Chapter Fifteen: "It Waits For You"
Sean enjoyed his time out with Momiplier. They walked the park and ate pretzels from the food venders. She regaled to him stories about Mark in his younger days and some of the struggles she faced as a military spouse. Resting on a park bench, Momiplier pet Chica as she told him sweetly. "You wanna talk about your nightmare? Sometimes it helps to get it out. Helps the brain analysis it." Sean huffed softly. He was afraid to tell her anything. He didn't want her to get hurt. While another part of him was still trying to figure out if Logan was really just a strong hallucination. Dragging his teeth across his bottom lip, he carefully told her. "Well... It was about aliens. Stupid, huh?" Momiplier turned on the bench, propping her head up with her hand. He couldn't look at her directly, but her warm voice calmed him when she said. "It's not stupid. Strange things happen all the time. I once had a nightmare that a group of man-eating sharks attacked my husband's ship. Space and aliens have gone hand in hand in movies from the beginning. And with how real the movies make them lately... I don't blame you."
Sean smirked a little. She was too good at making him feel better. She put a hand on his leg, adding in with a smile of her own. "It doesn't help that you are far from home. Everything feels foreign and you feel alone without him. It gets easier with time. But you can't just sit around and dwell on him. You have to do things. You were looking into computers, weren't you?" Sean nodded, then slumped down on the bench, mumbling out. "I was... but... I just don't know. I'm at a point in my life where I just... I don't know what I can get into. And I'm afraid of getting into something that I'll lose my passion for. I've been doing YouTube for so long... I don't know what else I can do." Momiplier moved her hand off his leg to pat his shoulder, saying sweetly. "Well... You have the clothing brand that you and Mark started. That's something." Sean nodded but his heart wasn't in it. He only did that to make comfortable gaming clothes. It wasn't a true passion of his. He just kind of let Mark take on most of the heavy lifting with that.
Her thumb rubbed his shoulder, her eyes drifting to look out across the park. After a minute, she told him curiously. "Life is all about taking a risk and trying new things. If you want to try something. Do it. If you don't like it... stop and pursue the next thing. Eventually, you'll find that one thing that you'll never want to let go of." Sean looked at her, curiously asking gently. "And what did you settle on?" She grinned brightly, answering without a hint of doubt. "I didn't settle on anything. I wanted to be a mom. I found a good man and I got what I wanted. I have two beautiful sons. Through all the pain and struggle of raising them... I'd never trade it for the world. Even if they never change world. I'm happy seeing the men they have become." She leaned closer to his shoulder, innocently projecting. "I'm proud that you make each other happy. But... I wouldn't mind some grandkids in the future. So, maybe you'll adopt?"
Sean blushed, turning to look away from her as she purred into his ear. "Now I'd be happy with any kid you picked... but I would so love to spoil a little girl. After raising boys... I would just love to finally do some girl bonding. You know what I mean?" Sean shuffled his feet, mumbling out through a shy smile. "I... I'm sure Mark and I will discuss it at some point. But no promises..." She chuckled over his shoulder, trying to sweeten it by saying casually. "I think you both would be the sweetest daddies to a little girl. Don't you think?" Sean giggled a little, slipping in. "Oh sure... Until she becomes a teen and guys hit on her. Mark would loss his shite." She laughed, her eyes going distant as she softly regaled. "True. But that's what dads do." Sean let the idea sink in. Would Mark and him have kids? They'd never really talked about it. He was scared to be a father, but he wasn't against the idea. Momiplier jarred him from his thoughts, upon telling him. "Well, we should head back. I need to get dinner prepared and you've got some thinking to do."
Sean rolled his eyes but got up. While driving back, Sean let his mind wonder. Stroking the planet bracelet around his wrist, he looked up at the darkening sky and wondered if Mark was thinking about him. The second the car pulled up in the driveway though, all Sean's stresses came flooding back. Was Logan still in the house? Was he waiting for him? Momiplier got out first, prompting Sean to dash out and up to the door before her. Opening the door, he slipped inside first. Creeping into the house, he listened and looked for anything that might be out of the ordinary. He even looked at the walls to see if the patterns were off. Momiplier walked in behind him, casually chuckling out as she let Chica off her leash. "Well, that was fun. We should do it again sometime. Maybe next time you can take me to a movie. You can explain all the weird stuff your generation is into." Sean smiled at her, answering sweetly. "Sure." While Momiplier set to work humming and preparing things in the kitchen, Sean discreetly searched around. He touched things as he moved around. Going room by room. He found nothing. Until he got to his bedroom.
