Anger Management Part 2
"Want to try that again?"
The Rhino stood back up brushing off my earlier attack. Leaning low he got ready for another charge. This time though I was running at him instead of waiting. Right when he got close I moved my body to the side grabbing his horn and pulling down on it dragging his face through the ground. Jumping onto his back I started punching the side of his head trying to break open the helmet but it still wouldn't budge. My spider sense went off causing me to flip off him as he tried to punch me. Landing on my feet I jumped back at him with a flying sidekick hitting his chest.
He slid back but I saw that there was a small scratch left behind. Good, I'm starting to get through. Getting back into my stance I heard the sound of tires screeching behind me. Looking behind me I saw an unmarked van drive away from the hospital in a hurry. When did that get here? Looking back at Rhino I saw him watch the van, they must be with him. Why would he be interested in...hammerhead!! The Mogilevich family! they must be worried that Hammerhead will talk! I can't let them get away!
Running at Rhino I jumped onto his chest into a kick before spring boarding off so I could chase after the van. Behind me I heard Rhino charging again. God this guy only has one move. With my spider sense I was able to backflip over him landing on his back. Grabbing his horn I used it to stir him to the side into a parked car but I jumped off before he hit it. Landing on my feet I shifted my focus back to the van to see it gone. Shit, didn't see what direction it went. Guess I'll have to deal with this guy first.
Recovering from his previous charge he stood back up, turning around toward me. Hearing a hissing noise I got ready for what was next. On his legs small compartments opened up letting out smoke. The smoke quickly covered the area covering him. Thinking he was going to escape I ran at the smoke jumping through to hit nothing. Looking behind me the smoke dispersed showing no signs of the rhino. How the hell did this guy get away? he wasn't exactly the most inconspicuous person.
Letting out an angry grunt I got ready to head out but decided to at least check on the people in the hospital. Before I could I heard police sirens getting closer. Looking around at the destruction I think it's best I get out of here. The police may see me in a better light but they are still trying to arrest me. Climbing a nearby building I watched as the police arrived with detective Bridge with them. No way was I calling this guy Bridgerton. Looking around he was viewing the damage left behind by Rhino. Pulling out a cigarette he lit as he walked around the street taking everything in.
Dropping down into a nearby alley I stood at the entrance waiting for him to notice me. While looking at the hole Rhino left behind he looked up to see me standing at the alleys entrance. Moving back into the alley I leaned against the wall waiting for him with my arms crossed. Walking into the alley he looked me over with a confused look.
"New suit?"
"It was the Mogilevech family wasn't it?", I asked ignoring his question.
"How'd you know?"
"Hammerhead was working with the Mogilevech family before wasn't he? makes sense they would go out of their way to get him out of government and police custody", I said still mad he got a way. Mad to a point I let out a growl? when the hell did I start growling?
Worry too much
"Ok, yeah he was mate. Doesn't explain two caved in police cars, a wrecked car, and a hole in the middle of the road though doesn't it", Bridge said letting out some smoke.
"That's because it seems the family has gotten their hands on something military grade. A giant rhino suit that..."
"A rhino suit?"
"know anything else with a horn on its head", I growled getting angry.
"calm down mate, just surprised is all", he said with his hands up.
"It's no joke though. Was only able to leave a small dent of my foot when I kicked its chest. Also able to create a smoke screen that allowed it to vanish out of thin air. Part of me also wonders if it might have more"
"I'll see if I can find anything", Bridge said, dropping his cigarette and crushing it with his shoe.
"Let me know then I'll bring hammerhead to you in a box!", I said, my voice becoming animalistic at the end.
"Wait what did you just...where'd he go?", Bridge said looking around confused.
"he got away from me Peter. All because of that stupid rhino!", I said growling. Peter just looked at me with a wtf face.
"I'm sorry, you fought a guy in a rhino suit and did you just growl?". Giving Peter a sharp glare he just eye rolled brushing it off. Guess my glare isn't working on him anymore. Going to need to work on that.
"Yes! I did a fight a rhino!", I said, slamming my fist down. Peter was startled but brushed it off quickly.
"Jack I know you're going through a lot lately but I've never seen you this angry. And that's saying something"
"I agree"
"AH! damn it Andi!", Peter said, startled by her sudden appearance.
