Wrath of the general
The sounds of clashing sabers echoed throughout the empty streets of metropolis fighting on a empty street was Y/N and general grievous the two had been at eachother for hours now Y/N wanted to make sure that grievous was ready for combat and that he was accustomed to his new body and fighting style. The rest of the gang watched the sparring session the two fighters weren't backing down and stood thier ground parrying attacks and dodging eachothers strikes.
Y/N: Impressive grievous you learn quickly.
Grievous: My programing is superior then any other droid let me give you a demonstration.
Grievous strikes with his green lightsaber and throws his blue saber in the air Y/N blocks the first strike and grievous grabs the blue lightsaber with his leg and clashes the blue saber with Y/N's. Grievous quickly attacks with his green saber and then goes to sweep Y/N off his feet with his leg spinning him around forcing Y/N jump over his foot and counter his attack.
Grievous unleashes a barrage of attacks with his lightsabers forcing Y/N on the defensive parrying his attacks with skill and grace.
Y/N: (I knew he would adapt to this fighting style but I didn't know he would be this skilled I can barely keep up with him!)
Y/N tried his best to go on the attack and detaches his blade into two sabers Y/N blocks one swing and goes for an attack with his second blade but grievous easily blocks the attack and uses his leg to kick the saber from Y/N's hand. Fatigue began to kick in for Y/N making his attacks clumsy and predictable while grievous only became more vicious and unhinged attacking faster with more strength in his swings. Y/N jumps over another attack and blocks another set of strikes but the last strike knocks the second lightsaber from Y/N's hand and grievous stops and stands infront of Y/N his two lightsabers ready to swing down.
Grievous: Do you yield?
Y/N: Heh.......yeah you got me general.
Grievous puts away his weapons and helps his leader from the floor and picks up Y/N's lightsaber and returns it to him.
Grievous: (Such a fine weapon shame that I cannot keep it for myself.)
Y/N: Thanks grievous don't know what I would do if I lost my weapon.
Sonia: That's was some serious fighting you two.
Knuckles: Glad to be on Y/N's team I don't like my odds fighting someone like grievous.
Grievous: Sir I suggest that you rest for a few days you need to let your energy return to you.
Tails: Yeah Y/N you've done nothing but work and fight you barely sleep or eat.
Amy: We're worried about you we don't want you getting hurt because your tired.
Rouge: Maybe you should let your droids do the work and take it easy for a few days.
Y/N: I can't I need to keep fighting I won't let the black arms destroy this planet or hurt cream vannila and sage I won't allow-
Y/N felt a hand on his shoulder and saw silvia who had a concerned look on her face.
Silvia: I know your concerned for them but thier safe you have your droids guarding the house. You need to relax ease your mind get yourself together that's all we ask of you Y/N.
Blaze: Just this once Y/N that's all we want.
Y/N:........(sigh) Fine I give in. General for the next few days I'm leaving you in charge of the army while I rest.
Grievous:yes sir I will show the invaders no mercy.
Y/N: And with the general leading the troops I'm going to relax in my personal quarters take care guys.
Y/N left for his room and infinetta approached Shade sonia and silvia.
Neo-sonia: She's going to talk to them about what happened isn't she?
Infinetta: Yes I am so you three what happened during that last mission? Y/N hasn't been the same since he hasn't been acting like his usual self.
Silvia: Honestly I'm not too sure myself one moment Y/N was fighting with us like normal but when mecha soni- I-i mean grievous got destroyed something in Y/N.......snapped.
Shade: I had to get teleport us to safety because Y/N unleashed a powerful chaos blast I've never felt such raw energy before it.........it scared me.
Silvia: It's energy was similar to that of sonia's super form but it was something much more dark and sinister.
Shade: While he was in that state Y/N wasn't the boy we've come to know......he was a monster.
Tails: W-wait d-did Y/N have a dark aura around him with dark hair and eyes without pupils?
Silvia: Yeah he did and his personality changed too he enjoyed killing that alien he was out of control.
Sonia: That wasn't the Y/N that we love it was a monster that only cared about causing destruction.........dark Y/N.
Meanwhile as Y/N rested grievous and his battalion marched through the city towards the G.U.N base on the highway. The black arms were attempting a siege on the city outskirts and were slowly pushing through G.U.N forces. On arrival grievous assessed the damage around him tanks and jeeps were destroyed while many other vehicles layed on the highway that belonged to people that had been long evacuated. For grievous however he honestly couldn't care less if people got in the way he'll get his job done by any means necessary even if it involves a few civilian casualties.
The general pushed passed G.U.N soldiers who backed off and found the base commander who was on the verge of pissing himself in fear not because of the alien attack but because of the cyborg that stood before him his cold eyes stared deep into the commander's soul.
Commander: S-so y-your the new general i-ive heard about.
Grievous: I am now what is the issue here?
Commander: Uhmmmmmm its the black arms they're staging another assault and this time they've got some serious muscle behind them.
