Meeting Henry Allen
One month has past by since Barry was introduced to the Danvers family and the funeral of Jeremiah Danvers which he helped console his girlfriend . One day, Barry asked Jonn if they could have his father be under their custody for a while and inside the interrogation room to which Jonn agrees as he sets a call to Iron Hights. The next day as he was helping Mrs. Danvers do maintenance on the science equipment, Jonn came into the Lab. with news for him. "Barry good news." "What's the good news Mr. Jonzz?" He asks as Jonn smiles. "You'll get to see your father in about a day or two and alone as I told the warden that 'there will be an armed guard with you' which was actually a lie he fell for it." With that expalination, Barry gives Jonn a hug only a child would give to a parent.
Flash Forward
The day has finally arrived and Barry enters the Interrogation room with Kara and some Burgers from 'The Big Belly Burger'. "Good to see you happy again Barry, but the visit would only be for a couple hours so lets keep it brief." Henry said as he hugs his son before noticing the other person in the room. "You must be Kara, the young lady that Barry always talk about recently in our weekly meetings." "Yes sir and I have to say that we are practicing for a competition and for the Musical at our school and everything is going smooth!" "So what kind of competition are you part of and could the both of you sing a duet from the musical?" Henry asks as he opens the bag of burgers and grabs a bite. "Sure thing dad, both Kara and myself are competing in SkillsUSA with a friend of ours as since the project has something to do with forensics."Barry explains as he and Kara got their songbook for the musical and starts to sing:
"You two sing like angels with those voices of yours are enough to make the audience believe its the people feom Broadway." Henry said with a proud look as the two blush.
The three talked about musicals for the remainder of the time as they eat their burgers and sharing jokes. When the time was over, Henry gave his son one last hug along with Kara before leaving with the DEO agents wearing a smile.
Author's Note: Had to add the SkillsUSA into the story cause I was not sure how to write this chapter until I arrived to Ontario to participate in the SkillsUSA California region
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