Chapter Three: "Shine For Me"
Mark had just made it outside the hotel when the base sirens sounded. The other soldiers around him began to flag others down, asking over the noise. "What's going on?!" Mark and a few others shrugged when an officer ran by yelling out to the others. "Everyone! Report to building 359! NOW! This is not a drill!" Another solider shouted out to the officer in a rush. "What about our families?!" The officer briefly stopped to snap back sternly. "Tell them to go back to their rooms and wait! Now GET TO THE BUILDING!" Mark glanced up at the hotel to see Sean standing at the window. Sean put his hand on the glass and Mark calmly gestured for him to stay put. Unable to wait, Mark then ran as fast as his legs could take him to the conference building. Higher ranking men and women were turning families away and trying to gather the soldiers inside. As Mark dashed through the crowd, a higher-ranking man snatched his arm. Mark stopped as the man yelled out over the siren and crowd. "Squadron 110?" Mark nodded and the man pointed to the smaller building next door.
Mark didn't question it. He just ran to the building. Rushing inside, Mark removed his hat and then nearly swallowed his tongue as he almost ran into a five star General. Mark straightened up, saluting the General with a fearful look. The older man gave him an acknowledging salute to relax him, before snapping at a Major. "What's with the fucking siren?! Are you trying to scare everyone?!" The Major straightened up more, stating out respectfully. "No, Sir. We saw it as an opportunity to gather everyone quickly. We are informing everyone that this is a drill." The five star General huffed darkly, before yelling out bitterly. "SHUT IT OFF! That's an order!" The Major clicked his heels and dashed off. The five star General then turned to Mark, asking in a blunt voice. "Spaceman, are you with Squadron 110 or 120?" Mark kept himself at attention, announcing in a clear voice. "Squadron 110, Sir." The five star General pointed to a room behind him, stating out. "As you were then, Soldier." Mark nodded, then quickly made his way around the General.
Only after he got into the room did he let himself breathe naturally. The five star General was the highest ranking soldier on the base. It was a well known fact that the General was known for taking the rank of officers that pissed him off. For someone as low as himself, the General could discharge him from the force before he even got issued a rank. Mark gawked at the room he was in. He had never been in here. This building was usually saved for much higher ranking officers. Pictures of those officers lined the walls, along with the U.S. flag and the official Space Force flag. In the center was a beautiful wooden table and comfy office chairs. He wasn't the only one here. There were at least thirteen other young soldiers. They all glanced at each other and asked if they knew why they were called in. No one had an answer. They all decided to sit, but just as they did, the doors opened and a man called out. "Attention!" Immediately everyone shot to their feet to stand up straight. The Major stepped inside, then moved out of the way of the five star General. Behind the General came other men and women that all filed in to stand along the walls.
The General waved a dismissive hand, stating coolly out as the door closed. "At ease men... and women." The four women present smirked but kept themselves under control. Clearly the General wasn't used to saying that. It just didn't sound as fluid. They all sat down, while the General moved up onto the small stage before the table. Setting some papers on the wooden podium, the General started in without waiting. "I'm going to make this as brief as possible. Some of you may or may not know what has happened. At 0000 hours, two months ago, Space Station 01 received an unknown transmission." The General pointed to the people still standing, continuing on. "NASA has spent those two months trying to figure out what the transmission was. When it was believed to be our own radio waves bouncing off an electrical storm in space, we didn't question it. However, at 0000 hours today. We suddenly received a distress call from Space Station 01 as it was making its way past Jupiter. Since then, we have had no communication with them."
The General moved away from the podium, beckoning a woman in a NASA uniform up. She approached the podium more casually, adding in calmly. "Here is what we know. Space Station 01 is still transmitting data to ground control. So, we do not believe that the Station has suffered irreparable damage." A soldier raised his hand, causing her to pause and say curiously. "Yes? You have a question?" The man nodded, then said a bit dryly. "Ya. Why are we here? We learned all this from the news." The woman shuffled her feet, unsure how to answer. Mark felt bad for her. She didn't appear to give speeches very often. The General aided her by snapping out. "Not the brightest one in your unit, are you. Mr. Dodger... We tell the news what to say and we withhold what the people don't need to know. Now Gentlemen... and Ladies, you're here because you are the most promising candidates of the Space Force. Which doesn't say much because we've only just started it. But you're trained and good in your fields. And that is all we fucking care about. Now shut up or get the fuck out. There are plenty more soldiers waiting for your spot, Boy."
