Bad Guy- Billie Eilish
That's all Jimin can hear for the past two hours, so much fucking giggling.
It's not helping that the sun is directly shining on his face, or how he's feeling nauseous to the amount of alcohol he drank last night. Maybe with the fact that he got dick but it wasn't even intense, such a disappointment.
Maybe it's all of those things combined, but most definitely the giggling from his dear friend isn't helping; Who's been texting on his phone since the second they sat down on the table to eat lunch at the cafe they usually come to study or hang out.
"Yeosang is so cute my dude!" Joshua squeals, leaning back to the chair with a smile, "I don't know what you mean by saying he's an asshole, he's so sweet!"
Jimin furrows his eyebrows, drinking his water, "Yeosang? The same one that never smiles?"
This time Joshua snaps his head to Jimin, a sarcastic smile on his lips, "The hot guy with gorgeous brown hair and pretty eyes? Screams dom energy- The one who rejected you of course!
Joshua is never going to let this go is he?
The mere mention of him was almost like fueling gasoline to Jimin's body. It pisses him off just thinking of his face, his voice, his existence in general.
Who the fuck writes spawn on a mirror and just leaves like that?!
But of course that's the least of Jimin's worries when he thinks about him.
He can't stop thinking about the last time they were alone together. Jimin has not been able to get it out of his head, even while getting Namjoon's dick up his ass for the past week since his boyfriend went on a little vacation home, it was nothing to how intense and breathless he felt around Yeosang being so close to him.
He couldn't even feel the full effect of his orgasm by how mind fucked this got him!
Now Jimin feels like he's everywhere. Whenever Joshua comes back from his classes, he evidently tenses up because he believes Yeosang would just tag along with him. He never does anymore, but Jimin hasn't stopped feeling extremely anxious regardless.
His dreams are definitely becoming relentless, something innocently little boys shouldn't be dreaming of. He wakes up with cum in his boxers and sweating like crazing, maybe with fingers covered in lube by how he was using it to fuck himself subconsciously.
So Jimin has been drinking often, having sex a lot more frequently and studying like crazy at the same time just to get that stupid guy out of his head.
It doesn't help that he hasn't seen him, not even in clsss, confusing him more and more with annoyance.
Instead of Jimin seducing him to make his mark, Yeosang imprinted himself on Jimin's head.
And he won't fucking leave.
So he couldn't hold back his scoff to Joshua's words, taking his mug of latte and sips on it while opening his computer to get started on his paper after their little break time.
This café him and Joshua come to is somewhere pretty far from campus and their dormitory. They have to drive here but not like that was a problem to find parking. They always come here, almost like their own habit or go to place to get away and focus on work. Sometimes more of their friends, more like Joshua's friends, come here and hang out.
Of course Jimin would end up fucking at least one of them by the end of the night, but tonight he's not in the mood for that.
And thankfully his friends are occupied so it's just him and Joshua.
And his best friend is just a hyperactive mess in his phone.
Abruptly he suddenly squeals, practically vibrating in happiness with a wide smile, "Shownu just invited me to go out tonight!
Joshua doesn't even listen to the sarcastic tone of his best friend, only quickly responds back with rapid fingers before putting his phone down and opening his laptop as well opposite side of Jimin.
And he sends his friend a large grin, "You should have a little fling, or flings. Kinda feels nice to be around someone on cute dates and stuff, you know?"
For a while now it hasn't made sense in Jimin's head for Joshua to be this happy with Yeosang now entering his life lately. He's fucking around with literally five other guys, not that actual fucking though, so it just doesn't make sense for him to be this enthusiastic for another number added to the list.
Joshua may be an innocent looking fucker, but he definitely loves to be treated like a little princess.
And he got some dedicated dick after him, so he's not complaining.
"And then they get clingy and want commitment and then what?" Jimin sarcastically says back, fighting his eye roll, "I don't do the love shit Joshua. I'm perfectly well getting dick without all the extra stuff."
This made Joshua whine with a pathetic pout, reach across the table to grab on of Jimin's hands, "But the extra stuff is what makes it cute! You feel so whole and all that cute stuff is adorable! That's why you put a thin line if you don't want a commitment, but wouldn't hurt to try."
The direction this conversation was heading is only adding onto Jimin's headache, but he finds comfort in squeezing Joshua's hand back despite his scowl, "I'm good. Look we have studying to do! Stop distracting us!"
Joshua whined likes little kid, throwing a mild tantrum of slamming his knee against the table from under, "But it's Friday!"
Okay so maybe Jimin is being a little extreme on studying on a Friday, but he likes being ahead of his classes. Right now he's up to date with everything but he wants to be beyond up to date, so his Saturday and Sunday can be filled with whatever he pleases to do.
