River- Bishops Briggs
With every limb in Jimin's body, he's fighting so hard to keep his eyes open.
The computer screen is practically glaring back at him from this dim lit living room, forcing him to focus and finish the damn assignment but Jimin feels like his body is slowly going to shut down at any second.
This time of school year always is always such a mass stress ball for Jimin, in which he hates so much. He overworks himself too much with the inability to find it in himself to stop. For the past week he's barely been sleeping, even came as far as to having 48 hours of no sleep until two days ago he completely passed out on his bed while studying statistics.
Luckily he didn't have class the next day so he woke up late, but that didn't stop him from working his ass off.
He's had enough eight hours of sleep now the previous night and ate food, so why is his body deciding to want to give up now!
Annoyedly Jimin nibbles his bottom lip as he removed his glasses and sets it on the coffee table, rubbing his eyes to force them awake from the pleading need to close shut in sleep.
Yeosang is sitting on the floor across from him, laptop up and glasses also pressed on his face, but when Jimin finally moved after three hours of just plain typing and getting half way through the assignment, he casts a glance to him.
His lips twitched to a frown.
"You know you can take a break..... It's not like this is due anytime soon."
Yes it's not due anytime soon but eventually it will be. Jimin prefers getting this out of the way now and not dealing with it when the time comes because he'll be too busy studying for his other four classes.
Fuck he has so much to do.
So Jimin shakes his head, trying to keep himself active as he sips the coffee Yeosang made for him and himself, "No I'm okay. I'm almost done with the section I have to do, what about you?"
"I'm done."
How....... The fUCK does he do that!
He always finishes his work so early and damn quick. Jimin has also seen his scores he would get for exams and assignments and it's obvious that Yeosang is not cheating his way to getting good grades in that class.
He's probably beside Jimin at the highest ranks in class.
Intelligent, he's very intelligent.
Maybe Jimin's face broke apart in despair by how he's not even close to finished yet because Yeosang slightly panicked. However all Jimin did was shove his glasses back on and got determine to finish this stupid project already.
No response.
"You're going to overwork yourself."
Once again no response, but maybe Jimin's pressure on the keys were a bit too harsh.
"Fuck this."
Suddenly the laptop was yanked off Jimin's hands, slammed closed shut by a sturdy hand in a loud snap.
Jimin's whole heart dropped.
"M-My work!" Jimin shrieks, his eyes shifting into a furious glare almost instantly, "THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM! I have to finish-"
"You have your file shared with me and it automatically saves," Yeosang interject indifferently and brings the laptop closer to his side, "Take a break."
By this point Jimin is absolutely infuriated. It's almost as though he desperately needs this; To study, to get shit done!
Yeosang is wasting time!
"I swear if you don't give me my laptop for me to finish-"
"I mean it Jimin," Yeosang says now more stern, putting both of their laptops to the floor beside him, "What is with you? You're not usually like this."
Usually like this?
Oh Jimin couldn't hold back a sarcastic laugh, one that never reached his eyes as that façade of remaining strong seems to almost be cracking like a glass doll.
"And you know how I usually am now?" Jimin mocks back, flipping him off as he moves around the table to where the laptops are, "Give it to me! I can finish this at home and text you if I have any questions."
Yeosang narrows his eyes and moved both laptops to his other side, guarding it, "No, you have been overworking yourself. At one point the brain won't handle taking in so much information for a long period of time and will just shut it down-"
"I said give it to me!"
"I don't want to fight with you! I need to finish and I have work to do for my other classes-"
"You're probably done with it and are just making the excuse to assure yourself that it's perfect. You tried your best, stop stressing so much over this."
Jimin grits his teeth, already having enough of this damn conversation, before attempting to lunge himself to get the laptop. Yeosang only kept himself firmly in place, managing to hold a very weak Jimin off far too well.
And easily.
"Jimin stop!"
"I need to finish! I-I have to get a good grade and I have to study-"
The two somehow got into a tangled mess and Yeosang loses his balance to suddenly fall backward to the ground. Since he was holding onto Jimin's wrist in attempt to hold him back, he ended up dragging him along too.
No words can describe how livid Jimin is right now.
It's very obvious that Jimin is extremely pissed off, but now it's not even with the stupid assignment.
It's with everything; The world, himself, Yeosang, everything!
