Prisoner - Raphael Lake
The walk to the hotel wasn't a far walk, fortunately for Yeosang. However the streets were crowded with people and he had to quite literally shoved his way around to get though. Thankfully he didn't receive any odd stares because Jimin ended up giving him his hoodie to leave him only in a long sleeve, just to cover the evidence of what he's done -that's currently being taken care of by his contacts.
The Peacock hotel is one of the most successful hotels here, and initially Yeosang wasn't going to come to Lisa's property that she mentioned, but after tonight Jimin can't afford seeing another dead fucking body.
And Yeosang prefers not having to make up more excuses to his neighbors as to why there's more screaming in his apartment. Guess the porn excuse won't always work.
So here's the best bet for both of them to avoid more problems, and possibly another ambush.
Finally arriving to the grand hotel and going through the lobby now, Yeosang approaches the front desk; where a kind male sits there with the phone to his ear and a wide smile plastered to his lips.
Of course it took only seconds for the phone to drop from his face and shoulder, dropping to the ground with lips parted the second his eyes landed to Yeosang.
Of course Lisa's workers are aware of the dark mafia matters, especially of Yeosang.
Who wouldn't know the Spawn is the real question.
By now Jimin is shaking like crazy and Yeosang knows he doesn't have enough time before he explodes in anxiety, so he only asked for his room key and to toughen up security.
The poor guy only nods with his wide eyes still large, shakily giving Yeosang the key and trying his best to avoid the blood sparkling his face that's hidden by the hoodie over his head.
Yeosang didn't waste time as he yanks Jimin to the elevator and immediately gets inside. He presses on the button that immediately closes the doors to not let anyone else in, waiting until it gets to the top floor.
Hoping it will pass by quick enough.
Jimin is wheezing now, pressing a hand to his chest to add pressure by how light weight he feels. Everything seems like it's cornering him, even the elevator is giving the illusion as though it was growing smaller all around him.
He can't even squeak a noise, only wheezes painfully his breaths in forceful puffs to breathe.
"I-I killed..... I am n-not a kill-" Jimin couldn't even finish because his face instantly scrunches up, similar to a little baby close to having a mental break down, "Y-Yeosang, I feel like I'm dying. My b-body won't stop shaking-"
The other didn't even let him finally, only instantly scoops him off his feet as the door opens, guiding him down to the empty hallway to the only double doors here. No one has access to this floor without a special key, the one he was given down stairs, and thankfully since he hates being disturbed.
And right now he shouldn't be expecting any visitors, well expect for one but that's necessary for his next move.
Yeosang instantly inserts the key inside and pushes the door open.
Jimin couldn't see anymore.
For some reason he had to move, to scream, to just scratch his skin until it bleeds. It's this pounding sensation similar to being suppressed in a caged box, having access to the key but with the inability to open it because you just know you won't stop.
And Jimin was having a hard time even controlling himself right now to keep his composure after what he's done.
So that was the reason the second the door opened, he scrambles off Yeosang's arms and steps wobbly into the penthouse, that he couldn't even admire because of how fucked up his mind is crumbling to pieces.
In that similar way it did many years ago.
He still smells the blood.
He hears their gurgling in his head.
From both of them.
"Get away!" Jimin whimpers and as he scratches his head feverishly, "PLEASE GET AWAY!"
Not only is Vernon's ghost storming his head but now the dead man he killed, taunting in his head how he's a murderer.
A psychopath.
Just like what his parents called him, a psychopath.
No, no, no he's not a psychopath!
H-He was just defending himself- THEY WERE GOING TO KILL HIM!
He had to protect himself!
T-Then why can't he stop feeling so anxious? His life is ruined...... He's going to end up as a killer and- Fuck he's going to lose everything!
Arms around his waist from behind forced pathetic wheezes to stumble out of his lips, facing that horrid man's face in his mind. A constant nightmare that never leaves now, only reminds him how badly he fucked up.
He's not like this!!
What did he do!?
"Oh God I killed someone," Jimin would shutter over and over under his breath, the burning tears gliding down his cheeks with shakily hands now gripping his neck to ease the tight knot, "I-I'm going to go to jail! They're going to arrest me and I will get raped in my cell-"
Abruptly Jimin is whirled around, facing Yeosang's darkened eyes. He's gripping Jimin's arms a bit too tight but not like Jimin can even feel that at this point.
"Nothing is going to happen to you, I promise," Yeosang's way of assurance was literally anything but gentle, "Just please stop panicking, I literally don't know what to do in these situations-"
On impulse Jimin slams against his body, wrapping his shakily arms around his torso and burying his face on his neck, holding onto him for dear life. Yeosang for a good second forgot where he was even standing because as far as he knew both of them aren't the hugging and clingy type, but by feeling Jimin's body shakily rattle against his he didn't have to be told to hug the other tighter.
