Chapter Ten: "The Needs of the Many"
Logan slowly lessened the pressure on Sean's chest, testing how Sean would react. Sean didn't know what to believe. So, he just stayed still and kept his eyes on Logan. Logan finally dropped his hand off of him, telling him more calmly. "I'm sorry. I wouldn't be doing this if I had any other choice." Sean straightened up off the fence, whispering out cautiously. "What do you want...?" Logan glanced around briefly. Nobody was even within ear shot of them. Stuffing his hands into his sweater pockets, he told him gently. "I told you. I need you to get a message to Mark. I tried talking to the others... but they didn't believe me either." Sean raised an eyebrow, gently mumbling out. "What the eye trick and threatening to be eaten didn't convince them...?" Logan narrowed his eyes on him, grumbling out defensively. "I didn't do that with them. I'm having a bad day... and my patience for human stupidity is wearing very thin." Logan turned his head to look at someone going to get their mail, causing Sean to see a patch of pale skin on the man's neck ripple to tan scales before turning back to smooth skin.
When Logan looked back at him, he told him seriously. "Look, just do this one thing for me and I'll walk out of your life. You'll never see me again." Sean shuffled his feet a little, asking tentatively. "Why go through me at all? Aren't you some advanced race? Can't you contact them directly in space or something?" Logan stared at him with a blank look as he growled out a bit bitterly. "Oh, sure. Why didn't I think of that! I'll just sprout antennas out of my head and call the Mothership. While I'm at it, would you like me to pull out my space probe and study your organs before implanting some alien eggs up your ass? Or would that be too personal." Sean licked his dry lips, then stated uneasily. "The hostility is a little uncalled for." Logan let out a low growl, stepping closer to bitterly snarl out. "Is it? Your advancements are OURS. You're just parasites clinging to a bigger animal. You're just too stupid to realize it because you're full of yourselves." Sean pointed a stern finger at him, snapping back in a low tone of voice. "Hey! That's insulting!"
Logan huffed sarcastically, sneering back. "Now you know how it feels. I can't warn them myself because my kind doesn't want me too. They are trying to deal with this... as you humans say... 'Rationally.' But those coming will not think what we are doing is favorable." Logan snorted, forcing himself to relax as he asked him more calmly. "Will you help me or not? Yes or no." Sean shrugged, questioning him a bit sarcastically. "That depends... If I say no, will you eat me?" Logan closed his eyes, taking a deep breath, before muttering under his breath in a forced calm tone. "Fuck it... I'll just go to plan B. What's one life." Logan started walking off down the road in the direction of Mark's house, causing Sean to panic. Pulling Chica with him, he jogged to keep up with him, stating aloud defensively. "Wait just a minute! What do you mean by that?!" Without slowing down or looking at him, Logan coolly droned out to him with disinterest. "I just need your computer. With it, I can hack the NASA codes and contact him myself. By the time the Order shows up, I'll be gone, and they'll arrest you and most likely eat you if they think you were helping me."
Sean grabbed Logan's arm to stop him, rushing out. "Whoa! Just hang on a fucking minute. They can't just do that, and neither can you! I have my rights!" Logan rolled his eyes, stating out bluntly. "You still don't get it. You aren't in power here. Your kind never was. We just let you think that to shut your annoying asses up. We make people disappear all the time. In a few days, you'll just be another missing person. You'll get over it. And I'll have saved my species from your species contagious stupidity." Logan yanked his arm back, continuing down the road at a brisk pace. Sean ran up to grab his arm again, stating out sternly. "Hey! I'm still not sure that I'm buying into all this. I have questions and I would like to have a few things answered first! Otherwise, how do I know you're not faking all this shite!" Logan slowed to a stop, turning to face him with a bored expression. Sean shrugged, quickly telling him. "You're having a bad day. I get it. But if what you say is true... You just shattered everything that I've been told my whole life."
Logan looked away from him, sighing reluctantly. When he finally looked back at him, Logan told him in a calm serious tone of voice. "Why would I lie? That would be a waste of my time. Something you are already doing." Sean scoffed loudly, retorting sarcastically. "I don't know... But you can't just show up at someone's door and say this kind of shite and expect me to be alright with it!" Logan shrugged carelessly, defiantly replying. "I'm not risking my kind just to prove something you couldn't comprehend anyway. You shouldn't have seen what you did... but I just don't have the time to play this fucking game with you." Sean tossed up his arms, stating out bluntly. "Well, I did see it. So, you better tell me what is going on at the very least." Logan groaned, starting to walk up Mark's driveway. Sean ran ahead to cut Logan off, throwing his arms out as he tried to say much nicer. "Let's start over. I can help you if you just tell me what is going on." Logan pulled his hands out of his pockets to cross his arms over his chest. Staring him down without blinking, Logan stubbornly told him. "All you need to know is that I am not your enemy. But what my people have trapped on the Space Station is a threat to all of us if it gets out."
