Chapter 60 - Dangerous Games.
Time: Present Day
Location: Pari, France
Mal thought they should all break for lunch. They agreed, the men adjourned to the balcony while the girls went to the kitchen to prepare a luncheon of cold meats and salad and a magnificent cheese platter that Margot was famous for within the family. Before joining the boys he pulled Layla aside and took her back to the study area. They both stared at the whiteboard.
Mal broke the silence., "Sorry I have to ask you this, do you still love Carter? Do you still think of him when you are with me? He still loves you. We know that for certain now, no, please, let me finish, we don't know what he thinks of us two getting together do we? Amanda was deadset against it, Maybe still is, maybe Carter is too, maybe more so."
"Mal, I've told you before. I love you now, what I had with Carter was nice, but I think I always loved you to some degree, even when Carter and I were together. I've never told anyone this, but, if anything, sometimes I used to think of you when I was with Carter, not the other way around, anyway, Carter is dead now. You have nothing to fear about us getting back together now do you? So stop persecuting yourself. you are amazing, just look what you've achieved. It's all there on the board, in one morning you've made more progress than two police forces have been able to do in twenty years! All that too, when the only training you've ever had to prepare you for something like this is a course on screenwriting. Simply amazing, and I love you to bits, now let's eat eh? Before they miss us and think we've sneaked off to a bedroom or something."
"Now you're talking," Mal said cheekily. They both laughed a tension relieving laugh and separated with a kiss and joined the others.
"Later cheeky," said Layla as they parted.
After lunch they rejoined in the study to continue, all except Jean, who had excused himself saying he had business to conclude in town. They suspected the morning's events had challenged him on many levels, even his basic beliefs about God and life. Like an old dog after a fight he probably had to retire alone somewhere to lick his wounds.
Mal did a quick revamp of the morning and then summarized where they were at.
"So, if we believe our own ears, or should I say if we believe Carter, then we have a big problem. We know that we have had three members of this family murdered. We suspect now that somehow the Catholic Church is involved, either that or some people impersonating priests were involved.
Then again, Carter said Peter was somehow involved. Now being kind, it might be that Carter just meant that Peter was part of each story, nothing more, we need to find out, one way or the other.
"Can I add something," Christoph said.
"Of course Christoph what is it?"
"You know how Dad is upset with the bloggers going after Mum like. Well he asked me to see if I could find out who posted that first one that caused such a stir. It was very hard because that lodgement was bounced across several ISPs. It was almost like whoever it was didn't want to be traced. Luckily I know someone in ASIO. Even so the best I can do is that it originated in Italy., most probably Rome he guessed."
"Possibly, the Vatican, then?" Mal added.
"Looks like a road trip to Rome is required. We just have to all decide who will go and what they will do, when they get there. Also looks like this Peter is becoming a big shot in the hierarchy of the Church. We will need to pre arrange a meeting."
"I know Pete the best, perhaps I should go, and talk to him," Amanda offered.
"No, I don't think that's a good idea Amanda, thanks for the offer but I think it could be a dangerous move given what's already happened in the family. We still don't really know the WHY in any of this. We must know it obviously has to do with your family. We have to keep you safe. We don't want Jean, and Roger, to lose you too do we?
"No, Layla and I will go, maybe you could ring though and tee it up for us. You could ring him to let him know that your Mum had a car accident in Paris on her way back from seeing him. You can lie and say you weren't sure if it was covered by the media in Italy. That it was being covered as a follow up human interest story by a friend of yours, Layla, from After Dark, the current affairs show.
Tell him you told her where your mother was coming back from. She was very interested when you told her that you knew Peter, that Peter was an Australian. That it's a favour for a friend who works on After Dark. They want to do a story on an Australian boy who might some day aspire to be the Pope, that could get him, without tipping our hand that is."
When Carter arrived she was already on the phone, "An Australian that some people thought might someday become the Pope. She asked if I could somehow arrange an interview for her.
"Thanks Peter, yes . . . it is awful, beyond words, yes. . , . I know you liked Mum a lot. We didn't realise you didn't watch much tv or read newspapers.
'"No we didn't have any time to catch up at all, she only told me that you didn't even know my sister died. We are all very sorry. Yes, I know you did Peter . . . that's why it was me that talked Amelia into it . , . I thought you two were made for each other . . , you were both so happy whenever I saw you two together. I was even a bit jealous, no . . , really . . . you will! Really,, thank you so much, she will be over the moon, yes we understand you're a busy man. I'm sure next week will be fine, yes Layla, that's right. I'll give her your number, another number? Okay, you'll text it to me, okay . . . .that's right, just one, her cameraman. I think his name is Malcolm. No, I have to go back to Australia tomorrow or the day after I'm not sure, with Dad.n
He's devastated of course.
