Chapter Nine: "Believe Me"
Sean stared at the laptop his heart racing and twisting up in his chest. Was Mark ok. The call had disconnected so abruptly. The sound of the alarm still rang in his ears. Sinking in the water up to his mouth, he tried to stay calm and rational. The alarm didn't mean anything. Mark was fine. Wasn't he? Reaching out, he slammed the laptop shut and sank in the water. Sitting at the bottom of the pool, Sean tried to push away the fear and panic coursing through him. As the fear built up in him, he tilted his head back and screamed as loud as he could under the water. Screaming had surprisingly released all the pressure that had started to overwhelm him. Watching the air bubbles rush up to the surface even had a strange effect on him. Having wasted all his air, Sean pushed himself up and swam up to the surface. Grabbing the side of the pool, Sean lifted himself up to spit the water that had gotten into his mouth. Staring blankly at the sidewalk, he mumbled to himself calmly. "Everything is fine..."
Even as he said it, he watched his hands shake. He tried to block out the thoughts, but it only took one to torture him. What if that had been the last time that he'd see and hear him? Sean's chest caved in as his heart felt like a vice had crushed it. Clawing the pavement with his fingers, he shook his head. He refused to believe it. He wouldn't let himself believe that. The glass backdoor slid open as Mark's mother stepped out to happily say. "Sean? Honey, dinner is ready. Did Mark hang up?" Sean's throat tightened and he hefted himself from the pool. Moving to the chair, he yanked off his beach towel and wrapped it around himself. Hastily rushing toward the door, he avoided her eyes as he forced himself to utter out. "Ya... Can you bring the laptop inside for me? Thanks..." Slipping past her, she turned and asked him with more concern now. "Sean? Something wrong?" Sean shook his head but didn't slow down. He wanted to get back to his room. He wanted to be alone. His armor was breaking down.
He couldn't be strong for her. He had made it into the hall, when she ran up to him. She grabbed his arm, pulling him to a stop as she asked him in a soft motherly voice. "Sean? What happened? Talk to me." Sean shook his head, pulling against her grip as he tried to get to the bedroom. He couldn't look at her because tears were starting to fall down his cheeks. She pulled back on him with surprising strength as his weakened. Dropping to his knees, he began to cry and huddled himself up against the wall. She dropped to her knees beside him, her arms reaching out to instinctively pull him into a hug. She didn't understand, but she held him in her comforting arms. Sean wrapped his arms around her, crying into her shoulder. His whole body was shaking as the fear swelled within him. He was stronger than this... but the thought of losing him just then had broken him in ways that his body just couldn't begin to deal with. The only comfort that even tried to snap him out of his numb lifeless pain was the fact that... Mark's mother smelled like him. Her clothes smelled like him and if he closed his eyes. He could pretend that he had never left.
Mark's mother sat with him, keeping him close as she rubbed his back until he calmed down. When he had calmed down, she kissed his temple and told him lovingly. "Come. You need to rest." She helped him up, wrapping an arm around him as she led him into the bedroom. Sitting him on the bed, she grabbed another hand towel to dry his hair. He didn't have the strength or ability to say anything. He just felt so numb. He had never felt a numbness like this. It was the worst kind of claustrophobic numbness. His chest was tight, and his body just refused to make an effort to move even the tiniest bit. She dried him off as best she could, then set out some pajamas for him. Mark's pajamas. Lifting his chin with her fingers, she looked him in the eyes as she told him warmly. "Get changed and I'll make you some tea. It will help. I promise." Her gentle hands brushed his damp bangs back, caressing the sides of his face before leaving him. Standing up after she left, he stiffly changed from his swim shorts into Mark's pajama pants. Hugging the shirt to his bare chest, he crawled over the bed and huddled up into a ball. Burying his face in the shirt, he took deep breaths of Mark's smell.