Sean started to ask what it was, but he was cut off by Logan turning to look at a vehicle that was turning into the neighborhood. Cursing, Logan ran as fast as he could back toward the park. Sean kept his eyes on Logan until he ducked off behind a car and then a house. Sean turned his attention to the car as it slowly drove down the road. The vehicle was a silver Bentley and parked next to the curb in front of Mark's house. The windows were heavily tinted, but the doors opened to reveal two men in uniforms. One was a military man from the Space Force and the other looked like a NASA scientist. They took their time climbing out of the car and heading up the walkway to greet him. The second they were close; the scientist was the first one to extend a hand and say casually. "Hello, I'm Dr. Levin. This is Major Carter. Are you Sean? Mark Fischbach's spouse?" Sean blinked, unsure about answering that. Nodding a bit reluctantly, he glanced down at the man's hand. Just under the white sleeve of the man's white jacket uniform was a tattoo with the same design that had been on the necklace around Logan's neck. A gold snake and a black snake in an intertwined infinity knot.
The man pulled his hand back quickly after the handshake, while the military man informed him a bit grimly. "Can we come inside? We have some news about your husband." Sean pulled Chica cautiously up to the house, mumbling out. "Sure." Leading them up to the house, Sean opened the door and announced to Mark's mom. "Hey, Momiplier? There are some men here to see us." Mark's mom wiped her hands on her apron, eyeing the two men closely. Dr. Levin moved up to her first to shake her hand, introducing himself and his accomplice. She gestured them to take a seat at the kitchen table, asking them nicely. "You want anything? Tea? Coffee?" The Major shook his head, simply removing his hat to take a seat. Dr. Levin took a seat, happily telling her. "Coffee would be great. Thank you." Sean unhooked Chica to let her wonder around the house, then he moved to lean against the doorframe where he could see everyone at once. He was still a bit shaken up from his encounter with Logan. He really hoped that it was just all in his head. A wild side effect of stress or something.
He couldn't recall anyone else seeing Logan. So, it was possible that he had just imagined him. Mark's mom poured some fresh coffee into some cups. Handing one to Sean and then to Dr. Levin, before going back to the kitchen and asking nicely. "Can I ask what this is about?" Dr. Levin took a sip of his drink, while the Major gruffly started in. "We don't want to alarm you. But it is our duty to keep you updated. Last night at 1700 hours, we lost all communication with the Ceres." The room fell into dead silence, before the Major continued. "The shuttle just seemed to vanish off our scanners along with the life support of the crew. We have no knowledge that any of them are still alive. Or if they have made it to Space Station one. All we know is that we are reaching the seventeen-hour mark of no communication. If it goes on to twenty-four hours... We will have no choice but to assume the mission was a failure. I'm sorry." Sean lost the grip on his mug and the sound of it smashing across the tile floor was deafening.
Mark's mom moved closer to him, comfortingly starting to say. "Oh, honey..." Sean moved out of her reach, unable to stop the words from spilling out of him in a fury. "You don't want to alarm me... but your people believe him to be dead?! How is that possible!" The Major was unfazed by the outburst as he calmly told him like a drone. "We understand this is difficult to hear. Accidents happen and space can be unpredictable. We are doing our best." Sean's body started to shake as he yelled out. "REALLY?! Your best? You should be back there trying to FIND HIM! Why are you here?!" Mark's mom tried to grab his shoulders, but he shrugged her off and snapped out at them. "Get out of my house!" The Major rose to his feet with disinterest, telling Mark's mom casually. "We'll come back when he's less emotional." Sean lunged for the Major, but she grabbed his elbows to stop him. Dr. Levin quickly leapt to his feet, telling him in a much more understanding tone of voice. "I assure you that we have people working to find him. I know this is a difficult time, but if you need anything. Just call." Dr. Levin removed a card from his pocket to give to Sean, but Sean refused to take it.
Mark's mom took the card and gave the man a forced smile. Puffing his chest up, Sean glared at the man and said coldly. "Get out of my house... Now." Dr. Levin nodded, taking his leave with the Major. The second the door closed; Sean moved to grab a chair for support. Watching his hands shake, he looked to the broken glass on the floor and sniffled. Covering his mouth, he fell to his knees and mumbled out. "I'm sorry..." Mark's mom removed a towel from a kitchen drawer, quickly dropping next to him as she told him reassuringly. "Don't be. Sean, honey... Listen. They don't know what happened. It's still early." Sean shook his head, taking the towel from her to try and clean up his mess as he said through tears. "No... I saw it. I can still hear the alarm and see Mark's face... I let this happen..." Mark's mom grabbed his wrists, yanking them toward her until he looked at her. The second he did, she told him in a firm motherly voice. "Don't you say that! Accidents happen. It's not your fault. Mark wanted this. He chose this. And if anyone can survive it, it would be him. Shuttles have gone missing before and people have found there way back. They don't know him. We do. They don't know what happened. There is still time."