After a while Jimin stopped by how his hands started to cramp and his phone buzzed on the desk, but he didn't answer just because he was in his study mode. He doesn't like distractions when he's like this, so that's why even Joshua began to focus on his own studying and would ask for help Jimin from time to time when necessary.
Even when he would text he would make sure his phone is on silent to not disturb either of them, just seeing the notification appear on the screen.
What felt like two more hours of plain studying and writing, Joshua was packing his stuff now since his other little friend was waiting outside. He didn't to disturb Jimin as he was feverishly typing, so he only kisses his head to which Jimin responded with single hand reaching to his hand without looking way from the screen and kisses his knuckles.
Just their usual separating tendencies when words aren't used.
When Jimin was now left alone in this cute cafe, he was able to focus more on his work while being in this home like environment. He would push his glasses up the bridge of his nose, just typing away and sometimes would go up from time to time to buy a sandwich or more latte to keep his energy buzzed up.
It's dark outside now and Jimin now remembered that he had to walk to the dorms since Joshua took the car to follow after his other lover. Obviously Jimin was in no hurry, he's never been in a hurry when it involves school work and being away from his dorm isn't a problem.
Besides it's only a train away and it runs until midnight.
So Jimin continues working his ass off up until he was finally up ahead by two weeks. Which includes labs, readings, and important assignments.
College is his priority, and not to so easily swayed for other things around when it comes to that.
As if anything else would be that important for him.
Luckily he finished just ten minutes before closing. So Jimin started packing his stuff and checks his phone to see a few messages from Namjoon, one from Jin, another one from Yoongi and a snapchat notification from Hoseok.
Upon other messages around social media.
So as Jimin cleans up his table and called a good night to the workers while leaving the cafe to face the quite chilly night, he goes to Namjoon's messages.
Oh, he just wanted to see if he was free for a little action since his boyfriend is being a dick.
Not a surprise.
If Jimin had to pick a favorite from the ones after his ass, Namjoon would definitely be that boy. He's just a whole package and keeps things exciting. Maybe it's because he's very manly and loves to use Jimin as a little doll or how he's not the clingy type either since he's taken.
It's a mutual relationship they have.
Besides, he sends him nudes too so Jimin is not complaining at all.
Unfortunately Jimin is not up for a little action so he only declined, in which Namjoon took it well and just told Jimin to get some rest. As for the rest Jimin left them on read and probably will respond tomorrow.
It's always the same shit either way; Either wanting a relationship or cussing him out for not dating them in the first place.
They just don't seem to get it do they?
With Hoseok he just sent a dick pic but not like that can easily swoon Jimin over.
After a while of walking down the pavement to go to the train station, Jimin took the time to admire the night around him. It's not so dark because of the buildings and street lights, but it still felt peaceful since there just wasn't so many people around. It's ten p.m. so obviously not just anyone would roam around these streets anyways.
Not walking at least since many people go clubbing or partying around this time.
It's Friday after all.
So now Jimin is going to go to his dorm, perhaps read a little or just have time for himself alone, and then sleep his tiredness away.
If he doesn't get tempted to do something a little bit more fun to get him tired.
Jimin twitched a smile to himself and was just about to take a turn to the street but a hand slams against his lips so abruptly out of no where, forcing his eyes to widen as he's suddenly yanked into darkness by a strong arm.
The way his body shackles against a bricked wall of the side of a building by the hard force resembled a rag doll without an owner, since his legs were so weak to even move or stand still.
Despite his blurred eyes by the sudden attack, he sees two individuals in front of him. A man and a women. They're dressed in all black with a mask covering their lower face.
And a knife in both of their hands.
"Prince of Suns huh?" The man chuckles, hood up to cover majority of his face but Jimin can still see see the dark malicious eyes staring at his body, almost as though taking in the essence of the prince, "You know you made a lot of hurt boys upset."
Ah here we go.
They took them long enough really.
Jimin slumps against the wall with a bored express, maybe a bit amused, "Alright, which one of my favorite boys sent you to beat me for breaking their heart?"
The girl glances at the man and then back to Jimin, an eyebrow perked, "The fuck? You're not scared?!"
"Trust me sweetheart, I would be if this doesn't happen often," Jimin sarcastically ventures, cracking his knuckles, "So, are we going to do this the easy way and you let me go, or the hard way and it involves me outrunning you?"
The two didn't say anything, more so didn't have to say anything because they already made up their minds a long time. Ah, must've been paid well in that case.
So Jimin squeezes his fist just as the man raised the knife and lunched at him.
Guess being the princes doesn't have a lot of benefits........ Ha ha....... Well.....
I know I'm updating a lot but I'm pretty inspired right now, so I really want to grasp it well haha
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