Extra 1#: soulmates?
Just an extra chapter that popped into my head so here you go. Tell me about the spell errors and stuff like that and I'll try and fix it.
"Ancient language/spell"
Something important
3rd POV: (A-1 common room, after school)
It was after school and most of the 1-A girls and some of the boys were hanging out in the dorms common room. The girls were chatting about their love lives, boys, and other things like that.
The boys who were watching tv a playing video game were pretty much ignoring the girls until a certain topic came up. "I wanna know what you girls think about soulmates, like if they're real or not." Nejire said loudly get the attention of the group of boys. Which consisted of Katsuki, Kirishima, Shinsou, and Kaminari. (Girls group: Mina, Momo, Uraraka, Tsuyu, and Nejire).
The rest of the girls took a minute to think before answering Nejire. "I like the idea of soulmates. It sounds lovely." Said Momo the rest nodding in agreement. "But how would you know which person is your soulmate? There's so many people in the world." Asks Tsuyu (does she put something at the end of her sentences I forgot?) looking at the others.
At this point the boys had either came over to sit with the girls or were listening from a nearby couch. "I don't know? OH! I got an idea! Let's ask Izuku if he has a spell that can find you soulmate after all he has a spellbook fill with random spells." Said Uraraka thinking of her green haired friend.
"That's an awesome idea!" Yelled both Mina and Nejire at the same time. "I'll go get him he's in his room. Tamaki and Eri is up there with him since I dragged them here with me." Said Nejire.
"Is Togata-san up there with as well? Asked Momo as Nejire started up the stairs. "Nope, Mirio got stuck doing last minute homework. Sucks to be him. I'll be right back."
A few minutes later Nejire came back down dragging the two boys behind her with Eri trailing behind. "W-wait Nejire slow down I'm gonna trip." Izuku says trying to keep up with the hyper blue haired girl. Tamaki just quietly following behind use to Nejire's antics.
Coming to a stop in front the now mixed group of students Izuku look at them confused. "Okay so why did you drag me down here?"
Tsuyu is the one to answer, "we wanted to know if you had a spell the could find a person's soulmate."
Curiosity filled Izuku's eyes. "I never looked for a spell like that so I just might. Give me a minute." Izuku puts a hand to his choker and with a small glow pulls out one of his spellbooks. It was brown with golden markings.
As Izuku looked through his spells the group of students were trying decide who he would use the spell on if he found one. "Oh oh let's have Tamaki do it!" Nejire said with a knowing smirk. "What! Why me?! I don't know. That's a lot of pressure." Tamaki said back little panicked. "Come on it'll be fun and I bet you're soulmates will be Mirio. You two were made for each other." Nejire says trying to convince the nervous boy. "You're just saying that to make me feel better but I'll do it anyways there's no use arguing with you." "YES!!" After she got Tamaki to agree she quickly got the other to agree as well.
Eri looked around at the group confused. She walks up to the girls see that Izuku was busy looking through his book. "What's a soulmate?" Eri asks making the girls go quiet try to think of a good way to answer.
Shinsou was surprisingly the one who answered. "A soulmate is kind of like a best friend. Someone who will love you more than anyone or anything else." Eri smiles at the answer liking the idea of soulmates.
At this point everyone that was in the common room had now joined the group so they could see Izuku use his spells. "Hey Izu did you find the right spell yet?" Katsuki called out to his best friend. "I did actually but it pretty complicated and the energy drain on it is pretty big too. So I wanna make sure I get it right since I don't know if I'll have enough energy to do it a second time. Also it only gives a few hints to who the soulmate is."
Katsuki looked surprised. "Does the spell really takes that much energy? And don't worry about it being just a few hints it's better than getting nothing. Do you need help getting ingredients for the spell?"
Izuku shakes his head. "No I just need some pen and paper and the person to use the spell on. The difficult part is this long chant."
Katsuki looks at the book in Izuku's hand. "What language is this book written in this time?"
"Ancient Greek." After a few more minutes Izuku was ready to do the spell. "Okay that's everything I need. Now who am I doing the spell with?" He asks looking at the small crowd of students. They all pointed at Tamaki causing the nervous boy to fidget. "Okay come over here and sit next to me." Izuku pats the spot next to him on floor by the coffee table.