Nobody moved or said anything. The General flashed a fake grin, stating aloud. "Good. Now let this fine young lady tell you what she came her to say and quit wasting our time." The General gestured to the women, nicely conveying. "As you were, Miss." The women cleared her thought, then nervously started again. "Ok... Um. NASA plans to send a few of our scientist up to assess the strange data we are receiving from the Station. Your job will be to assist them. This will give you hands on experience in the field with our veteran Astronauts. This merger will be difficult, but it is vital to the success of the Space Force. We need to be able to work together." The General moved closer to state out seriously. "Consider this your first deployment, boys... and girls. We'll be sending up two teams. One shuttle will be going to relieve the crew at the International Space Station. Where you will be for the next three years. While the other shuttle will be going to check out Space Station 01. Ready to receive your orders, boys... and girls?"
The people lining the walls stepped forward to hand letters to the those in front of them. Mark accepted the letter with his name written on it. He was excited but terrified. Mark carefully opened his letter, listening to the General tell them casually. "Each group was selected to balance out positions that we need. You are the first and second best of your fields. Welcome to the Space Force. Prepare to be promoted quickly... because you're the first in your fields. So, learn all you can. Cause when you get back. You'll most defiantly be teaching the next generation of the Space Force with your experiences." Mark removed the paper, unfolding it to read his orders. The news weighed his heart down like an anchor in the ocean. Folding the paper back up, he took deep breaths. How was he going to break this news to Sean? The General straightened up, announcing proudly. "You've got two days to get yourselves together. Shuttle one. The Osiris. Will be carrying the STS-250 NASA Mission Team & USSF 120 Squadron Team. You'll fly out to Russia and launch from there. Shuttle two. The Ceres. Will be carrying the STS-300 NASA Mission Team & USSF 110 Squadron Team. You'll Launch from here in California. Good Luck. For now, you are dismissed. Enjoy your time on Earth, Gentlemen... and Ladies. It will be the last time you see it for a while."
The other soldiers got up and excitedly rushed out to inform their families, but Mark took his time to even get up from his chair. He wanted to be excited but again this was all happening so fast. He had hoped to live with Sean for a little while before being sent up. At the very least long enough to marry him. Inhaling deeply, he looked up to see the General approaching him. Straightening up, he locked eyes with him as the General asked him curiously. "You alright there, Soldier?" Mark nodded shakily, answering in a low tone of voice. "Yes, Sir. I... I just wasn't expecting this to happen so soon." The General dropped a firm hand on his shoulder, telling him comfortingly in a strong voice. "I was transferred in from the Navy. While it's not entirely the same... It has its similarities. I was at sea for all of my children's births and I was never home for the holidays. I think the military likes to make things sudden. Makes us unpredictable. It can be brutal, but you'll learn to adapt to it. And with any luck... Your family will too." Mark lowered his eyes to the floor, asking softly. "How do you tell them...?"
The General patted his shoulder, answering nicely. "Gently. Just don't forget to leave them with something to help them coop while you're away. I gave my daughter a voice recorded teddy." The General then walked away, leaving Mark to take another deep breath before venturing out. The Squadrons all reported back to their barracks for the night for roll call. Despite their families visiting for the three days, they still had to sleep here. Laying back against the uncomfortable metal cot, Mark stared up at the cement ceiling lost deep in thought. He kept trying to think of a way to make it up to Sean, but nothing would ever be enough. This would hurt him and there was just no way to make it easier. If Sean had grown up with a military parent, it would be easier to explain... but he didn't. So, everything would be a fresh cut to what he thought this life was going to be. It took him forever to go to sleep. Only to be woken up by a loud trumpet over the base speakers to signal that it was time to get up and get dressed for another roll call.
