16. Segregation
"Calvinnnnnn!" Braeden whined, hanging upside down on his bed.
"Braeden for the last time, I'm not going to..."
"But come onnnnnn, you're going to be sitting right in front of me."
"So? Just because we're sitting next to each other during exams doesn't mean we have to cheat."
"But Calvinnnnnn, you get almost 100% result, it wouldn't hurt you if you gave some of your never ending knowledge to me."
"Braeden, I am willing to share my knowledge to you. Heck, tomorrow is exams and I am still willing to tutor you, but no sharing during exams."
"But Calvinnnnnn, sharing is caring."
"Okay, here's the deal. You help me during exams and I'll...what do you want?"
"Come on, Calvinnnnn..."
"Braeden I'd rather fail with honesty than top the exams by cheating."
"But you're not the one who is going to fail."
Calvin sighed, "Braeden, do you know that you're a dolt?"
"So, does that mean you will help me?"
"Okay, so kids, time for segregation. How many of you know what it is?" Half the children in the crowd raise their hands.
"Okay then, for those who don't know, I'll explain. In our city, about quarter of the population is employed as demon slayers, and the remaining do jobs like, selling stuff, manufacturing, teaching, etc.
Segregation is basically where you will be going through two tests, one which will test your brains, and other which will test your reflexes and physical ability. If you get grade A in brains, you will be learning in this side where you will nurture your intellect" she motioned to the right side of the building, "and this side, where you will be molded as a demon slayer if you get grade A in brawns.
There are a few kids every year, who get A in neither, in that case, you'll be going in the section in which you scored the higher grade, as a puerile."
Calvin frowned, "That's insulting."
"Why?" Susan whispered back.
"Puerile is another word for stupid."
Susan nodded and they both focused back on what the Lady was speaking, "Other than particular classes, you'll take common classes like flying, magic, sense detecting, etc. that both the sections will take.
Anyone has any question?"
Calvin raised his hand, "What if someone has A in both the tests?"
Calvin heard snickers around him, mostly from Alberta's group of friends, and he wondered why.
"Good question.
Highly unlikely as it, if someone does get an A in both the tests, they take both the classes. We have the study classes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and demon slayer classes on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. So, they would be able to fit their classes easily.
But you needn't worry worry about that. The last time someone managed that was the late father of Her Majesty.
What is your name?"
"Calvin McKay, ma'am."
Her eyebrows raised slightly in surprise, but she took composure of herself remarkably well and replied with barely any change in her voice, "Mr. McKay, you needn't worry about it. There is barely any chance of that happening.
Any other questions? No? Good.
Now, I'll speak out the names of the students and they need to go to the tests one by one." She started roll calling names alphabetically, and the students called out walked to the rooms the Lady pointed them to.
"Which section do you think you'll be in?" Susan asked.
"Brains, no doubt."
"Why? Both your parents are like...world famous demon slayers."
"If no one got both in last century, then the tests gotta be hard. I barely used to pass the gym section in my human school, there is no chance I'll get demon slayer. What about you?"
"Demon slayer. Dad's been teaching me some moves. Besides, I can't think to save my life."
Calvin was going to give a sarcastic reply when Alberta, the girl from before came back, this time without the sneer, "Hey, I am sorry I was so rude before. You see..."
Susan cut her off, "...back then you didn't know Calvin was a McKay, right?"
Alberta scowled, but before she could retaliate, the speaker Lady called out his name and he walked away, after receiving a thumbs up from Susan.
The four kids the Lady had called, which he later learnt was the principal, who went the name of 'miss potato' among the students, were sent to a room for the brains test and were seated down. Two of them were nobles and other two were normal citizens. Calvin refused to call them locals.
The room was nothing fancy. Just a round room with soft, cream coloured paint and four red desk-chairs.
A man was sitting behind a desk and was correcting some papers, probably the tests of the students before them.
'That's really passionate,' Calvin thought, The teachers in human world wouldn't have started grading papers a week before their deadline. How does he know, you ask? Well, his dad was a professor and he knew things like that.
He looked up at the sound of clip-clopping of their shoes and stood up. He smiled and said, "Good morning students. Here for segregation, I assume? Oh, of course, what am I asking, that's what you're here for.
Now, take a sheet from here and get working. Fill up the answers." He pointed to a pile on the desk and settled back down. The other students shifted nervously, waiting for someone to go first before following. A boy moved forward, picked up a sheet and settled on one of the seats, plopping up his feet on the other.
The other two kids quickly picked up a sheet each and settled on one of the other seats, and Calvin, naturally, the last in the line had to make the boy put his feet down.
He walked to the boy and said, "Put your feet down, its for sitting." His tone wasn't rude, but it wasn't polite either.
He replied without looking up, "Sit on the floor, don't pester me." He made a shooing motion at him.
Calvin shrugged, "Fine." He sat down on the boy's feet. He hastily pulled back his feet and hissed, "What are you doing?"
"Is there any issue there?" The teacher asked.
"Yes, this boy sat on my feet."
"He is sitting in his seat, so unless you are saying you had put your feet there, please don't disturb the class." he said before going back to his papers.
Calvin smiled to himself and filled out his name and other details. He read the first question,
If you have to give thirty nine candies to fourty nine kids, how many candies will you have to buy?
Calvin frowned. Surely, they wouldn't ask basic multiplication to a fifteen year old? He raised his hand, "Sir?"
"Yes?" He looked up.
"I believe I got the wrong paper."
He came and looked at his paper, "It's correct. Don't worry, nobles usually find it hard." He said, and distaste laced his voice. Nobles found it hard?
The boy behind him narrowed his eyes, "Are you saying that nobles are dumb?"
The teacher shrugged, "Keep on with the test." Calvin smiled, he was definitely getting A+.
He wrote his answer, "Technically, we would have to buy 1911 candies, but it would be wiser to buy 1200, in case some of the candies are spoilt, or there are more kids than expected."
Calvin was popular for writing practical answers to math sums, and it amused his human teachers. The rest of the test passed in a breeze.
He walked out of the room and principal Kato directed him to the demon slayer test. A bulky looking man was standing in the room. He looked like he could wrestle a hippopotamus.
"Good morning."
"Good morning, sir."
He muttered, "A polite noble, that's a first." He probably thought Calvin couldn't hear him.
After a few minutes the other two kids joined them, and the noble kid after half an hour.
"Took you long enough." The teacher said.
The boy looked insulted (he seemed to do that a lot), but didn't reply. Probably because the mountain of a man was staring at him challengingly.
Calvin held back a snicker.
"So students, you're now going to give your demon slayer tests. You'll enter these rooms," he pointed to the four doors on the wall, "and pass the obstacle course, and collect as many golden balls as you can. There is no time limit. I'll be watching from here," he pointed to the four screens in the wall, "and if you think you're stuck and can't get out of the course, then ask for help, there are sensors in there. Now, in you go."
Calvin took a deep breath and opened the door.
Author's note:
I had initially intended to have the whole segregation in one chapter, but it got too large, so part two will be in the next chapter
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