The master bedroom had a window open that he knew had been shut before. Walking over, he closed it and locked it. He let his body relax. Logan must have left. Turning on his heel, he left the room to help Momiplier. They cooked and laughed together. Then ate dinner. Afterward, they watched a movie that Momiplier never saw the end too. She had fallen asleep. Climbing carefully from his chair, he pulled the blanket off the back of the couch and draped it over her. Watching her snuggle into a pillow, he restrained a chuckle. He now knew where Mark got it from. Chica curled up on the floor by Momiplier and Sean pet her head. Turning everything off and putting up dishes, he slipped off to his bedroom. Walking down the dark hallway, he stepped into the bedroom hoping to see Mark when he flicked the light on. It was a false hope, but his heart was a fool. Flicking on the light, he just needed a second to confirm Mark wasn't there. With his hope dashed, he flicked the light back off to crawl into the bed.
Stuffing a few pillows under the blanket on Mark's side, he snuggled up to it and closed his eyes. He imagined Mark was laying beside him and trying not to wake him. He imagined his hand ghosting down his arm. He tilted his head, imagining Mark's warm breath against his throat, before placing a tender kiss there. Sean's fingers clawed the blanket. He wanted to feel Mark's chest and hear his voice. Inhaling deeply, he tried to fight back his urge to cry... only to smell Mark. Snuggling closer to the blanket, Sean smelled the fabric. The smell was so strong, but it wasn't coming from the blanket. Sean shook his head. His imagination was almost cruel sometimes. He tried to just accept it though as he drifted off to the idea that Mark was coaxing him to sleep. Until he felt warm breath on his ear and heard Mark's voice whisper. "Sean..." Sean's eyes shot open, jerking upright in bed to look around the dark room. He didn't see anyone and that made his heart race. That had been far too real for his liking.
Shifting uncomfortably, he licked his dry lips. The window was still closed. He was just starting to lay back down, when Mark's voice whispered his name from farther across the room by the walk-in closet. Tensing up, Sean swallowed and mumbled out a bit breathlessly. "Logan...? If that's you. Stop... please." Goosebumps sprang up his arms and legs when there came no answer. Keeping his eyes on the closet, Sean slid from the bed. Reaching behind the nightstand, he tried to grab the baseball bat that Mark kept there... but it was gone. Dropping his hand, he moved closer to the bedroom door, keeping his back as close to the wall as he could. He kept waiting for the closet door to open. He told himself internally that if it did open, he was going to run. He sure as hell wasn't going toward the noise. Mark wasn't here. Mark wouldn't hide from him like this. The closet door creaked open just a little, like something might be peeking out. Sean didn't wait, he moved to the bedroom door and grabbed the doorknob. Turning it, only to find it locked. Glancing back to the closet, Sean swallowed. The bedroom key was hanging from the door handle of the closet.
Shaking his head, he told the darkness as calmly as he could. "No. I'm not playing this game with you, Logan. Show yourself." Sean jerked back against the wall as Mark's voice started to whisper around the room eerily. "In your dreams it watches you sleep. Slithering out of the darkness beneath your feet. It wants a taste. It needs to feed. It comes for you. So, you best take heed. For years it has waited. Its hunger not yet abated. It is patient. It is silent. One bite will make you compliant. For from the darkness it now rises. For you have grown to the peak of ripeness." Sean's hands shook, his breathing quickening. Mark's voice seemed to come from the center of the room, when it asked in a menacing whisper. "Where am I?" Sean locked his jaw to keep it from chattering. He didn't know. He hadn't seen anything move around in the moonlight that was streaming in from the window. Taking a deep breath, Sean pushed himself off the wall and ran to snatch the key. Yanking the key off the doorknob, he ran back toward the door. He fumbled to turn the key around to put it in the keyhole as Mark's voice hissed out smugly. "Where do you think you're going?"
Sean yelped as his ankles were yanked out from under him. Landing hard on his shoulder, he twisted and thrashed as he was pulled toward the bed. The bed rose off the ground revealing bright green eyes in the pitch blackness beneath it. Reaching up, Sean grabbed the bedframe in a death grip. He refused to be pulled under. Fingers went to his armpits, playfully tickling him until he couldn't take it and released the bedframe. Yanked under, Sean's hands and ankles were pinned down to the floor as a heavy weight shifted over him. Sean inhaled sharply, afraid to scream. He didn't want to put Mark's mom in danger. His body was so confused. Why did this thing smell like Mark? Warm breath puffed over his throat, until Mark's voice whispered across his neck. "Sean... Don't you love me?" Sean gritted his teeth, groaning in disgust. Sharp teeth started to move over his neck, prompting Sean to blurt out in a sneer. "I hope you choke!" The sharp teeth on his neck didn't bite down.
