"Guys, look ..." he said, gesturing to his body, waving his arms around, "I'm fine. Really. See?"
Percy Jackson was not fine.
Not in the slightest.
But he wouldn't dare tell that to the concerned faces of his friends.
Although as he looked at them peering down at him, with their eyes wide, and skin slightly pale, they were not convinced.
"But you were shaking in your sleep. I swear, you looked like you were terrified." Spoke up Harry in reply. "I reckon it was a good thing we woke you up, otherwise you could have had a heart attack."
"It was just a nightmare, honest."
It was not just a nightmare.
Not in the slightest.
Even as he lied to their face, he could feel the sweat rolling down his forehead and falling into his eyes, as well as hear his panting breath.
Neither looked convinced. But a flash of apology and understanding flickered across emerald eyes.
"Mate you were practically screaming, look just tell us and we can help..." Ron stopped what he was saying quite suddenly, eyes trained on a Harry Potter, shaking his head slightly.
Percy just looked at Harry thankfully, nodding slightly in respect to his fellow classmate. A small smile adorned Harry's face in reply, a smattering of red painting his cheeks. He was not used to anybody thanking him.
Ron still wasn't content to just leave it, however, "Where'd you even go?" but thankfully he knew to leave the dream alone.
Percy's restless tapping ceased. He had been anticipating questions like this of course, but as he made abundantly clear last night, he didn't have a clue how to answer it.
He settled on his default setting, avoidance.
"What do you mean?" He asked, hopefully showing more confusion to that question than he actually had. After all, he knew exactly what they meant.
It didn't work.
Ron stared at him as though he was thick, before he scoffed and said, "What do you mean, what do I mean? Mate you fell like a hundred feet, got whisked off to the infirmary, only to disappear for three and a half days, to then show up in our dorm, completely healed and definitely not the mangled mess we saw as you splattered onto the ground!"
Percy was at a loss of words. And he never was. He always had something to say. Just ask his old school teachers. Or any authority figure, ever.
The main thing that stuck out to him, by quite a large margin too, was that he was completely healed. Of course he knew that from the lack of pain, but the fact that Ron decided to include it told him it was utterly abnormal for him to be so.
"Guys, what do you know about rain?" was the only thing he could think of to say.
He didn't know why his mouth had just spurted that out, but it was something that was nagging him yesterday. Just how did he feel energised when in water?
The two of them just stared at him as though his nightmare had short circuited his brain.
Percy's blush reached down to his neck.
"Guys I swear I'm not insane..." he smiled at them, as if to prove his point, "... just humor me."
"The blokes gone mad mate. We should get Pomfrey up here or something." Ron said, trying to whisper to Harry, but probably speaking loud enough to wake up his snoring twin brothers two floors above.
Percy blushed further.
"Look just answer my question and I promise it will make sense soon." Percy practically begged, hoping he sounded less crazy.
"Well it comes from sun evaporating the water, right? Perspiration, and stuff." Ron answered, trying to remember what he knew from what his mum used to tell him.
"I think it's actually precipitation Ron, but that's about all I know too Percy." Harry turned to Percy as he said this, still not sure where this was going.
"I meant magic rain!" Percy said quickly, realising he didn't say that before, embarrassment heating up his body. "What do you know about magic rain?"
"Oh like weather-modifying charms? Not much mate, mum says they should be banned. Something about the environment or whatever. Why?" Ron was the one to speak up, still unsure why Percy wanted to know, but decided to entertain him if it got him answers quicker.
"Yeah. Stuff like that. Any that can produce rain that heals and gives you energy?" he asked, fully expecting to hear an answer that cured his restless brain.
"Not that I know of. You mean like potion rain?" Ron said, more confused now than when he first saw Percy lying in his bed.
"Potion rain? Is that a thing?" Harry spoke up now, at the same time Percy exclaimed, "Yes! Exactly."
The two black haired boys eyes flicked towards Ron who tried deciphering their words.
"Er no. I don't think it does exist. At least I haven't ever heard of it. Why is that important to what happened?" Ron's eyes glanced towards Percy, looking as his face fell ever so slightly.
That's when Percy decided to just come clean to his two friends.
