The exchange
After Y/N made his demands Sonia and her friends went on a hunt for the chaos emeralds with the search lasting for a week it would have been longer if it wasn't for rouge and her expert treasure-hunting skills. During this time Y/N was busy tending to cream making sure she was safe and well-fed. It took a while for Y/N's girlfriends to warm up to the little rabbit but with those cute little eyes of hers it was only a matter until she won them over. Y/N had also finished repairs on his mech and had finished building a second one which had better equipment and weapons just in case he had to fight Sonia in her super form.
The scene changes and shows Y/N with orbot checking out his newest set of robots ready to serve him.
Y/N: Alright everything checks out motherboard seems stable. The advanced programming has no bugs so they should be able to think independently as well so they shouldn't be mindless while in combat.
Orbot: Are you sure they're ready? They are advanced but they will be a little bit.......clumsy.
Y/N: Yes they will but they're cheap to make so they're expendable so we can manufacture them in bulks so by the end of the month we'll have a hundred thousand with a million more on the way have a little faith orbot.
Y/N pressed a button on his wristband and activated the battle droids who saluted their leader.
Battle Droid: Hello sir battle droid B1-69 reporting for duty.
Y/N: Hehehe nice at ease soldier have the first batch of droids patrol the ark and alert me of any intruders.
Battle droid: Roger roger!
The droids march off but bump into a few things making orbot put his hand on his face.
Orbot: Dear us.
Y/N suddenly gets a call from his phone and he looks to see rouge's number on his phone.
Y/N: Well well look who's calling. (picks up) Hello rouge.
Rouge: Y/N we've got the chaos emeralds we're ready to make the trade.
Y/N: Splendid I'll mark the meeting point for you but no funny business or sudden moves is that understood?
Rouge: Yep crystal clear.
Y/N: Then meet us outside of metropolis......we'll be waiting (hangs up) orbot get dad and the others our little furry friends are ready to make the exchange.
Orbot: Of course I'll alert them straight away.
Cream walks up to her papa and hugs him and Y/N pats her head.
Y/N: Hear that sweetheart you get to go home and see your mama again.
Cream: Awww i'm gonna miss you papa.
Y/N: Same here kid it's been fun having you around.
Cream: Will I see you again?
Y/N: Knowing that I'll probably face down with Sonia sometime in the future of course we'll see each other again bun bun. Now let's get you back home to mama okay?
Cream: Okay I can't wait to see her again and tell her how much fun I had with you papa!
Miles away from the city of metropolis Eggman and his son along with infenetta neo metal Sonia and a legion of battle droids and some of Eggman's robots waited for the arrival of Sonia and her friends. Minutes pass and a familiar red plane touches down in the field Silvia shada and Sonia teleport in front of Y/N and knuckles and tails blaze vanilla leaves the plane and joins up with them and rouge flys in and lands next to them. Y/N's eyes lit up when he saw the three hedgehogs all holding a chaos emeralds in each hand tallying up to six emeralds.
Eggman: Finally Sonia you've arrived and with the chaos emeralds I see.
Y/N: Just like I demanded you to.
Sonia: Yeah we got what you wanted.
Silvia: Now where is cream?
Y/N turned back and gestured to cream to come out and she walked into view and stood next to Y/N.
Amy: Cream!
Vanilla: My precious angel.
Blaze: Hand her over.
Y/N: Not so fast my dear first the chaos emeralds place them in the middle of the field all six of them.
The three hedgehogs slowly walk to the middle of the field and place the six emeralds in the middle of the field. Y/N clicks his fingers and the battle droids pick them up and bring them to Y/N but they almost dropped them multiple times.
Y/N: Geez they really are clumsy.
Tails: Alright we've done our part of the bargain now time to do yours.
Y/N: Of course I'm a man of my word. Go on cream go home and take care of yourself.
Cream: Okay bye papa I love you!
Knuckles: (D-did she just say P-papa!?)
Cream gave Y/N one last hug and ran back to her mother who swept her up with a hug.
Cream: Mommy!
Vannila: Oh cream thank goodness your okay thank you thank you so much for not hurting her.
Y/N: Come on I wouldn't hurt a child i'm not heartless.
Eggman: Now that we got what we came here for let's get out of here but rest assured my dear nemesis me and my son will see you soon and when we do with the power of the chaos emeralds under our will finally fall to us as father and son.
Y/N: Back to the ship everyone let's make our leave.
Y/N and his father walk back to the ship and make their leave leaving their nemesis behind. Sonia turned with a smile seeing vanilla reunited with her daughter hugging her and covering her in kisses while everyone else had a sly grin as they watched Y/N's ship fly away into outer space.
Once Y/N had returned to the ark he and his father celebrated their greatest achievement yet they had Sonia in the palm of their hands they played her like a puppet and now they had all of the chaos emeralds in their possession.
Eggman: Ohohohohoho my boy we've done it we finally have all of the chaos emeralds and it's thanks to you and your beautiful genius of a brain.
Metal Sonia: We did it babe now she can't even go super anymore.
Neo-Sonia: Hey do you think we could go super now that we have the chaos emeralds?