"You don't fucking understand how much my academic means to me!" Jimin abruptly snarls at him, his body vividly shaking in frustration, "I have to be a good student! I have to have a good future! That means I have to work my ass for me and my family so they will stop thinking that their son is a fucking psychopath!"
That felt like a bomb being suddenly dropped, an explosion that was raging inside Jimin for so many years.
There's so much pain in Jimin's chest now that he finds it so hard to even breathe. His fingers is raking through his hair anxiously and a weak whimper comes out of his lips.
Hold it in.
Hold it in.
He can't let it out now.
He can't be so fucking weak!
Yeosang is staring at him with nothing but a blank stare eyes, not really expecting for Jimin to have exploded the way he did. He attempts to place a comforting hand on Jimin's arm but Jimin slaps it away and scrambles off him, getting to his feet as he takes deep breathes to calm himself down.
He shouldn't have came here.
He always feels too much around Yeosang, and he can't even handle his emotions properly from their instability.
If they were back in his dorm than easily Jimin could've just sent him away, but he's here and pretty far from the dorm. There's so much he's feeling at once but one thing hasn't changed.
His desire.
It's still there and it's still burning.
His initial plan to try to get Yeosang to sleep with him just to avoid these urges turned into a complete downfall. After he spoke with his parents a day after the arcade, he became a mess.
He has to do good for them.
He has to be a good student.
Just for them.
He's not a bad person, no he isn't. He was small and he was trying to defend Joshua, that doesn't mean he's a psychopath right?
So far he's been doing everything correctly, but he still feels so heavy inside.
It never ends.
Suddenly Jimin's body jumps when hands gently rubs his arms, moving up and down soothingly and gently to calm down his anxiously beating heart. Almost as though it was going to sway him to sleep.
This is not helping.
It's not helping at all.
Jimin shrugs those hands off aggravatingly, whirling around to face Yeosang with his raging eyes, "Stop doing that!"
"Doing what? Trying to help you calm down!"
"Yes!" Jimin retorts with the chills running down his spine when Yeosang's gaze slightly hardens, "I don't need your help! Just step away from me!"
Yeosang didn't move a muscle.
Of course he didn't because he doesn't like being told what to do, just like Jimin.
But Jimin only pushes him back aggressively, which didn't do shit since he didn't even move a muscle.
"You're making it impossible for me to hold myself back," Jimin heaves bitterly, getting up to his face now, "Is that what you want huh? For me to be so desperate for you-"
Abruptly Yeosang grips his jaw with both of his hands that made his breath hitch, forcing Jimin to step back until he pressed against the wall.
Here it comes again.
That tension.
A tension so thick and so overwhelming, making it nearly impossible to slice it through unlike the previous times that it was there. This time one could feel how intense it is with a single deep breath, choking on it by how it's so uncomfortable to even swallow.
This shouldn't surprise Jimin, but it always does.
And he always responds to it, no matter how hard he tries to keep his composure.
Yeosang by now is intensely glaring into his eyes, clearly annoyed with Jimin's whole attitude, and he presses his thumbs a bit harder against Jimin's cheekbones.
"If you don't shut the fuck up and keep your voice down, then I will literally duck tape your mouth so the nice neighbors won't have to call the cops," Yeosang growls between his teeth, his gaze growing darker and colder, "Do you understand me?"
If there's any words to describe what Jimin is feeling right now, stable is not one of them. His head is clouded, very clouded. The pit of his stomach clenches again, stabbing that familiar sensation of it twisting over and over again in a throbbing ache. The pulsing of his blood in adrenaline was making his hormones quite chaotic, definitely startling him much more awake now but not in a good way.
As much as he wanted to maintain the eye contact, challenging Yeosang back with the strength he's gaining in himself, he couldn't.
He found himself glancing back to those lips that are just so close to his.
The texture alone is so pink and appears so smooth, almost as though if Jimin were to rub his thumb against the surface he would just feel how soft it is.
Perfect lips that matches with the elegant structure of his face.
Pretty...... Very pretty.
It was way too obvious where Jimin's focus was on and Yeosang only trails a hand below his chin, pinching his fingers back to his cheeks and pins his head against the wall while craning his face up so Jimin could avert his focus back to Yeosang's eyes.
His abdomen is brutally aching now and his dick is twitching feverishly badly when he met his gaze, seeing nothing but a sparkling darkness of a luminous shape, plunging like a knife against Jimin's eyes as though he caught him doing something he wasn't suppose to.
