Leave Me Lonely - Ariana Grande ft Macy Gray
A cigarette is permanently placed on his lips, smoke exhaling the corner of his perky pink lips before clasping two fingers on the length and lightly take the stick out of his mouth; exhaling the entire smoke against the glass window.
Just like exhaling life the same way this smoke, slow and fogged.
And deadly.
The city today looks pretty from the view Yeosang has in his new apartment, but definitely doesn't beat how pretty it looks at night. It's not exactly uncommon to see this sight of tough buildings and endless highways; Yeosang has grown up to always see the city after all.
At least now he can see it on his own without the rush of training or doing something an innocent boy isn't suppose to do.
Not like he's a little boy anymore either way.
Well today he has a very interesting day to say the least, away from the same routine, especially since he's not going to spend it entirely alone.
So he's trying to keep himself relaxed while it lasts.
A buzz on his front pocket catches his attention, snapping him out from the gruesome memories of his past. He digs his phone out with his free hand and sees a message from the cute boy from the club the other night.
It's been a week since they've been hitting it off after talking a storm at the night club but it's nothing serious, just a casual friend type of talking. Joshua has set it clear that he has other..... Admirers as well and he's not into settling down at the moment; Much to Yeosang's unfortunate luck since he presumed differently of the other man.
Typically, he would've dropped him if it wasn't for the fact that Joshua is actually a nice distraction, and they do have good moments of hanging out together without it leading to any sexual tension.
After all, Yeosang knows how to control those urges well, so not like that's a problem.
Maybe he did have a little hope that Joshua in some future would change his mind, since Yeosang does wish to have something serious if he does mess around with someone, but being friends won't exactly be a bad thing to have as of now.
Right now they're set on hanging out to go to the movies while Joshua shows him more around the city- Even though Yeosang knows this area from the palm of his hand and back, but for the sake of keeping his cover as a new kid that recently moved here, he'll have to pull a great act jut to be around his company.
Ideally Yeosang isn't much of a movie person, not really having splendid memories that tags along with it, but if Joshua wants to go for it, who is he to stop him?
After rubbing his cigarette against the small ashtray, Yeosang goes to the bathroom to fix up his now black hair and brushes it back from his face, grabs his leather jacket before getting his car keys and moving out of his apartment. With the amount of money he currently has, he's able to possibly get a nicer place like a pent house or something, but that'll be too easily noticeable for his father's enemies to find him.
The more normal he appears to be, the better it'll be for him.
And for those around him too.
So after getting in his purposely worn out black BMW and moves out of the parking lot, he sets his way to Joshua's dormitory where he'll pick him up from there. Usually they would find a place to meet up, even though Joshua would invite him to his dorm from time to time but Yeosang would reject it lightly, so today Yeosang wanted to be a gentlemen and decided to pick him where he's staying instead.
Besides, Yeosang would like to get a little gist of who is the guy he's been meeting up with too. He's been delaying this moment just so he could meet him better in person just to assure himself that he's a safe person. After many years of trusting the wrong people, can become a little hard to trust a pretty face without knowing a little background information.
Not like Joshua seems like trouble, but for Yeosang's paranoia this is essential.
Thankfully the university wasn't so far from his apartment and he didn't have to pay for parking if it's just for guest visit. At that moment he got a text from Joshua saying that he's almost ready, but that his roommate is also here so he'll answer the door when Yeosang's outside.
Ah so he has a roommate, interesting.
Now he has to deal with another person as well, marvelous.
As you could see, Yeosang prefers a more one to one interaction with a person. He's not exactly a social person, so people usually aggravate him easily that he doesn't know.
Hopefully this roommate doesn't like talking too much.
Yeosang sighs heavily as he gets out of the car and approaches the front doors of the dormitory before getting inside. There's a few people here actually, either playing on the pool table or watching television on the lounge, but Yeosang just avoids them despite their curious stares to the new face.
