Chapter 7: Worries and Heroes
I think I fixed all the spelling errors I'm not sure
"Ancient language/spells"
3rd POV: (Bakugou house, late evening)
Mitsuki and her husband Masaru were starting to get worried. It was well past the time for Inko and Izuku to show up and they couldn't get a hold of them using the shop's number or Inko's cell. They knew Katsuki was starting to notice that something was wrong but he didn't know what and he hated not knowing.
"Come on! Just tell me what's the matter all ready! Where's Izu and Auntie Inko they should be here already!" Katsuki yells impatiently setting of small explosions worry clearly shown in his eyes.
"I'm not sure where they are but I'm sure they're almost here. There's not need too worry I'm sure they're fine." Masaru said trying to comfort both his wife and child. They both nod in agreement not wanting to think about any other possibilities.
3rd POV: (Random street, late evening)
'Run! Run faster you have to find someone! Anyone to help momma before it's too late!' This was the only thought running through Izuku's head as he ran away from his mother's shop to get help. He ran as fast as he could with tears streaming down his face blurring his vision clutching his spellbook to his chest like a lifeline.
When he turned the corner the crying boy ran into someone but he was in such a state panic he barely noticed even when he was knocked to the ground from the impact. "Child are you okay? Why are you out here alone?" Hearing a person's voice snaps Izuku back to reality.
'I found someone!' Izuku thinks to himself vision still blurry from his tears. "H-help bad man hurt momma s-shop!" Izuku stutters out in between sobs not being able to a full sentence together.
"Wait a minute Izuku is that you!? It's me Recovering Girl I'm an old friend of your mother." Hearing this causes Izuku to calm down enough for his vision to clear up enough for him to see who he ran into. It was Nezu and Recovery Girl was with him. "Sweetie can you tell what me happened and where's your mother?" Izuku nods as RG brings him into a hug.
"A man showed up at the shop while we were in the back room and momma told me to stay back there in case something happened. I think he got into the shop somehow because momma started yelling has soon as she left the room. I never heard her get so mad before. She yelled about him lying about everything including his name. The man said he was here for me and that he was gonna take me even if he had to kill her. Then he said something about his name being All For One and momma sounded really scared after that. I ran to get help after that." He explained to the two heroes Izuku started crying in the middle of his explanation but managed to keep his voice steady.
RG holds the crying child tightly and looks at Nezu who was already on the phone calling backup. "This is bad Nezu, if it really is that man this is looking really bad."
Nezu looks at the nurse, "I know, stay here with the child and keep him safe I'm going to see if I can get a look inside. I told the other heroes that you two would be here so you don't need to worry about being unprotected." Nezu at the child and feels the need to protect him. 'No child should go through pain like this. But why is he after this child?' He thought angrily to himself
Knowing how sneaky Nezu can being she doesn't bother to argue. "Just be careful okay." RG says to the principal. He gives a nod of acknowledgment and goes to sneak into Inko's shop to check on the very small chance that the mother might be alive.
It's doesn't take long before the other heroes and cops show up just like Nezu said. Most of the heroes that showed up knew of Inko in some way and most were worried for the lovely women and the wellbeing of her son.
The two heroes sent to watch over Izuku and Recovery Girl (he was still hugging her) were Eraserhead and Present Mic. Izuku who managed to calm down a little by now stared at the two heroes with interest. "Hey kiddo, you doing okay? No wait that was a dumb question of course you're not." Mic speaking in the softest voice he can manage tries to make small talk but doesn't get very far.
Mic elbows Eraserhead telling him to try. "Hey kid are you hungry?" Izuku nods, Mic's eyes sparkle when he sees they got a response from the most likely traumatize boy. "Okay we'll get you some food when we get to the police station. We'll head there after Nezu and the others come back." A small part of Izuku didn't want Nezu to come back since he feared the news he might bring back with him.
Mic decides to try and distract Izuku from whatever bad things he was thinking. "Hey kiddo guess what, me and Eraser here have pendants from your mom's shop. You wanna see?" Izuku perks up at this nodding his head up and down.
