28. We meet the mysterious guard
"Our first contestant, daughter of the noble house of Olympia, Kiara!" The announcer announced. Okay, that was a very bad pun.
Kiara took a deep breath and walked into the doors, where a crowd of people were standing. The stage was very high, with twelve seats in the centre, and others higher up for the coaches etc.
She was wearing the land uniform, a green full shirt, stretchy black pants, leather jacket and combat boots.
She had a bow and arrow on her back.
"Daughter of the noble house of Vincent, Emerald."
"Son of the noble house of Phoenix, John."
"Daughter of the noble house of Whitewood, Clarisse."
And so it went, entering the water creatures after them, with their blue shirts, and everything the same as the land.
And then, Susan's name was announced. Liza whispered, "Remember, chin up, back straight. You'll be fine."
"The daughter of the noble house of Knight, Susan."
And she went in, in her white, cloud like shirt, with her golden-blue bow swung across her shoulders and similar quiver across her shoulder, he couldn't help but think of Artemis.
"Son of honorary rulers of the air kingdom, representative of royals, son of noble house of Mckay, Calvin." He had just a moment to be confused about the added titles, before he was ushered onto the stage.
The spotlight found him, and he could feel the stares of all the people in the audience, and his cheeks warmed up. The spotlight followed him, and he didn't let his inner stage fear show.
He went and took the seat beside Susan.
The spotlight left him, and he was left in darkness. He leaned in to Susan and said, "You looked perfect."
"You looked like a tomato." Calvin's eyes widened, "I could tell because I know you well enough. You're lucky your light was red, it was fine."
He heaved a sigh of relief. Unknown to him, was that somewhere in the staff, he had caused a turmoil, and he was going to face the tornado soon.
Lily and James walked onto the stage, both looking like they owned the world, and normal lighting returned, putting all twelve of them in even lights.
He felt the judgmental gaze of everyone on him, and he couldn't help but feel nervous. How did the games work? How did the ranking go?
Was it going to be a knock out tournament, or a round robin one? Or maybe a combination type. Despite training for a whole month, there was so little he knew about the actual tournament, it made him feel nervous.
Which wasn't a lot, it didn't take a lot to make him nervous, but still...
On the other side of the castle, a guard called in favors to be replaced as Calvin McKay's personal guard.
A man, wearing a smart white shirt (what is it with elementals and white shirts?), brown pants, and a flowy red capes, walked onto the stage. He smiled at the contestants, giving each of the contestants a second of eye contact, before walking to the middle of the stage.
"Good evening, audience!" He spoke, in an announcer voice, "Welcome to the second Inter elemental tournament!"
Cheers erupted in the stands.
The guard sat impatiently in Calvin McKay's room, listening to the announcer speak.
"I know, I know. The details about the tournament are about as unpredictable as what angels would say, but here we are, at the tournament. Now, some basic things you need to know.
One, there will be four rounds in the tournament. And four teams will compete against each other, and one team will be eliminated in each round.
While you compete, cameras will follow you everywhere. Later, the highlights will be edited and broadcasted in all three kingdoms."
Calvin couldn't help but think of Hunger games, and it didn't help his nerves.
"The team that remains in the third round will go through a survival round, and if they survive, they would be considered the winners. If they don't..." he let the sentence hang.
Surely, they wouldn't let the contestants die?
"...they would be rescued by the crew. I got you there, didn't I?"
Calvin breathed out a sigh of relief.
The guard impatiently paced in the room.
"Now, here in three bowls I have the names of all of our contestants. Each team would have one air, one water and one land elemental. May the odds over be in your favor. Now, whom shall we start with first?" He, like a typical show host, hovered his hand over all three bowls, before picking one from the air bowl.
"And it's CALVIN MCKAY!" He loudly announced, he had to be the first one, didn't he? "A word about him. Ah...impressive. Angel- Fairy hybrid. Level one angel, level three fairy, son of royal representatives, and an A in both the sections? Whoever gets on this one's team is going to be in for a treat."
The room waited with bated breath for the names. The host sure knew how to create suspense. He pulled a chit from the land bowl, "Aha...It is..." he waited for a few seconds, "KIARA OLYMPIA...a word about her. She's a werewolf, an A in the demon slayer part. She's a level 2 sensor."
Werewolf. That would be great asset to the team. They can transform into wolves at will (JK Rowling lied!) and then, can use their heightened senses, teeth and speed to fight.
Third one from the aqua kingdom, was a girl named Ria Shahid. She is a mermaid, which wasn't surprising. Ninety percent of sea elementals are mermaids. She would be an excellent swimmer (goes without saying). She was the cold kind of mermaid.
Mermaids, when in water, have a stretchy skin-fin-wing type of surface from their elbows to their waist. They could work like a heater or cooler depending on what kind of mermaid you are. Their king, for instance, was a hot merman (both look wise and type wise) and was the only elemental who could get one liter of water boiling.
Even then, it took a few days to get there. So yeah, mermaids weren't very powerful.