Sean gently pulled his arms back to wipe the floor, when she took the towel from him and kissed his temple. Giving him a hug, she told him sweetly. "I got this. Honey, go sit down. Take a minute." Sean shook his head, but she nudged him into going. Reluctantly getting up, he hugged himself and made his way back to the bedroom. Crawling onto the bed, he pulled a pillow close to hug it. He tried to be positive like her... but he couldn't stop his thoughts from cutting at his naïve heart. This was why he didn't want Mark to go. What hurt him the most... Mark would be the type to survive, but he was the type that would get himself killed to save someone else. Burying his face, he cried into the pillow. Just as his tears were running dry, she came in to check on him. Slipping into the room, she sat on the bed behind him and rubbed his back soothingly for a minute. Sean closed his eyes, enjoying the comforting contact. Her hand slid up to touch his side, whispering over him hopefully. "I made you some breakfast. Wanna eat?" Sean shook his head numbly.
Leaning more on him, she flashed him another hopeful smile upon asking. "Well, I was going to go shopping... Do you wanna come? We can even get ice cream for breakfast. What do you say?" Sean couldn't help smirking, but he still shook his head. He didn't feel like doing anything. His heart felt too fragile. Kissing his cheek, she snuggled over him and lovingly whispered into his ear. "Ok. How about this... I'll go get us some strong drinks and when I get back. I'll tell you every embarrassing Mark story that I have." Sean chuckled, causing her to giggle a little. Rubbing his arm and side, she added with a warm smile. "He's fine. Trust me. I'm a mom. I know things." Sean rolled onto his back to look up at her with a bright smile. She brushed his bangs away from his eyes, asking him more seriously. "Are you going to be ok?" Sean nodded, forcing himself to tell her honestly. "Ya. I'm just... worried about him." Leaning over him one last time, she kissed his forehead and whispered just as honestly. "Me too." Climbing to her feet, she headed for the door. In the doorway, she turned to look back and told him with a warm smile. "I'll be quick. But your breakfast better be gone when I get back."
Sean chuckled to himself, shifting to his side as he told her happily. "Alright. It will be." She showed him her phone as a way of saying that she had it on her and he nodded. She really worried about him and he felt kind of bad about that. He wanted to be happy, but his body just wasn't in the mood right now. Climbing to his feet, he made his way to the kitchen as she slipped out. Dropping down at the table, he began to eat his waffles with bacon and sausage. He didn't have the stomach for all of it. So, he slipped some to Chica. After about an hour, Sean had gotten himself wrapped up in a video game that he was playing on the living room TV. He was having fun, while Chica chewed peacefully on her bone at his feet. When the front door opened, Sean paused his game and chuckled out. "That was fast. Did you change your mind?" Mark's mom closed the door, turning around to tell him nicely. "No. I just forgot something." Sean draped an arm over the back of the couch, asking curiously. "What did you forget?" Smiling, she waved a dismissive hand and uttered out. "It's a woman thing. Don't worry about it."
She headed for the hallway and Sean got up to tell her with a smile. "Breakfast was good by the way. You'll have to tell me how you manage to get them so fluffy. Whenever I make them, Mark always complained that they aren't as fluffy as they should be." She opened up every door in the hallway, taking a peek inside as she told him distractedly. "Pancakes aren't that hard. I'll show you later." Sean leaned against the wall, staring at her a bit confused as he corrected. "Waffles. You made waffles." She opened Mark's office room and froze for a second like she couldn't recall. Then she chuckled and told him sweetly. "Sorry. I'm a million miles away. Don't let me distract you, Kid. I'll just be a minute." She slipped into Mark's office, causing the hair on Sean's arms to stand up. She never went in there. Moving to the doorway, Sean crossed his arms and asked curiously. "You've never called me that before." She stopped by Mark's computer, replying as she looked over the cords. "Called you what?" She quickly plugged in the power cord without switching off the button and got zapped for her trouble.
Cursing loudly, she cupped her hand. Rushing forward, he took her hand and said with worry. "Are you ok?" As their eyes met, Sean dropped her hand. Her eyes were a reptilian green. Stepping back, Sean breathlessly uttered out in a terrified voice. "Oh fuck..." She shoved him back with inhuman strength, causing him to hit the padded far wall before landing on his ass. Watching in a slight daze, he saw her body break out in tan and black scales. Even her clothes were scales that rippled away. The scales rippled quickly and fast until Sean was staring at a human looking Logan. Logan's reptilian eyes blinked sideways, and his eye color changed to a human green. Rolling his shoulders, Logan licked his zapped fingers before growling out. "Just stay out of my way, Kid. You're getting on my last nerve." Sean staggered up onto his feet, stammering out. "How did you...? What have you done to her?" Logan moved to the computer to turn it on, distractedly informing him. "Relax. She's fine. She drove off."
Sean moved to the desk, asking bluntly. "How did you do that?! You can take the form of anyone?!" Logan rolled his eyes, starting to type things as he dryly answered. "It's camouflage. It gives the appearance of turning into someone else." Sean yanked the cord to the keyboard out of the computer to stop him as he said curiously. "Like a chameleon?" Logan tried to snatch the cable back, answering reluctantly. "Yes. Only far better. Now give that back!" Sean snatched scissors off Mark's desk and put the blades to the cable. Logan let out a low growl, but Sean sternly told him. "You want something, and I want something. So, let's talk." Logan's body tensed, but with a heavy sigh, he sneered out. "Fine." To Be Continued...
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