Chapter Twenty-Five: "For Family..."
Sean shifted to block Logan, yelling out. "Wait! Don't!" The woman pulled the trigger. Sean screamed as a nail shot into his shoulder. Keeping the nail gun aimed in Logan's direction, she snapped out. "What are you doing?! He's one of them!" Logan let out a throaty growl, but Sean pressed his back to Logan to keep him back. Raising his arm to the woman, he stated out. "He's on our side." The woman's eyes narrowed, uttering out. "What mind games is it playing with you?" Sean winced, clutching his wounded shoulder, before telling her. "Trust me. I need to find Mark." The woman shook her head, saying defensively. "I don't trust anyone that I don't know. And I don't know you. If you were me. You'd do the same." Logan rose up to his feet, his tail flicking behind him as he growled aggressively. Sean staggered to his feet, pointing to the dead blue lizard as he rushed out. "Look! Why would he kill his own kind if he wasn't on our side?" She huffed sarcastically, snapping out. "They are bloodthirsty. Probably were fighting over who eats you! Or maybe you are one of them too. Trying to kill the rest of us..."
Sean shook his head, saying as honestly as he could. "I'm human. Logan was born on Earth. We're here to help." She shook her head, shooting a nail at Logan's head but he turned his head enough that it impaled the ceiling instead. Logan put a firm hand on Sean's good shoulder, telling him seriously. "She's not going to believe us." Sean resisted being pushed aside as he pleaded with Logan. "No! We don't have to hurt her, we can-" Logan glanced at him, retorting a bit coldly. "She's never going to stop, right?" Sean's blood turned to ice. The thought that he had taught Logan to judge people like that was a bit frightening. He raised a hand to touch Logan's chest to try and counter that phrase, when Logan's head jerked up in her direction. Logan sniffed the air but winced as the smell of hot sauce still lingered. The woman shuffled her feet nervously, raising a hand to mess with something on the outside wall as she said coolly. "Ok. Here is what we are going to do. You claim you are friendly... Fine. Then you won't mind if I lock you in here until we deal with the others."
Sean followed Logan's eyes to the woman, announcing to her quickly. "No! You can't do that! I have to find Mark! And Logan has to find his-" Sean stopped talking as the woman suddenly dropped the nail gun with a soft painful gasp. Blood leaked from the sides of her mouth and then from her reddening eyes. Her blood running like dark rivers down her pale face and then down the sides of her neck as her ears began to bleed. Sean froze, unable to see what had happened to her. Backing up into Logan, the woman fell to her knees... but her arm was still up in the air... like something was holding it. Along her pale arm a row of punctures appeared and began to bleed like she had been bitten. Logan let out a soft whimper, huddling behind Sean a bit. Sean had never seen Logan so scared. His eyes reflected the fear of a young child and his breathing turned to heavy panting. Sean swallowed, looking back at the woman as the thing released her body to let her fall across the floor. As her blood pooled on the floor, an invisible foot stepped into it. Revealing a large dinosaur looking footprint.
Sean couldn't breathe. Whoever made this was far bigger than Logan and the others he had seen. From the footprint, scales began to ripple upward to reveal large black scales. Sean followed the scales up to the head that appeared inches from his face. The lizard's lips parted slowly revealing a row of sharp teeth and releasing a fowl stench of bad breath. The lizard's breath smelled of blood and decay. Sean stayed still, holding his breath as he stared into its bright reptilian eyes. From two of the lizard's fangs, a sinister green liquid was leaking from them. The lizard's lips curled into a terrifying smile as it said in a deep bellowing voice. "Perfect timing, boys. Or should I say... very poor timing." From behind him, Logan whined out. "Sean. I can smell my dad's blood on him..." The Lizard turned his head slowly to glare at Logan as he hissed out. "That's probably because I'm trying to KILL HIM!" Sean slowly side stepped to block the lizard's view of Logan's face. He knew he was no match for this thing, but he had acted unconsciously.
