Chapter 10: breakfast
Sorry this took so long to make.
Ancient language/spells
Something important
3rd POV: (Bakugou house, morning)
Is was around 6 am and almost everyone in the house was still asleep because of yesterday's late night.
In the living room sat Shouta Aizawa also known as Eraserhead he was awake since it was his turn to keep watch. Looking at his own pendant Shouta let out a sigh and wondered if the media had caught wind of what happened yet.
Hearing a sound Eraserhead looked up and was surprised to that Izuku was already awake. "What are you doing up so early kid? Is it nightmares?" Shouta asks quietly trying not to wake the other.
Izuku nods, "I was having trouble sleeping and couldn't fall back asleep."
Hearing Izuku's answer Shouta stands up. "We can talk about it if you want." Izuku give a small nod. "Let's talk in the kitchen so we don't wake the others." The two then walk out of the room towards the kitchen not noticing two heroes were secretly listening to them talk.
"I didn't know Aizawa had a soft spot for kids." Nezu says quietly with a smile.
"Do you think I could ask Shouta if we could get a little kiddo of our own? They were so cute together." Mic asks with a playful smile.
Meanwhile the pair the the kitchen were completely oblivious to the conversation happening in the living room.
The two sit at the dining table while they talk. "So tell me what happened in your nightmare kid." Shouta asks setting a glass of water in front of Izuku.
"Every time I fall asleep I see this big hand reaching out to grab me and I hear that man's voice (AFO). He keeps saying that he's going to find me. I don't want to go with that man." Izuku explains with small tears in the corners of his eyes.
Shouta hugs the small child and reassure him. "You're save there are 3 other heroes here besides me and you'll be living with Nezu at U.S remember. That's one of the safest places to be with so many heroes."
Hearing Eraserhead's answer Izuku starts to smile feeling better. "Now how about we order some pizza for breakfast? I don't think Mr. and Mrs.Bakugou would like random heroes ransacking their kitchen." Shouta says with a small smile causing Izuku to giggle. "Hizashi, I mean Mic know a really good pizza place that has a ton of different toppings. So what should we order"
"Yeah pizza sounds good." Izuku says with a smile
The duo ends up ordering two extra spicy pizzas, a meat lovers, a veggie pizza, and one plain cheese.
The two walked back into the living room to see that the other heroes had woken up while they were talk. "I'm surprised on guy are up already. We ordered pizza for breakfast it soon be here soon." Shouta said with no surprise in his voice. He then turns to Izuku. "Izuku why don't you go wake up the other so they can eat with the pizza is still hot." With a nod Izuku runs off.
Small time skip to pizza still 3rd POV:
By the time the pizza arrived everyone in the house was up and about for the day. Everyone was sitting in the living when a knock on the door showed the pizza had arrived. "I'll get it. It's the least I can do after we kinda showed up unannounced last night." Said Midnight. Before anyone could argue with her paying. She was already out of the room and at the door paying. "Man, Eraser do you think we can eat all of this?" Midnight asks a bit jokingly staring at the 5 pizza boxes in her hands.
Shouta shrugs, "Probably I just ordered what the kid said her and the Bakugous like and some for us. I was going to pay but you beat me to it."
"Well whatever let's eat!" Midnight says with a shrug and a smile.
As the were eat Mic looked over at Izuku and Katsuki who were put red pepper flakes on their pizza. "Hey kiddos what kind of pizza did you get?"
Masaru knowing where this conversation is heading goes to get some milk from the kitchen.
Katsuki looks at the hero with a small smirk. "You want try a bite?"
Izuku holds out a slice of their pizza to the hero with a smile. "It's really good."
Shouta, Nezu, and Mitsuki stare at the scene in amusement hiding their smile not giving the unfortunate hero a warning of what he was getting himself into.
Mic was a little wary because of the smell of the pizza but he (regretfully) trusted the kiddos. "Thanks kiddos it looks great." Mic says with smile. Present Mic regretted his choice as so as he took a bite. "HOT! HOT HOT HOT! OH MY MOUTH IS ON FIRE!"
Mic started to run around the room yelling like an idiot.
Katsuki and Izuku were doubled over laughing at the poor man along with Midnight. The rest of the room held amused smiles.
After about 20 seconds of Mic running around the room Masaru came back in and grabbed the hero by the back of his jacket and handed him a glass of milk.
Izuku turns to look at Katsuki. "Is it really that spicy?" Katsuki just shrugs and continues to add more pepper flakes to his pizza.
Time skip to after breakfast:
After everyone had finished cleaning up breakfast, Nezu thought it was about time for him, the other heroes, and Izuku to leave so they can get Izuku settled in his room at U.A.. "Izuku, it's about time for us to go."
Katsuki's head shot up. "Wait you mean Izu's not staying with us?"
Nezu shakes his head. "No, it's not safe for him to stay with a civilian family with the villain still on the streets."
Before Katsuki or anyone can say another word the sound of breaking news come from the Tv catching everyone attention.
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