Chapter Eighteen: "Lizard Love"
Sean nodded to himself, stashing his phone away in his pocket again. Inching closer to Logan, he told him comfortingly. "Ya, I'm not a big fan of hot sauce myself... Mark loves the stuff though. He used to do these challenges to see if he could handle the hottest stuff in the world." Sean chuckled lightly, then let his smile fade away as his thoughts drifted. Mark still had some in the kitchen cabinet. Reaching out absently, he rubbed Logan's back and tried to remember where it was. If Logan was this turned away by it... would it scare away the bigger ones too?" Logan coughed loudly, sitting back on his ass as he told Sean meekly. "Sean... I don't think I can stomach going back in there." Sean patted his shoulder, telling him almost thankfully. "That's alright. Wait here. Get some air. I'll take it from here." Getting up, Sean jogged his way back into the house. Mark's mom was cleaning up the broken glass and scattered food that had been knocked to the floor. She looked so distraught.
As he entered, she wrung a washcloth in her hand, asking him hopefully. "Well? Is he alright? Do I have to call an ambulance?" Sean shook his head, walking up to give her a hug. She hugged him back, uttering out. "Oh my god... Sean, did he die on the lawn?!" Sean stepped back, chuckling out. "No! He's fine. He's just getting some air. It scared him pretty good. The guy is deathly allergic as it turns out." She dropped her face in her hands, muffling through her hands with disappointment. "Ugh! I'm so stupid... I should have asked if he was allergic to anything. It just... It slipped my mind because I was worried about you..." Sean stopped short on his way to the cabinets, asking curiously. "What? Why?" She gestured to the fridge, mumbling out. "When I was preparing the food, I noticed that all the leftovers were gone. I thought maybe I hurt your feelings by saying how skinny you are... Or that I was starving you because you didn't want to pig out in front of me..." A snort left Sean before he could stop himself.
Clearing his throat after, he rushed back to her to give her a bigger hug. She was so small that he could almost wrap his around completely around her. Over her shoulder, he told her warmly. "No. I'm alright. Really. I just... Last night I had a wicked craving and I just... couldn't let it go unsatisfied." Releasing her, he moved back toward the cabinets, adding on curiously. "By the way... You seen any of Mark's hot sauces? The little ones that no human should ingest if they love their insides?" Behind him, she mumbled out mostly to herself. "Are you sure you are ok? Cause you sound... I mean, if I didn't know any better. I'd say you were pregnant." A metal mixing bowl slipped from Sean's hand and loudly banged against the floor. The very idea was terrifying. The first thing he thought of was alien babies. However, Logan hadn't touched him... had he? Mark's mom moved closer, picking up the bowl to put in the sink as she pointed and said with worry. "It's not this one. It's that cabinet. Sean? Are you really ok?" Sean turned away from her, digging through the cabinet she pointed out. He didn't know what to say.
Mentally, he couldn't get the whole aliens bursting from his chest out of his head. While physically, he was shaking for unknown reasons. Grabbing the bottles of hot sauce, Mark's mom grabbed his wrists to stop him. Looking into his eyes, she told him sweetly. "Sean? Are you worried about Mark?" Sean nodded subconsciously, his body going in to hug her for a much different reason. He needed comfort. Was he scared about what was going to happen? He felt like so much was going on that his body didn't know what to feel. She hugged him tightly, cooing to him in a motherly voice. "He's going to be ok. Go fix their silly robots. By the time you get back... he might be back." Sean smirked, prying himself slowly from her hug. Going to his bag, he slipped in the bottles of hot sauce. Behind him, she asked him curiously. "Why are you taking those with you?" Sean thought quickly, turning around as he told her with a blush. "Don't tell, Mark... but I'm planning to give them away. I just... I'm trying to look out for his health and-" She waved her hands with a grin, telling him. "Say no more. I approve. I won't say a word."