"See, not so hard being," And Yeosang leans to his face, "Silent."
Jimin gulps so thickly that he nearly chokes on and manages to let out a shakily breath, maybe a pant to how heavy his body is staring to slowly feel.
"You're still going to resist? I know you feel this too."
The fingers on his skin twitched to a harder squeeze that even made Jimin's breathing hitch his throat, making his own eyes flutter. It was almost as though Yeosang was weighing out his options but he couldn't. Unable to help himself his thumb found Jimin's lips, caressing over it slowly and dragging the sensitive skin with the pad of his fingertip.
Jimin's is whimper now, lightly, and his chest moving at in unsteady rate as though he's desperately trying to chase after oxygen. His lips subconsciously follows Yeosang's thumb, a muffled sigh stumbling out of his lips to the warm touch.
Yeosang watches him. He watches him with that hooded expression of undetectable emotions since there's just too many to pinpoint what it is.
For a second Jimin had to close his eyes, trying to control the way his body itches for more of those contact. Maybe rougher, but just physical contact. For the past two weeks he has avoided the world as it is, and so he's deprived.
And it's like that hunger, that desirable hunger, he wants more of it.
And it's intensifying every breathing second.
"A-Are you...... Just going to keep me hanging like this?" Jimin breathes out when he flutters his eyes open, seeing nothing but the way Yeosang is glaring to the way Jimin is nibbling his bottom lip in his nervous habit.
And then he flickers his eyes back to him before moving it back to his lips, and then he starts to lean.
Jimin's heart is practically pounding on his neck now with the chills spreading all over his body. His hands are twitching feverishly but Jimin only focuses on Yeosang's lips as it grows closer, decreasing the distance.
Then Jimin starts to lean, wanting to meet him half way.
It never happened.
Yeosang pauses.
It didn't hit Jimin instantly that he did, but he glances to his eyes and leans closer until they were so close that Jimin nearly grazed his lips against his. But Yeosang places an index finger on Jimin's parted lips, stopping him.
Yeosang slowly leans his head back, smirking playfully as he drags his index finger down Jimin's bottom lip.
"And that's how I win."
It didn't jog Jimin's head quick enough to what Yeosang just did since he's still left in a daze, not until the steps back with a smug grin and turns around.
That's when it slapped Jimin across the face so hard that he was just played by his own game.
This..... Fucker.....
He used Jimin's own tactic against him-
Oh this fucker......
This sly and intelligent fucker.
Now Jimin's pissed.
He's extremely pissed, more than he already was early.
Listen, when you're sleep deprived, stressed, sexually frustrated, and suddenly teased so brutally by his own game; That shit would drive anyone fucking insane.
And Jimin already decide that he's done being teasingly a long time ago.
Before Yeosang could even walk away, Jimin yanks him back by the arm towards him.
Probably a bit too harsh because Yeosang stumbles back to him in practically a slam, forcing Jimin to be pressed back against the wall much harder than before.
He didn't care.
Placing both hands on Yeosang's neck now with raging eyes, Jimin leans to his face.
"I swear I fucking hate you."
And Jimin roughly collides their lips together, shuddering almost instantly to the warm mouth molding against his.
What a mistake Jimin did.
A big mistake.
He didn't expect to actually feel something by doing this. Jimin wasn't expecting for his blood to rush a whole wave more than it already is, the goosebumps to spread completely all over his body as though he's been poured by a bucket of ice. His heart wasn't even skipping beats anymore as though it's walking down the park, it was leaping without a direction to anywhere to specifically.
This feeling.
This new feeling.......
Just became so addicting in a matter of seconds.
Yeosang didn't even waste time the second their lips met. No matter how badly his mind screamed to stop, he couldn't. He slams himself against Jimin's body, roaming his rough hands to Jimin's hips tightly in so much desperate need as he devours every bit of his plump lips.
Fuck, why did they take so damn long to do this?
A muffled groan forces out of Jimin's lips, that sounds more like a rough growl if anything, and his grip on Yeosang's neck tightens while another hand grips his chocolate hair. It felt as though he was burning to every inch that Yeosang touched with his aggressive hands, trailing it down to his past ass and to the back of his thighs.