He began his tale as one normally does, by telling his friends about how he died.
To give his friends credit, they never once questioned what he was saying, at least not outwardly. Though their eyes started growing more and more concerned as the tale ran on.
"... And then the super spooky floating dead people were all chanting about how I betrayed them, before they started shouting at me to wake up. I guess that was actually you two though."
Percy lightly panted as he finished his previous nights story.
"Bloody hell mate. You feeling okay?"
Percy just smiled in return and said, "Never better." Sarcasm oozed off of his words.
Ron rolled his eyes, and muttered, "Yeah, didn't think so."
Harry just chuckled at the two, before a thought occurred to him, "How do you know it was magic?"
Ron and Percy both looked towards him questioningly.
"The rain I mean. How do you know it was magic?"
"What do you mean? Of course it was magic, I practically passed out the second I wasn't in the water."
Harry looked at one spot on the floor, hard, and deep in thought. "I don't quite know. It was just when you told me about the effect the rain had on you, it sorta reminded me of when you did that eye thing back at the welcome feast, you know?"
Percy did know what he was talking about. Ever since he'd gotten to Hogwarts, the minute he asked someone a genuine question and they looked into his eyes, they almost felt compelled to tell him what was going on.
It creeped Percy out to no end, and ever since he'd been trying not to let it happen again. He didn't like the idea of having any kind of affect on people that compelled them to do anything.
"Sorry about that." His eyes showing how downcast he felt. They were the window to his soul, as his mother always said.
"About what, mate?" Asked a perplexed Harry, not understanding why Percy looked as though someone had just told him his pet dog has passed away.
"Making you tell me all that private stuff. I didn't mean to do it, but I still shouldn't have, you know...", Percy trailed off, ashamed eyes not being able to reach either of his friends in that moment. How could anyone trust him again, if he could make them do things they didn't want to do?
Harry didn't know what to say.
He didn't know what had happened to him at the welcoming feast. He couldn't explain it.
It was like nothing he'd ever experienced before.
But he didn't mind that it had happened. It was almost euphoric.
Staring into his friends eyes was surreal. He could almost see the ocean churning, large waves crashing into each other, a storm swirling in the irises of a child.
He could hear it too. The sounds of the great hall had been long forgotten, churning seas roared in his ears. Friends reuniting for another school year drowned out in favour of seagulls squawking overheard. Soaring winds replacing the sound of metal scraping over plates.
Instead of the warm, comfortable air of Hogwarts, he could feel a sea mist spraying into his face, as wind pushed his hair back. The sun, miles and miles above bearing down on him, sweltering him in its midday heat.
He could taste the salt of the sea mist on his lips.
But he didn't feel scared. He was utterly powerless but completely powerful. He had no control over anything, but he could feel energy coursing through his veins, pulsating through his body, curing him of any weariness and tiredness he felt.
He could feel his body swaying in rhythm with the sea. Quiet, and careful as he bobbed with shallow waves washing over him. It calmed him.
It should have terrified him. All of his senses had been completely taken over, nothing of what he could see, hear, feel, or taste was real.
But it soothed him. He didn't mind. He was completely relaxed. He hadn't ever felt as relaxed as this.
As he felt his body being pushed along with the waves, so too could he feel his lips start speaking.
He had known what he was saying, he didn't know why he was saying it, but equally he couldn't care.
He had never felt more safe than he had at that moment.
And he told Percy as such.
And Percy didn't believe him, despite the impassioned speech.
How he wanted to believe that Harry was genuinely fine, he just couldn't shake the feeling he had controlled Harry. And there was no way Harry should be in the least bit okay with it.
And that was written all over his face.
Ron, bless his heart, didn't have a clue what was being talked about.
He couldn't get a word in, because Harry spoke up first, saying, "Well whether or not you believe I'm fine with it, and honestly I am, that wasn't my point. I sorta lost myself in remembering what happened, that I rambled."
Percy still didn't look too convinced, but it didn't seem like Harry was lying to him so trying to push it to the back of his mind, he chose to ask, "What was your point then?"