The lizard's eyes narrowed on Sean, a deep purr filling his voice as he uttered out. "How brave you are, human. Don't worry. I'll kill you... After I use you both as bait." The lizard lifted his head a bit to add in a calm tone of voice. "Like a snake that creeps into the hen house. I will devour all your kin for this act of defiance and blatant waste of my valuable time." Sean started to reach into his pocket to remove the hot sauce bottle, when the lizard saw him move and acted. Backhanding him to the floor, the lizard's long tail quickly wrapped around him like a constricting snake. Logan hissed aggressive, swiping at the large lizard's face out of fear. The large lizard didn't expect it and was sliced across the cheek. Logan froze in horror at what he'd done as the large lizard jerked his head to look at him with a loud snarl. Logan tried to dash around the lizard for the exit, but the lizard headbutted Logan in the side to slam him against the bars of the window. Logan gasped loudly, falling to all fours when the lizard pulled back. Shaking his large head, he tilted his horned head and tried to drag his horns across Logan's back.
Logan flattened himself against the ground, barely missing the lizard's long pointed horns. The lizard corrected his head, slamming a hand down behind Logan's neck to pin him down before hissing over his shoulder. "You are lucky that I spent my venom on your coward of a father and that disgusting human! Or I'd melt your insides so fast that your head would spin!" Sean thrashed, but the tail just tightened until he was struggling to breathe. The lizard gripped Logan's neck firmly, straightening up and dragging Logan by his neck. Logan screamed and whined as he tried to twist out of the lizard's grip. Sean grunted as the tail lifted him up to let him walk behind him but didn't let him go. Sean dug his heels to the floor, trying to resist going, but it was pointless. The lizard wasn't even remotely hindered by them. The lizard dragged them out of the hatch, walking out to a large open room with a water feature and broken tables. Dragging them over to the water feature, the lizard yelled out in a challenging voice. "No more running, Ambassador! You either come out and challenge me traditionally! Or I'll take my frustration out on every scale of your son!"
Sean yelped as the tail raised him into the air and the lizard shouted out. "Tell you what! You've got until this human drowns before I kill your son!" Sean yelped before the tail started to quickly lower him down. He managed to inhale a good breath, before being plunged into the warm water of the fountain. The water wasn't that deep, but it was just deep enough that he could easily drown in it. Closing his eyes, he tried to block out everything. As long as nothing touched him like this, he was determined to survive for as long as he could. The trick was not to move. Moving used up oxygen in the blood. By staying still, he hoped to make it last. The tail tightened around him until it hurt, but Sean refused to move. The warmth of the water helped to keep him calm too. He felt like he had been under for a long time but couldn't tell. All he knew was that the lizard was starting to cheat! Squeezing him so tightly that it was trying to force the air out of Sean's body. It got so tight that Sean thought his ribs would break if he took any more pressure.
So, he began to thrash, his legs breaching the surface like a torturous tease. Air bubbles left his nose and mouth, causing him to thrash more. He could hear Logan screaming and the lizard talking but it was all muffled. Just when he thought he'd die here; the tail lifted him out. Coughing and gagging loudly, Sean took deep breaths of air. The tail laid him across the ground, loosening only slightly as the lizard said aloud. "You've looked better." Sean weakly looked up to see another lizard man walk out from a hatch doorway. The lizard man had a similar look to Logan, but he was green where Logan was tan. The green lizard looked sick as he eyed Logan with fragile eyes, pleading with the larger lizard. "Let my son go, Rip-fang. Your fight is with me." Rip-fang huffed, sneering out menacingly. "I know. You're the one who's been running." Logan thrashed, pleading to his dad. "Dad, don't!" Rip-fang pinned Logan's neck to the floor as he crouched down, chuckling out. "I think I'll kill him in front of you instead. After all... I'll have to kill your whole family anyway once I take over. It's tradition."