"This might seem a little weird." After Izuku said that he put one of his hands on Tamaki's head and the other holding a pen and started chanting.
"Ancient words heed our call and reveal to us hints to lead us the one who is connected to this soul in lives past and to come."
As Izuku chants the spell his eyes start to glow slightly. Once he is done chanting his hand drops from Tamaki's head his eyes still glow he starts to write on the piece of paper.
As soon as he is done writing Izuku falls to the side. "Izu!/Izuku!/Midoriya!" Everybody yells in worry. "Izuku are you okay bro? Do I need to go get Recovery Girl?" Kirishima asks helping him up since was the closest besides Tamaki.
"Yes, I'm fine. The spell just used more energy than I thought it would." Izuku said trying to calm his friends down.
Tamaki was still a little dazed from the spell. Snapping out of his daze Tamaki look at the paper. "Izuku what does this say? I can't read it?" What ever was on the paper was written in Ancient Greek.
Shaking his head to get rid of his small headache Izuku takes the note from Tamaki and speaks the word in a language the others can understand.
Note: the soul you seek has been near you since very young and has a heart of gold to save many and a smile to inspire hope.
The small group looks at each other confused. "I don't get it." Kaminari says giving up after five seconds.
"Of course you don't you damn pikachu" Katsuki yells pushing Kaminari off the couch with his foot. "Be nice Bakugou. Anyway let's break the note up into part and figure it out that way." Shinsou says while rolling his eye and going to refill his coffee cup.
Izuku looks back at the note. "Okay the first part says, the soul you seek has been near since very young." The group talk to each other while they think. "Could it mean a childhood friend?" Momo thought out loud catching the attention of the others. "That's it! I was right!" Yells Nejire jumping up and down in excitement with a bright red Tamaki right next to her.
"What you figured the whole thing out already?" Izuku asks sounding tired Nejire nods. "Come on and tell us who it is already." Mina says impatiently.
Before Nejire could answer a certain someone phased through the wall leaving his uniform behind. Making all the girls scream in surprise. "Hey what's up everyone." Nejire let's out a sigh as Tamaki turns a darker shade of red and covers Eri's eyes. "Mirio this the 1st year dorms not the 3rd years. Go put on some clothes!!" Nejire yells at the blond 3rd year. "Sorry!" Mirio runs to put his clothes back on.
After a few minutes Mirio comes back in. "So what are you guys doing?" Hoping to get an answer now that his has clothes on. "We're figuring out Amajiki's soulmate using one of Izuku's spells but the spell gave us hints instead of a name." Uraraka is the one who answered. "Cool do you guys know who it is yet?" Mirio's eyes sparkles with wonder. "Nope not yet. But Nejire says she figured it out already here if you want to try." Shinsou told him while handing him a note with a translation of what the original said.
Mirio reads the note over a few times before blushing bright red leaving the rest of the group confused. "Um guys are you going to tell us or are you going to leave us in the dark." Kirishima asks looking between the two blushing boys and their giggling friend.
Without answering Mirio gets up and silently walks over Tamaki who is freaking out and smiles at him. "Tamaki." Mirio cups Tamaki's face with his hands. All the girls got quiet holding their breath like they're watch the climax of romance film.
Tamaki stares into Mirio's before nodding. Without another word Mirio pulls Tamaki into a kiss. Causing Nejire and the other girls to start fangirling and Kaminari to cover Eri's eyes. "See I was right! You two were meant for each other!" Yelled Nejire the other girls were going on about how cute they were together.
Izuku who had fallen asleep against Katsuki because of a lack off energy was woken up by the excited screams of the girls. Seeing the reason why Izuku smiled feeling accomplished. "Well my job is done I'm going to go take a nap."
Before Izuku could leave Eri grabed his sleeve to get his attention. "Izu-nii could you do that spell for me later." Eri asks with a sparkle in her eyes making Izuku smile.
Izuku pats her head. "Maybe when you're older okay." He then leaves to go back to his room to sleep.
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