Chapter 72 - Carter Exposed.
Time: Present Day
Location: Vatican City
As Graz and Peter entered they were greeted by the sight of several men and one woman milling around the coffee table. They paused at the door long enough for Carter and Teacher to bump into them as they pushed through the closed door. Peter felt a tremor go through him. like a cold shiver, as his son passed through him and moved to a corner of the room alongside Teacher. Carter saw that Peter's reaction did not go unnoticed by Andre as he security scanned the new attendees, and the woman . . . the woman seemed to have picked up his reaction too, but she was no longer looking at Peter . . . she was looking directly at him.
Enrico was in close three way conversation with - Shit....Jihad Yazzi....what the hell is he doing here? Carter didn't recognise the other man. A priest in a black suit, but his garb made his cord glow red as he remembered that night at the Italian restaurant . . . then he looked over and saw someone talking to Andre, it was him! It was the man who had been dressed as a priest that night! The one that shot and killed Ken! The one that had killed him!
He looked at Teacher!
"Hide yourself!" Teacher yelled and vanished.
He looked back to see the woman still staring at him. She sensed he was there . . . she could see him? He hid.
"Gentlemen, and lady. Shall we begin." Enrico gestured for them to be seated in their appointed places. Each person had a name tag on their table placement which also indicated their affiliation, except for Jihad Yazzi. He simply had 'ISLA' printed on his name card. The woman had 'Star Child' printed in place of a name.
The Cardinal, Enrico, simply had 'The General' and was placed at the head of the table.
Once they were all settled with a coffee and glass of water in front of them the General spoke. "My name is Enrico and I am pleased to open this meeting of SPECTRE Europe to highlight to you the extreme importance of what you are to decide today. I have invited two special guests to aide you in your deliberations, on my left is someone whose name is suppressed for good reason. You may refer to him as ISLA. And on my right is the very lovely daughter of a dear friend of the Vatican. You may call her Anita. Anita is an extraordinary young woman who is representative of the potential we have as humans to progress to a higher self. I have acceded to her request that all your personal weapons be confiscated. Of course they will be returned to you at the close of the meeting. One of the Swiss Guards outside is in possession of a firearm as well as his traditional spear so you are safe within these walls. Both our guests bring to the table very different and special skills, which will, no doubt, be needed if we're to put to bed current taxing issues threatening our position. I want you to be open and honest in your opinions and guidance. I don't want anyone leaving the meeting thinking I should have said this or that. We need everything on the table for this matter is now beyond urgent and requires swift and permanent resolution. I now declare the meeting open.
Enrico began introductions for the sake of Peter as much as for the two guests. He then explained the current situation with the Cheval family. Peter began to fidget and squirm in his seat when Enrico commenced his background appraisal and spoke in depth of the death of Amelia, then Carter, and finally Monique.
"The principals responsible for these Special Treatments are all here in this room. They were all carried out with precision. Since then however, developments have been less successful to say the least. We are at a point now where the entire Cheval family pose a significant threat to our operations. They are collectively in possession of certain informaton and evidence which could inevitably lead to investigations into these incidents being traced back here to the Vatican. The Cheval family are heavily ensconced in the media as is Carter Cheval's girl friend. She is called Layla
It is a pity I did not take Anton's warning about her after Carter's funeral more seriously. If I had eliminated the problem then and there we may not have found ourselves in this predicament. This is why we have tolerated Anton's subsequent failures more than we might have previously. I hold myself partly to blame, and that is why this will be my last SPECTRE meeting in this capacity. After consultation with the His Holiness, I have decided I shall be retiring forthwith and anointing Graz as my successor. . . who, in turn, will be anointing Petros here, as his successor."
Everyone now stared at Peter. He was feeling even more uncomfortable but tried not to show it.
We have intel now from Abu Dhabi about the travel plans of the Cheval party. It seems the arrangements have been altered somewhat. It now appears that Layla Hart and her companion, Malcolm Shoebridge, will be the only ones travelling on Wednesday's flight. Amanda, her father Jean, and her brother Christoph have decided to join Michelle and Margot on the Friday flight.