"For the little time I've gotten to know you two the anger that Jack holds is the most obvious but you've been more angry than usual. More than anyone going through what your going through"
"Don't psychoanalyze me Andi!"
"Just making an observation", she defended.
"We're just worried, Jack, why don't you come to the battle of the bands event tomorrow. MJ invited me, gave me some VIP passes and said I could bring some friends. Could be used as a way to take your mind off things ", Peter chimed in.
"Worried? take my mind off things? *laughs* well I didn't ask for you to be worried about me and the only thing I'm concerned about is my family's killer. Never needed your worry before anyways and I don't need it now! so why don't the both of you just get off my ass!! and fuck off!!". Standing up I walked away tired of this ganging up on me. Looking back Peter had a hurt look while Andi had an interesting curious one. Maybe I was too harsh on them. I should go back and apologize.
You don't need them
They'll be fine, especially Andi. Nothing gets to Andi and Peter will be fine by tomorrow. All that matters right now is finding hammerhead. Even if that means I'll have to tear through New York's underworld to find him again. Now though I have a better and easier way of finding him. Just have to get him by going through the Mogilevech family. Time to raise some hell tonight.
The Revival is an underground club that only New York's criminal underworld knows about. Here you can find many of New York's most powerful, be they legal or illegal. You can also find many gangs and mob members. The club for years has been run by the Mogilevech family. It acts as a place of briskness between gangs and mob families along with letting off some steam. The only reason I know it exists is because people get pretty loose lips at parties. I might have also visited the club a couple of times once getting news of it.
This time though I'm the spook and not Jack Parker. Also get to see how this new suit works out. Knocking on the door a slit opened up showing two eyes that quickly went wide before closing it. Guess he's not letting me in, good. Hate for this to be boring. Taking a step back I kicked the door off its hinges sending it flying into the guy who was behind it. Walking over the door I heard a satisfying groan of pain. Heading deeper into the club I could hear the music blaring. Turning a corner there was a door at the end with two security guards. Walking up they instantly became on edge seeing me.
"Shit, it's the spook!", one of them yelled, drawing his sidearm. Running at them I jump to the side dodging a bullet before pushing off the wall coming at one of them with a roundhouse kick knocking him to the ground. The other raised his own gun but I pushed it up making his shot miss before kicking his leg in breaking it earning a yell of pain before I punched him in the chest making him fly into the wall. With him done without looking I caught the fist of the other. Turning around I grabbed his arm. I caught breaking it before punching him in the face, making him lose some teeth.
Looking at both downed guards I pushed the doors open instantly being hit by the sound of music. The club was full of people dancing, drinking, and talking. Moving through the crowd I didn't bother hiding. I wanted them to know I was here. Already I was getting stairs and some people were taking steps away from me. Looking around me I saw the stairs of multiple security guards who were speaking in ear pieces. taking a small set of stairs down I tried to see where the owner of the club was. Above me was a second floor but I noticed a giant window to an office overlooking the club, bingo.
Taking a few steps back I ran forward before jumping up busting through the window. Landing in a kneeling position I looked around the office to see an older gentleman who seemed to be sweet talking a younger woman. The woman screamed before running away. The man ran to his desk most likely to grab a gun but I flipped through the air landing on his desk in a three point stance stopping him. He backed up but tripped over a chair falling on his back. Jumping off the desk I walked up to him as he scooted back before hitting a wall.
"What do you want?", he asked in a thick Russian accent. Grabbing him by his throat I dragged him over to the broken window holding him above the dance floor. He looked at the ground before looking at me with a laugh.
"This won't kill me. Only break legs"
"I'm counting on it", I said letting him go. With a yell he landed on his legs earning a loud satisfying crack. Followed with yells of pain. Dropping down I walked up putting my foot on his broken leg putting pressure making him yell in pain.
"I want hammerhead. NOW!!", I said, putting more pressure.
"I don't know where he is". Hearing that I put even more pressure hearing another snap.
"Don't lie to me. Tell me another lie I'll move on to something else to break until I get what I want"
"Okay okay. I'll tell you where he is. He's currently being held at one beacon court penthouse located between east 58th and 59th street", he said in pain.