After days of piecing himself together... in one instant it all came crashing down again. Only this time, Mark's mom had seen him fall apart. She came back with a tea set on a tray, setting it carefully on the bedside table. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she began to poor them both a cup of tea. She took her time with it, telling him in a soft gentle voice. "It's ok to be afraid. They train the soldiers to be strong in the face of fear... but not us. We endure the loneliness and we carry the burden of worry. We cage our fears. To be a spouse is to be an anchor. You stand behind him with a brave face... but when he can't stop his thoughts from drifting into dangerous waters... you anchor him to keep him still. We protect them... but we protect ourselves." She handed him a cup of tea and Sean reluctantly sat up to accept it. Cupping his hands around the warm cup, she looked into his eyes and told him. "I know how painful this is. But Sean... The only advice I can give you is this. Don't put on this mask... Break. Cry. Be afraid. But don't ever let him give up. Keep your heart strong by keeping your faith in each other strong. Love is more powerful than you can imagine. I'd crawl over burning coals for my boys. Now imagine what my stubborn boy would do for you."
Despite himself, Sean chuckled at the thought. Mark was really stubborn. She smiled warmly, coaxing his hands to drink the tea as she sweetly said. "Trust me, Honey. You'll see. You'll be amazed how strong you both can be. Just have a little faith in each other. It will be alright." Sean sipped the tea, letting the warmth of it calm his tense insides. The flowery taste lingered in his mouth and the smell soothed his throbbing head. Resting his head back against the headboard, he said softly. "I don't want to lose him..." She chuckled a little, nicely telling him as she took a sip of her own drink. "You'll never lose him, Sean. Just because you can't see him, doesn't mean he wouldn't be there for you. He's not here now, but you feel him, don't you?" Sean nodded and she touched his cheek to wipe away a tear, telling him. "Our bonds aren't just skin deep." She placed a warm hand to his cold chest over his heart, leaning in to whisper to him. "The ones we love. They live in us. They become a part of us. They guide our actions and if you listen to your heart... you can hear them."
She removed her hand, climbing up to her feet. Leaning over him, she kissed his temple and whispered to him with a loving smile. "Get some rest. Tomorrow is a new day." Sean snuggled down on the bed, finishing his drink as he watched her leave. Even though she had no idea what he had seen and heard... She still managed to make him feel better. Falling asleep, he found himself dreaming about how Mark would fight against all odds to come back to him... and it turned out to be the best dream he'd had in a long time. Waking up to the light of a new day, Sean took a deep breath and stretched. While part of him wanted to stay in bed and wait for Mark to call him and tell him everything was fine. Another part of him had a longing to go outside and explore a little. Climbing from the bed, Chica lifted her head to watch him open the curtains. The day was clear and sunny. Beautiful. Turning to look at Chica, he smiled a little and asked her hopefully. "You wanna go for a walk?" Chica's tail began to wag as her ears perked up. He took that as a yes.
Getting dressed, he whistled, and she followed him out into the living room. Mark's mother was already up and getting coffee ready. She grinned when she saw him, asking him curiously. "Up so early? I haven't even started breakfast yet. Feeling better?" Sean nodded, honestly regaling to her. "Ya. I actually slept well last night. Thought I'd take Chica around the block. Just to get out a little." Her smile turned warmer as she told him happily. "Alright. But be back before noon. Otherwise, I'll think you got carried off by fangirls." Sean snickered, gathering up Chica's leash as he stated back. "Sure. I've got my phone with me if you need me." She nodded and Sean waved to her as he slipped out the door. Slipping in his earbuds, he turned on his music and began to jog down the sidewalk with Chica happily trotting along beside him. A few neighbors that saw him waved as they went to collect their mail. He waved back to be friendly, keeping his pace. Glancing down at Chica, he coaxed her into more of a run and together they raced each other down to the end of the housing area.
