Nervous - The Neighbourhood
Two shot glasses are settled on the wooden coffee table, followed by a large bottle of vodka in between thats sealed shut.
Giving the hint it was not drugged.
This would've been a nice way of bonding over drinks together -maybe talk about life and past relationships like in movies- if it wasn't for the fact that Jimin is gripping tightly onto a knife while eying the boy who opened the vodka bottle and pouring them both a glass of it with accusing eyes and deep breathes.
Like hell is Jimin going to let his guard down, especially since they're currently in his, Yeosang's, apartment.
Not willingly for Jimin.
It's not like he had a choice either way since he ended up passing out in Yeosang's arms seconds after he smelt the stench of blood on his clothes.
So much for trying to appear tough.
When Jimin woke up, he found himself here in this apartment laid down on a strangely comfortable couch. Not tied up or anything, surprisingly, and slowed the memories jogged in his head to what happened. In his attempt to escape he was making a dash to the door but Yeosang suddenly came out from a door, all cleaned up.
It's strange really because words weren't exactly expressed at that moment when their eyes met. But by the way Jimin instantly started attacking him with the knife -that thankfully was still in his pocket- he was trying to weaken him with a stab so he could have time to escape and not be followed.
Jimin never won, Yeosang blocked his every move, almost as though he could predict them before Jimin even did it.
At some point Yeosang actually showed more his skills and had Jimin pinned to the ground, his own knife pinned against his neck by the center. One push and he's dead. Clearly Yeosang didn't want to kill him, more so just get him to stop fighting.
That's when Yeosang told him he would answer all of his questions, or try to, as long as he doesn't leave or fight him.
And he can keep the knife if anything.
So that's how they're here right now; sitting on the floor with the coffee table between them, two empty glasses and alcohol since obviously both of them will definitely need this.
To say Jimin is fighting every fiber in his body to not tremble would be an understatement, but as he looks at the familiar boy dressed with a large white hoodie that practically swallows his body as he pours the alcohol for both of them - Jimin didn't feel himself to be so scared as he should.
He just kept seeing him as the same boy who's so fucking annoying.
It's make it bearable to cope with what's going on right now.
However he can't push away the fact that Yeosang just killed two people without giving much thought into it, whether it was to save him or not.
What if he's next?
Jimin needs answers.
Yeosang took a glass of the vodka and gulfs it down, grunting but clearly avoiding Jimin's eyes. Oh how hard it was for Jimin to look anywhere else when at any given time this guy could just attack him on sight, so he holds onto the knife tighter and takes the glass meant for him and gulfs it down too.
Yup, that definitely hit the spot.
"Alright," Yeosang mutters and flickers his eyes to Jimin's intense stare, "Ask whatever you want already. I don't like having people in my apartment."
Jimin grits his teeth and roams a quick eye around the living room, seeing how kinda bare it is with only a lamp beside the couch as the only source of light, but it doesn't feel creepy at least.
More like a home type of vibe if anything, perhaps it's just the lighting.
For a very very long moment, Jimin tried to find the perfect question to ask. Oh the variety is a lot considering what just happened, however Yeosang did say Jimin could ask any question he wants and he will answer.
Even if he were to lie, Jimin can detect a lie so easily.
No matter how good the liar is.
Takes one to know one.
So Jimin licks his lips with his eyes much more interrogating, "Are you going to kill me?"
If he's going to end up dead, what's the point in even asking questions in the first place?
Mind as well as get it over with already.
If he's going to die, mind as well not waste both of their time.
Yeosang pours both of their glasses again and takes his, leaning to the table, "Jimin, if I were to kill you, don't you think I would've done it already? As you saw, I don't like wasting time."
"So then why won't or didn't you kill me? I could be a snitch."
"Do you want to die?" Yeosang remarks back, coaxing an eyebrow up, "I didn't because of Joshua. He cares about you and I care about him, can't hurt him like that."