"Thanks for your cooperation", I said sarcastically, taking my foot off his leg. Turning around I saw multiple security guards surrounding me with everyone else clearing out.
"sadly you won't be alive to get there"
"We'll see"
Looking around I saw some with sidearms while others had shock batons. Cracking my knuckles I waited for one of them to make the first move. They all looked at each other unsure before one came at me with a battle cry. Jamming his baton at me I dodged to the side before spinning around him kicking him in his leg making him take a knee before punching his shoulder breaking it pushing him to the ground moving onto the others.
Running at the closest one I punched him in the chest causing him to lose his breath and puke before grabbing his head slamming it into the ground hearing a crunch, broken skull. He'll live. Suddenly I felt myself get tazed from behind. One of the guards was lucky enough to hit me with his shock baton. The strange thing though was there was a loud screech that wasn't coming from me but I felt it's pain for some reason.
Must be imagining it. In a fit of rage with a growl I grabbed the baton from the guard jamming it into his neck, shocking him as he screamed in pain while I smiled. Soon the other guards with guns opened fire making me have to run. Twisting through the air I threw the shock baton into one of them making them spasm which led them to miss fire their gun hitting one of their buddies. This led them to stop shooting which gave me enough time to rush them.
Jumping onto the first one I grappled him to the ground, beating his face in breaking his nose and losing some teeth. Grabbing his gun I threw it at the next right into his head making him stumble back. Before he could recover I grabbed his arm snapping it with my leg earning a scream of pain before kicking his leg snapping it in half. Turning around I sweeped the legs of another sneaking up on me before smashing my foot into his chest hearing a crunch. Rolling on the ground I dodged two shots before standing up punching the guard so hard I broke his jaw.
"ma jaw", he said, holding it in pain before I smashed it through the table. Grabbing a piece of the broken table I threw it into another guard's stomach making him drop his sidearm.
Holding his chest in pain I grabbed his head smashing it into my knee multiple times as I yelled. Throwing him to the side a guard came at me with a wide right hook which I blocked before wrapping my arm around it snapping it. With his broken arm I pulled him smashing my knee into his chest. Grabbing the back of his head I pulled it back chopping his neck then I beat his face in pushing him back before picking him up slamming his back on my knee. before pushing him off my knee.
"my back! you broke my back!", he said with blood coming out of his nose.
"Good", I said before slamming my foot on his face, knocking him out.
Two more guards came at me. The first came with a haymaker but I moved to the side pushing it to the side before punching him in the side cracking a rib. Holding his side he backed up as his buddy came at me with two punches dodging each one and a sidekick. He knows how to fight. Throwing my own strikes he dodged each one blocking my last one countering with another strike that I dodged by spinning to his side hitting him with a back kick making him fly into a railing making it cave in. Running at him I jumped into the air performing a superman punch making him flip over the railing smashing into a table.
Bending low I spun around dodging a surprise roundhouse kick. Throwing a punch I blocked it wrapping my own arm around his getting it into an arm lock. Bending his arm back he groaned in pain before I sent two kicks into his chest. Letting his arm go I pushed him into the railing I sent his buddy into making him bounce off it into an uppercut that sent him over the railing landing on his friend from before.
(Music ends)
Taking deep breaths I looked around to see the damage I've done. At least I got what I came for. While walking out of the club the events that just took place played through my head. What did I do? don't get me wrong, I fight brutally but that was different. I fought like a caged animal in there. I was breaking bones that might have killed someone. I took it too far and that's coming from me. I could have killed someone and might have!
The ends justify the means
Someone could have died
They deserved it
What's going on!? This doesn't feel right!
your fine
I'm not!!
Your fine
everything's ok
We're fine. We're ok. We don't have to worry about anything
Holding my head in pain I was forced to my knees in pain. It felt like my mind was two. Like something was manipulating me. it. Holding the wall I tried to power through. Why am I fighting this? I'm fine? NO! I'M NOT! What am I saying of course I'm ok? Huddled on the ground I gritted my teeth in pain before it became unbearable.
"AHHHHH!!!", I yelled like an animal. Suddenly I paced out for a moment going limp on the ground. Waking up I stood up feeling much better. Need to get hammerhead.
"We're fine, we don't have to worry about anything"
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