Teacher's Pet - Melanie Martinez
This is the first time Jimin didn't feel..... Into it while having sex.
No it wasn't Yoongi. He's actually a good bottom, pretty whiny and a bit affectionate with this tendency to kiss Jimin deeper and more passionately. As if though he did that he would possibly make the other feel that flicker of affection in return.
Jimin never did, obviously.
He doesn't do affections in that way.
It just doesn't mix well with him.
Now as he lays his sweaty body besides the panting male after their activity, he tried not to flinch when Yoongi took it upon himself to cuddle to his side. It was becoming impossible to not do that now, especially when Yoongi just kept pressing butterfly kisses against his chest.
Why do people always get so clingy after sex?
This always happens and Jimin is running out of excuses at this point how a thing between them won't ever happen. He did tell Yoongi ahead of time that a them won't ever happen and this is just sex, but seems like Yoongi is trying to pull an uno reverse on him now.
It wasn't working.
Now Jimin feels even less affectionate and it's because his mind is somewhere else, making the sex extremely not so pleasant to begin with.
An annoyed muffled grunt shuffled out of Jimin's lips, probably confusing Yoongi in it being a desirable noise since he's nibbling his skin with his teeth.
"I've always heard you're a bottom, didn't expect this side of you at all."
That wasn't even my full potential sweetheart.
If only Yeosang's stupid glare and this weird guilt got out of Jimin's head then Yoongi wouldn't even have made this comment to begin with.
He would've been too wrecked to say anything.
"Is that suppose to flatter me or offend me?" Jimin mutters lowly, letting his eyes move around Yoongi's room silently.
A typical dorm room really, not exactly decorated to anything extreme.
Cute, sometimes it's better to keep it plain and simple.
"Perhaps flatter you, first time anyone has proved me wrong."
Unfortunately this is not from the person Jimin wants to prove wrong.
By now this is growing annoying to those stupid thoughts in his head and Jimin immediately sits up, putting his clothes on wordlessly while Yoongi sits there with furrowed eyebrows.
"You're leavin-"
"Why are you surprised? I'm known for this," Jimin couldn't help himself but snap, the tendency to repeat himself is already growing too tiring to do, "I don't do commitment, I told you that before I got here."
Now fully dressed, Jimin stands up and glances at Yoongi. The other male is surprisingly not crying, not like Hoseok was when he pulled this similar move, but he did look disappointed.
Jimin's heartless body didn't have it in himself to even feel bad because he's already told Yoongi ahead of time his rules. Having to constantly repeat himself is getting irritating and too consistent for his liking.
"Well..... Um..... Thanks I guess," Yoongi mumbles quietly, looking down to the sheets with a heavy pout, "You know where the door is."
Jimin only hums, sending his last farewell to the guy and gets out of the room. The second he got out of the dorm, he had to lean against the wall for a moment or two because of how fucked his mind is.
Okay he's never this type of rude. Maybe teasing or playful in his departure but rude like how he was with Yoongi? He's not like that.
The fuck is with him?
The more Jimin squeezes his eyes shut and lightly thuds his head back against the wall, the more those piercing eyes beams like laser against his skull of his memory.
No one has ever looked at him like that.
It was almost as though Yeosang wanted to kill him back there at the parking lot.
A shiver runs down Jimin's spine to the thought and he nibbles his bottom lip, trying to control it from wobbling to the bit of fear cruising down his body. Jimin usually is not one to apologize, he hates apologizing, but it was almost as though Yeosang just forced that need to say that out of Jimin.
He looked so pissed.....
No one has ever intimidated Jimin before, he usually does the intimidating.
Get a grip Jimin! Going I let a kid fuck you over? No, absolutely not.
Jimin didn't know exactly how long he stayed there leaning against the wall, but after a while he just pushes himself off and heads towards his dorm. The more he approached his destination and avoided eyes glancing at him, the more confident and cold he became.
To a sensitive brat who wouldn't even let him speak?
Who the fuck does he think he is?
The more and more Jimin runs through this in his head, the more sense it made. Never has Jimin bowed his head down for anyone, why would he start now because of a kid with anger issues?
He just told him to fucking leave. Jimin has every right to be pissed because Yeosang has been nothing but disrespectful to him!
The fuck is he going to apologize for?!
He hasn't done shit!
A scoff snuffles out of Jimin's lips as he takes out his key when he got to the door of his dorm, pushing the door open with a familiar grin on his face to the self empowerment he felt.
That almost immediately drowns down by the sight he came to in his dorm.
On the couch he sees his best friend straddling a familiar brunette, the two in their own very heated make out session with a sprawl of notebooks and textbooks on the coffee table.
Seems like a study session gone wrong, or heated.
However when they heard the door open, immediately they broke apart. Joshua looks at his best friend with a smile while Yeosang sits with eyes only on Joshua, clearly ignoring Jimin with glittering eyes to the male on him.
He's still pissed.
"Oh hey roomie!" Joshua beams just as Jimin closes the door behind him, "How was it with Yoongi?"
Jimin grinds his teeth together for some reason, dropping his backpack to the ground as he trails to the kitchen, "Marvelous."
That's an obvious and evident lie.
Of course his best friend didn't exactly catch that, but Yeosang did since his ears perked.
"That's great!" Joshua squeaks before sliding off Yeosang, "Well, I have to head out to my class. We're still on for today after I come out right?"
Now Jimin is drinking water from a water bottle, watching from the counter as Yeosang nods his head at Joshua with an unfamiliar smile on his face.
He actually smiles?
"Great! Just wait for me here in that case. My class is only fifty minutes long so I'll be done in no time," And so Joshua leans and pecks his head before grabbing his stuff and shoving it in his backpack, skipping over to his best friend in the kitchen and kissing his cheek.
"I'll be back! Please be nice and don't kill each other!" The happy butterfly sings as he skips to the door and goes out of the dorm, meeting with his other admirer outside the hallway to walk him to class.
The second the door closed, that's when the shift in the room became evidently tense after the walking peace has left.
Jimin and Yeosang are completely alone, and as much as Jimin didn't want to think anything of it, when Yeosang suddenly met his eyes with his own blazing glare Jimin couldn't help himself but gulp thickly.
He's so screwed.
Don't we just love this? Nice tension building right!
I mean........... I don't think it'll be too tense because that'll be way too fast, but eh expect anything haha
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