So knowing that the multiverse theory exists is one thing. Knowing there are multiple people with spider powers is another. On top of that, to know that in each universe they've created something called a "web shooter" is absolute bullshit! Those things are demonic I say! Every time they get involved with me I end up puking my guts out then getting a massive headache and feeling of nausea after. If I ever see another web shooter I'm breaking it and burning it back to hell!! It's a contraption made by a devil! Then there's this issue at hand.
"Why are you hanging him on the punching bag?", I asked while laying on the couch. We were currently sitting in Miles's uncle's apartment. The whole time I've been laying here Miles has been trying to tie unconscious Peter onto a punching bag for unknown reasons. It was entertaining to watch during my time of agony.
"I don't really know", Miles admitted, unsure. Behind him Peter was hanging slightly off the ground wrapped with a mixture of bungee cords, rope, and some chains. Actually surprised with how many were in the apartment.
"Honestly you probably should have just tied his arms and legs together instead. Would work out much better", i said while looking at the ceiling.
"Aspirin helping?"
"Hell yes, happy to know this stuff exists in this universe"
"kid electrocuted me with his hands", Peter mumbled as he woke up. Miles was standing in front of him as he woke up with his crappy mask on. He's really got to get a better suit if he's going to be Spider-man. Not some cheap one bought from Weltmart.
As they talked I leaned back resting my eyes happy to feel somewhat better though not back at one hundred percent. Can't believe one of my weaknesses is web shooters, god that's embarrassing. Rustling could be heard from Peter trying to break free but I paid no mind. Suddenly I heard the sound of cords, rope, and chains hitting the ground. Opening my eyes I turned my head to see Peter break free then kick the punching bag into miles making him fly into a door.
"I couldn't get thirty more minutes before something crazy happens?". Getting up I saw Peter walking to the window while webbing Miles's mouth shut. Not going to lie I wouldn't mind having those web shooters to do that. The amount of times thugs gloat is annoying so using them for that wouldn't be too bad. I still hate them though.
"Trust me kid this will all make you a better spider man", Peter said about running off. I watched him fire a web but as he jumped into the air he glitched? The sound of pain was heard followed by multiple sounds of hitting metal.
Me and miles, after getting the web off his mouth, walked out to the fire escape. Looking over the edge we saw Peter laid out after following a couple stories. Thankfully from what I've learned we're pretty durable. Though I've never heard of someone glitching like that though.
"Hey, you-u ok?", miles asked with confusion in his voice.
"no I'm not"
"What's wrong with your body?", I chimed in.
"I don't think my atoms are really jazzed about being in another dimension AH!", he said, having another glitch episode.
"Hold on, what are you talking about?", I said, getting worried.
"Atoms from other dimensions don't usually interact well in others, in theory but now not with everything going on. Which means my atoms are slowly deteriorating the longer I'm here so if I don't get back to my dimension I'm Kapoot! gone, no longer exist! dead!"
"But hold on, I've been here for about a week and I haven't had any of these glitch spasms"
"Huh, interesting but don't care. Look I'm not looking for some sidekicks as a spiderman coach. I got a lot going on in my dimension and I mean a lot"
"Sidekick!?!! who the hell are you calling a sidekick!?!!". Like hell I would ever be anyone's sidekick. Partner maybe but sidekick? like hell!
"but with great power comes..."
"Don't you dare finish that sentence! don't you do it! I'm sick of it", Peter said before trying to web away but glitching and falling again.
"Really working well for you isn't it", I said leaning on the railing watching him.
"Didn't ask you emo"
"Emo?", I said looking at miles. He just looked away with a weak smile. I'm starting to really dislike this version of Peter. Sure this dimension was very hopeful which irked me but at least he was nice while this one just seems sad and lonely...oh god I just described myself. I think I need to start seeing a therapist, nah.
"Take my advice kid, just go back to being a regular kid", Peter said while hanging onto the railing below us.
"But I don't have a choice! Kingpin has a super collider! He's trying to kill me!"
"Me too, though I wouldn't mind breaking some of their bones for trying"
"What did you just say?", Peter asked, sticking to the side of the building.
"Kingpins trying to kill us!". Now he's saying it right.
"Not that, where's the collider?", Peter said walking up to us. Knowing what he was trying to do I tried to stop miles from telling him but was too late.
"Brooklyn under fisk tower". I quickly grabbed him by his suit pulling him close to me.
"You don't tell the person who doesn't want to help us who can where it is because then he'll do it himself!". Sure enough when I looked at where Peter was he was walking away. Damn it!
