Chapter 3
(Endless's POV)
I heard a roar, and suddenly knew someone was fighting. Snowy and I woke up, and we looked around. We heard voices, and we quickly got up.
"Blasted DARKWINGS," A voice roared.
"Blasted Darkwings?" Another voice echoed. "Blasted TerraWings!!" There, I saw them. I signaled for Snowy to follow me into the cover of bushes. I studied the two dragons once Snowy crouched next to me. One dragon was brown, very bulky too. He looked so much like a...
And the other one. A DarkWing. The DarkWing was muscular, pretty good looking too. He had scars scattered all over his body.
I wouldn't be able to stop the DarkWing, of course. Maybe if I aimed at the TerraWing's wing, I could probably stop him from flying away. Then again, I might hurt him too much. I tried finding a weak spot instead.
"Still the same as always," The TerraWing said, flinging himself up. He landed directly on top of the DarkWing, crushing him. I heard an 'oof!' as the TerraWing 'gracefully' landed atop the DarkWing. He sat on him, letting his weight do the job.
This won't end well
"Hey," I called, coming out of the safety of the bushes. "This has been enough."
The two dragons looked at me, their eyes glazed with confusion and fury, still in the heat of the battle. "Where did you come from?" The TerraWing asked.
"Just let me finish this..." The DarkWing said, sounding irritated. I mean, who wouldn't be? You're being sat on by a dragon twice your weight. The DarkWing clawed at the TerraWing's tail. I realized the DarkWing was older than the TerraWing.
"QUIT IT!!" The TerraWing roared, lashing his tail just out of the Darkwing's reach. I sighed. Snowy face-taloned.
"There's no way we're getting them away from each other, huh?" I said. Snowy nodded, but then her face lit up a few moments after. She bounded off into the clearing, where the trees got shorter and shorter each step you took.
I stood there for a few minutes, watching the two older dragons fighting like dragonets. One of them whining, while the other yapped on and on about some sort of way they would kill the other.
"Found it!" Snowy called from a distance. I saw her come through some leaves, holding a spiderweb in her talons.
"Get him OFF OF ME," The Darkwing yelled. Snowy looked like she was trying to hold in a laugh. She held her talon with the spiderweb in it behind the Terrawing's head, and tapped his shoulder.
"Wha- OH MY MOONS!!" The Terrawing stared wide-eyed at the web, and quickly jumped off the Darkwing, scrabbling across the forest floor. The Darkwing gasped, and took a deep breath. "What do you guys eat?!" He asked after regaining the air in his lungs, steadily breathing again. The Terrawing shrugged.
I tapped my talons impatiently, wishing they would quit talking. Snowy looked at the two older dragons.
"Would you mind explaining what you were doing in Queen Glory's forest?"
The Terrawing avoided Snowy's gaze, looking awkwardly at the ground. The Darkwing, however, held her gaze firmly.
"I'm sorry, but I can't tell you why I was here." The Darkwing said. Snowy didn't look away for a second.
"If you can't tell us why you were here," I piped up,"Care to introduce yourselves, then?" I was starting to feel creeped out by the sudden silence.
"Oh, i'm sorry," The Terrawing's head shot up,"We were supposed to introduce ourselves in front of enemies?" He shot a look at the Darkwing. A look full of hatred.
"Enemies?" Snowy echoed.
"Yep," The Terrawing said. "Don't you know what they are able to do?" He pointed at the Darkwing. "They're monsters." The Darkwing looked away, silently. A moment passed.
"Can you stop picking on him?" Snowy finally said, looking at the Terrawing. "Not all tribes need to be enemies. They can be friends, but you have to at least try to make friends with them, not pick on their flaws." She said more softly,"Now, can you tell us your name?"
The Terrawing looked at the sky for a second, then to me, then the Darkwing, and finally Snowy.
"My name's Arrow." Arrow said. The Darkwing looked at Arrow. "And mine's Scorch"
"That's a cool name," Arrow admitted. "So is yours," Scorch nodded. "Thanks"
I saw Snowy crack into a smile for a moment, and then I could've sworn I felt the ground shake, and I heard rumbling.
It looked like Arrow, Snowy, and Scorch felt it too, 'cause they looked around, having a wild look in their eyes. Scorch lashed his tail back and forth, and Arrow looked like he was using his weight to anchor himself to the ground. When the shaking stopped and the trees stopped swaying, Scorch looked at Arrow.
"You don't think.." Scorch started, but Arrow just nodded slowly. "You don't think what?" I asked.
"The awaken-" Scorch started, but Arrow interrupted him. "Nothing." I looked at them suspiciously, but carried on.
We brought them to where we were staying, our 'camp' as Snowy described it, and brought them some fish. We realized we didn't tell them our names, so we introduced ourselves.
"Hey look," Arrow said, looking at a sloth. He picked it up and the sloth squealed. He was just about to stuff it in his mouth like a chipmunk, until Snowy tumbled into him.
"NOOOOOOOO!!!" She yelled, knocking him over. The sloth made a muffled squeal, and pried itself from Arrow's talons.
"What?!" Arrow looked at his empty talons. "Why did you do that?!" Scorch chuckled, and Snowy and I explained why we don't eat sloths, but we cracked up when we finished telling him.
"Sloths look tasty to me," He muttered, climbing into his leafy bed. We left some berries and fish for him in a wooden bowl next to his bed, just in case he got hungry (which in case you didn't know, he would). The sun was starting to set under the horizon. Snowy and I couldn't make another bed for Scorch, so he'd have to share with someone.
"Scorch, you have to share a bed with Arrow." I told him. He looked at me like I was joking. "I can't stand him!"
"Mmh, good night" I left him to make his desicion, but I thought I saw Scorch smile.
Maybe they'll end up being friends after all
Hai Starssss!! I finally finished this chapter, but Wattpad was acting up, so I couldn't tell how many words I wrote ;^;
Buuuut, I hope you liked it, even if it was a bit short. velador760, shoutout to you again, because you're just that awesome of a friend. Check her out!
~WOF Total Fangirl,
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