Chapter Seventeen: "Saucy Rebel"
Sean briefly glanced at the Disney movie, before moving to the dresser. Pulling out some clothes to change into, he asked Logan casually. "You have a sister?" Logan nodded, chuckling over his shoulder. "Ya. She's too young to understand what's going on with the Order. She's obsessed with these types of movies though. I blame dad. Naming her after a mouse... Honestly. What kind of a name is that for a Reptilian? It's so... weird." Sean chuckled, gathering up his clothes to take to the bathroom. He didn't feel like changing in front of Logan. He could imagine the questions... and he really didn't want to explain sex to a seven-year-old lizard man. While slipping into the bathroom, he asked Logan through the slight crack in the door. "What's her name? I'm a bit rusty on Disney names lately." From the living room, Logan answered sweetly. "Minnie. You know, the iconic mouse's girlfriend?" Sean stepped back out of the bathroom, saying nicely. "It's a cute name for a girl." Logan snorted, mumbling out dryly. "Really? Imagine this. She's going to grow to about seven to ten feet tall. You think she'll look 'mini' at that height? That's like calling a tall guy shorty."
Sean laughed to himself, rubbing his collarbone nervously. Getting himself together, he changed the subject to ask him curiously. "So, what's your plan to get us into space?" Logan turned off the TV, sitting up as he told him with a grin. "Well, it will be easy for me. Tricky for you. But I got connections. A buddy of mine can hook you up." Sean raised an eyebrow. He found that hard to believe from a seven-year-old. Sliding off the bed, Logan itched his neck to tear a piece of shredded skin from his neck. Eating the skin, he told Sean with a shrug. "What? I never said I was a good kid... I'm in my... how do you humans say it... Rebellious stage?" Sean shook his head to forget everything he thought he knew about Logan, telling him bluntly. "Ok. But what are we going to tell Mark's mother?" Logan tapped a taloned nail to his scaly lips, mumbling out. "Can't eat her. Can't tie her up... Can't tell her the truth. So, we lie. Easy." Sean dropped his head into his hand, mumbling out. "Oh, boy..."
Logan grunted, drawing Sean's attention to the way his scaly body began to shrink and change. The transformation was quick, but the popping sound of bones made Sean uncomfortable. Logan's scales rose up off his skin slightly, changing colors like a chameleon. To Sean's surprise, some of the scales on Logan's body turned into hair on his arms, head, and chin. Sean's jaw dropped. He looked so human now that it was frightening. Logan stretched, causing more bones to pop before he relaxed and told him. "Man, I hate transforming... I feel so small and cramped." Logan cracked his neck and fingers. Unable to help himself, he reached out to touch Logan's bare arm. He expected to feel the scales, but he didn't. It just felt like cooled skin. Logan grinned, chuckling out. "Neat, huh? I'm told that our scales are made up of keratin proteins. The same protein that makes hair, fur, and feathers. When we change, some of our smaller scales change into another form of the protein. There is a long thing about it... Something about how spicing human DNA with ours made it happen... Etcetera. I never really paid attention. I hate anatomy class. So many complicated names for the dumbest things."
Logan bit his lower lip, looking around the room for his clothes. Finding them on the floor of the closet, he began to dress. Sean took a deep breath, turning his back to Logan as he asked him. "How are you going to convince her exactly?" Logan adjusted his sleeveless black shirt that had a space dinosaur yelling at a space shuttle in bold print that read; 'Stay out of my space and my foot will stay out of your Uranus.' Sean snorted in an attempt to not laugh at it. Logan pulled on his hoodie, smirking at him as he walked closer. Removing a wallet from his pocket, he removed an ID to show Sean, asking him confidently. "Think this will convince her?" Sean took the ID, commenting softly. "That shirt sure won't... You might want to keep that covered." Logan rolled his eyes, zipping up his hoodie as he grumbled out. "Everyone's a fucking critic..." Sean looked over the NASA ID, telling Logan distracted. "It's not professional... and if you are trying to pass yourself off as a Science & Technology employee from NASA, you can't wear stuff like that."