"Hey, get back here!", I yelled while jumping after him.
"nope, got a collider to jump into to get back home". He kept walking away so I jumped off flying past him landing on the car before looking up at him with my arms crossed.
"I don't think so, Mr. Gloom. Pretty sure you need one of those", I said pointing at miles who was holding the broken flash drive.
"Oh you guys have a goober. Give it!"
"Wait not so fast! he called it an override key"
"It's always a bypass key, virus key, who cares key I can never remember so I call it a goober. Give it!"
"Keep testing my patience and I swear I'll knock you out this time", I said, cracking my knuckles.
"I'll swallow it, don't test me", Miles said, putting it in his mouth. Forget it, might as well just tell him.
"He's bluffing, it's broken. My guess he ended up landing on it breaking it"
"Great! This means I have to re-steal what your guy's guy stole to make this! Which means I have to go to Alchemax to get what I need to make another one of these", he said walking away by walking up a building. This is getting really old.
"But once you go through I have to close it or New York will be destroyed! my parents, my uncle, and millions will die! and you're just going to go home and leave me to figure this out by myself! you good with that spider man!". hearing that I felt guilt wash over me because it sounds like what I was going to do. Shaking my head I forced that emotion down, needing to stay focused on the now. I started walking after him but he vanished over the edge and I noticed Miles stopped behind me kneeling down letting out a tired sigh. Looking at him I then looked at where Peter vanished wanting to run after him but then I remembered what I've been trying to do. Damn it! Why did I agree to this? oh right, guilt.
"*sigh* Look Miles, we don't need him. I can still somewhat try to teach you what I know along with figuring out how to stop it on our own. so...don't worry about it?", I said, trying to comfort him. He just looked up with a "really look".
"Hey! I'm trying to comfort you! this isn't really my forte!", I said irritatedly.
"Doing a really good job of it", Peter chimed in.
"Weren't you fucking off or something?"
"I can tell someone is just sunshine and rainbows in their dimension"
"Fuck you"
"You know what, fine! Let's go! we don't have a second to lose!"
Time Skip
"Not a second to lose my ass! we're really stopping just so you can eat! what about us getting back to our dimensions huh!?"
"Calm down your causing a scene...I actually never got your name", Miles said. I looked around to see the few people in here staring at me. I sat down with my arms crossed trying not to jump across and strangle Peter.
"It's Jack, Jack Parker", I said, getting a wide eyed look from Peter. Great, here we go.
"Jack Parker? So you're another version of me?"
"No, I have a Peter in my dimension, he's just not a parker. Can you just hurry up so we can head to Alchemax already!"
"I don't think you realize, kid but since I got here I haven't had anything to eat so sorry that I should eat before most likely having to fight. Are you going to eat that?", he said before stealing my fries. Just watching him eat was making me lose my appetite.
"Jack's right, let's try to stay on topic. Other peter said he was going to be showing me the ropes. Any tips you can give me now?"
"Got plenty, disinfect the mask. You're going to want to use baby powder in the suit, it's heavy on the joints so you don't want chafing right?", Peter said. Hearing that last part made me happy I don't wear a suit like theirs. Been wearing casual clothes with just a half mask for most of my time as the spook and it's work pretty well. Makes it hard for people to ID me.
"you know what miles. Maybe I am a better choice for a teacher because I don't think this guy could do jack shit", I chimed in.
"He's not wrong"
"Can we cut the shit and figure out where Alchemax is?". Miles pulled out his phone looking it up before turning the phone toward us. It said they were located in the Hudson Valley, a good place to perform research and experiments without too many eyes to see.
"And on you can teach me to swing on the way there"
"NO!!!". I quickly stood up shooting that down but in my moment I forgot how much attention it would draw. Everyone in the place gave me a glare since I already disturbed them once but they just got my own glare in return.
"*chuckles* I'm with him"
After Miles paid for all of us we ended up taking the bus which Miles had to pay for us again. Honestly I feel kind of bad about the money he's spending on us but then I remember how Peter and I don't really have any money so the feeling left as quickly as it came. Honestly I've been finding myself feeling different things lately, feelings I haven't felt in awhile. It feels like I've been encased in ice and it's slowly melting but it'll never be completely melted.
I ended up taking a nap on the way there since it'll take a bit. We sat in the way back so no one else was able to sit by us. It was nice because it meant no one bothering us and allowed me to sleep in peace but Miles was asking Peter questions with him caving in to tell him some stories as his time as Spider man. He still didn't give much tips to Miles though. Honestly I haven't been doing much teaching myself. That's mainly because I don't have any to give.