After morning roll call, he was given a brief announcement about yesterdays 'drill' and then released to go see his family for the day. However, just like yesterday... he'd have to report back at seven o'clock and wasn't allowed to touch them. Wading through crowds of happy families, he made his way toward the hotel with his orders in hand. He felt like he was bringing bad news to a loved one. Already people were rushing to the hotel rooms of their loved ones. Stealing kisses and hugs as the doors opened. Mark removed his hat, approaching the Sean's door. He doubted that Sean would even be up this early. Sean was a late afternoon riser. He'd be lucky to get him up at seven AM. Touching the little 'do not disturb' sign on the door, Mark smirked. Sean didn't even want housekeeping waking him up this early. Tapping his knuckles on the door, he waited. Nothing. Knuckling a little harder, he barely heard Sean growl out. "Read the sign!" Just to mess with him, Mark replied jokingly. "No comprendo, Senor."
Mark tried to suppress a laugh as he heard Sean stumble out of bed, snapping out groggily. "No comprendo, my fecking arse!" A heated mess of Gaelic phrases left Sean that Mark didn't catch before the door was unlocked and yanked open. Sean's hair was standing up on end from the static and his pajamas were hanging off his hip and shoulder to expose his pale skin. He looked exhausted and pissed off one second, then as his eyes adjusted to the light in the hallway, his face lit up to a more cheerful one. Mark leaned against the doorframe, chuckling out playfully to him. "Stripper gram. Sorry. They were all out of firefighters and cops. Guess you'll have to settle for an astro-" Sean cut him off by grabbing the front of his uniform and yanked him inside. Mark staggered into the room laughing. Sean closed the door behind him and quickly locked it up. Mark stuffed the letter into his hat, tossing it to the desk as he looked over Sean. Sean blushed over his shoulder, mumbling out with embarrassment. "Someone could have heard that, you know... Are you trying to embarrass me to death?" Mark removed his jacket, draping it over the desk chair as he said teasingly. "I don't care what they think. I got you to blush. That's all that matters to me."
Sean hands went to his cheeks to feel them, while replying a bit gruffly. "You like seeing my face all red? Why?" Mark turned Sean around, pushing him back against the door. Bringing his forehead to his, he purred out in a deep loving voice. "Because you shine so brightly when you blush. And I need the warmth of your light to keep me going." Sean rolled his eyes, stepping in to hug him. Mark wrapped his arms around him tightly, burying his face into his neck. Sean was so warm and he just couldn't get enough of how good he smelled. Sean slipped from his arms, forcing Mark to reluctantly let him go. Hopping to his suitcase, Sean asked Mark excitedly. "So? What are we doing today? We can go see a movie. We can find a nice restaurant." Mark walked up behind Sean, pulling him back against his chest as he whispered hopefully. "Actually... I just wanna be alone with you. So... What if we go back to bed and cuddle?" Sean leaned back in his arms, purring out contently. "Yes... That sounds even better."
Sean crawled back into bed and Mark quickly undressed to follow him in. Laying on his back, he playfully pulled Sean over him. Sean squealed, but relaxed back against him. Sliding his hands under the sides of Sean's pajama shirt, Mark kissed Sean's exposed shoulder tenderly. Sean rested he feet down over the tops of Mark's, asking almost sleepily to him. "Is it true? Were the sirens just a drill?" Mark nuzzled Sean's neck, answering as honestly as he could. "Yes. Why?" Sean sighed, saying a bit nervously. "I was watching the news... Poor timing, I guess. They said Space Station one sent out a distress call... They said the Space Force was being deployed. So, I was worried that-" Mark rolled Sean to the side, allowing him to lean over him to purr into his ear in a deep buttery voice. "I don't wanna talk about work. I wanna talk about you." Sean tried to hide himself away in the pillows and comforter. Mark propped his head up on a hand with a chuckle. He knew talking like that in his ear tickled him. With his free hand, Mark played with Sean's static risen hair that was peeking out from the covers.