Logan yanked the ID back, growling out through his teeth. "Professional, my scaly ass! You think wearing a suit makes you fucking professional? Cause it doesn't... It just gets in the fucking way of lab work." Sean pointed a stern finger at him, growling back in a low voice. "I'm not going to argue with you, Logan. You look like a fucking college student! A suit means money. NASA wouldn't have a fucking child in their lab!" Logan let out a low growl as he stated out defensively. "Technically, I'm older than YOU! And half of NASA is filled with young geniuses that can do math you've never even heard of! Do you know what a quantum molecular dynamics algorithm is?" Sean was speechless, lowering his hand as he tried to think of a comeback to that. Logan flashed him a grin, saying in a cool voice. "See? I didn't need a damn suit to pull that off." Sean rolled his eyes, opening his mouth to say something, until Mark's mother knocked on the door. They both looked at the door with a startled expression.
The door began to open, causing Logan to dash into the closet. The door opened slow enough that Logan was gone by the time, she asked him. "Sean? Are you dressed? Are you ok? I heard voices..." Sean walked over to the door, acting casual as he answered. "Ya, I'm ok. Just arguing with something that I saw on the TV." She chuckled, patting his face as she told him sweetly. "Don't do that. You scared me." Sean opened the door more, telling her lightly. "It's just something I'd do with Mark. I couldn't help it." She smiled, gesturing him toward the kitchen as she told him. "Breakfast is cooking. Come sit with me. I wanted to talk to you about possible job options. Maybe I can help you think of something." Sean glanced at the closet, noticing Logan shooing him out and pointing to the window. Sean pointed for him to stay, then slipped out to follow her. He wanted to discuss things with Logan and form a plan. Otherwise, one screw up and Mark's mother could be in as much trouble as himself.
Going to the kitchen table, Sean sat down. She checked all the food, then set her phone down in front of him. Pointing to it, she told him nicely. "You were talking about doing something with computers. Well, these places need people that know basics about computer building. They will be a bit of a drive from here. But I can drive you. It will give you something to try." Looking over the sites on her phone, he smiled to himself. He loved how much she cared. He took his time looking them over. They did sound like stuff that he wanted to try, but he couldn't bring himself to turn them down. He just didn't know how he was going to break going to space to her. He started to settle for the idea of telling her that he had to go back to Ireland for a family thing... when the doorbell rang. Mark's mother dried off her hands, rushing to the door as she asked. "Who's at the door this early? Are you expecting someone?" Sean shrugged as his only response, starting to rise from his seat. She checked through the peep hole, then opened the door slowly to greet the person.
From the other side of the door, a familiar voice told her casually. "Hello, Ma'am. I'm sorry that I'm here so early, but science never sleeps as they say." She took an ID and looked it over, opening the door a bit more to reveal Logan. Logan locked smug eyes on Sean briefly, before continuing on politely. "I was sent here by my department to answer Sean's application." Sean's jaw dropped. What was Logan doing?! She handed the ID back to Logan, asking Sean curiously. "You sent an application in to NASA?" Sean locked his jaw, but Logan chuckled out. "Oh, no. He'd never get into that without some impressive degrees. No. See, NASA has a Robotics branch. They host these competitions and challenges to young inventors to help advance the spacecraft programs. Gives them a foot in the door to a career in engineering or in the Science & Technology division. Sean, entered some blueprint ideas to help fix a bug we were having with our robots." Mark's mom looked impressed as she said happily. "Really? That's amazing."
