31 |Baby panda |
You know that weird feeling you get when you think someone's watching you?
I wake up to it, which should be creepy but isn't, because when I open an eye, it's just Luna.
She is propped up on her elbow, smiling at me like I'm something worth looking at even with my disaster morning hair and probably drool on my face.
"That's weird," I mumble into my pillow. "You're being weird."
"You snore," she says, completely unbothered by my morning grumpiness. "Just tiny little snores. It's cute."
"I do not." I pull the blanket over my head to hide my flushed cheeks because who wants to hear that after a perfect night like last night?
But she tugs it back down.
"You definitely do. Like a baby panda."
"How do you even know what a baby panda sounds like?" But I'm smiling, because it's impossible not to when she looks at me like that, all soft and warm.
Luna has been the cuddle cuddly buddie I did not know I needed. The entire night, we circled around, sex, kissing, licking, fingering, more kissing, cuddling and more cuddling.
It was hot and cute and for a moment I did not want morning to come. I didn't even want to close my eyes because I was scared she would disappear.
But when she kissed me softly and held my hand, I couldn't help but drift into a perfect sleep.
"I've been thinking."
"At—" I squint at my phone, "—eight in the morning? That's dangerous."
She pokes my side. "I'm trying to have a moment here."
"Sorry. Continue."
"So..." She starts playing with a loose thread on my blanket. "I met my dad."
"Uh huh. My very scary dad who definitely knows how to hide bodies."
"He's not that scary."
"Luna, he asked you about five-year plans. What kind of person asks a teenager about their five-year plan?"
"Focus," she says, but she's fighting a smile. "What I'm saying is, I met your dad, so... I want you to meet my family too. Well, my mom and Rue."
I prop up on my elbows. "Your mom and sister?"
She nods.
My heart sinks to my stomach.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah." She's gazing into my eyes. "So..."
"Luna." I grab her hand, I wish she knew that I would do anything for her. "Yes."
"Yes, I'll meet your family. Yes to all of it."
Her smile could power a small city. "Really?"
"Really." I squeeze her hand. "But I have one condition."
"What's that?"
"You have to stop watching me sleep like a creeper."
She laughs and drops down next to me, pressing her face into my shoulder. "Never. Your baby panda snores give me life."
"I hate you."
"No you don't."
"No," I agree, turning to press a kiss to her forehead. "I don't."
Two hours later, Luna is shaking.
I've never seen something like this before but her hands are definitely shaking now as she unlocks her front door.
She's been quiet the whole drive from my house.
I want to grab her hand, tell her it's going to be okay, but I'm not sure if that's true.
"Mom? Rue?" Luna calls out as we step inside. The house smells amazing – something with spices I can't name but make my mouth water.
"Kitchen!" a voice calls back.
Luna's mom appears in the doorway, wiping her hands on a dish towel. She's shorter than Luna, with the same beautiful eyes and a few streaks of gray in her hair.
She looks at me for a long moment, and I resist the urge to check if there's something on my face.
"You must be Naomi," she says finally. Her voice is careful. Not cold exactly, but not the warm welcome I'd hoped for. "Luna talks about you all the time."
"Mom," Luna groans, but her mom just raises an eyebrow.
"What? It's true." She turns back to me. "I'm Gloria. Lunch's almost ready."
As soon as her mom disappears back into the kitchen, Luna lets out a breath.
"Sorry. She's..."
"Hey losers." A tall girl appears at the top of the stairs – definitely Rue.
Her hair's blonde like the rest of them but hers is dyed at the tips and she's wearing a sweatshirt. "Mom's been stress-cooking all day. Hope you like enchiladas, Naomi."
"I... yes?"
Rue grins. "Good. Also, relax."
"Rue," Luna hisses, but her sister just shrugs.
"What? I'm being nice. This is me being nice." She comes down the stairs. "Anyone who makes my sister smile like an idiot at her phone twenty times a day is gold."
"I do not—" Luna starts, but Rue's already heading for the kitchen, laughing.
"You kind of do," I whisper, and Luna elbows me.
Lunch is... weird. Not bad weird, just weird. Luna's mom keeps asking me very normal questions about school and college plans and my family, but there's something under the surface.
Like she's not into it. Rue carries most of the conversation, telling stories about her disaster dating life, but I notice how she keeps shooting looks at her mom when she thinks no one's watching.
The food is amazing though. Like, probably the best enchiladas I've ever had, not that I've had many. Luna's barely touching hers, pushing them around her plate instead.
"So, Naomi," Luna's mom says during a lull in conversation. "Luna tells me you're in her AP class?"
"Yes, ma'am." I watch Luna tense beside me. "Literature."
"Impressive." She takes a sip of water. "And you dared to play games with her?"
"Mom," Luna says quietly. "Please."
"What? I'm just making sure she knows that I know."
My stomach twists. Luna's knuckles are white around her fork.
She told her Mom that?
"Actually," Luna says, and her voice is shaking a little but getting stronger, "We are together again."
The kitchen goes silent. Rue stops mid-bite, looking between Luna and her mom. I want to reach for Luna's hand under the table but I'm frozen.
"It's toxic behavior."
"Mom." Rue is the one who speaks.
"I like her very much, I just want you to be happy and if she tries that stuff again, she will definitely be hearing from me."
There's shock on Luna's face as she watches her mom and I don't know why.
"Well," Luna's Mom says, standing up. "There's flan for dessert. Rue, help me serve?"
As soon as they leave the room, Luna lets out a shaky breath. "That was..."
"Yeah." I squeeze her hand. "You okay?"
"I think so?" She turns to look at me, eyes wide. "Are you?"
"I think so too." I lean in and quickly kiss her cheek, because I'm brave suddenly, or maybe just stupid. "Your mom's cooking is amazing, by the way."
Luna laughs softly. "Wait till you try the flan."
When Rue and their mom come back, something's shifted. The silence isn't as heavy. And when Luna's mom passes me my dessert, she almost smiles.
It's not perfect. But it's a start.
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