When Yeosang lifted Jimin up and presses himself between his parted legs with the wall as a perfect liability, it only fueled more of that gasoline burning between their souls. Jimin even tangled his legs to bring Yeosang even closer if possible.
There's no destination specifically to where Jimin's hands were wandering off to, but one of his hands clawed Yeosang's back while the other continued to vigorously pull his hair. It's bizarre really how he should've felt that fire of desire dwindling down now that they have kissed and letting all of this frustration out.
It didn't.
It got worse.
So much more worse and uncomfortable.
Fuck this is the best thing Jimin has felt with another person, literally ever.
This kiss alone felt like he was being kissed for the first time, pulsating intoxicating boosts of lust and this feeling that he couldn't even describe what it is; But the noises coming out of his lips were more desperate, his skin is burning and already sweating, and that's not even enough to explain the full impact of his emotions. It's ironic since he's the Prince of Sins, and he's not one to usually feel passionate with anyone, even during sex.
And Yeosang completely destroyed that.
Jimin wants more, drinking every last drop of this lust before it fades away.
Until he's completely drugged by the feeling with no antidote, as if he is going to want one at this point.
His swollen lips is letting heavy hisses out when Yeosang pulled away, seductively slow yet roughly trailing his lips down to Jimin's neck. Jimin leans his head back against the wall, his head spinning now to the way his veins are withering under the skin of his neck whenever Yeosang passed over it, grunting to how damn sensitive his body is becoming.
Why the fuck is he becoming sensitive now?
"Didn't think you would give in, hm?" Yeosang manages to smugly drawl out, making Jimin just about ready to cuss him for even speaking.
Until Yeosang bit his neck, right where it boosted that pleasuring nerve to explode all over Jimin's body, almost like a sizzling hit from an electric current. The yelp that oozed out of his lips was anything but subtle and his hands are shaking now, only pulsating to dig his fingers harder to Yeosang's body.
What wasn't helping was how Yeosang was gently cradling his face with one hand, a mass juxtaposition to what the fuck he's doing to his neck.
Not only is Jimin's vision seeing dark spots to the point he had to close them, but his legs are so close to giving out. His whole body is trembling with delirious need that he doesn't even know for how long he can keep this up without giving in.
All he can feel now is Yeosang's tongue slide against his delicate skin before his lips would suck on it, all to his sweetest spots that he didn't know he even had.
And it was driving him crazy.
"M-My legs," Jimin whimpers quietly, feeling as though he's going to fall at any moment, "I can't-"
It happened so quickly where both of Yeosang's large hands grips Jimin's thighs, guiding him away from the bed to aggressively tear him off and practically throw him on the couch.
Jimin's hormones were on fire.
It wasn't helping the slightest that Yeosang is looking at him now as though he was ready to devour him. Not even in a bad way, but almost as though he's in awe to Jimin's existence and is taking him in.
There's a moment where neither of them moved or said anything, only stared at one another with the heavy pants escaping past their lips.
This is the chance for them to back out.
For them to think that this is a bad idea and to just end it now.
But neither of them wanted that.
Of course they didn't. This has been a desire that's been killing them for a whole damn month, dreaming and mind fucking their heads just to even taste each other's lips.
They most definitely are not going to let this fucking slip up.
So with blazing eyes to Yeosang, Jimin grabs the hem of his hoodie and lifts it up, yanking it off his body.
Leaving him bare just for Yeosang to see and know that he wasn't backing done.
His skin looks so smooth, even the outline of his muscle look so delicate and tender instead of it being rippled as a distraction. The only mark he has is the large fresh hickey on his neck, unlike what Yeosang has hidden underneath his sweater.
Staring at Jimin's skin and body as though it was a work of art for a moment too long, Yeosang reaches to his own hoodie and slides it off while still keeping his eyes on Jimin's gaze.
Revealing the mural of tattoos he always keeps hidden underneath his sweaters.
Jimin's jaw dropped.
Bother his arms filled with delicate art of sleeve tattoos, peaking marks of his melanin skin here and there underneath the swirls of ink as though they were Rose vines from one arm, while the other appeared to be almost like angel wings curling against his skin. The art of the swirl brush strokes travels all the way to his chest, now with more darker and cursive paintings of Yeosang's own personal creativity. There's nothing on his abdomen but by his torso looks as though angel wings are hugging his sides.
Trailing to the angel wings tattoo coating his entire back.
Just like how he is, beautiful.