Chuckling, he said goodbye to Chica and then Mark's mom. She told him that Chica would be fine with her and he believed her. He just felt weird leaving her like this. Gathering up his bag, he slipped outside and made his way over to Logan. Logan stood at the end of the driveway, leaning back against the car. Swatting him off of her car, he told Logan seriously. "Don't lean on it. You could break it. Are you ready to go?" Logan nodded, flipping up his hood and starting to walk down the street. It didn't occur to Sean that Logan didn't have a car. Groaning a bit, Sean asked him as they walked. "Oh no. Logan, please tell me we are not walking all the way there?" Logan chuckled, stating back curtly. "Of course not. We're going to take the bus." Sean groaned just to release his disappointment. He didn't know what he expected, but it certainly wasn't this. Trying to keep up with Logan's long striding steps, Sean asked him. "So... About last night." Logan glanced over his shoulder, shrugging out casually. "Ya?" Sean cleared his throat, feeling silly for asking but mumbled out. "You didn't by chance... Give me anything while I slept right?"
Logan skidded to a stop, glaring at him as he said dryly. "What? Like what exactly?" Sean nervously chuckled, continuing to walk on as he said anxiously. "Never mind. I... I'm being stupid." Sean picked up his pace, when Logan crept up behind him to playfully hiss over his shoulder. "Oh? Is that fear I smell? Afraid that I gave you a wicked case of galactic worms? Maybe pumped you full of eggs?" Sean shivered, shoving Logan away from him as he snapped out. "Stop. That's not funny." Logan laughed, walking backwards in front of him as he purred out devilishly. "Was it as good for you, baby?" Sean pointed a finger at him in warning, causing Logan to laugh harder. Sean tried to punch Logan's shoulder, but he jumped away from him and told him more seriously. "Relax. I never touched you. Besides, you're already taken. It wouldn't be right." Sean calmed down a little to ask him. "What do you mean?" Logan jumped up onto a wall to walk across it as he said casually. "Your mate. Mark? His scent is all over you and that room. Good thing I didn't eat you. He'd be devastated."
Sean couldn't argue with that. Scoffing his sneaker on the curb of the sidewalk, Sean asked him discreetly. "So... Do you lay eggs?" Logan rolled his eyes, giving him a sarcastic look before grumbling out. "Not since the age of dinosaurs. Spicing our DNA together came with... changes. We have live births now. Depending on the mother depends on whether it comes out looking human or Reptilian." Sean blinked, prodding him on. "You breed with humans?" Logan shrugged, carelessly saying. "Ya. Some of us do. Some of our females produce asexually though. I've even heard of one of our kind that can switch from male to female or female to male depending on how many of the opposite sex are available in their area." Sean was a little impressed, asking him lightly. "So, your kind doesn't have... issues with who sleeps with who?" Logan raised an eyebrow, then said in realization. "Oh, you mean the whole gay thing? Nope. Gender relations has never been an issue for us." Logan dropped down from the wall, nudging his arm as he told him sweetly. "The biggest issues we have are the few that want everyone to give up meat for insects. Which will NEVER happen. Can you imagine how many a growing Reptilian like me would have to eat?"
Sean shrugged, unsure how to even comment on that. Since he was a part of the 'meat' that they ate... He felt a little biased. Logan blushed, mumbling out embarrassed. "Oops. Sorry... I forgot." Logan cleared his throat awkwardly, walking on ahead. Sean shook his head, making his way up to the empty bus stop. Just before he sat down, Logan asked him curiously. "What are you doing?" Sean gestured to the sign, answering swiftly. "Waiting for the bus." Logan looked confused, pointing across the street to a parking lot as he said coolly. "I have a bus." Sean blinked, following him with concern. Did Logan steal a bus? Across the street, Logan removed a set of keys from his pocket and unlocked his 'bus.' Sean smacked his hand to his face with a soft laugh. Logan's definition of a 'bus' was an RV. The RV wasn't overly big. It could fit two people comfortably at most. Logan opened up the door, gesturing him inside with a wince as he said. "Don't mind the mess... I'm... not used to having guests." Sean stepped inside, setting his backpack down in the small booth seating as he looked around and said. "You live in this?"