Once we got to our stop we walked through the forest for a bit to get just outside the main building. Miles and Peter both had to take off their over clothes to be down to their suits. I just leaned on a tree waiting for both of them to end up posing like we're in a movie and miles had a cape? putting my finger to my nose I let out a long sigh. This better go well.
After they were done we walked closer to the facility to get an eye on what we're walking into. From an outsider's perspective it looked like a normal high end laboratory. Then again appearances can be deceiving since this place is funded by Kingpin. Wonder what else they're researching when it comes to research on the multiverse. Hopefully we can get me and Peter's ticket out of here.
"So how do we retrace Peter's steps?", Miles asked. We both crouched behind the rock to think of a plan. Peter came up with a simple one when he spoke about it which somehow was supposed to end up with him getting a bagel. This plan isn't going to go well.
"Just get in and I'll keep an eye on you from a distance", I said adding to the plan.
"How are you going to get in without anyone seeing you?", Peter asked. In response I just activated my camouflage power making Miles and Peter's eyes go wide.
"As long as I stick to the ceiling or keep my distance from people I should be able to walk around just fine. Meet you there", I said walking away. When I left though they were still looking where I was. Guess this ability works better than I thought. Then again I never really had a good chance to test out how well this works. Nothing like the present as they say.
While Peter swung away I used the trees to jump toward the building. We met up on the roof going through the ventilation shaft which was actually not that tight. Guess I don't get to test out my ability. We crawled through slowly so we wouldn't make much noise. Good thing Peter left Miles behind to keep watch. This is a little much for him this soon with getting his powers. just as I finished my thought something ran into me from behind turning around I saw...miles.
"What the hell are you doing here!?"
"kingpins here! I came to warn you both"
"We appreciate you looking out for us but you need to go back outside. This isn't something you can handle at the moment"
"No, if I can help in some way to make sure another spider man doesn't die! I won't do it again!", Miles said, full of conviction. This led to me and Peter both becoming silent and surprised with his words.
"*sigh*look miles you aren't the only one guilty with his death. I was more to blame than anyone and I promised him I would look out for you and teach you how to be spider-man. So don't beat yourself up, we're not dying anytime soon", I said trying to ease his worries. I could tell Miles was smiling before he responded.
"Your getting better at this"
"don't ruin it", I said before we continued on but stopped when we heard voices underneath us. Looking through the vent we saw a female scientist talking to Fisk. She walked away taking a seat on a yoga ball? before typing a password into her computer which peter got through the reflection of the window behind her. Then she began to talk about the dangers, which we already knew, of using the collider again. Lucky for us they ended up walking out of her office allowing us to slip in.
Peter crawled over to the desk while I dropped down, keeping an eye on Fisk and the scientist which wasn't too hard since their figures were clearly seen on the glass. Hearing the sound of something clanking I looked up to see Miles stuck to the ceiling lights. Oh right, he hasn't gotten the whole sticking to surfaces thing down yet. God I suck at this.
"Miles, you need to calm down. What do you do to relax?", I said, trying to help. He stopped trying to pry his hands off before humming a song? to each their own then. This ended up working but he fell onto a table making its contents fall on the ground making a loud banging and clattering noise.
"Shit", I said before looking back at the figures to see if they moved which thankfully they didn't. Looking back I couldn't find miles? the hell.
"Miles, where'd you go?", Peter said, looking around like I did.
"I'm right here"
"Where's here? we literally don't see you", I said before feeling something hit my back. Turning around nothing was there.
"You just ran into me. Can Spider-man turn invisible?", Miles said.
"Well, I can camouflage like a chameleon so it's better than mine. Lucky", I said, actually jealous. He can walk around indivisible where I need to be careful with how close I am to people or they could see me. Suddenly he was visible again.
"Huh, this is incredible. It's like some kind of fight or flight thing"
"What's that?", Miles pointed out. Looking toward where he pointed we could see the silhouette of the female scientist.
"Shit", I said, instinctively turning on my camouflage. This apparently also made Miles go back to invisible. Since Peter couldn't do the same he ended up saying a password really quickly that neither me or Miles could catch.
"do that while I..turn on the charm". Oh god if you do exist, please help us.
The scientist walked in to see Peter leaning against her desk. While she walked up to him, me and Miles went to her computer to try and get into it. Apparently Miles heard the gibberish Peter said but forgot a number. Quickly de-cloaking, I mouthed to Peter the last number which he showed with his hands. Camouflaging again I whispered it to miles. Typing in the last number we were in but all there was was multiple different apps and files all scattered not organized.