The tattoos go perfectly with him.
With who he is, almost as though he's speaking his story without any words. From the bold marks on his arms to the lighter tones and shadows, showing both his cold and mysterious mask while also the one begging for freedom.
To be a normal person.
Just..... Amazing.
Staring at his body, Jimin couldn't help himself from running his wet tongue along his lips by how dry it seemed to have gotten. Unable to help himself from squirming now when Yeosang threw his hoodie aside and starts stride towards him.
He settles himself between Jimin's legs and began to slowly began to press soft pecks along his waistband, below his belly button, where it felt the most sensitive.
Every single one felt like Jimin was being struck by lightening, forcing his toes to curl and his head thrust back against the cushion, threading his fingers through Yeosang's hair again to possibly ease some of his frustration.
Yeosang was slow, very slow as he roams a hand up Jimin's chest, letting his thumb press down on his harden stud of his nipple almost purposely. A mixture of a whimper and broken moan comes out of Jimin's lips, that immediately followed by a wheeze when Yeosang's whole hand grips his throat.
Just how and where Jimin likes it.
"You're so responsive," Yeosang huskily whispers against his warm skin, slowly making his way up, "Or maybe it's just with me."
"Trust me I don't like appearing affected," Jimin manages to mutter through his wheezes, more like hissing it out as Yeosang's hand tightens to the point he felt Jimin's pulses shaking against his fingertips, "I just fuck, that's it."
The way Yeosang's dark chuckles blows against his sweaty skin forced a squirm to run down Jimin's spine to the warm sensation, "Trust me Minnie, after I'm done with you the only thing you're going to want is to never be fucked by any of those pretty boys again," And he finally looks at him, now hovered over his face, a large smirk on his lips, "Because all you're ever going to desire for is me, alone."
Before Jimin could even respond with a sarcastic remark Yeosang licks Jimin's plush lips before thrusting it in his mouth, devouring his lips so deeply and roughly with his that sent Jimin's heart to fucking explode.
This pure ecstasy is something he's not use to feeling at all. Everything felt almost heightened and raw; Their skins pressed each other other, swollen lips fighting for dominance, hands unable to stop touching their bodies and exploring so much of their skins.
Jimin has never felt this needy for someone in his life, not like this. Maybe he desired to kiss someone here and there, but this hunger is also like he wanted to completely surrender his entire being just to be fucked by this guy.
And he was starting to like that feeling, perhaps a bit too much.
This is escalating so much and Jimin is already growing eager to what is going to happen next, the thought only forcing his legs to stiffen in anticipation.
Just as Jimin's hand trails between the two to Yeosang's pants, the other stops moving completely.
It was most like a remote pressed on the paused button since he quite literally froze.
Jimin didn't even continue with his quest in case that was the reason being that Yeosang suddenly reacted like this, so he slowly did pull away from his lips and searched his eyes.
Brown orbs that look conflicted, the storm of desire completely fading away.
Maybe he's doesn't want to do this? Well, it's not like it's a problem but this is kinda concerning because he's not saying anything.
"Hey, you alrig-"
Yeosang presses his finger against Jimin's lips, silencing him.
Okay..... This is either a kinky role play thing or something is actually not okay.
Almost instantly Jimin tenses up, his lips quiet with such shock to Yeosang's sudden behavior. It looks like he's not even looking at Jimin, but past him?
The laptops?
Jimin by now began to grow too unease to even say anything by the stern look on Yeosang's face, but then his eyes flickers to the window behind Yeosang from his shoulder.
The curtains are parted open, letting the city light shine through along with the night sky of a very ease and peaceful winter.
However that wasn't what made Jimin's entire serotonin boost drop immediately, perhaps along with his desire to be fucked.
It's by the gun pecking from underneath the creaked open window. The fire escape latter is there, which could explain how someone has managed to hide themselves in the darkness so easily without being seen.
Yeosang spotted them from the reflection of his open laptop, since the screen is dark but can easily see the reflection of the window.
Oh..... They're so fucked.
"This is what you're going to do," Yeosang suddenly murmurs quietly against his Jimin's lips, "Don't be afraid. They're after me, not you. All you have to do is flip us over to the floor so you're on top and hold onto me-"
"Are you insane!" Jimin hisses against his mouth in panic, "They'll shoot me!"