Logan stepped in behind him, closing the door as he replied nicely. "Well, ya. I don't live at NASA. My family travels around to different campsites. We rock climb, explore caves. Normal stuff." Sean raised an eyebrow, mumbling out nervously. "You can drive, right?" Logan scoffed softly, slipping into the driver seat as he told him playfully. "No." Sean paled, until Logan winked at him and chuckled out. "I can drive. Although... I'm not going to lie... I'm still learning how to read human. So... it can be a challenge at times." Sean rushed up to the passenger seat, stating out in shock. "What?!" Logan waved him off, growling out. "Relax. The GPS tells me everything anyway." Sean sat down, sarcastically muttering out. "I didn't know Alien languages were on google." Logan narrowed his eyes on Sean, growling back seriously. "Funny. Buckle up and shut up, kid." Sean yanked his seat belt on, mumbling under his breath. "I'm not a kid." Logan shifted the vehicle into drive, scoffing out to himself. "You are to me."
Sean was on edge when Logan pulled out and started driving down the road. Despite the fact that he couldn't read that well, he seemed able to do just fine though. After they reached the highway, Logan removed a burned CD and slipped it into the player. Sean chuckled as he caught the name written on the case. Logan had a lizard mix. Sean rolled his eyes, making Logan turn it up more just to spite him as he flicked his long reptilian tongue at him. Sean didn't mind his taste in music too much though. When Sean was comfortable, he got up to explore the back and cleaned up a bit out of habit. Tossing Logan's cloths into a hamper, he said under the blaring music. "Now I see my mother's frustration... Are all boys this messy?" Sean put away a few books on advanced science and math. Just looking at the inside problems made Sean's head swim. It was not something he could do. While cleaning up all the workbooks, Sean opened up a storage cabinet beneath the bunk beds and watched plushies fall out.
Picking up a Mickey Mouse dressed in a space suit, Sean asked Logan when the music faded. "These Mickey Mouse plushies belong to you?" Logan laughed, answering over his shoulder casually. "No. My little sister. Dad took her to Disneyland, and she got dozens of those. She usually stays with me when dad is away. So, I have those damn things everywhere. She even forced dad to take one of those damn things with him. She said it would keep him safe... I don't see how." Sean stuffed all the plushies back into the cabinet, then looked up at the bottom bunk and froze. Something was moving under the blanket. Sean watched the sheets intently, calling out to Logan over the music. "Logan! LOGAN!" Logan turned down the music with a groan, asking a bit shortly. "What?!" Sean pointed to the bed, then screamed as something shot out from under the covers to wrap around his neck. Sean fell across the floor, trying to grab the thing from around his neck. Logan slammed on the brakes, causing Sean to slide across the floor and hit his back to the wall of the passenger seat.
He felt like he couldn't breathe and began to gasp and thrash. From the front, Logan rushed from his seat and yelled out in a panic. "Don't hurt her!" Sean didn't think that was going to be a problem. The thing was strong and choking him! Logan pet the creature, talking to it soothingly before slowly unwrapping a long white snake from around Sean's neck. Draping the snake over his own shoulders, he kissed the head of the albino boa constrictor and introduced him to it sweetly. "Sean, this is Whitney. Whitney, this is my friend, Sean." Sean rubbed his throat, coughing a bit as he strained out. "Awesome... Where's her cage?" Logan brushed his cheek against Whitney's, answering a bit sternly. "I don't put her in a cage. She's a free spirit. What kind of animal do you think I am?" Logan took her to the front seat with him, nestling back down as he told him lightly. "Besides. She just wanted to snuggle with you. She wasn't trying to hurt you. You scared her." Sean sat up, putting his back to the wall to take a few breathes before saying a bit shaken up. "Ya... I scared her..." To Be Continued...
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