"It was that when I was transported there, to the ocean, I had never felt more alive. It was like there was waves of pure energy rippling under my skin. I felt like I could walk, or swim, a thousand miles, or climb a mountain. And there was no rain at that moment, either. I think it's got everything to do with you, and nothing to do with the rain." Harry filled in.
Percy slowly started to see what Harry was meaning, "So you think I've just got some super powered connection to water or something, then?" Percy said, trying to simplify everything he was hearing.
"I think so." Harry nodded, as though it was a perfectly reasonable answer.
"But that doesn't make any sense!" Percy exclaimed, falling back onto his bed and sighing deeply.
"Well I never said it was a perfect theory." Harry muttered, somewhat indignantly.
"We could just try it." Ron spoke up for the first time in ages. He still was at a loss as to what was going on and why his friends were having deep meaningful conversations without him, but he fought back the growing ball of jealousy in the pit of his stomach.
Percy just rolled over onto his side to look at his two friends as they sat on the edge of his bed.
"How? I doubt any of us know a rain making spell, and I don't feel like doing a rain dance." Percy piped up, rather sarcastically, as he twirled his hand around as though waving a wand before pointing it to the sky.
"Oh yeah." Ron muttered, as he walked to the window and peered at the clear sky. "It's bloody Scotland and there's not even a rain cloud in sight."
"What about the bathroom?" Harry asked. "We could use the taps."
With a groan Percy pushed himself off the bed, saying, "It's worth a shot." Before planting his arms across both Harry and Ron's shoulder, and steering them towards a painting on one side of the room that he had come to learn housed his dorm rooms bathroom.
"Er can we come?" A quiet voice spoke up.
Completely spinning around, arms still locked onto Ron and Harry, Percy saw his other dorm mates sitting up looking at him. Dean, Seamus, and Neville were all sat up on their beds, looking at the three of them curiously, with Neville blushing slightly after asking the question without meaning to.
Percy could hear his breath relax a little as he saw it was just his dorm mates, and not a gruesome monster he for some reason expected it to be. He should have assumed they'd be able to hear them talking.
Percy just shrugged and said, "Sure. Don't know if you'll see much of anything impressive mind."
He still had his doubts about whether or not it was even because of him and not some magic potion rain, and he had a sinking feeling in his stomach that something was about to go dreadfully wrong from this point in. But nevertheless, he lead the group of boys forward.
Whispering the password to the painting guarding their bathroom, he watched as it swung open.
As he crawled through the gap, his eyes roamed over the room.
The room, in a way, was far different to the bedroom, and not just because one had beds and the other had toilets.
Whereas the bedroom felt regal, the bathroom felt plain.
He wasn't expecting much the first time he laid eyes on it, it was just a bathroom after all, but after seeing the bedroom for the first time, he was a little disappointed that the bathroom didn't impress as much.
The entire room was about as large as the dorm room itself, with 3 sinks completely opposite the portrait hole. A large mirror spanned the length of the wall above them.
On the left hand side housed 3 toilet cubicles, or rather rooms with heavy wooden doors. Each one came equipped with enough space that you could lie prone in either direction and still have space. Although nobody had tried that, as it was still a toilet and who knew what had been on those floors. Inside each room housed a toilet, a sink, a never ending supply of toilet paper, and a permanent air freshener.
On the opposite side of the toilets, or on the right as you come into the bathroom, was 2 bath/shower rooms. These were larger in width than the toilet rooms as there were less of them, but it left you more than enough space to wash yourself, dry yourself, and get changed.
The space in between the three areas, toilet/sink/shower, was quite regal to be fair to it. There was more than enough space for all 6 of the boys to stand comfortably apart, and there was a grand red carpet with gold linings running from the portrait to the sinks. But that was about all there was to the grandeur. Everything else was just regular looking.
Percy didn't know why he had a sudden feeling of dread as he glanced around the bathroom. He didn't know why he was so uneasy, but it felt like whatever happens from this point, would set the wheel in motion that changed his life.
He watched as the rest of the boys clambered in after he did, before slowly shuffling towards the middle sink. He took slow, deliberate steps, trying to combat the unease he felt that was threatening to male him stumble. Head faced to the ground, making sure his feet made strong connections with the floor.