Logan nodded to her, nicely admitting. "It's hard work, but it pays the bills. Anyway, we ran into a bit of snag and was hoping that Sean would come to the lab and help us figure out what we did wrong." Mark's mom turned to Sean, asking more casually. "Why didn't you tell me?" Sean shrugged, innocently blurting out. "It was kind of a spur of the moment thing... I didn't think anyone would actually think it was a good idea." Logan rolled his eyes while she wasn't looking, chiming in a cool voice after. "Well, as scientists we take risks. So, you wouldn't mind if we borrowed him for a few weeks?" She whirled around to face Logan, blurting out in shock. "A few weeks?" Sean flinched, thinking this was bad. Logan didn't even flinch though as he said. "Yes, Ma'am. I'm afraid that the robots in question are at the space stations. So, things are a bit complicated when it comes to trying to get them to repair it. It's easier if he talks to the astronauts directly about how to fix the problem. Otherwise, we are just confusing them trying to interpret Sean's notes. We estimate a few weeks at most to get this matter sorted out."
She looked a little less happy about this but told Logan seriously. "Well, I guess that is up to Sean. Sean? What do you think?" Sean stopped glaring at Logan when she turned to look at him. Trying to collect himself as he answered softly. "I guess, if they need my help, I should go... but what about Chica?" She waved a dismissive hand, telling him with a smile. "I can take care of her. But will you be alright with this? This is a big decision. If this works out... You could be working for NASA." Sean couldn't stop himself from mumbling out. "Oh god, I hope not..." Logan shrugged, telling him with a wicked grin. "Your choice. But we do need your help. Anything to fix this problem as quickly as we can. We've tried everything else." Sean moved slowly from the table, telling him seriously. "I'll go get some stuff then." Mark's mom gestured for Logan to take a seat, offering him breakfast as she added out to him. "Does he have to leave now? So soon?" Sean walked back into the bedroom, grabbing his backpack from a closet and filling it with a spare set of clothes and anything that he thought he'd need.
He wished he had a weapon, when he rolled his eyes in disappointment in himself. Rushing to the bed, he tossed up the pillows and blankets looking for Mark's knife. He thought he recalled fighting with Mark over having that in their bed. It was missing. Dropping to all fours, he looked under the bed in case it fell. Nothing. He was just about to give up, when he spotted the black sheath peeking out from between the headboard and the mattress. Standing up, he jammed his hand down between them to retrieve it with a smile. He'd never fight with Mark over that again. He hated himself for not thinking about it before, but he'd been just a little distressed. He never thought very clear when he was scared. Dropping it into his bag, he zipped it up and headed out to the kitchen. He arrived just in time to see Mark's mom feeding Logan fresh eggs and bacon. Sean dropped into a seat as she set a plate in front of him, telling him nicely. "You should eat before you go. You feel like trying my special ingredient now?"
Sean rolled his eyes but answered coolly. "Sure. Why not." She opened a cabinet, pulling out a bottle of tabasco sauce. Bringing it over to the table, she twisted off the cap and began drizzling it over Sean's eggs. He normally didn't do this. He liked things sweet, but he was in the mood to try something with a bit more kick. Mark liked his spice and he was slowly trying to enjoy it himself to grow a liking for it. The second she poured it over his eggs, Logan bolted out of his seat so fast that he toppled backward over his chair. Logan scrambled across the floor, covering his nose as he whined out in a panicked. "What the hell is that?!" Mark's mom looked over the bottle with a stunned expression, answering guiltily. "Hot sauce. Are you allergic? I'm sorry." Logan's eyes were watering and without a word, he bolted for the front door to get some fresh air. Mark's mom looked really worried and uncertain with what she had done. Comforting her with a pat to her arm, he rushed after Logan telling her sweetly. "It's alright. I'll talk to him."
Jogging outside, he looked for Logan and found him spraying his face with the garden hose. Cautiously approaching him, he asked him curiously. "Logan? What was that all about...?" Logan lifted his face from the stream of water, answering shakily. "I...That stuff... I don't feel so good. My head hurts and my nose feels like it's on fire. How can you stand that stuff...? Let along eat it." Logan gagged, then leaned into the bushes to heave his breakfast. Sean swallowed hard to keep himself from trying to heave. Looking away, he took a deep breath of fresh air, commenting mostly to himself. "That's really interesting..." Turning slightly, he pulled out his phone and checked something. According to what he found, Lizards couldn't handle the smell of hot sauce and when exposed to large doses... It could kill them. To Be Continued...
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