Prologue - 5 Years Earlier
Pangs of hunger gnaw at my gut as I pull the too-small hoodie tighter around my body. It's not much against the cold of a British winter, and my latest growth spurt (thanks a lot hormones) means it no longer zips over my chest.
I need some warmer clothes before it gets any colder. If two years on the streets have taught me anything, it's that the weather is the thing most likely to kill me. My stomach rumbles as if to remind me that starvation features high on that list too. I need money and I need it quickly.
I've been following this mark for almost twenty minutes now and he only glanced back once in that time. The slap of my worn-down converses pulled his attention just long enough to confirm I was nothing but a non-threatening teenage girl, and not whatever caused that initial spark of fear in his eyes.
He's about sixteen, just a couple of years older than me. Well off from what I can see. All his clothes are the correct size for his body and in designer labels I could only dream of owning. A bag containing what looks to be an expensive laptop swings from his shoulder, and his wallet is just visible out of the top of his coat pocket. His attention is so focused on the brick-like phone in his hands, and I can only assume he is following some sort of map.
His lack of awareness of his surroundings is his biggest mistake, after coming to this area that is. Men always make much easier targets. They lack that sense of awareness and natural fear when out that women have. Even as I follow him, my own eyes constantly search the empty streets for signs of dangers stalking me.
A shiver of foreboding runs through me, and I get the sense that something is coming. I walk faster now, softening the sound of my steps by walking on the grass verge. Get something and get out. I can't decide which is easier. His laptop or his wallet.
The laptop would be a quick sale and more money, but it's higher risk as he would definitely notice and could give chase. It's hard to tell under his coat whether his physique is built for running but, given the fact he has a fair few more meals in him than me, I don't like my odds.
The wallet is easier and definitely full. Mind made up, I lengthen my stride, almost alongside him now. It all happens so quickly.
My arm brushes his and I fake a stumble, mumbling an apology. His hand shoots out to steady me, but I dance out of reach. "Sorry."
"It's ok." His reply is soft and his smile open and genuine.
I try not to focus on the kindness in those pretty brown eyes as I smile back before hurrying ahead. I need to get out of here before he notices it's gone.
His shout confirms my appropriation of his wallet did not go unnoticed and I speed up to a light jog. "Stop!" He calls out and I can hear the thud of his steps as he gives chase.
As I reach the corner, I dare to glance back. He's running at me, the air fogging with his breath which is coming in heavy pants now. I am just about to continue my escape when I see something move behind him and my whole-body freezes.
I've lost it. Finally, after years on the streets, my mind has given up on reality and decided to make shit up.
The boy seems to notice I've stopped running from him and my attention is elsewhere. He turns and lets out a curse as he spots the huge figure looming behind him.
I frown. If he can see it, then does that mean the creepy thing surrounded by a cloud of black fog is not a hallucination? Too big to be any man, it glides forwards, lower body undulating like a snake with the movement.
I can't see what's under the hood it's wearing, but I have a strong feeling I'm not going to like it. Willing myself to cut the fascination with whatever this thing in our shared delusion is, I try to run, but my feet won't move, and a weird feeling vibrates in my throat.
What does it want? The boy falls into a defensive position, completely forgetting about me. Clearly he realises the biggest problem around here is no longer a scrawny little thief.
I'm not sure what he plans to do against it, but he doesn't seem concerned as he begins re-enacting hand-to-hand combat which looks more at home in a fantasy movie than the streets of Lewisham.
Torn between wanting to help him, but also save my own skin, I deliberate too long and something detaches from the shadows beside me.
"Mine." The thing hisses, red eyes glowing in the darkness of its hood.
It looks a little smaller than the other one, but that doesn't make it any less scary. "Look, I have about £6 to my name and my shoes don't even fit properly. I don't massively want to die today." I attempt to reason with it as I back away.
"Soul stealer." The thing hisses.
"I don't know anything about souls. I mean technically I'm a thief, but I've always thought that was one of my better traits." I shrug, almost falling as I step down the curb into the road.
It's not the safest direction I could have gone, but I don't have much choice. My eyes flicker to the boy again, surprised to see he is holding his own pretty well.
As if sensing my eyes on him, the boy glances over and I realise he is concerned. For me?
I don't think anyone has been concerned about me in my fourteen years of existence. Before I can dwell on that delightful little piece of trauma there's a noise and a woman drops from the sky.
My eyes widen as she lands, dropping into a crouch that looks ridiculously badass, as she assesses the two creatures. She straightens slowly, before clicking her heels together like some sort of supernatural Dorothy and launching herself towards me.
The spikes that shot out of her heels were less no place like home and more never going home. I stumble back a pace, unsure what the target of her wrath is, and watch with a morbid fascination as she spins and slams her heel into the creature's eye socket with a squelch.
The blade from her shoe embeds itself it the creature's skull before it can so much as
acknowledge her presence and the light fades from the glowing red eyes.
The beast didn't stand a chance, let alone see her coming as it falls heavily to the ground. She doesn't spare it another look before turning on the one attacking the boy, dispatching it with the same detached efficiency.
The boy seems to know her, I realise as they start an animated discussion. I'm too far away to hear what they're saying, not that I'd take it in if I was anything closer. My mind it spinning as I try to comprehend what just happened. I think she just murdered these giant people things.
Although I'm not certain their intentions were all that pure, I still can't help but feel murder was an extreme reaction. Knock out and call the cops, maybe? But this?
How would I even call this in? I wonder as I gaze at the things slumped where they were so ruthlessly slaughtered. I don't even really know what they are. Is any of this even real?
My legs seem to unlock, and I inch around the body, hoping I can get out of sight before they notice.
No such luck. The woman's sharp grey eyes spot the movement, and she jerks her head at the boy, who nods and jogs over to me.
"Hey." He says softly, halting as I raise a hand to ward him off before he can get too close.
His hands go into his pockets in an attempt to look less intimidating. After what I just witnessed, it doesn't work.
"What were those things?" My voice comes out scratchy from lack of use.
I don't remember the last time I actually spoke to someone.
He rocks back on his heels, looking like he is internally debating something. "What did you see?" He asks after a moment.
Is this some sort of test to see if I'm crazy? What was I supposed to see or say? What I thought I saw was impossible.
"Shadowy things." I shrug and he looks disappointed. "With red eyes."
I don't know why I add that on, it's insane. Impossible even.
His expression changes into one of interest. "You really see them?"
I don't know how I am supposed to respond as I slip back a couple more steps.
"Would you come and speak to my mentor for a minute?" He asks, pointing to the deadly woman who is calmly wiping thick black globs of blood from the spikes in her boots.
I shake my head and back away further. "I'm not going anywhere with you."
"Alright." He soothes. "Can I at least get your number?"
I wrinkle my nose and wonder if he realises how creepy he is being. "Why? Been running low on live sacrifices?"
He chuckles, "You're a funny kid, so you going to give me it?" He holds out his phone for me to punch it in.
"And you're pretty stupid to offer a thief your phone." I roll my eyes.
I don't have enough money for shoes that fit me correctly, let alone a phone. "Wait." He calls,
realising what I'm about to do just seconds before I turn and start running.
"Don't worry about her, she's just some little street kid." The woman calls out as I hightail it over a fence alongside some back gardens and disappear into the background as I've always learnt to.
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