Susan got paired with a vampire (not a good addition unless drunk) and a cool mermaid. Their team is going to be held wholly by Susan.
Lily got paired with an elf (they can do things like float in the air, make objects move, etc.). This one is level one, and paired with Lily's brains, the team is going to be formidable.
James paired with a shapeshifter (that was bad. They can look like anyone they remember with particularity) but it was fine. She was a level three shapeshifter and could never achieve a perfect transformation. He would just have to look closely. But they also got a level one frog. They could hop just about anywhere and are really good at camouflage.
(A/N: Don't worry if you can't remember who can do what. A reference will be given when all the contestants make an entry)
"Alrighty. That's all. Go to your room, get to know your team."
The guard in the room perked up.
"We'll meet tomorrow at lunch. Have a good day."
Calvin stood up uncertainly, after the light were dimmed and curtains pulled down. Ria and Kiara came up to him, and they followed the guy who called them to their rooms. For a while all the teams were together, but at a joint corridor split up.
They entered a large room. It had three doors leading into smaller rooms. The last room, with the name Ria Shahid had a door on the roof. Calvin suspected it was filled with water like an aquarium.
The rest of the common room had chairs, a coffee table, and other practice weapons. Calvin held his trusty personalized sword fitting his gait his fist. It could transform into a small ball, that his dad charmed to return to his pocket in case he lost it.
The guide said, "You won't be meeting your mentors from now on. There will be a guard in your room, you can ask them to take you anywhere you want. They know their way around. If you want anything, send them. You're not to go anywhere alone without them."
They nodded, and entered their rooms.
The room was square and bland. It had a bed in the center and simple peach colored wall. There was a mirror and a cabinet on a side, and some other designs. But that's not where his eyes were.
He was looking at the guard.
(A/N: This would be the perfect moment to stop the chapter, but I'm going to be nice, and keep writing. You're welcome.)
Braedon stood up from where he was sitting on the bed, and went down on one knee, "Lord McKay."
"You are Braedon, right?" Calvin asked uncertainly.
Braedon, now on his feet, nodded.
"Then why are you doing all...this?"
He replied in a monotone, "One year is a long time. People change."
"I..." Calvin started confused. This was not the Braedon he knew, and he thought, "You can be a shapeshifter. How can I know you're Braedon?"
"If I'm not wrong, and you haven't changed at all..." he said, making eye contact with Calvin, his eyes were holding back tears. He gave him a lopsided grin, a very Braedon grin, "you're probably thinking about Hunger Games and Triwizard tournament from the moment the tournament was announced."
Calvin took a moment to process that, before wrapping Braedon in a bone crushing hug. After a moment of surprise, he retaliated with equal vigor.
They both ended up laughing and crying hysterically, falling backside on the bed.
After Calvin got his breath back, "Braedon, this is so amazing. You're an elemental. Oh. My. Gods."
It actually made so much sense, Braedon moving schools at the same time as Calvin, Calvin never having met his parents, Braedon being understanding when he said he couldn't tell where he was.
"Why didn't you tell me you're an elemental?"
"Well first, I didn't know you were an elemental too. Second, I didn't know I was an elemental. I only knew last year. Third, why and how were you in a human school?"
"I should be asking you that! Land elementals always join human school, we're not stupid unlike the air and aqua kingdoms."
"It is pretty stupid. I had to learn middle school stuff last whole year, can you believe it?"
"Says the son of the rulers. Anyways, what were you doing in a human school?"
Calvin recounted his parents story of rebellion and Susan's story of the queen's flashbacks.
"Wow. You're having one hell of a life."
Calvin sighed, "Tell me about it. But how did you become so wise?" Calvin made a high pitched impression and bobbed his neck, "One year is a long time, people change."
"First of all, I don't sound like that."
"Totally do."
"And, I guess I was just sulky."
"I am the best swordfighter in our class. The best. But they didn't let me join the tournament, because I am not. A. Freaking. Noble." He stomped his feet at every word, "And now I am stuck as a guard."
"I...wow. Braedon, I'm sorry."
"It's not your fault."
"But still...I feel like it is, because I am noble."
Braedon smiled, "I'm glad you haven't changed. So, I heard you're an angel and fairy. Show me your wings."
Calvin grinned and unfurled his wings. "It's beautiful." Braedon gaped.
"So, what are you?"
Braedon grinned, "Level 1 shapeshifter." His body morphed into Calvin's body wearing a guard uniform. Only the eyes were Braedon's. That was the only drawback of shapeshifters, they couldn't change their eyes, no matter what. But they have contact lens for that.
A banging was heard on the door, it was Kiara. "McKay. Meet in the common room at seven for dinner. We'll do team talk."
"Well, I think things are going to get a lot more interesting."
"They are."
Author's note:
If you guys have any idea about tournament tasks, please tell me. I have a few ideas, but nothing solid.
Also, this is the last chapter I had ready in my drafts, so expect updates to be a lot less slower from now on. But I assure you, the chapter quality will make up for it.
How do you like it so far?
Any theories on how Finney and the king are going to come?
Just wait an watch, I guess?
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