Moving In
Ginny's POV. . .
I pushed open the door of our house and what I saw was... not very surprising, actually. Emily told us that our houses were tailored to our personalities, and this was the most Luna house that I had ever seen. There were different colors literally everywhere. But there were also some me things too, like a huge kitchen (I was the only Weasley that inherited my mom's cooking abilities), a giant cage for my owl, Star, and Nimbus 2000 leaning against the wall. Truth be told, I have a massive crush on Luna, so I was happy that I got to live with her, but I also felt bad for her, she shouldn't have to marry some one she only likes as friends. I saw Luna waving her hand in front of my face.
*Are you okay, Ginny? You kind of zoned out.* she commented in her usual dreamy voice.
I felt my face go red, and I stuttered *Y-yeah, I'm okay.*
*Anyways,* she continued, *I was thinking since that we all have to live in the same neighborhood, plus the others have to live together, it would be silly to fight all the time. We should invite them all to our house to get to know each other better, and call a truce.*
*Sure. That doesn sound to bad. Maybe then they wont be so mean to us.* I replied. *I'll get Harry, Hermione, Malfoy, and Parkinson, you get Neville, Ron, Lavender, and Zabini.*
She nodded, and I grabbed her hand, pulling her out of the house, and ignoring the sparks I felt when our hands touched.
Luna's POV. . .
When Ginny grabbed my hand, fireworks went off in my stomach. Not literally, of course, because then I would explode. when she let go of my hand, I felt kind of cold and empty, even though it was like 80 degrees out. I had arrived at Ron and Lavenders house. When I knocked on the door, Lavender appeared.
*You and Ron are invited to me and Ginny's house to get to know each other better, and call a truce with the Slytherins.* I replied not fazed at all by her slightly rude greeting.
*Fine.* she grumbled, than walked upstairs, returning moments later with Ron, who did not look very happy about calling a truce. Maybe he's worried they Slytherins will have nargels.
*Now, we just need to collect Neville and Blaise. Ginny is getting Harry, Draco, Pansy, and Hermione.* I tell them.
Ron and Lavender follow me out the door, somewhat reluctantly. When we arrived home, I saw Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Draco, and Pansy already there.
*Alright, Looney, what are we doing here?* Draco asked me, quite rudely.
*Oh, Ginny didn't tell you?*
*No, Weaslette just immobilized us and floated us here.* he said, glaring at Ginny.
Good for her, I thought. I had never liked Draco that much, he was always making fun of me. But maybe if me created a truce he would be nicer. *Well,* I replied, *we are here to call a truce. Also you and Neville have nargles.*
Pansy grumbled. Clearly she had not been informed either.
*Lets begin.* I started. *Everyone put your hand in the middle.* Once everyone had done that, I continued.
*Now, on the count of three, say 'truce!' 1, 2, 3-*
*Truce!* everyone yelled.
*Since that's done, how about we play with a game of Truth or Dare?* Neville suggested.
*Ooh, I'll start!* squealed Lavender. *Mal- Draco,, Truth or Dare?*
*Dare, I'm not a wimp.* He sneered.
*Fine, strip to your boxers for the next five rounds.*
Harry's POV. . .
When Malfoy stripped, I was suprised. Those muscles. He had porcelain skin, and smooth, hard abs. I didn't realize I was staring until I heard Malfoy say-
*Like what you see, Potter?* I felt my face go red as a tomato.
After a few more rounds, Ginny announced that this was getting boring.
*How about we go to the beach?* Parkinson, fine, Pansy, suggested.
*Okay meet up at Cafe Cibo in 15 minutes!* Blaise exclaimed running out the door, the others following him.
Hermione's POV. . .
I pushed open the door to our house, seconds after Pansy slammed it shut. Opening my trunk, I realized only one of my bating suits had been packed. It was the one that I wore least often, the one that drove boys crazy, even though I was gay. Not that I had told anyone, obviously, for fear they wouldn't accept me. It was neon yellow, barely covering the parts that need to be covered. I slipped it on anyways, plus some shorts, and walked down the street to Cafe Cibo, not even bothering to wait for Pansy.
When I arrived, no one else was there. Wait, there was no one behind the counter, so how do we get food? Emily told us we were the only people in this neighborhood, so we can't order food, but we can't starve to death either! Oh, wait, there's a sign! It said 'Just Say The Food You Want, And It Will Appear On Your Plate!' Well, I am hungry, so-
*Blueberry muffin.* I said, loud and clear. And sure enough, with a quiet 'pop', my muffin appeared. Just as I was about to take a bite, Pansy walked through the door.
*Yeah, thanks for waiting for me, Granger.* she said, so sarcastically she could win a medal, although looking around the shop, not seeming to have noticed my bathing suit. I was very thankful for that, I didn't want her thinking that I was some sort of slut.
*Call me Hermione. And it's not my fault you take forever to change.* I replied. Then she looked at me, noticing my not very modest outfit. Her eyes widened, but just before she could make a comment, Luna and Ginny walked in.
*Sup guys!* Ginny said.
*Hello, everyone.* Luna said, in her usual dreamy voice, of course.
A couple minutes later, Lavender walked through the door, with Ron nowhere in sight.
*Hey.* she said, then, looking around, said, *And this is just proof that BOYS are the ones that take forever to get ready.*
Everyone laughed and agreed. I was busy staring at Pansy. Her bikini was much more modest than mine, but you could still see a good amount of her chest. Plus, she was not wearing shorts over her bikini bottom (cue the spongebob music), so I could see her long, tanned legs.
I was snapped out of my train of thoughts by the boys finally coming through the door, Ron in front, followed by Harry, Neville, Blaise, and Draco, and, in an attempt to look cool, they were all wearing sunglasses. However, their attempt was ruined when the rest of us burst in a fit of giggles.
(just to clear this up, this is what the bathing suits look like)
Ron- white, orange, and yellow stripes
Lavender- lavender (obviously) bikini with a strappy back
Harry- red and yellow horizontal stripes
Draco- solid emerald green
Blaise- half dark blue, half aqua
Neville- hot pink (because, lets be honest, Neville loves pink)
Pansy- black bikini with a fire pattern
Hermione- i already gave you a description
Luna- bright yellow halter bikini
Ginny- baby blue tie-in-the-back bikini
A/N: Cibo means *food* in Italian, so Blaise told them to meet up at Cafe Food. I know, I know. . .
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