Hope I'm not getting some form of PTSD all of sudden.
"Fuck, I'm not tech savvy so I'm not sure how to fix this. Looks like we'll have to break into the lab that made the collider to make another", I said grabbing it. Looking up close this thing was totally shot. All that was keeping it together was some duck tape. At least he tried.
Soon a silence came between us. He ended up looking at the grave again with sadness on his face. He's blaming himself too I see, join the club. We need to leave and get started on this, there's no telling how long I need to let Miles pay his final respects. Gah, showing sympathy isn't really my strong suit here. God this is going to take some getting used to. It's actually starting to irritate me trying to be nice. So in an act to show condolences I walked next to Miles putting a comforting hand on his shoulder feeling awkward the whole time doing it. Miles looked at me as I kept a blank look.
"You're not really good at this are you?"
"You have no clue"
Suddenly I felt another hand grab my shoulder and on reflection turned around punching them square in the face. The man went flying through a gravestone with his head most likely knocking him out. Miles and miles both shared a look before looking back at the man. We slowly walked up where I began to get a good look at him. He wore some kind of pure green military jacket and sweatpants with a boot and shoe on? the hell.
"Did you kill him?", Miles asked.
"Not sure, I don't think I hit him that hard", I said being honest. Guy startled me so not really sure how much strength I put into that punch.
"Why did you hit me!". The guy suddenly sprung up grabbing onto miles who instinctively grabbed his hand to pull it off but ended up sending an electric current through his body launching him through the air! What was strange though was he shot webs from his wrists with one hitting Miles in the chest pulling him with.
"huh, I don't have that power"
"whoa", Miles said, looking at his hands before looking at the web attached to his chest. Wait a moment, we both looked at each other in realization. Walking over we pulled his jacket to the side to see a spider logo and suit and on his wrist was a web shooter. Miles looked at him confused because he looked like Peter but I instantly knew what this meant and reacted appropriately.
"Shit shit shit shit.....SHIT!! How many alternate Spider-man's are going to show up here!! I already have to find one but now I have to deal with this one! shit!", I said while kicking some snow out of anger. I swear if anymore of these guys show up I'm going to punch someone.
"What are you doing over there?", yelled a sudden police officer. Wonderful, New York's finest. Terrible timing as usual. A light shined on us and Miles put his hands in the air while I just kept mine by my side.
"Run", I said, turning around and doing just that. I stopped though when I heard miles grunt and fall down on the ground. I forgot he had a web attached to him! I ran back to help Miles grab Peter since it'll be easier than yanking the web off.
Miles grabbed the back of Peter's jacket, dragging him through the snow pretty well. Guess his spider strength is kicking in but the police were quickly on us. So I did the quickest thing that came to mine. Made a snow ball and threw one into each of their faces which actually caused them to fall to the ground. It gave enough time for Miles to run past me which I quickly followed. He suddenly jumped up onto a gravy then held Peter's hand out to use his web shooter. Oh god no! He shot a web then jumped into the air but there was one issue. Miles doesn't know how to swing.
So instead of letting go of the web to fire another like this dimension Peter does he held on and is now swinging back toward me, oh shit. Doing so he ended up running into me making me, him, and other dimension Peter ram into the church wall before falling to the ground. Unlucky for me I had Peter land on me making me groan in pain. The police were quick to shine a light on us making Miles back up squishing me into the church. The police told us to put our hands up, which Miles did again but he ended up hitting Peter's arms up too activating one of his web shooters which attached to a train passing by.
"Not ag...". Before I could finish we were ripped through the air with me holding onto Peter's body while being dragged through the snow. He woke up for a quick second before hitting dead Peter's grave stone with his head being knocked unconscious once again. Then we were all being dragged by the train high off the ground.
"don't puke, don't puke, don't puke", I told myself while holding on tight and closing my eyes. I felt someone else grab onto me which must have been Miles before feeling us hit two rough surfaces like a ping pong ball and land on what sounded like a biker? We continued to weave through what sounded like traffic at the whim of Miles which I would take control but I'm currently trying not to throw up again. Thankfully our rough trip came to a close when the train stopped making us hang in the middle of New York like a bunch of idiots.
"Please tell me it's ovER!"
The web snapped making us hit the concrete hard. The wind was knocked out of me as I groaned in pain leaning on my side. Painfully I slowly got up holding my back with Miles doing the same. Thankfully I didn't feel myself needing to...fuck. Quickly heaving over I emptied my guts. Every second was agonizing, I'm never getting web shooters.
"You ok?"
"Not a word...I'm already it *blegh* is. I'm never *Blegh* doing that ever again!", I said pissed off. Everyone around us gave us looks of confusion and judgment.
"What the fuck are you...ugh... looking at", I shouted at all of them making them stop and continue on their way.
"This is the worst day of my life"
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