The green lizard stepped closer, snapping out. "He's just a kid. An easy kill! Go through me first!" Rip-fang laughed, coolly informing him. "You've been around those humans too long. A kill is a kill. I kill him... and it takes away your reason for living. Your mating cycle is over. Your line will end with his death!" The green lizard hissed, and Rip-fang hissed back as he began to squeeze Logan's neck. Logan thrashed more, screaming out in distressed agony. Sean thrashed himself, trying to pull the hot sauce from his pocket. The green lizard dropped to all fours, but before he could run at Rip-fang, a hatch door was thrown from the other side of the room. The metal hatch door smacked Rip-fang upside the head, knocking him over. Rip-fang lost his grip on Logan and Sean as he rolled across the floor stunned. Sean inhaled deeply, scurrying to Logan to grab his arm and coax him away. The green lizard leapt out at Rip-fang, landing on him and biting every bit of flesh that he could. Logan staggered to his feet, starting to head back as he said. "I have to help him!" Sean hung on Logan's arm to slow him down, snapping out. "You can't! He'll kill you!"
Logan hissed, dragging Sean as he kept trying to head back, saying stubbornly. "He needs me!" Sean shoved Logan back with all the strength that he had left, snapping out. "Logan! Stop!" Logan snarled at him, causing Sean to release him in fear. A guilty look spread over Logan's face, before he told him in a calmer voice. "You would do the same for your family. I have to try." Sean opened his mouth to say something, when Rip-fang threw Logan's dad across the room and into a wall. Logan's dad was panting hard and looking ragged. Vomiting up blood, Logan's dad weakly stayed down. Rip-fang let out a triumphant roar, storming toward Logan's dad. Whatever Rip-fang's venom was... it was affecting Logan's dad in a big way. Logan didn't think, he just ran across the room. Logan slid across the floor, picking up the hatch door and wielding it like a shield across one of his arms. As Logan rose on the other side of Rip-fang, Logan slammed the hatch door down on Rip-fang's tail, cutting the end off. A pained scream left Rip-fang, causing him to whirl around and open thick wings from his back to swat Logan away from him.
Logan blocked the wing's hit with the door, but still slid back across the floor from the blow. Sean gawked, watching Rip-fang's bleeding tail flick aggressive before it regrew! Removing the hot sauce from his pocket, he froze. Who had thrown the hatch door? A hand touched his shoulder and he jumped away, raising the hot sauce at the ready to smash it over the attacker's face. Only to lock eyes with Mark. Mark was covered in blood and bleeding from his broken nose. Sean's heart twisted as he mumbled out. "Mark...?" After the last Mark, he was scared to get his hopes up. Although, the last one didn't look this beat up... and Mark wasn't known for being very careful. Mark reached out to touch his face, cooing out in disbelief. "Sean? What are you doing here?" Sean took a shaky step back from Mark, asking in a broken voice. "How do I know it's really you?" Mark reached for his wrist with the hot sauce, chuckling out softly. "You're wearing the planet bracelet I gave you." Sean's heart leapt, but part of him was still cautious.
Logan yelped, smashing into the water feature, causing a rock to shoot out for them. Mark acted fast, grabbing Sean and tackling him to the floor. The rock soared overhead and smashed into the wall to break into dust. Sean quivered beneath Mark, until he saw the star necklace come free of Mark's thermal suit. Tears run down Sean's cheeks. It really was him! To his shock, Mark got up and yelled out. "Logan! Here!" Mark got up and Logan threw the hatch door to him. Sean flinched, expecting to be crushed, but Mark caught it. Opening an eye, Sean thought that maybe the door was lighter than it looked. He knew Mark was strong... but he wasn't THAT strong. He was curious how Mark even knew Logan's name. Had he heard him say it? It was strange to see him so... calm. Hefting the hatch door, Mark ran up to Rip-fang to buy Logan some time to recover. Sitting up, Sean panted as he tried to take all this in. He had so many questions... and none that he could have answered yet. To Be Continued...
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