He needs it now after all.
"I-I had no one to hold me before," Jimin sniffles against his skin, squeezing his eyes as tears continues to feverishly glide down his cheeks, "That's all I need."
A seven year old boy sobbing with bloody hands is all thats clouding in Jimin's head, bringing him back to that moment in time where he was sitting on the corner of his room with nothing but the stench of blood covering his nose.
Something in his mind made him feel like that little boy again; scared, confused, helpless, and worried. However, instead of distant parents staring at their child as though he was going to rip their arms off, he's being hugged tightly by another body.
Who has more skeletons in his closet than Jimin could count.
How does he do it?
How can Yeosang not feel anything after his kills? Is he just use to it or he just lacks empathy?
Whatever it was, Jimin wishes to have a dose of that right now so he wouldn't feel as though the world is out to get him.
Yet Yeosang's assurance that nothing will happen to him felt like a glitter of relief. It's strange really how Yeosang can make anyone easily believe his words by how serious he always appears to be, and maybe that's because he's honest with himself.
He's not going to tell Jimin something he wants to hear unless it's the truth.
For once Jimin just wants to feel free. Vernon's death was scarring enough but adding this guy too was almost like another pair of chains strapped onto Jimin's wrists, dragging him to a cage where there's no way out.
Only to live his torments of guilt over and over again.
"I-I didn't mean it," Jimin murmurs weakly, slowly pulling away with this need to explain himself, "I didn't mean to k-kill him, I swear I'm not a horrible person please-"
"Hey relax," Yeosang tries to say this calmly but ended up sounding a bit too blunt, "You did what you had to do to survive. Trust me, they weren't good people and they would've came after us either way if we didn't stop them. You're not a bar person, maybe a bit of a selfish bitch with sex issues but not bad."
That's probably the most nicest thing Yeosang has ever said to Jimin, as bizarre as it is since he still insulted him.
So Jimin manages to slowly calm himself down to this information, nodding to himself but then realized he's still clinging onto Yeosang.
Nope, not happening again.
Awkwardly the two pulled away, Yeosang's cheeks red but still hidden in the darkness of the penthouse to be noticeable. Well besides the wall window but that doesn't count since the moon isn't casting a glow in the room now.
It perhaps was a few moments of just plain silence, the two not uttering a word and avoiding eye contact until the sudden sound of the door bell catches their attention.
Ah, he's here.
Yeosang finally breathed as he turns around and goes to the door to swing it open. Not even a proper greeting and a familiar frantic man steps inside the room, turning to Yeosang once he was inside with arms crossed.
"You have some audacity calling me so late to take a thirty minute troop here-"
"I know I know, but this is important," Yeosang huffs with a door closed shut, "First, I need your assistance in some blood identification. I got a little messy with some people after my ass and I still have their DNA on me, and I need you to help me track their moves before they made their move tonight," And then he looks to where Jimin is standing by the window, who still holds onto a shakily frown, "Oh and he kinda needs a one to one session."
The ethereal man who entered the apartment turns around, being faced with Jimin's presence that he didn't initially notice before. Just as much as the man was staring at Jimin, so was he doing his observing as well; tousled black hair, perky lips, gumdrop cheek bones that would tempt anyone to just bite them down.
Cute, very cute.
Oh if Jimin wasn't a mess right now than he would've definitely pulled some moves.
"Him? How is he relevant?" The guy had some audacity to ask, looking back to Yeosang with a scowl.
Yeosang walks farther into the room to stand in front of Jimin, still facing his friend, "Oh come on, you're our medic and forensic scientist. He participated in what happened and he needs professional help-"
"I do not need professional help-"
"Shut up and let me do the talking!" Yeosang snaps back at Jimin, who narrows his eyes lethally but keeps his lips sealed, all the while Yeosang rolls his eyes, "He needs this, trust me."
The other man didn't even nudged by this, let alone amused, but after a while he huffs and slides his backpack to the ground, "First I take blood sample and then I'll deal with princess-"
"Fuck you-"
"And he has a tongue, just my luck," He continues to huff before looking at Yeosang from gazing inside his bag, "You owe me."
Yeosang relaxes and twitches a small smile, "Thanks Woosung."
The medic didn't say anything, only waves a hand for Yeosang to remove the sweater covering the blood.
"Oh and by the way, news flew about you staying here already to Oasis," Yeosang's blood ran cold far too quickly the second Woosung uttered those words, "And Jeongguk is on his way here."
Oh he's so fucked.......
Ahhhh I hate leaving it as a cliff hanger but gahhh so many interactions I'm excited to see for the next chapter!!
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