Twisting his wrists in the monster's grip, he panted out distressed. "Well? What are you waiting for?" The monster over him began ripple into view, revealing Logan in his lizard form. Logan carefully removed his teeth from Sean's throat, reluctantly grumbling out under his breath. "Shit..." Sean risked a look up at him, asking in a shaky voice. "What?" Logan refused to look at him. It was hard to tell what his expression was in the dark. Going off of the way he sounded though, Logan sounded... disappointed? Logan hefted a sigh, avoiding Sean's question to growl out. "Look... I was thinking about what you said. I can steal a small shuttle out. But... I can't do it alone." Sean blinked, wearily asking. "Why not?" Logan flicked a tongue along his long scaly lips, before mumbling out reluctantly. "Will you help me or not?" Sean huffed uneasily, tugging against Logan's grip as he snapped out quietly. "You want my help after you tried to eat me! Why on earth would I trust you?!" Logan turned his head to look at him, his bright green reptilian eyes looking so vulnerable now. Even Logan's voice was gentler, when he answered coolly. "Because the Ambassador is... family. And no one will help me... I'm desperate."
Logan released his grip, allowing Sean to scoot out from under him and the bed. Keeping his eyes on him, Sean didn't know how to answer or what to think. Logan sank down to set the bed down, backing out from under the bed. Quickly, Sean rose up to turn on the lamp on the nightstand. When he looked back, Logan was sitting in the center of the room with his tail curled around his legs. He flinched from the bright lamp light; siting crouched like a disheartened dog. Logan tapped his long talon nails on the floor, mumbling out guiltily. "I... I'm sorry. The truth is... I'm not with the Order... I'm the Ambassador's son. I'm a... screw up. You're the first human that I've ever really talked too... I ran away from my guards after I overheard the Order talking about the message. They're going to let him die. I can't..." Sean saw a tear roll down Logan's scaly cheek, causing him to feel sympathy for him. Despite Logan's size, he talked like a frightened kid. Logan rubbed his neck nervously, admitting grimly. "I've never eaten a human... Not a living one anyway. They were always cooked." Logan dropped his hand, bowing his head as he sniffled out. "Just another thing I'm bad at..."
Sean let out a nervous chuckle, drawing Logan's attention. Giving him a small smile, Sean told him lightly. "Well... There are worse things you could be bad at. I mean... from my perspective, you didn't kill me. That's good in my book." Logan rolled his eyes, grimly muttering out. "You're prey... Of course, you'd think that. But I have to eat, or I'll die. Since when does surviving make me a bad person...?" Sean took a few calming breaths before admitting gently. "I didn't mean it like that. I just meant... It's complicated." Logan shrugged a little. Sighing heavily, Logan asked him hopefully. "Will you help me or not? We only have until the Solar Eclipse." Sean pressed his back to the nightstand, saying bluntly. "The Solar Eclipse?" Logan nodded, telling him seriously. "Ya. Planet Pangea will be at its closest to earth when the moon causes the total eclipse of the sun this year. From the darkest part of the moon, Pangea's moon base will alert the traveler's ship and he'll fly in under the cover of darkness." Logan smirked to himself, telling Sean a bit excitedly. "Did you know in the old days. When they'd come, people thought it was angels or some form of sun god? The sun's rays were said to look like golden wings coming off the ship, or my ancestors when they'd step off the ship after landing. It's supposed to be beautiful..."
Sean nodded, absently. Logan's eyes looked at the ceiling with a distant expression, before he shook his head and told him more grounded. "To be fair though, it's just the way the sunrays looked behind them. I've never seen any of our kind with actual working wings. I do know a few that can run on water though." Sean chuckled, rubbing his wrist anxiously. After a minute of silence between them, Sean took a deep steady breath, telling him bravely. "Alright. I'll help you. If you promise to help me get Mark out of there. Alive." Logan extended a scaly hand out to him, stating just as seriously. "Deal." Sean hesitated to take his hand, but clenched his jaw and accepted it. To Be Continued...
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