The commander turned on a monitor which displayed a small army of grunts nothing major and a battalion of commanders who were guarded by some brutes. But what got grievous's intrest was the weapons that the commanders were welding they weren't just swords no! It seems that black doom took inspiration from Y/N's invention and made lightsabers for the high ranking aliens of his army. Each blade was made from a form of purple material which glowed bright purple and the lightsaber themselves had two different colours being red and purple. Grievous looked forward to killing the commanders and adding thier lightsabers to his collection he was shaking in anticipation.
Commanders: At first we thought we could take them on alone but after we saw what was heading our way we decided to be safe and call for backup.
Grievous: My troops will assist yours in dealing with the cannon fodder but leave the commanders to me.
Commander: Uhhhh sure thing I'll notify my troops on the frontlines of your support.
Grievous: (I hope your ready foul beasts I cannot wait to strike you done and take your weapons as trophies.)
The battle on the highway was underway G.U.N soldiers along with the droid reinforcements charged into battle with the black arms. Grievous wasted no time in confronting them he wanted nothing more then to bathe in the entrails of the alien invaders. Grievous ordered the droids to stand down and fall back to another part of the highway that was under assault that way he could have all the glory and not worry about anyone stealing his kills. One of the alien commanders orders his troops to halt and then thier attention turns towards a figure infront of them and there he was standing infront of a burning pile of cars without a hint of fear staring at the army of aliens with an unquenchable bloodlust just waiting...........waiting for his prey to come him.
grievous spoke no words as he ignited his two lightsabers even as the aliens turned thier blasters to him he showed no fear or regret then without warning an alien ran towards grievous with his sword out grievous jumped into the air and slammed down on the unfortunate grunt instantly killing it thus beginning the start of the massacre.
The aliens opened fire and grievous spun his hands around easily deflecting the blaster fire. Keen to get his hands on the commanders lightsabers grievous started to cut through the grunts with ease showing no mercy relishing evrey kill. Grievous kicked an alien in the teeth breaking his jaw then headbutting another then cutting two grunts down with his lightsabers and grabbing another by the head slamming him into a wall covering the wall with the aliens purple blood. Grievous slashed his saber through another grunts chest before quickly dispatching a small group then grabbing a brute slamming him into a grunt crushing it covering the brutes back with entrails then throwing the brute to the side and continues his rampage.
One by one the number of black arm soldiers fell they couldn't believe what was happening one droid was cutting down hundreds of aliens without breaking a sweat no matter how many grunts the commanders sent his way grievous would easily cut them down and rip them apart limb from limb.
After killing the last grunt grievous focused on the commanders and thier fine weapons hoping to defeat grievous with numbers two of the commanders attacked grievous then another three attacked from behind but grievous spun his entire body becoming a deadly twister holding the five aliens off waiting for them to leave an opening.
Grievous kicks away two of the commanders and one of the other three carelessly rushes towards grievous who easily grabs him with his foot and slams it into the ground crushing the aliens skull. Then another commander jumps at grievous but he gets caught by grievous's second foot and then gets tossed into a pile of rubbe along with his dead comrade while grievous defended himself from the other two commanders.
The two aliens clash thier red sabers with grievous's green and blue lightsabers and start to push grievous down with thier combine strength but they would not be prepared for what would happened next. As they had grievous pinned another set of arms detached from his two arms and grabbed the other two lightsabers from his waist. The aliens had no time to react as within seconds the two lightsabers ignited and the commanders were cut down in a deadly lightshow of green and blue
The commander that got thrown by grievous was still busy in freeing himself from a pile of scrap the only thing he could do was watch as the last commander clashed his blade with grievous's he was so focused on grievous that he didn't notice that the general had put away his other two lightsabers with his extra arms and grabbed a blaster from his back and aimed the gun at the aliens stomach and pulled the trigger killing the alien.
Grievous laughed as he picked up the five lightsabers admiring thier beauty and design.
Grievous: Ahhh some many lightsabers to add to my collection so little time.
The sound of pained grunts gathered the generals attention the last alien commander had just freed himself from the rubble but now he had grievous to face and now he had no weapon as it fell out of his hands when he got tossed and was now in grievous's possession.
The cyborg approached the defenceless alien who body began to shake fear took over his body was crippled his comrades were dead murdered at the hands of the machine who was now reaching towards him.
The alien wasn't looking at a man or machine........it was gazing upon death itself.
Grievous: Where do you think your going? do you think I would just let you live? Fool none shall leave the slaughterhouse not alive and you won't be any different. Stay still this is going to hurt.......alot.
The camera pans away and changes to inside the black comet where black doom was looking through a orb which displayed grievous brutally killing the last commander his screams echoing through the room.
Black doom: Grhhhhh the invasion is not going as planned if it wasn't for the droid army this planet would have already been destroyed. If I'm to achieve victory I must have Y/N serve me with him as my proxy I will order him to turn his army against G.U.N's but to do so he must be loyal to me but he's proving to be more resistant then I thought. But that is no issue I have.....other means to make the boy submit.
The orb in black dooms hand shows a image of a small house with cream sage and vanilla inside as black doom began to laugh as the screen fades to black.
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