Chapter 11: sorry this took so long
I changed Monoma's pendants you can see in on the guessing game and answers if you haven't already
Warning: a poorly written bullying scene
Ancient language/spells
Something important
Here's a video with some facts on moonstone aka Katsuki's pendant
3rd POV: (Bakugou house, early morning)
Small recap :
Nezu shakes his head. "No, it's not safe for him to stay with a civilian family with the villain still on the streets."
Before Katsuki or anyone can say another word the sound of breaking news come from the Tv catching everyone attention.
On the Tv: (I'm going to attempt to sound like a new reporter and probably fail)
"I take you now to the scene of a house fire. I am now being told that the house belongs to Inko Midoriya the owner of the famous shop Tir na nOg,. Who was found dead inside her store late last night. The whereabouts of her son are being kept secret by the police. The police currently have no leads on who or what could have started the fire. We will continue after this..."
The people in the Bakugou house go dead silent with their eyes wide as they process what they just heard.
Mitsuki was the first to speak. "Damn it! That's Hisashi's doing I just know it. He must be looking for Izuku like he said he would."
Hearing this made the blood in Izuku's veins turn ice cold and he covered his ears to try and block out the news. All these bad things kept happening around him and he just wanted it to stop! "Shut up!! Shut up shut up shut up!!!" Izuku gets louder as he goes on and shaking his head side to side. "I don't want to hear about any more bad things happening because of me!!!" Izuku yells with tears in his eyes.
Before anyone could argue or stop the mini greenbean, Izuku ran out of the house. (He can reach the doorknob because Power of fanfic)
Mitsuki quickly tried to run after the boy along with Katsuki but was stopped by Nezu. "No, it's too dangerous for you to go out running around out there if that really was Hisashi's doing. Me and Eraserhead will go after him, you three stay here with Midnight and Present Mic." Nezu then turned to the pair of heroes staying behind. "Make sure to keep the Bakugous safe I don't think Izuku could handle any harm befalling them after everything that has happened. We'll be back as soon as we can." With that said Nezu and Eraser quickly raced out the door to look for the crying child.
Location change: (Park, morning)
Izuku ran and ran while he was crying not really paying attention to where he was going. When Izuku final calmed down enough to see where he was he found out he was at the park he and Kacchan play at.
The park was mostly abandoned since it was still early on weekend morning. Realizing that make Izuku blood go cold. He was completely alone here with no heroes to help if that man showed up. 'Why did I do that! Mr.Nezu and the others were there to protect me and I just run away from them! What am I going to if that man shows up! Oh god what should I do-'
"Hey look the villain came back." Hearing the word villain quickly make Izuku look around in panic trying to find the bad guy but all he saw was a bunch of kids around the same age as him surrounding something.
That something turned out to be a kid with purple hair and dirt and bruises all over him.
"Why'd you come back? Villains aren't allowed here." Asked the kid who seemed to be the ringleader of the small group. The purple haired child just remained silent staring at the ground. "Come on do something I dare you!" One of the bullies pushes the silent boy to ground.
Worried for the boy Izuku rushes forward to stop the bullies from going any further. "Stop it! Leave him alone you're the ones acting like villains not him!" Izuku is stands in between the boy and his bullies.
The purple haired boy looked surprised to have someone stand up for him.
"Where did you come from?" Ask bully 1
"Why are you ruining our fun!" Says bully 2
"Leave us alone we're teaching this villain a lesson." Says bully 3
Izuku shakes his head refusing to move. "No matter the reason I won't let you guys hurt him and he doesn't look like villain to me."
"But he has a villain's quirk so his a villain." Bully 1 the ringleader says.
Hearing the head bully's reasoning made Izuku even more mad. "You decide what to do with your quirk! Not the other way around!"
The bullies decided it wasn't worth the effort and left. "Fine whatever let's go."
After the bullies were out of sight Izuku turned to the purple haired boy who was still on the ground and help him up. "Are you hurt? My name is Izuku."
"Hitoshi and besides the bruises I'm fine. You didn't need to do that they'll just come back later." The boy now known as Hitoshi introduces him as he brushes off the dirt.
Izuku gives Hitoshi a worried look. "does it hurt? Would mind if healed you?"
Hitoshi's eyes widen looking at the green haired boy in front of him. 'This kid has a healing quirk!?'
"Sure if you don't mind." Hitoshi answers with a blush.
Izuku gives Hitoshi a big smile. "I don't mind at all just give me a second." Hitoshi watches as Izuku put a hand on the green pendant around his neck. The pendant gives off a small light and a book appeared out of nowhere.
(you already know what it looks like if you don't it's on the info page)
Hitoshi was confused. "I thought you had a healing quirk what's this?"
Izuku let's out a giggle. "This is quirk all the quirks in my family are like this momma said the quickest way to explain it was say it was kind of like a witch's spellbook. The quirk doctor said I'll get more books as I'll get older." Hitoshi nods understanding the explanation.
After a minute of silence between the two Hitoshi breaks it. "So why are here all alone Izuku?"
The question makes Izuku freeze in his search for the right healing spell to use. "I could ask the same thing... why were those bullies calling you a villain?"
The pair falls into silence, both not really wanting to answer. Izuku was the first one to speak. "I got really upset and ran out of the house without thinking. What about you?" Izuku asks still not looking up from his book.
Hitoshi let's out sigh, he might get this over with and tell him his quirk so he doesn't get attached. "The answer is the same for both. It's because of my quirk everyone calls it a villainous quirk." Hitoshi says looking at the ground.
"That's dumb a quirk isn't villainous unless you use it like a villain. Ah I found it! Come over here so I can heal you. Anyway any quirk can be use villainously like mine even All Might's just think about it. Oh you said what your quirk was?" Izuku's talking starts to turn into a small rant.
Hitoshi walks closer to the rambling green bean. "It's brainwashing." Hitoshi says looks at Izuku feeling a little more confident after hearing what Izuku said.
Izuku smiles, "That's an amazing quirk a good hero quirk to in my opinion too." Izuku holds up his hand in front of the bruised and dirty Hitoshi and takes a deep breath.
But before Izuku could say the spell he was interrupted by two worried voices making the two boys jump in surprise. "Izuku! You can't run off like that"
"Problem child do you know how worried everyone is!"
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