I have to look after him now, yes I'll be sure and pass on your condolences. Yes, I still look like Amelia, or what Amelia would have looked like had she, yes. I'm sure, one day soon. I'd like that too, Bye, bye for now Peter, and thank you very much . . . Seeya."
Mal high fived her.
Carter didn't see his Dad pick up the red phone in his office and call Graz.
"Graz, sorry to have to tell you this but we have a problem. Can we meet? Yes now, it's important."
Peter went immediately to see the Archbishop. He was going over in his mind what he would say to him. After all he was the third most powerful man in the Vatican, some cardinals believed him to be the most powerful, even above the Pope himself. Peter wasn't sure why, but he had an awful feeling that he was about to find out. He would have to be careful . . , careful because Graz was a dangerous man to make an enemy of he knew that from past experience. He decided on the way, that discretion was the better part of valour. He would show him the photo, no more. He would not tell him all he now knew. He would gauge his reaction. There would be questions about how he had come by such a photograph, he had to have plausible answers, he wasn't sure exactly how much Graz knew about the days events.
He knew he had a network of spies throughout the Vatican, his sparrows he called them, Peter wasn't certain if this was a reference to his favourite dish, sparrow casserole, if his spies knew, by this, their fate if they were ever to cross him.
He finally arrived at Graz' office on the third floor. His office was adjacent to the Secret Vault, so he could witness first hand who was gaining access to the most highly guarded secrets of the world. Two Swiss Guards guarded his office standing on either side of the door and directly opposite another two guards on either side of the first entrance to the vault.
The senior guard extended his right hand. Peter took his right hand in his and covered it with this left. He applied the secret handshake that had been used in the Vatican since the time of the Knights Templar. Peter was told that there were three secret handshakes. He was given only the first. He was instructed in it in secret by Graz himself. Peter always had had a curious nature and he had asked about its origin. Graz didn't tell him much only that the three were similar but not the same as those commonly used in some orders of Freemasonry since they too had sprung from the Templars. Peter executed the grip with precision it was designed to trap imposters who might seek access to secret places, things or people.
He was relieved yet a little alarmed when the guard said simply and ominously."Pass..... the Archbishop is expecting you." He didn't ask Carter for the handshake. He merely shivered as Carter passed right through him.
When he entered Graz was looking through some papers on his desk. He looked up over his pinc nez glasses and said, "Ah, Petros, come in my boy, take a seat. What brings you to see me this fine day?" Carter retired to a corner hovering 6 feet abpve the ground. He had quickly found this afforded the best vantsge point to observe dealings amongst mortals.
"You are probably aware that I have had a visita visitor from Australia, a visitor from my past. Amelia's mother, you remember I have told you about her, Amelia I mean, many times over the years."
"Mmmm, Oh, yes I remember, wasn't she the girl next door, the love of your life, until you found God that is." Graz played him like a fish at the bait. "And what lies did the mother of your love tell you? Did she tell you that she deceived her daughter, that she deceived you, that she tricked you into leaving your home?"
"She said she had lied to me in the past but didn't elaborate. She just told me that Amelia was dead and they, not the police so much, suspected foul play. She showed me a photograph of who they suspected, apparently he was the last person seen with Amelia before her body was found. I think it might be the one you call Andy, she said his name was Andre. He looks just like the one I introduced to Dan, that scared Dan out of his wits at Rome airport when we arrived."
"So you say Dan told you about Andre, after I expressly told him not to. I'll have to have words with Father Dan Devine." Peter had realised after many dealings with Graz that when he used your full name you were in for some deal of trouble, like a parent angry with a rogue child. The child instictively knows by the name his parent uses how much trouble he or she is in.
Peter had to think fast, even though Dan avoided most of his questions about his behaviour that day he had obviously told him more about Andre after the incident at the airport than he was supposed to. Now he had to save Dan. He would have to lie laced with the truth as he had been shown. Dan had instructed him well though. Deceit was a two edged sword he had taught him, one that could just as easily cut the doer as well as the recipient, and sometimes kill one or both.
"No Grats", this was risky using his first name but he had to quickly re-establish some sort of rapport or things could go downhill rapidly. His name was Graziano - Graz for short but the Italians pronounced it Grats so that's what he did. "He merely told me he thought he'd seen someone he knew from the past at the baggage claim. He was obviously upset, scared I thought. I just put two and two together and surmised it was Andy that had spooked him for some reason,"
He slid his phone over to Graz to shift the conversation away from Dan.
"That's the last photo of my Amelia before she was found dead. She's on the right, and that, looks a lot like the Andy I remember at Rome airport twenty or more years ago."
"I know which one is Amelia. Are you sure this is Amelia? It might be Amanda, she might be trying to trick you again. Be careful of people who trick you Petros, especially those who profess to love you. Do you believe her when she says Amelia died. Maybe she just wants you to believe this so you leave them alone? Women can be very deceitful creatures Peter, that is why we keep an eye on them in the Vatican.
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