"Fuck my life. We're taking the whole thing with us", I whispered to miles. At this point Peter was pushed into a chair where he was strapped down, oh boy. Miles was going to grab the monitor but I detached it since all we need is the hard drive before we started sneaking out slowly.
"Seems like your cells are completely deteriorating. Obviously you've been glitching. Stay in this dimension for too long and your body is going to disintegrate. Do you know how painful that would be peter parker?"
"ugh I don't know"
"You can't imagine. And I for one can't wait to watch", she said. Me and Miles stopped in our tracks looking at her with Peter having a surprised look. This bitch is insane!
"What did you say your name was?", Peter asked, seeming to realize something.
"Doctor Olivia Octavius", she said, dropping her clothes to show some kind of suit that sprouted arms? One of which put a set of goggles over her eyes. Then one shot out choking Peter and slamming him to the ground.
"Can I assume your friends call you doc ock?"
"My friends actually call me "Liv", it's my enemies that call me "dock ock"
"RUN!", I yelled launching into the air kicking liv in the face.
This made her lose her grip on Peter allowing him to get free. Feeling my spider sense go off I looked behind me to see one of Liv's arms coming right at me. Not having enough time to dodge, I put my arms up before getting knocked across the room over her desk and through the window. Thankfully I was able to grab the ledge before falling down. Sadly glass stabbed through my hand, fuck! Pulling myself up painfully Peter was thrown through multiple walls. This plan is going great!
Grabbing a nearby lab coat I ripped it making a makeshift bandage wrapping it around my hand. Guess I have to go save Peter now and most likely miles. Walking through the hole after them I noticed someone else in the hallway. She turned around to show it was Gwen?
"What the hell are you doing here!?"
"I came here to find a way home. Which I guess you guys did too and was that another spider person?", Gwen said standing up. Looking at where Liv and Peter went I realized I'm going to need some help. oh I'm going to hate this.
"Argh, can't believe I'm going to say this but I need your help to save Miles and Peter. So let's go", I said, running after them.
"Wait! they'll most likely get outside so let's take the fast route", Gwen said taking her lab coat off showing her suit. She also pulled out a mask from the pocket putting it on.
"What do you have in mind?". Looking behind me I followed her gaze to show a window.
"Good idea"
Firing a web she grabbed a chair before smashing it through the window. She was quick to jump out with me behind her. Can't believe I asked another dimension Gwen for help, note to self, never tell her about this. She swung through the broken window while I jumped out going into free fall since the building was made on a cliff. Before I hit the ground I grabbed a branch then swung over the forest. Like hell I'll use a web shooter but I can use the branches to do the same thing.
Jumping tree to tree seemed to allow me to keep up with Gwen. Ahead of us we could hear the sound of Liv chasing Miles and Peter. My god this chick takes crazy bitch to a whole new level, especially since she's a crazy scientist. Sticking to a tree Gwen stopped next to me crouched on a branch. Ahead of us was Liv who was holding onto the hard drive of the computer. Looking at Gwen we both shared a look before knowing what needed to be done.
"Restrain her arms. You go high I go low", I said before dropping down from the tree while Gwen went ahead of me.
Running through the snow I watched Gwen go ahead of me. Miles and Peter were caught up in their own webs. I ran underneath them while Gwen went over them. This got Liv's attention which allowed me to not be noticed. She went straight after Gwen while I followed from below. Gwen after a swing started going into free fall letting Liv get close as two of her arms were saw blades. Fire two quick webs she pinned her arms making her come to a sudden stop before Gwen kicked her in the face. I ran up a tree jumping into the air kicking her in the back making her go straight back like a slingshot to be kicked in the face by Gwen knocking her out. We both landed on the ground before Gwen caught the hard drive.
"For a guy who's so broody you did well", Gwen complimented.
"You didn't do so bad yourself"
"What happened to all dark and broody?"
"Don't push it", I said before walking up a tree toward miles and Peter. Gwen followed me as we stood in front of a tangled Miles and Peter. I just let out a long sigh before glaring at both of them.
"Great plan Peter, very well done", I said sarcastically, not at all happy how the plan went. Especially since I had to rip out a piece of glass from my hand. Really need to get that treated.
"Ah you're so funny, who's your friend here?". Gwen looked at me before looking at peter. Holding the hard drive to her side she pulled her mask off.
"Hey guys, my name is Gwen Stacy. I'm a Spider-man from another another dimension"
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