Okay so he's not entirely heartless.
It wasn't a lie either way.
Jimin narrows his eyes and gulps down his glass, clearing his throat to the burn down his throat but letting it pulse him to continue asking questions, "Do you kill often?"
"If you're referring to me being a psychopathic serial killer like Ted Bundy or Jack the Ripper, no, I'm not."
"Then who are you?"
"Someone you shouldn't dig your nose into."
"And if I do? I did see you murder someone."
"You don't want to know me."
"So you're a little bad boy looking for trouble?"
Yeosang couldn't stop himself from laughing, leaning back from the table as he stares with glittering eyes to the sassy man sitting across from him, who purses his lips to his reaction.
"I'm a Spawn running away from home," He snickers amusingly, taking a shot of his vodka before leaning over the angelic man, "Don't test me doll, get on my bad side and I can easily call daddy to drag your pretty ass to hell if I feel like it. Now stay the fuck away from me."
By now Jimin is nibbling his bottom lip, fighting hard to hide the whimper under his tongue to not appear like a weak bitch to Yeosang snarling tone.
No, Jimin is not a weak bitch.
He's going to hold himself together.
He's going to be strong.
Yeosang should be the one scared of him, not the other way around.
Even if he is a killer.
"Daddy huh? Family business then?" Jimin manages to force out, trying to understand deeper under Yeosang's words or get a good grasp.
The other narrows his eyes, refilling them more of the vodka almost roughly, "Wouldn't you like to know," He mutters before swallowing down the alcohol, "I mean it Jimin, I'm not one you should dig into-"
"You can't possibly expect me to forget what I just saw-"
"No I don't," Yeosang interjects, his eyes now more icy cold, "But I do expect for you to know how to keep your mouth and avoid me."
Jimin holds the knife up now, making sure the distance between them stays the way it is, "I could call the cops."
"With what?" And Yeosang takes out the familiar black device from his pocket, "Your phone?"
Yeosang took his phone, of course he did.
Jimin is vividly trying so hard not to panic but as long as he keeps the knife up, Yeosang won't attack him right?
"I'll tell Joshua."
This made Yeosang chuckle, shaking his head fondly as he drops the phone on the table, sliding it to Jimin with a flick of his finger, "Do it."
No, there's more to this.
This is a trick.
It has to be a trick.
Jimin's glare grows murderous and Yeosang places his hands on the table, right where Jimin can see it, "You're the only one with a weapon here, I should be the one afraid of you."
Oh...... Right....
This only made Jimin's confidence slightly rise, trying maintain himself on keeping the upper hand as he tremblingly grabs his phone and noticed the power didn't die on him. While keeping his eyes on Yeosang to make sure he won't pull something, he scrolls through his contracts and finally got to Joshua.
His finger was just about to press down the call-
"Oh and while you're at it, please don't miss out the details on how you were the one who beat his childhood friend to death when you were kids. Kinda wouldn't be so fair, you know?"
The phone slipped past Jimin's hands, along with the knife.
He said.....
What did he just say-
Now Jimin couldn't hide the way his body began to vibrate anymore, or the tears that burned his eyes to the sudden information slapping his face as though it was a punch itself.
No one was suppose to know......
How.... How-
"Oh you didn't know?" Yeosang gasps in almost a mock, "Well how do you think traces of you weren't found huh? Why did you beat him up for again? For molesting Joshua right?"
Jimin's mind blanked at that moment.
It blanked so horrible that he didn't even realized what he did ahead of time. He found himself lunging over the table, knife back in hand as he tackles Yeosang back to the ground with the knife now back to his neck threateningly.
The tears costs his eyes in panic, "H-How do you know..... No one knew about it!"
Yeosang remains with a calm look in his eyes, not feeling the least bit of pity to the tears gliding down Jimin's cheeks, "As I said, how do you think your traces weren't found? When your sweet mommy picked up, you heard her speak to your father right? What type of parent would want to see their child in prison so soon?"