As he got closer to the sink, he could feel his shoulders tensing up. His hands slowly curling into fists, tightening with each step he took, whitening as he went.
He glanced upwards, into the mirror and watched as his friends trailed in after him. Most just staring at him, wondering what the hell he was doing.
He raised his head up, pushed his shoulders back a little, straightening himself up. He shook off his unease and tried his best to look composed in front of his friends.
It wasn't a long journey from the doorway to the sinks, but it sure felt it as he was walking.
As he reached the sinks, he gently placed his hands around the bowl, gripping it a little to steady himself.
"Right, so what do we do now?" He asked as he turned around to the group, hoping his voice didn't sound as weak as he thought. He was silently hoping they'd come out and tell him to leave it and just go for some delicious breakfast.
If the group noticed, they didn't let on.
Instead the just inched ever so closer, crowding around, trying to see everything. They were all curious as to know what was going to happen.
He took that as their answer.
He was going to have to do this.
Sighing a little, he turned back to the tap, before reaching to turn the cold water on. Potential super water powers or not, he didn't want to scald himself.
He looked back at his friends, to see them looking at him expectantly.
He half grinned at them, half grimaced, before pushing his hand under the stream.
As his hands ran under the freezing stream, he felt a shiver run up his spine, as the cold woke him up a bit more from he still sleepy state.
He could hear the group behind him inhale slightly, anticipating what was to come, and he was sure he was doing the same.
And then they waited.
Before waiting some more.
He didn't feel any different, at all. Just cold. He wasn't suddenly overcome with energy, and he certainly didn't feel like he was capable of amazing endurance feats.
He turned back to the group whose eyes were trained on him, hope and anticipation and excitement running across each of their faces.
Then he slowly saw their faces drop as they read his face.
"See?" He questioned, waving his hand around, flicking droplets of water everywhere, "Nothing happened."
He was actually quite relieved in all honestly. The second he realised nothing was happening, he could feel all that anguish inside of him dissipate.
Now his friends weren't all heartbroken about it, but they did all want to see some cool new powers, so the frowns on their faces weren't out of place.
As he wiped his hands dry on his pants, he felt it.
Then he felt dread.
Then something clicked in Percy's head.
Then he internally groaned.
That feeling of anguish came back in full force, as he realised why he didn't think it was working.
He had felt an energy boost, that much was obvious as his hand dried and got rid of all the water on it. He could feel himself come down from something.
He hadn't felt it at first, because why would he? He wasn't injured, so he couldn't be healed. And he'd just had a nights sleep so he was refreshed and not tired.
But as his hand became dry, it was clear. That shock that woke him up before wasn't just the water being cold.
It couldn't have been or else he wouldn't be feeling that bit less awake now.
It was easy to miss, unless you knew to look for it. It was a natural human reaction to perk up in cold water. Or go into shock, but that probably wasn't possible from a tap.
He put his hand under the water again, aware of the curious stares of his friends on his back.
This time he could feel it. He knew. It was obvious. How hadn't he ever seen it before?
Despite his initial unease, and the pit in his stomach that was growing bigger and bigger, the second his hand passed under the water, all his worries and fear left his body. He closed his eyes as his hand stayed under the cold stream, before breathing softly, relishing the feel of water on his skin.
With every breath he took, he could feel the water falling on his skin become hotter and hotter. The water stopped at the perfect temperature for him, as though it just knew what he liked.
He opened his. He took note of how he was leaning over the sink, before looking up into the mirror.
As he stared at his own reflection, he could see his eyes glowing ever so slightly.
He could feel power coursing through him. An untapped sea stirring beneath his skin.
He could hear the sea swishing around in his ears, calling to him, welcoming him home.
He could feel the call rising, growing in volume, deafening his ears.
The longer he kept his hand under the water, the stronger the sound became.
It rose to nothing more than a screech, forcing his left hand, the hand not in the water, to try and cover his left ear while he placed his right on his shoulder.
He tried to wrench his right arm free from the water, to join his other in trying to drown out the awful noise, but he couldn't move it.
He realised he didn't want to move it.
The noise worsened, driving him to his knees. He could swear he could feel blood on his left hand. There was a distinct thumping reverberating around his skull. Growing more painful by the second.