The two heroes pull out their respective pendants Izuku eyes sparkle as he remembers his mom making these pendants. One was a black cat with gray scarf the other a yellow parrot with a black treble clef in its talons. "I remember momma making these she found them really cute. She said they were wedding presents." The three adults (Recovery Girl is still there) were surprised to hear him speak after being quiet for so long.
Before they could continue talking Nezu and the others came back. Nezu's face was grim. Izuku could already guess at what they found. "Let's move to the police station before we go over what we found." Nezu told the boy trying hard to put a smile on for the young boy.
3rd POV: (On the way to the police station, late evening)
The four heroes and the young child all piled into a car to head to the police station. Eraser was stuck driving with Mic sitting next to him in the front seat. The others were in the back with Izuku sitting in the middle. The ride was mostly quiet with only sound being made when Izuku turns a page of his book.
Nezu was the first one to break the silence "Izuku if you don't mind me asking could you tell me what language your book is written in?" The principal asks the green haired boy. His eyes sparkling as he looks at the book written in a language unfamiliar to him.
Izuku's eyes seem to light up a little. "I don't mind. Momma said it's Celtic her book was written in the same things she says I'm a really fast learner to pick it up so fast."
"You can read it already? So what kind of spells are in your book is it the same as your mother's?" Nezu asks brimming with curiosity.
"Mostly the same as momma's healing, medicine, and potions." Izuku says with a sad smile. "Mine is different to momma's the quirk doctor said more spellbooks would appear when I get older with different spells in them." Telling Nezu about the quirk doctor made him remember a few things her forgot about earlier. "Oh no!" Izuku yells surprising all of the heroes.
Eraser despite the sudden yell managed to keep the wheel steady. "What?! What's the matter kiddo!" Mic asks in worry still trying to keep his voice down for the boy. At this point Mic had turned around in his seat to watch the three in the back.
"I just remembered me and momma were going to meet up with Auntie Mitsuki to celebrate me and Kacchan getting our quirks. They must be worried sick. Mr.Nezu can you call them to at least tell them where I'm at?"
Nezu nods, "How about I send someone to go get her instead when we get to the station." Izuku nods. Nezu turns to look at RG "Recovery Girl you're old friend of Inko's if you know who he's talking about would you mind going to pick them up?."
RG shakes her head. "I don't mind at all. He's talking about Mitsuki Bakugou, her and Inko were like sisters. I'll leave to go pick them up as soon as we get to the station."
Izuku then turns to Recovery Girl, "There's one more thing I forgot to tell you earlier when I was explaining what happened." The atmosphere in the car begins to dampen. "When that man showed up momma took the family pendant she gave me a few minutes before and and.." Izuku pauses trying to gather the courage to continue the story.
"Inko told me about that pendant it's enchanted with a storage spell right?" RG asks try the calm the child down.
Izuku nods taking a deep breath he continues. "Momma, she must have sensed the man was bad cause she took the pendant and put you whole order in there to keep it safe from him. I know how powerful momma's healing candies can be, it would be bad if this many fell into the hand of the bad guys."
"So that's why I couldn't find Recovery Girl's order anywhere." Nezu mutters to himself. Nezu put a paw on Izuku's arm with a serious look on his face. "Izuku do you know where that pendant is now? Your mother taught Recovery Girl to make healing Gummies so we can make more, but like you said we need to keep them out of the hands of the villains. The ones your mother makes are a lot more powerful than the ones Recovery Girl can make."
Izuku nods immediately. "I have right here. Momma told me to give your order if something happened to her." Showing them the green obsidian pendant smiling at it sadly. "You'll have to give me a few minutes to figure out how to work it momma didn't get the chance to show me." At that the rest of the car fell into silence not knowing what to say next.
After they arrive RG pulls Nezu aside before she leaves to go to the Bakugou house. "I know you probably won't agree to this but think we should ask Mitsuki to sit in on our meet about this case. She might have a clue as why or how Inko know All For One. Inko doesn't hang around shady people and she get angry with people like Izuku said so Mitsuki might know something."
Nezu looks at the nurse then sighs. "I can't believe I doing this." He mutters quietly to himself. "I'll allow it since you have a very valid point. Now go and hurry back I'll call the others here." With that out of the way RG grabs Eraserhead by the scarf so he can drive her to the Bakugous since the trains aren't working this late.
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