The way the knife trembled on Jimin's hand is unlike anything he's felt before, complete and utter horror and fear.
He knows about it....
He knows.....B-But how..... HOW!
Yeosang doesn't seem so threatened by the knife as he leans up closer to Jimin's face, "So daddy in poor desperation to look after his son took a dark turn. After speaking to a very very bad man, it was almost like magic right? Someone else was arrested for murder from one of the bad man's traitors."
Jimin's lips are trembling, trying to hold himself together but nearly flinches when Yeosang raises a hand, wiping away Jimin's tears with his thumb, "And your sins were never discovered, all thanks to my fathers," He murmurs with his piercing eyes gazing into Jimin's teary ones, "My fathers were bold to not ask for anything in return, letting this only be a lesson for me. And now, you owe me."
Yeosang is sitting up now, Jimin sitting on his lap with such loss of words besides the wheezes passing through his clenched throat. His grip on Yeosang's throat with the knife is still there, very weak, but it's still there.
He's losing his mind.
His dad said he took care of it, that he'll be okay and it was an accident. In reality he went to Yeosang's fathers, after asking for help from various of people who directed him to them, for the favor to have someone else be accused for it, and since they have an endless list of traitors and connections with the police, it was an easy job to do.
They never asked for anything in return.
Strange, quite strange.
"Why are you even crying?" Yeosang suddenly questions in confusion, both thumbs now wiping away Jimin's tears from both of his cheeks, "The guy molested your best friend! I would've done worse but I guess you were blinded by anger to be creative, besides you were seven, not like you knew what you were doing."
And now he's trying to make him feel better, great.
Now this just makes him look so stupidly weak.
Yet for some reason Jimin found this kinda of comforting. Yeosang is not looking at him the same way his parents did when they found out to what Jimin did, but he's looking at him as though he's still him.
Nothing has changed.
He's still Jimin.
Probably because murder is nothing for him, and he finds it disgusting seeing Jimin cry much more than seeing him smug.
The overwhelming guilt Jimin once felt seemed as though it weighed off his shoulders but he still kept the knife firm, "S-So your fathers are dirty cops or something?"
Yeosang smiles.
Oh God Jimin is going to be sick.
Why is he smiling?! That's not normal!
"No. I won't tell you," Yeosang says indifferently and lets his hands drop from Jimin's face, "So you see, we both aren't so innocent. I have an image to keep hidden from people after my ass and you have a skeleton to make sure stays hidden. It's a win/win."
A negotiation.
This smart fucker.
Jimin swallows his saliva and keeps his eyes narrowed, "H-How would you know I won't snitch?"
It took everything in Jimin to not hitch his breath when Yeosang closes the distance between them, his eyes blazing into his as though he was squeezing Jimin's throat with his bare hands.
They're so close but still have so much space between them.
"I could ask you the same question."
"I-I could tell on you before you do and t-then-"
"We'll be cellmates together since I have evidence to put you behind bars," Yeosang chuckles drily, looking between his eyes while nibbling his own bottom lip, "And then I will destroy your legs as promised I would do if you didn't stay away from me."
Jimin is literally trapped.
There's absolutely no way he can win this or trap Yeosang while he still remains free.
His life would be ruined. Behind bars. All his hard word would be gone.
His record would be printed with the word murderer.
He'll lose Joshua forever.
Not his best friend.....
Not him.
Yeosang clearly did his research on Jimin before this conversation, and now everything is falling the way he wants it to.
Both of their hands are tied. They both have a lot to lose if either of them opens their mouths.
They both would literally drag each other if one goes down, chained and tied.
Fair game.
A very fair game.
But Jimin won't make this so easy.
Yeosang wants to play, he'll play.
So Jimin stopped crying, his face now more stern with fierce eyes as he has molded himself to do to be strong. He lowered the knife and throws it aside.
Jimin is just as dangerous as Yeosang, in his own way.