Sean must have felt him doing it after a time, because his hand slid out from under the covers to flatten his hair down. No sooner did Sean lay it down; his hair sprang back up and Mark chuckled to himself. It was the little things he was going to miss seeing. Things that Sean didn't even know he did. He started playing with his hair again, noticing the white hairs hidden amongst the brown ones. It was hard to believe how old they were getting. It felt like only yesterday when they met for the first time. His heart sank a little. He had wasted so much time. He wanted to go back and get together with Sean sooner. Just to have more time with him. Sean's hands slid over his bare chest, snapping Mark back from his internal thoughts. Moaning softly to the way Sean tenderly kissed his chest, he slipped his hand under the blanket to rub Sean's long arm. Sean snuggled against him, sweetly saying against his throat. "I haven't done anything interesting to talk about. I've just been watching TV and working out to pass time." Mark wrapped his arms around Sean, stroking him soothingly.
Trying to avoid the subject, he asked Sean in a sweet low voice. "Tell me about what you've been watching." Sean chuckled, saying lightly. "Mark, you don't wanna hear that. You've probably seen them all." Mark leaned his cheek against Sean's forehead, answering as calmly as he could. "I just wanna hear you talk." Sean hugged him tighter, his voice turning a bit sad as he uttered out in a whisper. "Somethings wrong... Your heart is beating too fast." Mark closed his eyes briefly, feeling Sean sit up. Upon opening his eyes, he saw Sean staring at him with fragile eyes as he asked grimly. "It's about your orders, isn't it? What aren't you telling me?" Mark put a hand to Sean's cheek, coaxing him over him before whispering over his lips. "No. I was just thinking... There is something that you just have to try." Sean raised an eyebrow, causing Mark to chuckle a little. Rolling Sean over, Mark got up to go to his pants. Ruffling through the pockets, he told Sean innocently. "Close your eyes. No peeking."
Sean sat up against the headboard, closing his eyes as he muttered out. "Mark, if you do something weird to me-" Mark pulled the silver bag from his pocket and crawled back onto the bed, saying sweetly. "No. You'll like this, I promise." Sitting over Sean's lap, Mark opened the bag while regaling to Sean playfully. "I was wandering around the BX shop and found these. I forgot to give it to you yesterday. So here. Open your mouth." Sean tensed a little, growling out in warning. "Mark..." Mark kissed Sean's lips, saying sweetly. "Please?" Sean opened his mouth and Mark pulled the little white cube from the bag to slip into his mouth. Sean closed his mouth and after a second, his eyes shot open to ask in fascination. "What was that?!" Mark put a cube in his mouth, chuckling out. "It's Astronaut Ice Cream. Freeze-dried ice cream to be technical. But it melts in your mouth. It's great, isn't it?" Sean snatched the bag from him to eat more and Mark laughed. Sean looked like a chipmunk trying to stuff his cheeks with the stuff. Leaning forward, Mark snuck in a passionate kiss.
He loved how sweet Sean tasted now. Pulling Sean down a bit, Mark laid over him and deepened their kiss. He hoped it was enough to distract Sean for a bit. He didn't want to see him cry. Not yet. He wanted him to be happy just a bit longer. Sean broke the kiss before too long though, asking him with another blush. "Mark, can you get the lube from the bathroom? I found it in my bag last night. And I really want you to use it this time... I'm a little sore." Mark kissed him, happily replying. "Sure thing, Sweetheart." Mark slipped from the bed, heading into the bathroom. Grabbing the bottle, he froze. There was a sticky note on it. Turning it over, he read aloud. "Turn around, ya dummy." Mark slowly turned around to see Sean standing with his pajama shirt open in the doorway revealing a sliver necklace around his neck. Moving closer, Mark reached out to lift up the little sparkling diamond star from around his neck. Sean shuffled his feet a little, telling him lovingly. "I know you are leaving. I'm not stupid, Mark. But do me a favor... Take the necklace with you. That way you can bring me back a star."
Hearing those words broke Mark, causing tears to run down his face as he pulled Sean in by his neck to kiss him. Mark had no words that he could use to express how he felt. He loved Sean more than anything and as silly as it was... he felt like he needed to hear those words. It was Sean's way of telling him to come back home to him. To Be Continued...
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