Chapter 5: gifts and the quirk doctor
"Ancient language/spell"
3rd POV: (Midoriya house, morning)
It was early on this Saturday morning but Inko was already up and about making breakfast for her and Izuku. The reason she was up so early was because both he and Izuku had a very busy day ahead of them and she didn't want to be late. Looking at the time Inko calls out to her son's room down the hall. "Izuku it's time to get up breakfast is almost done." After hearing movement coming from her sons room showing he's awake, she goes back to the stove to finish cooking.
Izuku walks into still half asleep. "Why did we have to get up this early again?" Inko giggles at his sleepy confusion while she sets a plate in front of him. Izuku mutters and sleepy thanks and starts to eat.
Inko let's him eat and wake up a bit more before answering him. "We're going early to meet up with Mitsuki and Katsuki at the Quirk doctor so you can give him his present, remember?"
"...Oh yeah! I remember now I can't wait to see his reaction!" Inko laughs at the sudden ball of energy that is her son.
"Finish eating then go get dressed and grab your spellbook and the pendant, then we can go." Inko watch's as Izuku quickly finishes his food and runs off. 'I can already sense the strong power coming from his quirk. I should give that when we get to the shop later as a early birthday present.' Inko thought to herself as she waited for her son to finish getting ready.
"Mom! I can't find Katsuki's pendant do you know where it is?!" Yelled Izuku from another room in the small house.
Inko thought for a moment. "I put on the table in the living room. I left it there last night after I put it on chain." She calls back in a slightly softer voice.
"I found it! Thanks momma! Okay I'm ready to go." Izuku is bouncing up and down in excitement. Inko did a quick check to make sure they had everything they needed.Then they headed out of the house locking the door behind them.
3rd POV: (doctor's office, late morning/early afternoon)
Outside the doctor's office stood a blond mother and son pair you could tell they were wait for someone. "Mitsuki! I'm sorry we took so long I hope you two didn't have to wait long." Hearing her name the blonde mother turned to look at the voice. It was her best friend Inko and her son.
Mitsuki looked at her green friend with a friendly smirk. "Inko what took you and the runt so long? Me and the brat were starting to get bored." Inko gives a shy smile in response to her question, while Katsuki yells something along the lines of don't call me a brat in the background as they walk into the doctors office.
The two children go to play as the mothers went up to the reception desk. "Hey Mitsuki remember the present I told you about? The one Izuku wanted to give to Katsuki." Inko ask her friend as they fill out paperwork.
"Yeah, it's a pendant from your shop right? How did the runt pick out a pendant for my brat anyway?"
"Yup it's a pendant and Izuku didn't pick it we tricked Katsuki into picking it."
"Really! I wish I could have seen that the brat thinks he knows everything."
"I finished it last night so Izuku should be giving it to him soon."
"Good I want to see what the brat picked out. When are you going to give Izuku that pendant?"
"Later today at the shop as a early birthday gift after I put some more energy into it to recharge it."
(Important: items that are infused/enchanted with a spell can be recharged with energy so the enchantment well last longer but it has to be done by someone with a quirk like Inko's or Izuku's)
The two quickly finished up the rest up the paperwork and went over to where the children were playing. "Hey Izuku ready to give Katsuki his surprise?" Inko asks her son with a smile causing Katsuki to look confused.
"Oi! What surprise come on tell me!? The young blond yells impatiently. Izuku ignores the blond and continues to dig through his pockets for Katsuki present.
"I got you a present for being my best friend." Izuku told friend with bight smile. "Here you go, surprise!" Izuku said holding up his gift. Katsuki was speechless it was the moonstone pendant from Inko's shop. "When you were looking through the shop I saw you liked this one more than the others." The smile never left Izuku face.
"This is fucking awesome!" Katsuki yells with a huge smile on his face as Izuku helps him put the pendant around his neck.
"That's a really nice pendant brat, not one I thought you would choose. What spells are on it?" Mitsuki asks while admiring the pendant.
Izuku is the first to answer. "Momma said she enchanted it with two really strong spells. So Kacchan will stay safe." Mitsuki turns to Inko with an eyebrow raised to get a more specific answer.