And they're at the perfect proximity for him to fix his charm to make Yeosang regret this.
"Fine," Jimin mutters, flickering his eyes to Yeosang's lips that twitched to a grin, "One word out of you, and I am dragging you to hell with me."
That's a promise.
Yeosang raises a hand and traces his index finger along side Jimin's bottom lip, gulping to how smooth it feels against his fingertip, "Oh doll, you've already been in hell since the minute we met. Open those lips and I'll make sure you'll get a better glimpse at it. Maybe if you leave me alone, you'll reach paradise without a worry, you won't have much luck being around me."
Their eyes met and it was as though it was steaming.
The fire and desire sensation from their moment at dorm still there and it is growing extremely uncomfortable. Yeosang's touch on Jimin's bottom lip was growing slow and he gently drags it down and lets go, feeling Jimin's breath against his skin growing much more uneven now than before.
All feelings of fear completely drained Jimin's body, nothing left but a familiar squeeze coiling the pit of his stomach as he daringly kept his gaze on Yeosang's lips that he's seen inhale a cigarette many times before.
This toxic urge is screaming and begging into Jimin's head. So many nights and days, craving, finding displeasure with so many of his sex partners while only imaging one face whenever he closes his eyes. His dreams that will never stop haunting him, only fueling sedatives of lust to the way his imagination runs wild with need of only one person to drive him mad.
He's never been this desperate for someone, and having Yeosang in front of him to stare back with those dark eyes as though he's engraving Jimin with those images to what he would do if only they dropped their pride is driving Jimin mad.
How the fuck does he do that.....
How can someone make someone else crave for them this bad without even trying?
Jimin needs to know.
Subconsciously he finds himself leaning his forehead with Yeosang's, his lips hovering over his with just centimeters distance between them.
Yeosang's breathing is now uneven and Jimin gulps, closing his eyes with so much hesitation to just go for his urges.
"Jimin," Yeosang whisper, his voice so huskily low than it already is, "You..... You won't nudge me so easily."
Jimin sticks his tongue out and outlines Yeosang's lips with the tip of it. From his upper to his bottom lip, slowly and gentle as though he's engraving it in his head. Yeosang grunt and places his hands on Jimin's hips, not pulling him closer or pushing him off.
He doesn't know what he's doing anymore.
"Try me."
Yeosang is glaring at Jimin's mouth by this point. Those touches are back on his body, weakening his state of mind to only run with desire. As much as he's trying to figure out a way to grasp onto his consciousness, it's long gone.
He wants this so fuck badly.
And with Jimin teasingly leaning his lips close and to then move it back, calling out to him to meet him half way is driving him crazy.
With a firm pinch to Jimin's chin by Yeosang's thumb and fingers to keep him in place, he leans rather too quickly. But before their lips could even meet Jimin places his index finger against Yeosang's lips.
Stopping him.
And that's when Jimin pulls all the way, his smirk widening almost painfully wide, "And that's how I win."
He most definitely won, and got an indirect confirmation.
Yeosang wants him.
Whether it be physically or plain desire, all Jimin knows is that now he has him exactly where he wants him.
Without another word Jimin grabs his phone, his knife and the vodka bottle from the table before turning around and walking to the door with a victorious grin. Just as he opens it, he turns to look at Yeosang staring at him with a mean glare.
Aw he's upset.
"I don't like winning easily, you know?" He sighs between his smile and waves a hand, "I want you to admit how much you want me."
Jimin takes a swing of the vodka bottle and chuckles, "That's more like it."
And he closes the door shut as he exits out, not hearing Yeosang's last words as he left.
"We'll see who's going to be begging for it when the time comes, doll."
I was going to make them kiss this chapter...... But I think it would be too soon.....
Both of their characters are insanely stubborn and have this odd angry prejudice against each other, so it would be odd if that just happened without a little more interactions haha
Let's see what happens!!
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