Yeosang gently pecks his lips as one of his hands moves between the back rest and the cushions by Jimin's head, "You're not their target, now kiss me like you mean it sweetheart and hold on."
There's nothing Jimin can do.
Either they both would die or Yeosang dies and Jimin will be the blame for his murder or be kidnapped by however the fuck is after Yeosang for being a witness.
For fuck sakes.......
If this goes wrong...... No.... He has to trust in himself that he'll make it out of this.
And in Yeosang.
So Jimin grabs the back of his neck and slams their lips back together, instantly acting as though nothing happened for the perfect distraction.
Just so the killer wouldn't be focused on Yeosang hand pulling the gun out of the cushions and hid it between their bodies, just as Jimin wrapped his arms and legs around him.
Time to have a little more fun.
Suddenly Jimin uses his strength to flip them, their bodies landing to the ground with Yeosang having a perfect vision of the window and takes the gun out.
Not wasting time in taking the shot immediately, letting the loud boom echo the apartment and the cracking of glass that the bullet shot through.
Only a few seconds passed and a thud hits the air, along with the gun peering through the window disappears.
Jimin is breathing unevenly now, his face buried against Yeosang's neck with a death grip on his body that refused to even let go.
Like hell is he going to look up right now.
There's a few moments of silence between them, making sure the person is actually gone before Yeosang drops the gun and caresses Jimin's back with his hand, comforting him in his own awkward way.
"I know you're afraid. This is one of the reasons why I didn't want you near me," Yeosang says quietly, eyes still staring at the window, "It's not safe."
Excuse me, what?
He did not just assume-
Abruptly Jimin perks his head up, looking at Jimin straight in the eye, "You think I'm scared because of that?" He squeaks, making Yeosang furrow his eyebrows, "I'm shaking because my knees made first collision to the ground and that shit hurts! Beside I had a good shot from the couch without the need for you to get all heroic and try to save me, again. Fuck, you're so messy when it comes to these situations."
They just had to cause a dramatic scene, with the neighbors downstairs, probably already worried to what was that loud ass noise.
Aside from the gun shot.
Ugh, he's such an amateur.
Yeosang's whole face coils in confusion, "Are you seriously worried about that? For fuck sakes Jimin I can't deal with you," He groans and lays back down on the floor, "If this guy was here to kill me, they must've found me now."
Not even Jimin could respond back to that in a snarky response. There's an odd tone in his voice that Jimin is not use to. It's almost draining and.... Just tired really.
It's almost as though Jimin was seeing him for the first time...... Without the whole badass mask on.
It must suck desperately wanting a normal life for it to constantly be fucked up just because of his family and their reputation, and enemies.
For some strange reason in this case, Jimin wanted to..... Help in a way?
Fuck, Jimin is horrible at comforting people so this is going to be so hard.
Yet it seemed like Yeosang isn't the comforting type.
Suddenly Yeosang gently takes Jimin off him and gets to his feet. He snatches his shirt from the ground and goes to the window as he puts it on.
Well guess their little moment came to an end.
Fucking cockblocker.
A heavy sigh comes out of Jimin's lips as he also gets to his feet and grabs his hoodie to swing it over his body, following after Yeosang to the window.
Truth to their theory, the person who was attempting to assassinate Yeosang is laying on the fire escape limply, but unconscious.
Not dead.
Yeosang glances to his surroundings outside and suddenly extends an arm to gently guided Jimin more hidden behind him, away from the window's line of sight.
"You need to go," Yeosang mutters quietly, staring at the body with emotionless eyes, "I'll drive you back."
Jimin snaps his head to Yeosang, an eyebrow perked up, "Isn't it a bit dangerous for you to still come back here?"
Now Yeosang cranes his head back, a smug grin on his lips, "Aw worried?"
"For Joshua's sake, yeah pretty much."
Of course Jimin won't be one to so easily to cave in.
No, he's not worried. He has no reason to be, clearly.
Yeosang rolls his eyes and opens the window all the way up, grabbing the unconscious man by the ankles, "I have some interrogation to do. I'll find somewhere else to stay once I'm done."
And then he looks at Jimin, his smile widening in a sinister chuckle, "Mind being an accomplice to help tying him up before I take Cinderella home?"
Well we got a lot of things happening in this chapter hahaha how are we doing??
Who's ready for the action stuff!! After all Yeosang is still the Spawn
Let's see what happens!!
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