Either they have a staring issue or they just find him incredibly attractive, but that's something Yeosang didn't put mind into since he really doesn't care as he goes on the elevator and soon finds himself on the same floor that Joshua told him to go to. After roaming through every room number, maybe daring himself to wink at a few cute girls giggling at him, he stops right in front of the set of numbers from Joshua's text message.
Joshua still isn't ready yet, so Yeosang will just have to deal with the roommate in that case.
Well, let's hope the roommate isn't a total bitch or asshole, maybe not even too nice because than that'll mean they're going to not stop talking to him.
If they just leave him alone, this will pass by smoothly.
After sending a text to Joshua that he's outside, Yeosang knocks on the door and waits. He adjusts his leather jacket and his black shirt a little, trying to look presentable, until the door suddenly swings open.
His insides instantly drops.
You've got to be fucking kidding me.......
This is his roommate?
Out of all people?
It took so much effort for Yeosang to not show a blink of reaction when he sees a familiar blonde haired man standing in front of him, wearing literally only a white t-shirt that's not doing exactly a good job going past his bare mid thighs. He looks as though he just woke up since his hair is a wavy mess hovered forward to his forehead.
Maybe that did make his facial features look more innocent with his bare of make up and a sullen face, but the scowl that shifted on his plump lips just brought Yeosang back to remember the last time he saw him.
He should've known this guy would be Joshua's roommate.
"Came to pick up Cinderella?" The man, who Yeosang assumes to be Jimin since Joshua mentions him often and did say someone of that name is his roommate, leans against the door with a grimace on his lips.
So this is Jimin.
Great! Now he has a name to put on his kill list if he decides to make one again!
Yeosang only keeps his hands in his pocket, sighing heavily to his luck, before taking a step forward, "So are you going to let me in or continue to ask irrelevant questions?"
Why else would he be here?!
This made Jimin's face scrunch to a foul look, turning around, "Still a fucking asshole," He mutters under his breath while walking lazily inside.
For a good second Yeosang was considering bashing Jimin's head against the wall just for the disrespectful attitude, but the oxygen in his lungs got caught in his throat when his eyes subconsciously flickered down.
Red laced panties.....
Is he seriously wearing red laced panties right now.....
Even if Yeosang tried, in which he really did, he couldn't look away to how the white shirt kept scrunching up on his sides whenever Jimin took a step, peaking what lies underneath and it's definitely a hand full packed of ass-
Why..... Just why....
Why did he have to have an ass?
Just why?
And while wearing panties-
Yeosang had to close his eyes and gather his composure by thinking of his annoying encounter with him at the bar, telling himself that he's not going to be tempted before stepping inside the dorm and closing the door behind him.
Hm, this place is definitely bigger than what Yeosang had in mind for sure. It has a kitchen, living room and a small hallway that most likely lead to the bedrooms and bathroom. It would look like any other apartment but it's definitely much more on the neater side, as in everything here looks new.
What type of dorm is this?
Or maybe Yeosang has seen way too many college movies that his brother would make him watch?
Yeosang let's his eyes roam a little longer, his inner skills of a photographic memory coming in handy to capture every detail of this place perfectly before sitting on the chair in front of the coffee table; that's to the opposite side of the leather black couch that Jimin laid stomach flat on while immediately going on his phone.
And Yeosang scowls.
There's no specific reason as to why whenever Yeosang just looks at Jimin he gets pissed or annoyed. He just does, and it funny since he's only seen him twice. It's just the aura that Jimin has as though he's the big shit is annoying, or perhaps the fact that he thinks he can just get anyone if he batters his eyelashes cutely.
Jimin is attractive, hell, he's so attractive and he definitely knows that and Yeosang is not going to deny it; His narcissistic behavior is what makes that beauty be completely crossed out to a hideous inability to even be around him.
After all, beauty ages but a shitty personality is there for life.