Metal Sonia: (gasp) We would be unstoppable.
Infenetta: My power with the phantom ruby could be enhanced I could reach new heights and make reality my plaything.
Y/N: girls the way I see it the sky's the limit the possibilities are endless!
Eggman: Today marks an astonishing success for Y/N and ivo robotnik and for the eggman empire!
Everyone gave out a loud cheer as everyone celebrated their great victory. Cubot picked up one of the chaos emeralds and saw a sticker on the top of the gem.
Cubot: Hmmmmm what's this? Y/N come here there's a sticker on one of the emerald's you might want to have a look.
Y/N: Really? Okay give it here cubot. (takes the chaos emerald) huh that's odd it does have a sticker and it has some text on it aswell.
Cubot: What does it say?
Y/N: It says
Y/N: N-no no way t-they didn't they wouldn't h-have the nerve.
Y/N quickly checked the other five emeralds and sure enough all the emeralds that they received from the trade had the same sticker with the same words written on it.
Eggman: T-they all have the same sticker-
Cubot: T-t-then that means-
Neo-Sonia: W-we've been given f-fake emeralds-
Metal Sonia: We've been.....bamboozled.
Y/N:..........................WHAT THE ACTUAL SHIT WHAAAAT?!
Meanwhile with team Sonia everyone was laughing as they had the real chaos emeralds set on the table if only they could see the look on Y/N's face.
Sonia: Hahahahaha I can't believe they actually fell for it.
Amy: When Y/N realises that they're fake he's gonna lose it bahahahaha.
Tails: Nice thinking with the fake emeralds rouge.
Rouge: What can I say fake gems are a dime a dozen didn't even cost me ten bucks to buy them.
Shada: heh if only I could see his face right now.
Vanilla: Oh I'm just so happy to have my little rabbit back I've missed you so much cream.
Cream: I've missed you too mommy.
Blaze: Hey cream are you okay Y/N didn't hurt you did he?
Cream: No Mrs blaze papa was very nice to me we tried cooking watched a movie and looked at the pretty stars.
Tails: Papa?!
Knuckles: Hey cream why do you call Y/N papa?
Cream: Oh I asked him to be my papa and he said yes. Papa isn't horrible he's a really nice person he even told me about his mommy..........but what he said made me sad.
Cream sat down and told everyone what Y/N said about his family and what happened to his mother and the reason why he fights Sonia. Everyone was sad to hear what Y/N's past was like. Amy covered his mouth and had tears in her eyes and tails tried her best to hold back hers but failed and shed a few even shada felt sorry for Y/N.
Vanilla: Oh that poor thing.
Sonia: Man that's rough I feel bad for Y/N I really do.
Silvia: So he wants to beat Sonia to make Eggman happy?
Blaze: He must have been so lonely while growing up the only thing he had was his robots.
Tails: (sniff) That's horrible I mean his mom didn't even have a funeral that's just sick.
Shada: Wouldnt suprise me if Eggman just tossed her body into space.
Rouge: Now I hate that man even more now. That women wanted the best for Y/N and she was just pushed aside because of Eggman's ambitions for Y/N?
He doesn't even want to be evil for crying out loud!
Knuckles: He's a bad guy but do you think we could change that?
Amy: I hope so knuckles I really do.
The gang went silent for minutes on end until the screen to the T.V booted up and it displayed Y/N who had messy hair and had a bottle of gin in his left hand that was almost finished. But this wasn't limited to Sonia's T.V no this was being broadcasted to every screen in metropolis for all to see.
Silvia: Looks like he's found out about the fakes.
Knuckles: And he's not taken it well.
Tails: Oh boi.
Y/N: I've come to make an announcement Sonia the hedgehog's a bitch-ass motherfucker. She pissed on my fucking wife. That's right she took her hedgehog fuckin quilly tits out and she's pissed on my fucking wife and she said her tits were THIS BIG and I said that's disgusting. So I'm making a call out post on my Sonia the hedgehog you've got small tits their the size of this walnut except WAY smaller and guess what? Here's what my dong looks like!
The scene changes to outside the ark where the shell hiding the cannon of the ark shatters exposing the weapon.
Y/N: that's right baby ALL points NO quills NO pillows look at that it looks like two balls and a bong.
The cannon begins to charge up with its target seeming to be the earth.
Y/N: She fucked my wife so guess what? I'm gonna fuck the earth! That's right this is what you get MY SUPER LASER PISS!
The ark fires it's laser which barely misses the earth as Sonia and her team and everyone in metropolis watches it zoom past.
Y/N: Expect I'm not gonna piss on the earth I'm gonna go higher I'M PISSING ON THE MOOOON!
The laser impacts the moon blowing it to pieces and scattering chunks of the moon into outer space.
The camera zooms away from metropolis as the moon is seen with a massive hole where half of the moon once was.
Y/N: You have 23 hours before the piss drrrrroplets hit the fucking earth. Now get out of my fucking sight before I piss on you too!
The screens all turn off and Sonia and her team just stare at the moon in complete shock.
Sonia: 0-0 W-What.....just........happened?
Knuckles: Y/N just hell of a piss.
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