Even for as fast as he was... Chica still beat him. Bending over to gasp for breath, he chuckled as Chica pranced around him like a showoff. Narrowing his eyes on her, he grumbled out playfully. "Don't rub it in. I've only got two legs, damn it." Straightening up, Sean stretched to keep himself limber. The park was mostly empty, except for people like him that were walking their dogs. However, as he kneeled to transfer water from the fountain to Chica with his hands, a man approached him. The man was dressed casually in torn blue jeans and an open zipper sweater. On the man's plain grey t-shirt sat a strange infinity knot pendant with a black and gold snake biting their tails on a green leather cord. Sean pulled his earbuds out, slowly rising as he asked nervously. "Can I help you?" The man looked at a picture in his hand, before asking him curiously in a light voice. "Are you Sean Mcloughlin? Recent husband to Mark Fischbach? Known on YouTube as Jacksepticeye?" Sean took a cautious step back, saying a bit defensively. "Who are you?" The man gave him a tight-lipped smile, answering coolly. "My apologies. I'm Logan. A former employee of NASA."
Sean blinked, starting to inch away as he mumbled out politely. "Sorry to hear that. Are you a fan?" Logan chuckled dryly, before answering more seriously. "No. I heard that your husband was apart of the rescue mission." Sean pulled Chica close and started to walk away, replying just as dryly. "I'm sorry. I've got to go." Sean only got a few steps away, when Logan stated aloud. "He's in danger. More danger than you can imagine." Sean stopped, turning around to snap back. "Is this your idea of a joke? Cause it's not funny. It's sick. Fuck off." Sean whirled around on his heels, heading off at a faster pace. Logan jogged after him, trying to keep his voice discreet as he told him. "Sean, listen to me. I know I sound crazy, but I have proof." Sean stopped to lock eyes with the man, grumbling out. "Oh, do you? Then why are you taking it to me and not NASA? Or the government? Why me? I can't help you." Logan stepped in front of Sean, extending out a hand as he told him softly. "I tried. They won't listen. Look, they don't have much time and you're my last chance to warn them."
Sean rolled his eyes, reluctantly asking. "Warn them about what exactly?" Logan extended his hand out more, asking hopefully. "First things first. Shake my hand." Sean blinked, glancing around nervously before cautiously reaching out to shake his hand. Logan shook his hand, then suddenly grabbed the back of his hand with his other hand. Sean yelped in pain as something zapped the back of his hand. Yanking his hand back, he cursed and started to yell out. "What the f-!" He was cut off by Logan grabbing his chin and looking deep into his eyes. Jerking his chin away, he rubbed the back of his hand, while Logan showed him the shocking ring on his other hand. Glancing around, Logan whispered to him. "Sorry. I had to be sure that you weren't one of them." Sean's eyes widened more as he anxiously commented. "One of them...? Oh god... You're not one of those-?" Logan covered his mouth, lifting the pendant around his neck as he rushed out in a whisper. "Just listen. I'm with the Order of the Auryn. We translated the message. The rescue crew is in danger. They can't set foot on that Station!"
Sean swatted the hand off his face, grumbling out a bit sarcastically. "Ya? Why not...? Are you going to tell me something about aliens? Jesus... Look, believe what you want but leave me out of it." Sean moved around Logan, starting to walk down the sidewalk again. Logan groaned loudly, grumbling out as he followed him. "I don't have time for this... Sean, please! If you turn your back on me, Mark will die." Sean whirled around, snapping out bitterly now. "Are you threatening me?! Who do you think you are?!" Logan flipped the large hood of his sweatshirt up, walking closer a bit menacingly. Sean tensed for a fight as Chica began to bark at Logan aggressively. Logan stopped a short distance away, lifting his head enough to show his bright mesmerizing green reptilian eyes. A chill ran down Sean's back. That had to be the trick of the light... right? Logan rushed forward, pushing Sean up against the iron fence surrounding the park. Pinning him there, Logan let out a low growl to Chica, who stopped barking. Whimpering now, she wedged herself behind Sean's legs. Blinking, Logan's eyes changed back to a more natural human green color.
Looking him directly in the eyes, Logan told him seriously in a whisper. "Go ahead. Scream 'lizard.' No one will believe you either. Now. You can help me save your planet. Or I can drag you behind the bushes and eat your vegan ass. Your choice, human." Shaking, Sean swallowed hard before answering breathlessly. "Ok. You've got my attention. I'm listening." To Be Continued...
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