This is indeed unfortunate because it means our two main targets in the media are on different flights. It is now imperative that both our plans succeed within days of each other.
Anton, you have something for us?"
"Yes, as you know we bugged the house of Margot Cheval, what we got surprised even me. It appears that they believe that they owe their lives to a ghost! Not any ghost, but the ghost of Carter Cheval. They believe this ghost has been intervening and warning them of our plans. Not only that, but transcripts you have in front of you of the so called seance conducted at the house clearly show that the Vatican has been identified as the culprit in all these accidents and assassination attempts. Even more worrying is the explanation given for our involvement is that we are trying to stop their investigations because we are hiding important secrets that could bring down the Church. They have identified Peter Margate here as the common factor in the three deaths."
Peter's anger grew. Carter's cord had changed from deep sea blue to a glowing bright red.
"Is there something you wish to say Petros?" Enrico ventured.
"Be careful!" Graz whispered in his ear.
"I had nothing to do with Amelia's death, most of you know that, and know the story. I did have some role to play in the Sydney incident, however I was unaware of the target's true identity. That was hidden from me, until the recent visit from his grandmother. I take full responsibility for that and the accident that followed, but I believe it is wrong to blame me for everything that has happened. Just because the Chevals believe it was me . . ."
"Good, Petros, good boy," Graz whispered.
"Nevertheless, you have been responsible for undue media attention these last many months. Starting with the incident with the young lady at the hotel, and now, this media farce around the car accident in Paris. Although I must admit when Graz told me the execution plan was all your idea. I thought it was brilliant, and it has succeeded in switching the media attention back to the Princess Di case. MI5 seem to be containing that again thanks be to God. However we still have the Cheval problem, perhaps you can come up with another brilliant accident? I am interested in your thoughts?"
Peter squirmed again. It's a trap, he's trying to bait me.
"If you really want to know what I think . . . I think there have already been far too many accidents. I think we should leave the family alone now. Stop all this now."
"You know we can't risk that Petros. There is too much at stake. What do you suggest we do when they continue to probe the deaths? They will finally suspect the truth. They will go after us using their media friends. What would you have us do then? Nothing?"
"Precisely! The secrets are well guarded. We refuse to talk to them. We use our diplomatic immunity. Even have a fake internal investigation if it comes to that, but I won't let it. I am sure I can convince my family, and then theirs that I am, that we are, innocent. No more need to die, on my account surely."
"Interesting . . . does anyone else feel this way?"
"I think Peter's right. There have been too many accidents. You won't necessarily stop media attention by wiping out the entire family. In fact you might increase it significantly. Remember, these are not just news media we are dealing with, but investigative journalists. They won't take kindly to some of their own being wiped out. They will do what they do . . . investigate."
Carter could feel his father's anguish. For the first time he had started to feel sorry for him, and he didn't like it one bit. His cord was changing looping between red and gold and back to red. He felt confused, lost, then he saw the woman again. She was looking at him again! Looking through him . . . again. He felt naked and alone . . . exposed . . . where the hell was Teacher? Why had he abandoned him?
The woman rose out of her seat and went behind Enrico and began a long whispering in his ear.
Enrico seemed shocked.
"Errr . . . something has been brought to my attention. Petros, I'm aftaid I am going to have to ask you to leave the meeting for a few moments. There is something SPECTRE members need to discuss in private. We won't be long. Graz, we won't be needing your input either. Would you take Petros outside and keep him company for a few minutes, please."
Carter didn't know what to do. Should he stay with his father or stay in the meeting? He wanted to run! The woman made him uncomfortable, there was something about her, something foreign that went beyond her ethnicity! Something alien, something scary.
Where was Teacher? perhaps he could stay, and I could go? Shit, how I want to go! Teacher! Where the fuck are you?
The woman smiled at him as she resumed her seat.
She could hear him! See him! He couldn't handle this alone. Peter and Graz had opened the door and vacated the room. He knew he had to stay Had to hear what they were planning. Had to decide once and for all what he was going to do.
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