Tik Tok
Finally getting some Linny Next chapter will be Lunas master plan for Drarry
Third POV. . .
A silver cat suddenly materialized on the beach, surprising everyone. Harry dropped his ice cream.
*Hello. I hope you are getting settled in nicely.* The cat said, in McGonagals voice. *You have all received cell phones, so you can call or text someone in case of emergency. These phones, however, can also be used for fun. Now, for the more serious news. The marriage papers will be on your kitchen table, along with the Baby Potion. You are probably wondering what the baby potion is. Obviously, we have many same-sex couples, who can not conceive naturally.*
Ron, being an immature prat, made a disgusted face.
*To activate the potion,* McGonagal continued, * You and your partner must each drink half. You will then have to kiss your partner. With tongue. You may not like this, but this is how it works. If you have any questions, you may text me with your new phones. My contact has already been set up, as well as your neighbors. Goodbye.*
When McGonagal mentioned the kissing, almost everyone turned bright red. Well, not Draco. He did not go red, but a faint pink blush was visible on his cheeks. Malfoys do not blush, he said.
McGonagals POV. . .
After I delivered that message, I burst into laughter. Of course, to get the potion to work you didn actually have to kiss your partner. However, I ship Drarry, and Linny, so why not?
Third Person POV. . .
Hermione was showing Ginny Tik Tok. She was the only person who knew about Ginnys crush on Luna, and she had an idea. There was this trend going on on Tik Tok, the Kiss Your Best Friend Challenge, and Ginny was going to do it. Maybe. If Hermione could convince her.
*Hey Hermione what is this?* Ginny asked, tapping on a video of a girl kissing her crush.
*That, my friend, is how you are going to confess to Luna.* she replied. Ginny looked confused. *There is a trend going around Tik Tok, where people kiss their best friend. I thought you should try it with Luna.*
*No way!* she exclaimed, looking panicked. *I am not doing that! She doesn't like me like that, she never will, if I do that she will hate me forever and-*
*Ginny!* Hermione shouted, cutting of Ginny's rambling. *It's Luna. She won't hate you. Please, just try it? For me?* Hermione gave Ginny the puppy dog eyes that she knew she couldn't resist.
*Fine.* Ginny grumbled. *But if I screw up and ruin our friendship forever, it's on you.*
Ginny POV. . .
Alright. You can do this. Just go for it. What's the worst that could happen? She could hate you forever, you could ruin your friendship, completely embarrass yourself- STOP! I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna kiss Luna. I already set up the phone, I was on Tik Tok, ready to record.
*Hey, Luna, can you come here for a second?* I called down the hall. I heard her footsteps coming towards me, and I quickly pressed record, just as she appeared in the doorway.
*Yes, Ginny?* She asked, in her dreamy voice. Merlin, I loved that voice. I loved her eyes, too, and her bubbly personality. Her quirks. I loved her.
*Can you come stand next to me? We are doing a Tik Tok video.* I asked, turning on the song. It was called Electric Love.
She stood next to me as the words began to play. Here we go. It's now or never. 1- 2- 3-
I kissed her.
She didn't pull away, disgusted, which was a relief. But she didn't do anything. Just stood still, in shock. I knew I had done something wrong, so I began to pull away. But, just as I was about to separate, her hand clamped around the back of my neck pulling me back towards her. Now hoping that she didn't hate me, I started to move my lips against hers, and she did the same. I put my hands on her waist, and she wrapped her arms around my neck. Hesitantly, I swiped my tongue across her bottom lip, asking for entrance. When she granted it, I slipped my tongue into her mouth. Slowly, she slipped hers into my mouth. It wasn't hungry, or passionate, but slow, and gentle. It was perfect.
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