So to avoid the need to even look at him, Yeosang only continue to look around the dorm with empty eyes to find things to distract himself as he waited.
Not even his phone could save him from the boredom because he wouldn't have anything to do.
It seems as though Jimin found that quite boring.
"Hey, do me a favor and keep Joshua occupied for the whole day," Jimin suddenly tells him, making the other snap his eyes to him, "I'm having someone over and I don't really like distractions."
Oh Yeosang smiled. He smiled so bitterly in a clear sarcasm that could be detected so easily.
And he hopes it does.
"Doesn't it get tiring opening your legs for just anyone?"
"Doesn't it get tiring acting like you don't enjoying sticking dick up someone's ass?" Jimin fires back, his own sarcastic smile on his lips without revealing his teeth, "Must suck holding in your urges all the time."
Yeosang leans back to the chair, legs spread with an arm on the armrest, two fingers digging his temple, "When I save it for someone who's actually worth it, doesn't seem so bad."
"I'm sure you tell yourself that all the time," Jimin chuckles drily, making a bold move on eying between his legs before glancing to his face, "Act like a little saint all you want. At the end of the day we both know temptation always ends up gaining the upper hand."
Who does this guy think he is?!
His arrogance is definitely something too concerning by this point.
He really thinks no one can resist him huh? Ha, how cute.
Yeosang only blinks at him, unable to help himself from chuckling back before shaking his head, "I'm sure you tell yourself that all that time, cute excuse really but not a good one."
Jimin now sits up on the couch, legs crossed with this type of confidence in his eyes that nearly felt so professional, seductive and oddly familiar. Clearly this type of look has worked for him many times before, judging by how quick he was to jump into his attempt in luring the other man, but Yeosang wasn't so easily drawn.
In some strange way, seeing him with this sudden attitude on his facial features reminds Yeosang of Taehyung.
It's the aura, how it just demands for attention and almost provoke intimidation. It's the type of stare that's bold with feline narrow eyes and a grimace on his lips, a look that already shows exactly what he wanted but won't be the one to make the first move.
This actually nerved Yeosang how Jimin managed to carry this shift of familiarity in aura alone because it usually does always work for the weaker people, but Yeosang didn't back down from holding a familiar look that Jeongguk always uses to get the upper hand whenever Taehyung is like this.
It's a glare really, but it's a murderous and calm glare. It's the type a psychopath would most likely have before killing a victim, or perhaps torture them. It's a type of glare that demands submission and shows authority without using his words, but almost in a way as though Yeosang is gripping Jimin's neck without physically doing it.
And it's working because Jimin suddenly squirms in his seat, unfolding his legs instead with a tight grip to the end of his shirt. Funny thing about this is that unlike Taehyung, Jimin doesn't back down.
His eyes are equally intense as Yeosang's gaze, and it was like burning steam against each other the more they held it. There's no exact way to describe this tension, but it made Jimin squeeze his legs tightly together with his hands squeezing the end of his shirt to the point his fists turned white and Yeosang feel his abdomen twist in a knot.
It's clouded in the air, and it was as though a aggressive rope was trying to yank them by the necks.
They just didn't know if it was to be farther apart or closer together.
And Yeosang doesn't want to find that out either.
"Hey! I'm ready!"
And just like that it was sliced and the two broke their gaze from each other, looking away with the air finally accessing their lungs again.
Time seem to have returned and the steam cooled down to ice, only left with this awkward tension as Joshua skips into the living room with a wide smile and all dressed up.
Yeosang didn't look at Jimin as he stands up and goes to Joshua, who was already telling his roommate to keep the place clean and not to make a mess for when his guest arrive.
And not once did Jimin look at them as the door closed shut.
Whatever this tension was here I felt it from here........ Wow.......
As you can see, with this story I want to build up a little more tension before diving into it. I want to show more of their individual character around each other first, and then perhaps things will get steamy haha
Let's see how that goes!
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