Chapter 26
"Pull against it. Test it." Albert guided in his cool, clear voice, somewhere back in the room we were sat in.
Much like the last reflection, he had helped me back into this state of hypnotic calm so easily I barely noticed it happening.
Lost in the cool darkness of my mind, I felt so far away from troubles and life, but his gentle instruction pulled me a little more into the present again. I had no choice but to do as he asked. Mentally pressing my palms against the invisible shadowy barrier, I wrapped my fingers around it and pulled.
Deep inside me, the flicker of golden magic pulsed with excitement at how close we were to each other again. I could feel it. Almost like another entity inside myself, with thoughts of its own.
It hated that we have been kept apart and longed to reach me as much as I did it.
Come on then.
I beckoned to it, and the magic moved closer. Pushing against the barrier as I pulled.
There was movement. Slow at first. A slight give to the pressure.
"It moved." I whispered.
"That's good." Albert's soothing voice held the same hint of excitement as mine.
"It's weaker than last time. It doesn't even want to keep me apart from the magic anymore." I murmured.
I wasn't sure where the words were coming from, but I knew they were true.
"You're speaking as though the block were a living, thinking being?" Albert asked, voice heavy with doubt.
I didn't answer him as the magic pushed again and I gritted my teeth as I pulled.
"You don't have to push if you're not ready." Albert said, noticing the tension, "Why not come back now?"
"I have it." I whispered.
One more small pull was all it took for everything to giveaway. A sound like glass shattering filled my ears and the golden magic burst free and flooded every inch of my body.
My eyes burst open, and I blinked in shock. Everything felt too bright, too sharp, too much. My skin felt alive. No, it was more than that. I felt awake, like I'd been sleepwalking through a half-life for years.
Albert's face was slack with a mix of awe and horror. "Erica Winters, do you have any idea what you are?" he asked.
Was this the part where he told me I was a wizard and I got to go to Hogwarts? I inhaled deeply, and my eyes went wide and the intensity of tastes and scents which greeted me.
Coffee, mustiness in fabric, dust and the faint burnt smell of a long blown-out candle.
"No, but I've never felt so awake, so alive." I breathed, rolling my shoulders and exploring the way the magic rolled inside me in response.
Albert took a deep breath before speaking. "You're a banshee."
His expression told me he thought this was something I should have a big reaction to. "What? The things that cry over dead people? That's nowhere near as exciting as I thought I'd be." I shrugged.
He shook his head. "Sometimes I forget how little of our world you truly know. Banshees are soul singers. You guide the souls of the dead to the afterlife by consuming them."
I frowned. "I thought I was a siren."
I had done so much reading and they seemed the closest fit to me. Albert had even agreed when I mentioned it that it was possible that was who I was. Nothing had mentioned banshees.
"In many ways, similar, but banshees are far rarer and far more dangerous. Do you understand what I'm telling you? You consume souls."
He placed heavy emphasis on the words, but I couldn't quite understand why.
"I promise you now, I've never eaten a dead person's soul. I don't even really like eating meat, and that is thoroughly dead and not at all like a soul beforehand."
"No, but have you tried to feast on the living?"
I froze. "Have I what?"
"Banshees, soul singers, you can take the souls of the living too and leave them like the students we found." Albert explained gravely.
This was what he was hinting at. My eyes widened in horror. "Shit shit shit, I didn't...I wouldn't...couldn't."
Panic raced through me at the serious look on Albert's face that said he wasn't so sure.
"Even if you did, you had no control. We cannot blame you." He soothed.
"But I only just reached my magic. I couldn't have done anything." I protested.
"That is not for me to say. I am afraid this is rather above me now. I am going to have to contact some officials." He stood slowly, as if worried about spooking me.
"Should I just go back to class and wait-"
"No." He cut me off. "If you wait here, I'll be right back."
A chill rolled down my spine. He thought I was dangerous.
I didn't know much about this world, but what I had heard was it wasn't kind to those who broke their laws. Not that I really knew what their laws were. However, I was pretty sure sucking students' souls out and committing a little murder probably featured rather highly on their list of no nos.
The key in the lock as soon as Albert left told me all I needed to know. Slimy git.
To think I thought I quite liked him.
Reaching for my bag, I retrieved my phone and fired off a text to Nancy.
'What do you know about banshees?'
Her reply came through in seconds, which was impressive considering she was in class.
'They're rare, potentially dangerous, and were hunted into extinction pretty much. Why?'
Well damn.
'So what you're saying is it is not good to be one?'
'Shit. Is that what you are?'
The message was read and I could see her typing when the door lock clicked and I shoved it back in my pocket.
"Sorry about that. There are council members on their way." Albert said with a tight smile. "I have asked Mrs Kennedy to join us."
I nodded to the serious headmistress, who slipped in behind him.
"Miss Winters," she said, slipping into the seat opposite me, "I know Albert has mentioned what we believe you are. Due to the seriousness of it, we have summoned the council to interview you and investigate further."
"Ok. So what does this mean for me? Do I just wait around until they get here?" I asked.
"Goodness no. We cannot keep you locked up without obvious cause. However, I am afraid we have no option but to bind your power until such a time as you are deemed safe." She explained grimly.
I frowned. My power had been locked away in me for as long as I could remember, so there wasn't going to be much difference there. But they seemed to think I had something to do with what happened to the students when my powers were bound before, so what made them think that it would stop anything if I was to blame this time?
I shrugged. "Fine by me. I've not done anything wrong."
Mrs Kennedy nodded, pleased by my compliance. "This may be a little... uncomfortable."
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