His friends had rushed towards him the second they saw something wrong, but they couldn't reach him. A wind had whipped around him, far too intense to break through.
Percy's mouth had opened up into a silent scream, as tears flooded down his face.
Then, it all stopped.
There was no sound but the tap running, and Percy's ragged breaths.
The wind died down, sending Harry and Ron tumbling as they were currently trying to force their way through it, before suddenly finding no resistance.
They, with their other housemates, rushed forwards, trying to help Percy up.
They all spoke at once,
"Percy! You okay mate?"
"Bloody hell, what was that?"
"Do you need help?"
"Should I get McGonagall?"
"What just happened, mate?"
Percy just ignored them, grasping onto the sink and trying to hoist himself up. Ron and Dean quickly caught on and helped lift him up, whilst Neville and Harry backed away as they were in his way.
He groaned slightly, before looking out at the group surrounding him, "What the hell just happened? Did you hear that? Man my head is killing."
"Hear what?"
"How should we know?"
"You tell us?"
"Should I get McGonagall?"
"I didn't hear anything."
Percy just groaned as his headache flared up once more at them all shouting over the top of each other.
He slowly turned around and gripped the sink as tight as he could, trying to ground himself as his legs felt too shaky to support him for long.
He clenched his eyes shut as another headache rattled around his head.
His eyes slowly opened up, face over the sink. He glanced towards a tap, eyeing it up.
Another headache racked his body.
He scrunched his nose tight as he tried to breath through the pain.
He eyed the tap again.
He slowly reached his hand out towards it, pausing just before the water.
Should I? He thought to himself, it did help ease the pain before.
Yeah, but then it almost deafened you. Argued the rational part of his brain. Urging him to be wary.
Another headache pulsed, and his mind was made.
He reached his hand in.
He could feel his headache lighten, slowly getting smaller, receding into dull throb, before disappearing altogether.
He sighed as the pain left, and the water eased his aching bones.
Once he was sure he was fine, he slowly reached to turn the tap off. A little put out, if he was being honest. He liked the feeling of water on him.
The sense of impending doom hadn't left, as he still felt something big was coming, but he'd already broken the dam now. He might as well embrace it.
He pulled his hand back towards him as the water shut off.
He could hear the sound of the last few drops falling from the tap into the bowl.
He could feel them falling.
He closed his eyes. His senses opened.
He could feel the drops from his hands as they fell through the air.
He could trace their movements as they fell.
He reached his senses out further. He could feel the water in the plumbing. Could hear the drop from a recently used tap from another dorm room.
His senses stretched even further. He could feel the Great Lake. He could feel the gentle ripples as the giant squids tentacle breached the surface. He slowly round himself swaying in time as the ripple stretched outwards.
He was connected to it all. He could feel electricity surging through his body. He was waters master, and it obeyed him.
His eyes snapped open again.
A green glow bathed the entirety of the room, washing over everybody here, the scent of the sea wafting through the air, and the power of it rushing over everyone, forcing everyone to their knees. To bow.
He slowly turned around to face his friends, they were all nervously glancing at a spot above Percy's head, whilst trying to fight against whatever was pushing them down.
Percy eyed them curiously. Head cocked to the side. An impassive face stared down at them, eyes harshly glowing in the barely lit room.
His eyes slowly trailed upwards, catching the dying glimpses of something glowing.
Then, his eyes lost their ethereal light, before they lolled to the back of his head and he fell to the ground.
A/N - Hope you like the newest installment of Percy's journey at Hogwarts. I like to think something major went down in this chapter, but you can be the judge of that.
Let me know if you liked it. Let m know if you hate it. I like seeing all comments. However small and seemingly insignificant, or large and potentially incredibly hurtful, I like them all.
I'm trying to get things moving a little bit now, hopefully giving a bit more excitement to everybody. Gods know you deserve it for putting up with me this long.
So yeah, just tell me what you think. Do you like that what I've done with this chapter, or do you wish I'd have waited a bit longer? Do you want me to speed things up even more, or do you want me to slow them down again? Let me know.
As always, thank you, and I hope you're all doing okay.
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