"It has both my strongest healing and protection spell on it. I made it so he will have to focus on the spell he wants to use for the spell to work. The pendant will last longer this way." Inko answers clearing Mitsuki's confusion.
"Man I don't even wanna think about the price you usually sell a pendant like this for, aren't you a lucky brat." Mitsuki says mostly to herself while ruffling Katsuki's hair.
Tiny time skip: (like maybe 10mins)
After waiting for a little bit it was Izuku's turn to see the quirk doctor. Mitsuki and Katsuki had already left after they saw the doctor so they could go get stuff for the party meant for the two boys.
The doctor was a friendly looking woman with her hair pulled back. "Hello Izuku my name is Dr.Nanami and I'm going to use my quirk to get info on yours is that okay?" The doctor asks Izuku.
"How do you get the information?" Izuku asks almost immediately after the doctor introduced herself causing both her and Inko to giggle.
"When I touch someone I get information on their quirk." Dr.Nanami answers not minding the blunt question. "Okay, I'm going to start now." With that Dr.Nanami put a hand on Izuku's head. After a few seconds Dr.Nanami removed her hand. "I have to say that is one amazing quirk you have there kiddo. That book right there is made from your quirk right? A spellbook of some kind according to what the paperwork said" Izuku nods. "Well from what what my quirk tells me you're gonna get a few more books. I'm not sure how many you'll get but I know you'll be strong just make sure you use that power right okay kiddo."
Inko was surprised to say the least she only knows of one or two past family members who had two spellbooks now they're saying Izuku will have multiple books when he gets older. 'I had a feeling my baby was strong but I didn't think he would be this strong! I just hope this power doesn't cause unnecessary trouble.' Inko thinks to herself in both surprise and shock.
Izuku with a determination in his eyes and a giant smile looks at Dr.Nanami and says. "You don't have to worry I'm going to help people just like momma."
Hearing this causes Inko to turn as red as an apple. "Oh Izuku you're so sweet. I'm so proud." She says to Izuku while holding back tears.
Dr.Nanami smiles, "I like what I hear, it sounds like you have bright future ahead of you. Now what do you what to call your quirk?"
"Let's see you said I would get more spellbooks and since you can't tell I'll probably get more than two or three. Let's see a good name, a good name..." Izuku's thinking turns into the muttering the green hair duo is known for. The two grownups in the room leave him to his thoughts. After a minute or so Izuku snaps out of it. "I got it I want to call my quirk Witch's Library since I'll have multiple books." (Yes I decide to change his quirk's name the first one sounded really plain I'll post an updated info sheet in a little bit)
Both Inko and Dr.Nanami smile. "That's a wonderful name Izuku"
"I agree with your mother kiddo I think it's an awesome name. Now before I let you two go is there any info about the book itself I should have for his quirk registration?" Dr.Nanami asks the pair as they get ready to leave.
Inko thinks for a moment before answering. "All of my family's spellbooks have been in old and sometime ancient languages. So there's a chance he'll have different languages in different books."
"That's pretty cool." Dr.Nanami types a few things on her computer. "All done you're all set to go just make sure to update the registration when you get a new spellbook." Dr.Nanami sent the duo off with a smile and a wave goodbye.
3rd POV: (U.A. gate, afternoon)
Waiting by the gate of the famous U.A. high school was a small figure. The small figure was U.A.'s principle Nezu waiting for recovery girl. After about five minutes RG had arrived. "Good afternoon Recovery Girl how are you?"
"Good afternoon Nezu I'm doing fine." RG replies to the principle
"Since you're friend Inko hasn't called to say the order is done yet do you want to go get something to eat or have a cup of tea in my office?" Nezu asks to be polite
RG turns to face principal, "I actually did get a call from Inko she said she was little behind since her son's quirk manifested last night but she should still be done by around six tonight."
"Such quick work I'm impressed and if she's a friend of yours I don't need to worry about the quality of the product I'm sure they'll be good." Nezu says with a small smirk. "Now how about some lunch?"
RG smiles, "That sounds lovely." The two heroes then headed to a cafe to have lunch and wait till it was time to go to Inko's shop and pick up their order.
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